《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 8- CHAPTER 3
It has been a week since the events of the Poison Grounds. Not a lot happened after I killed Liala. The monsters calmed down and retreated. The rest of the groups reached the facility, though they were late. By then me, Onray and his team were clearing the bodies of the fallen beastmen. They deserved to be reunited with their families even if they returned dead. While clearing out the facility, we found more dead beastmen stuffed in the lower floors. From what we saw, it was a massacre. There was no way they could defend themselves and were cut they stood. Once we finished policing the bodies, the count of fallen stood at 106 beastmen… both workers of the facility and soldiers combined.
When all the groups reunited, it was calculated that we lost close 68 adventurers and 31 soldiers in this quest. Group A was the worst affected as their loss stood at 48 adventurers. We could identify most of the bodies, but some were beyond recognition. They could only be identified after a blanket roll call of the members belonging to both the groups. Even then, a few remained unidentified and it was tasked to Medic team to find out their identities. We didn’t want to send wrong bodies to their families. As usual, Marion led the Medic team and found out their identity. I do not know she did that, but she and her team were successful.
Javel and the rest of the team were very much disturbed after they found out that they were the ones who travelled and brought those two Queendom spies to the Feli land. My mind was preoccupied with the message I had received from the unknown voice through the Controller I had absorbed. Many unknown elements are revolving around this matter and I have to find out about it.
After returning to the Feli land, I was called in three meetings. The Council of Feli invited me as soon as I entered the Feli city. They were pretty adamant over not postponing the meeting. Biding goodbye to everyone, I followed the messenger towards the Council Hall.
Upon entering the room where the meeting was supposed to happen, I saw two beastmen already seated. When they saw me entering, the two of them stood up and one of the came forward. He stretched his right hand towards me and stretched mine back. We shook hands after which he showed me to my seat which was right opposite to them. A wooden table was between us and upon it were some papers and a few cans full of water. The one that shook my hands, I had never seen him before.
He was short compared to the rest of his clan members and he sported a full brown beard. He looked aged, experienced and had a warm smile on his face. His brown skin tone had greyish spot on them which is an indication of a Feli member reaching the end of their life cycle.
The other one who was accompanying him, I recognized him immediately. He was SurenikFeli, the one who chairs the Council of Feli.
The bearded one started the conversation.
“I am very pleased to meet you, King Le’On.”
Hearing that phrase put a smile on my face. I don’t know why, but it did. I asked him.
Me: “How did you find out?”
His smile grew to a grin and he replied.
“First, let me introduce ourselves.
My name is KehFeli. I am a Council member of the Feli Clan and I currently hold the post of Home Councillor of the Feli Clan.
A Home Councillor is tasked to oversee the security of the city.
While the quest was in motion, we received a communication from the Council of Zoit. They were the ones who informed us of your status.”
Me: “I see…”
Councillor Keh: “Yes… At first, we were surprised. To have the King of the Clan that started a storm in the entire Zoit continent recently was… was…-“
Me: “Unnerving?”
Councillor Keh: “No… It was quite intriguing.
To find out about the reason why you were here, we sent out our people to investigate. Turns out… your visit was tied to a very sad occurrence for our Clan. We were surprised to find out about your marital status with AbyFeli.
We, the Council of Feli offer our deepest condolences for your loss and please know that your wife was a highly respected adventurer of our clan.”
Me: “Thank you, Councillor.”
Councillor Keh: “Now, allow me to introduce you to SurenikFeli. He is the head of the Council of Feli.”
He spoke right after the introduction.
Councillor Surenik: “It is truly a pleasure to meet you, King Le’On.”
I gave him a slight nod of the head. He continued.
Councillor Surenik: “I will get straight to the areas we wanted to have a discussion with you, King Le’On… if it’s alright with you?”
Me: “Please… continue.”
Councillor Surenik: “Thank you, Le’On.
Now, after finding out about your presence in our city… we… I could not let go of this opportunity to discussing the matter of Vitalis. It is of the utmost importance that we discuss it with you.”
Me: “I am listening.”
Councillor Surenik: “Right… The Water Treatment Facility is a vital part of this city’s survival. In order to purify the waters we use Vitalis. We have to use a huge quantity every month to keep up with our needs.
After your negotiation with the Council of Zoit and consequently the denial of sale of Vitalis by the Zumas; has left us in a very bad predicament.
