《journal teleport science something》humans are the actual worst part 755234


okay so just venting now because HUMANS ARE AWFUL and you know sometimes I think, you know, i sit here thinking oh maybe they're not all awful maybe i should be making more of an effort to be part of 'society' instead of ie living alone in a superscience lair under a biscuit warehouse while my robot drones obey my every whim

when i write it down it really seems


but no. humans. HUMANS. can't live with em can't create an elaborate system of teleport relays to make the entire city like a travelling city and just see how they like it not knowing what kind of sun's gonna be rising tomorrow

when i write THAT down it seems



but yeah the can't part of that is pretty strong actually. who knew this whole thing would be so flipping complicated.

starting to think i need more than six scamps

haven't heard from project site in a while actually

wonder how they're getting on

oh yeah the reason i got so worked up. #4 got beat up. like kicked around. probably some idiots saw a ball-shaped robot and were all like oh hey let's kick it yeah hilarious lets totally kick around a poor defenceless little robot without ever considering anyone elses feelings huh yeah HILARIOUS TOTLALY LETS JUST DO THAT HUH

sensors got all busted. comms. probably the skull too. just intuiting that though. haven't actually seen the little busted up darling. just got his report through.

maybe i should take a look with my human eyes. get #4 down here. fix him with my own human hands.

kind of weird

kind of don't want to even do that

like even touching a robot is like


at this point

but yeah. what else am i gonna do. more work on superscience projects i guess. lovely safe teleportation stuff. tea. guess I'll make a list.


[ get #4 down here and see if I can do something ]

work on teleportal stuff

grind tea making

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