《Sacrifice》In The Park


Michael woke up tired. He hadn't slept much into the night. He had been growing restless recently. The day had started and he had nothing to do. Michael didn't have classes for a month. His terminal exams were done and frankly, Michael thought he needed to college anymore.

Michael remembered his conversation with Ana. He had had a good time talking to her. A part of him still thought it would have been better if he hadn’t met her. He knew Dr. Richard wanted him to make a conscious decision, but he could only think it would serve little purpose to change his mind.

"Just common courtesy," Michael said to himself.

He remembered about his promise to visit Ana. He still didn’t think he should go, but he liked talking to her and wanted to talk again. Michael decided to visit her after he had some food in his stomach.

The hospital was open when Michael walked in. The receptionist waved at him and Michael was surprised she recognized him. After all, she must have thousands of people come in and go out.

Climbing the same stairs, Michael found the door to Ana’s room. He opened it but found the bed empty. "Huh?”

Michael looked around the room, but there was nobody. Ana was not there. He traced his steps back to Dr. Richard office and found him going through some files. Michael greeted him and asked him the whereabouts of Ana.

“Oh, she must be in the surrounding park,” Dr. Richard said.

"What?" Michael said, surprised. "You let her go out on her own?"

"We tried to stop her, Michael—it’s the second time actually," Dr. Richard said, sighing. "But as I have said before, she is quite stubborn."

"But what if she gets ill all of a sudden?" Michael said, etching a face full of concern.

"We have given her a pager to message us if anything happens."

"What if she can't use the pager in time?"

"That is what worries me too," Dr. Richard said. A sudden look of realization came over his face. "Michael, you are here to see Ana right?"

"Um yes, I am here to visit her," Michael said, a little abashed.


"Perfect," Dr. Richard said, smiling. "Will you keep an eye on her?"

"Okay," Michael said.

"Good. Please do. She must be somewhere in the park. She can’t be too far off or else her pager would warn us."

The park gave a sense of warmth. Lush green trees and grass ran the sides of footpaths. Michael marveled at the architecture of the place. Parks were something dear to him; something natural in a busy city. He had not been to a park in such a long time too.

Michael kept an eye out for Ana. There were few joggers going about their way, but no pedestrians. He wondered if she had returned to the hospital from some other path.

"Hey Michael, what are you doing here?" Ana's voice called out.

Michael whipped his head around to the right, finding Ana sitting on a bench with a curious look on her face.

"Oh, hey there, Ana," Michael said with a wave. "I was looking for you."

"For me?" Ana asked.

"Well yeah, I came to visit you and Dr. Richard said you were out in the park."

"Wow, you came a lot early," Ana said whistling. Now that Ana pointed it out Michael did feel he came too early. He hoped Ana would not be apprehensive about him. But instead, Ana patted the side of her seat. "Here, sit down."

"Thanks," Michael said taking his place beside her. "So, you come here often?"

"Yeah, sitting in the hospital all day is boring as hell. I am glad you came today you know. It is nice to talk to you."

"Oh, it is no problem," Michael said.

"Man, Michael, loosen up a little," Ana said, pushing his shoulder. "A moment you act like the most friendly guy and another you are so uptight."

"It’s a habit of mine," Michael said shrugging his shoulders. "Anyways, Ana, you should not be out here alone."

Hearing it, Ana gave a deadpan expression and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, Michael," Ana said in a flippant tone. “‘Ana, you should not go outside alone. You should stay in your bed all day, all night,’ blah, blah.”


"They are not wrong for the former part," Michael said.

'Yeah, but I want to go out and do something," Ana said in a frustrated tone. "I want to do something myself without anybody else’s help."

"But you are sick—"

"I know, Michael!" Ana shouted. Michael shut his mouth in surprise. “I know I am sick. I know…”

Ana averted her eyes. Some people's heads turned towards the shouting.

"I am so sorry," Ana said, her tone filled with remorse. She still didn't look at him.

Michael gave a look of sympathy towards Ana. He put a gentle hand on her shoulder and Ana tensed for a moment, then relaxed.

"It’s ok," Michael said. "No need to say sorry."

Ana turned to him, her previous anger gone and a hint of tiredness was clear on her face but she smiled back at Michael.

"Sorry again," Ana said. "I know you did not mean anything wrong. The thing is I have been hearing it all the time. From doctors, nurses and my parents. I get it. I am sick. I just don't want to be reminded."

"I understand," Michael said.

"Do you really?" Ana asked with suspicion.

Michael looked into her eyes for a second. "You are afraid, Ana.”

Ana clenched her mouth. She looked away again.

“That easy to see, eh?” Ana said.

“Not really. Everybody is afraid to die,” Michael said.

"Why aren't you afraid of dying then?"

"I am afraid of dying.”

"No, you are not," Ana said, turning to face him with a deep frown.

"Yes I am," Michael said. "I am hiding it pretty well."

"So you don't want to donate your organs?"

"No, I want to."

"Is anybody forcing you?"

"No, nobody is."

"But you said you were afraid,” Ana said. “If you are feeling what I am feeling, why do this? Why throw your life away?”

"Cause another emotion is greater than my fear," Michael said and smiled. "And who says I am throwing my life away?"

Ana looked at Michael with a surprised expression and her lips trembled for a moment. "Michael, I don't think I can give up my life for a stranger.”

Michael knew if his circumstances were different, he wouldn't have either.

"And is that so bad?" Michael asked.

"It makes me selfish," Ana said.

"Our life is precious to us. Nobody should force you to give up your life to do the right thing. Just cause I am doing it does not mean I am some saint. Similarly, just cause you didn't do it shouldn't make you selfish."

"I don't know,"Anabel replied after a moment.

"Come now, you don't have to do it. There is no point in thinking about it."

"You are right," Ana said, rubbing her face and she seemed much chipper. "It is stupid to think stuff like this."

"Well, now that is better," Michael said.

"Thanks, Michael," Ana said. "You know I want to ask—"

Ana stopped in the middle of her sentence. Michael waited for her to say something, but Ana stared at him with vacant eyes, mouth still open.

"Ana?..." Michael asked. But, she didn’t answer. Michael shook her twice, calling her name in increasing intensity. "Ana? Ana? Ana?!"

"Huh, wha—what?" Ana said, looking around as if she had come out of a trance.

Michael sighed in relief. He let out a deep breath and noticed his forehead had started to sweat.

"Ana, you stopped talking all of a sudden," Michael said.

“I did?" Ana asked, still confused. "I don't remember."

Ana looked around to find it all the same to her. Michael had a bad feeling about it. He stood up taking Ana's hand on his own.

"Let's go, Ana," Michael said. "We need to see Dr. Richard."

"Ok Michael," Ana said with a soft voice and stood up.

They walked together back to the hospital. Michael made sure Ana's hand was always in his and found her hand tightening on his hand as they made their way. Michael was very worried.

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