Now, the Council of Zoit charges us way too much and we heard recently that the stock of the Council of Zoit is dwindling. It was an unfortunate period where we received Vitalis at cheap rates while your Clan were being oppressed, but our needs our rising King Le’On and we need Vitalis.
Please… it is for our Clan. Please… we are pleading you to reconsider your decision about not selling Vitalis anymore.”
I took a moment to understand their dire need. I had predicted sooner or later, this situation would arise.
Me: “Councillor Surenik… I came to know about the use of Vitalis in the Facility earlier while being in the quest. I want you to know that I understand your situation and I commend you for thinking about your Clan first and not about what the Council of Zoit would say. I know they wouldn’t be happy if they knew the Council of Feli approached me for the sale of Vitalis.”
I took a pause while they waited patiently for my answer.
Me: “But… my decision of not selling Vitalis to the Council of Zoit will remain as it is. I am very sorry.”
I saw their shoulders drooping and frown upon their faces. Councillor Keh spoke next.
Councillor Keh: “Please King Le’On… we…we… we be-“
I put up my right hand to signal them to stop.
Me: “I will not sell it the Council of Zoit and that is final, but… I am ready to discuss terms of sale of large amount of Vitalis directly to the Council of Feli.”
Upon hearing my words, their faces lit up with joy.
Councillor Surenik: “Really! You would!”
Me: “Yes, but in return I would need two things.”
Councillor Keh: “Please name your price, King Le’On.”
Me: “I will send word to the Council of Blood Zuma and they would do the actual negotiation of the sale. This is one thing and other would be that… I want the support of the Feli Clan. I want the Feli Clan to put their support behind the Blood Zuma Clan.”
Councillor Surenik: “The help you personally provided to our time of need and by reconsidering to sell us Vitalis… it is the least can do. The Feli Clan will declare its support for the Zuma Clan.”
Councillor Keh: “Thank you, King Le’On.”
Me: “I will send word back to the Council of Blood Zuma and they will contact you within three days.”
With that my meeting with them came to an end. I was successful in getting another ally and with what that voice told me… we would need a lot of them in the future.
The moment I reached my room in the Inn, I was escorted to yet another meeting. This time I was taken to the eastern part of the Residential District. There I entered a big house and was seated in front of four beastmen. The room was located just right of the entrance. There was a circular table and four beastmen sat on one side of it while I sat on the other side.
I recognized only one of them and it was Wei. She was sitting there with a dull face and I felt that she was feeling bored. She shrugged her shoulders when our eyes met. Another beastmen entered the room and placed a cup close to me. The cup was filled with a green coloured liquid and a feint sweet aroma came out from it, enticing me to a great extent.
Wei was sitting on the extreme left to the other three beastmen.
“Please… have some tea King Le’On. It is one of the delicacies of the Reha Clan.”
The beastmen sitting on the right of Wei spoke. He looked short and thin. Come to think of it… all of them seemed to have the same physical features. Maybe this attributes to their quick agility and nimbleness. He seemed younger than the other two sitting beside him, but Wei was definitely the youngest one present there.
With a smile, he spoke again.
“My name is Zeno Reha. Beside me are Shiron and Den Reha.
We serve as the Councillors of the Reha Clan and this is the Clan Headquarters.”
Me: “Really?”
I asked him while sipping the tea I was offered.
Zeno Reha: “Yes… After our migration, this… house acts as headquarter for our Clan. Not the ideal thing, but it has done the job right for so many years.”
Me: “I see.”
ShironReha: “King Le’On, we have heard that you and your Clan were pivotal in liberating our land. We… we…”
Den Reha: “We are deeply indebted to you and your Clan for what you did. For years we waited for the day we would return to our land and finally… finally that day has come. Thank you.”
ZenoReha: “The Council of Zoit has given us the approval of migrating back to the Amoith Mountain and the Council of Feli has offered us support for our travel.”
Me: “That is an excellent news. When are you starting to move back?”
ZenoReha: “We just got the approval. Right now, we are organizing everything and hopefully by the end of next month we will start our journey.”
Me: “How many of your clan members are going to make this journey?”
Den Reha: “About three thousand.”
Me: “Moving so many beastmen would be a very daunting task.”
ShironReha: “Yes and that is why we are looking at different options to find the right one.”
