《Sacrifice》Growing Concerns


After what happened in the park, Michael took Ana straight to Dr. Richard’s office. He didn't take notice of the looks some people were giving them. If he could see himself, he would see a terrified man.

Dr. Richard was also left surprised when the two barged into the room. Michael explained what had happened. Dr. Richard's expression turned grim. He told them to relax and he will meet them in Ana's room.

Michael nodded. He and Ana walked out less panicked.

"Michael, don't worry. I won't fall down," Ana said referring to him still holding on to her hand. Michael relinquished his hold on Ana's hand. His hand was full of sweat.

"Your hands are quite sweaty," Ana said in a joking tone.

"N-nah, it’s yours," Michael said, embarrassed.

"Nope. I don't sweat from my hands."

"Okay, I was worried,” Michael admitted.

"I know, Michael,” Ana said. “Thank you."

"Is it true that your hands don't sweat?" Michael asked.

"Believe it or not, they don't. My feet do by the way. Whenever I am wearing slippers, even in winter, they sweat,” Ana said and shrugged. “I don't know their problem."

"Haha, seems you are opposite of me."

"Yeah, that can be true."

While they talked, they had reached Ana's room. Ana plopped down on the bed, but Michael insisted her to lie down and rest. Ana said she was fine and Michael had to relent. He sighed and sat on the stool, giving Ana an annoyed look. "Why do you have to be so stubborn, Ana?"

Ana smirked. "To have my way, of course."

"I shouldn't have asked," Michael said. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. What happened back there?"

"I told you," Michael adjusting himself. "You were in the middle of asking me something, then you stopped speaking. I shook you but you didn't even blink."


"God, that’s scary. I just remember saying something and the next thing you speak my name,” I feel..." Ana said, her eyes scrunched. “God…”

"You are okay now," Michael said, but Ana seemed to be in her own thoughts. "Hey, you were gonna ask me something right?"

"Huh?" Ana turned her face to Michael in confusion.

"You were going to ask me a question?" Michael repeated.

"Yeah, I was going to ask you what your parents thought about your decision."

Michael wasn’t ready for this question. He had tried to take her mind of the grim happening and now he was stuck with this problem. He pulled himself into attention.

"My parents are no longer with me," Michael said.

"You mean they are..." Ana said.

Michael gave a nod. "They are dead."

Ana took a moment to process this information. Her face darkened in sudden realization and quickly turned into a look a look of horror. She opened her mouth several times trying to form a reply but she couldn't. Finally, she controlled her emotions.

"Michael, are you doing this because you have no parents?" Ana asked.

Michael turned stone-faced. “What?”

"You are, aren't you?" Ana asked.


"Talk to me, Michael!" Ana said.


"Michael!" Ana shouted.

"Please don't shout," Michael said, breaking his silence in a pleading voice. "You should not get excited."

"Then, answer my question!" Ana said.

"...Yes, in a way," Michael said, a strange shame rising in him.

Ana looked at him. She looked at him hard, her face scrunching in anger. Michael felt even more shame. Then, Ana laughed.

"Can't believe it," Ana said, in the middle of a giggle. "You said you wanted to save me, but you are, you are… this."


"No, Ana, I am—"

The door to the room opened and Michael looked to see it was Dr. Richard.

"Sorry to keep you too waiting," Dr. Richard said.

Michael didn’t say anything and neither did Ana.

"Michael, you should go home," Dr. Richard said in a kind voice. "She needs to go through some checkups. I have called her parents too. Thanks for looking after Ana."

"Ok," Michael said and looked back at Ana. "See you later."

"..Bye," Ana said.

Michael went outside the room. He stood there for a moment with closed eyes. His whole body felt heavy and his chest was tight. He opened his eyes and moved, the background passing him in a senseless blur. He didn't stop walking. He went by streets, roads, and houses until he found his own. He opened the front door and went into the lonely house shutting the door behind him.

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