《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 8- CHAPTER 4


“I do not mean to undermine your decision, but was it necessary to speak with him, My Lord?”

“… Are you in that position to really ask me about it?”

“N-no no… My Lord… I was just-”


“Wh-what is it, My Lord?”

“You always amuse me when you get flustered.”

“… M-my Lord…”


I am thinking about something.”

“Ye-yes, My Lord.

I will leave you in peace.”

“Hmm… very well…

And send Sabine in here…”

“Any remarks for Sabine, My Lord?”

“… Yes…

Tell her… I have a job for her.”

“Right away, My Lord.”

I walked out of his chamber and proceeded towards the throne room. Whenever I speak with him, he gets on my nerves. Makes me want to claw his eyes. For years, I had to listen to him… speaking to me like some commoner.

I am the High Queen!

If it hand not been for the decree of my foremothers had set out as a law for all High Queens to follow… I… I would have gutted that bastard the day I met him.

I told her… I told her… he was planning something which would harm us. His plans are making my army bleed. I just lost my best operative and for what!...


Just to send a message which could have been sent through other cheaper means.

I do not know what he told them… but I do not believe him even for a second… him and his plans.

And speaking of plans… maybe I should let him do what he wants. Additional territory does sound delicious.

*giggle* It seems even the greed has been passed down to me.


“High Queen!”

All the members gathered in the throne room stood up as soon as they saw me enter. Everyone settled down just as I sat down on my throne. Earlier, I had called a meeting with all my generals… ten to be exact. Even though I know, he is planning something, but that does not mean I cannot plan something of my own.


Me: “Before we start, Sabine… comes forward.”

A tall, slender woman stood up and came forward. She knelt down just before my podium. Her short red hair clamped to perfection, her blue crescent eyes sparkling with ferocity… a perfect soldier of Deirdre Mhic.

Sabine: “Yes, Your Highness!”

Me: “General Sabine… my child… you have been summoned by him.”

Sabine: “Right away, Your Highness.

Please excuse me.”

She gracefully excused herself and made her way towards him. I gazed towards the rest of the generals present in the room and started the meeting.

Me: “Generals… where do we stand?”


*knock* *knock* *knock*

“My Lord, I am here at your service.”

“Hmm… ahh… Sabine.

Come inside.”

“Yes, My Lord.”

“Sabine, the reason I called for is because I have a job for you.”

“I am ready, My Lord.”

“This job will be a little different… almost out of your normal depths”

“My Lord, I will perform any task trusted upon me.”

“Hmm… very well.

Sabine… I need you to infiltrate a certain place.”

“Any other objectives, My Lord?”


When you infiltrate that place, I need you to eliminate someone.”

“Where should I infiltrate, My Lord?”

“Before I tell you, I must warn you… this could be your last mission.”

“My Lord, I am prepared for anything. I will fulfil my task until I have breathed my last breath.”

“Good… Excellent!

Now, the name of the place is-”


It took about three whole hours to finish the meeting. I think we had a lot progress since the last time we met. The plans are progressing well and in time we will have that piece of territory… by any means necessary. And thinking about means… His plan cost me one of my best agents. I have replenish the ranks.

I know where he is going to send Sabine and I have decided to send one of my own this time. It should have been dealt a long time ago… now… my patience has finally burned through.


I walked into a room we designated as the Control Room. From here we manage all our agents in that territory.

“Your Highness!”

The people working there stood up once they saw me entering. I waved my hand to signal them to continue.

Me: “Team three now shares the same fate as Team five, Captain Jol.”

Captain Jol: “*sighs* A very bad news, High Highness. Now we no longer have the advantage of a surprise. They will be expecting us and initially we under estimated their counter capabilities. It is going to tough from now on… I think we should tread carefully, Your Highness.”

Me: “A veteran such as you should not be so worried, Captain Jol.”

Captain Jol: “Pardon me, Your Highness, but my experience is the greatest weapon I have in my arsenal.”

Me: “So… You… Captain Jol Dan… Commander of the Shadow Knight Division is worried about some riff raff army?”

Captain Jol: “Yes, Your Highness.

The fact that they took down two of our Shadow Teams tells me that… our enemy is not as weak as we think. We should change our approach.”

Me: “Then what do you suggest, Captain Jol?”

Captain Jol: “Your Highness… I submit to you the notion of backing down for now.”

Me: “What!”

Captain Jol: “Your Highness, I-”

Me: “This is unacceptable... Absolutely unacceptable!”

Captain Jol: “Your Highness… we need to revise our bearings about them and to do that… all the plans would have to be stopped immediately. We absolutely need to gather data… every kind of data out there about our enemy.”

Me: “Captain Jol… Tell something truthfully…

If we were to engage them in a full-fledged war at this moment, what do you think about our chances of winning it?”

He paused for a while before answering.

Captain Jol: “With all the data available to us right now, I believe Your Highness that there is a big probability of us winning the war… but… at great cost.

With the chance of getting inflicted with such high cost… I believe this war is not worth fighting for… Your Highness.”

Me: “All right, Captain Sol.

Suspend all active missions and put all teams in covert mode. Gather data as much as you need… you have two years.”

Captain Sol: “Yes, Your Highness.

If I may?”

Me: “Yes?”

Captain Jol: “I get the feeling that you already knew my position in this matter, Your Highness…”

I smiled towards him and said.

Me: “I am the High Queen of Deirdre Mhic…I account for every possibility and I know what is best for my people.”


“Sabine… my child, I have something else to say. Would you like to hear it?”

Sabine: “Yes, My Lord.”

“Sabine, the task I gave you is very… very important. Many many people will try to stop you from fulfilling them.

The greatest threat is not from the people where you are going, but your own people. They will try to stop you… try to sway you. I believe the High Queen personally will try to stop or hinder you any way or may issue certain orders which will definitely contradict mine.

I only ask you to carry on with your mission when that order comes.

I only ask you to… not waiver.

Will you do that, Sabine?”

Sabine: “I promise you My Lord, I will not stop until my mission is waiver.”

“Good… very good Sabine.

You bring joy to my heart. I am very proud to call you my student, Sabine.

Now… I think it’s time for your departure.

When you reach there, do not forget to pass on my message.”

She bows and responds.

Sabine: “Yes, My Lord.

Please excuse me.”

Now the next few years will be interesting to see.

Ahh… It has been so many years…

I wonder…

*snicker* No… I do not think so, but this High Queen will do something which I have to know…

I have to take some measures if she tries anything out of the ordinary.

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