Zeno Reha: “We have also Wei with us who will be leading the migration project.”
Me: “That is excellent choice, Councillor. She is the most qualified for that job.”
Den Reha: “We, the clan members are very proud of her and we can honestly say that her parents would be proud of her too.”
Me: “I want to say something to all of you Councillors.”
ShironReha: “Please, King Le’On…”
Me: “When you have finished your clan’s migration successfully, I would like to invite all of the Reha Councillors to visit Blood Zuma.”
Den Reha: “King Le’On… we were just about to pitch you the same proposal. Such coincidence… We-we would be honoured too.”
I smiled, but was a little sad at the same time. The tea they serve tasted excellent and was a little sad after I finished it.
Me: “Then, Councillors… I wish for your success in your future migration.”
Zeno Reha: “And we would meet soon in Zuma, King Le’On… This is a promise.”
After shaking hands with all of them, I was escorted back to my Inn by Wei. On route she informed that every one of the team has decided to take a break. Wei would be busy with the matters of Reha clan and Deiti has opted to stay with her. I was both surprised and happy learning about such deep friendship between Wei and Deiti.
Javel would stay here, while Paleg and Ron will return back to their Clans. As far as Marion is concerned no one knows about her plans.
I entered my room after bidding farewell to Wei. I decided that tomorrow I would visit Aby’s parents and talk with Marion. I would leave for Blood Zuma on the day after tomorrow.
That previous plan of mine went out of the window the moment Marion knocked on my door at the middle of night. I was tired and without energy. I had a stiff neck along with a headache and she danced her way into my room without any care. I could barely keep my eyes open and with a dull voice, I asked her.
Me: “What are you doing here in the middle of night?”
She sat on the couch just opposite to the main door. With a smile, she asked.
Marion: “Were you sleeping?”
Me: “Yes… I was.”
Marion: “Alright, go back to sleep.”
Me: “What?”
Marion: “I said you can go back to sleep.”
Me: “Why?”
Marion: “What why?
You just told me that you were sleeping before I came here… that’s why.”
Me: “I meant, why are you here?”
Marion: “Oh! He he… nothing… just came here without any reason.”
I stared towards her for a few seconds with whatever level of concentration I had left, but soon decided to go back to sleep and worry about it in the morning.
Me: “Alright…
And get some rest too.”
I yawned and made my way towards the bed and fell upon it like a log. Darkness fell without wasting any time.
I felt a pressure over my lap. I woke up to see what was causing it. I saw Marion sitting cross legged over my lap, facing me. Both of her hands were on my chest along with her attention. She was unaware that I had woken up. I moved my eyes towards the place her hands were and saw her holding something in her right hand while she was probing my chest with her left. It was a weird situation for me for a couple of reasons. For starters, it was the middle of the night and due to her position on my lap, something was starting to produce some unwanted movement down there. And, I could not figure out… why? Why was she sitting on me and what was she doing exactly?
I decided to ask her.
Me: “What are you doing?”
Her hands stopped moving and she stayed still. Slowly she looked towards me with a blank expression. I could see that she was trying to make something up.
Me: “Don’t lie… Just tell me the truth.
What are you doing?
Why are you straddling me for?
And… Can you get up, I am getting uncomfortable?”
She smiles mischievously and said.
Marion: “Hmm… I can certainly feel that.”
She giggles after saying that and moves herself a little over my lap which in turn made me more uncomfortable down there.
I grabbed both of her hands and rolled her over. She was not expecting that and seemed surprised with a little hint of sadness. I rolled her towards my right and sat up.
Me: “Mind telling me… what were you doing?”
She quickly sat up too and grabbed my right arm.
Marion: “You didn’t have to be so mean… you could have stayed there for a while.”
She giggles again and honestly that thought did cross my mind, but… I held on to reason.
Me: “Answer me… Now!”
Marion: “Oh alright…
For the past few months I have been trying to create an antidote to relieve you from your stupid curse.
Me: “Why?”
Marion: “To cure you.”
Me: “Why??”
Marion: “I just told you. To cure yo-“
Me: “I heard that! But… Why do you want to cure me?”
Marion: “Is that even a question? It is my job to cure illness.”
Me: “I did not ask you to and what were you doing straddling me? I don’t think that’s how any treatment works!”
Marion: “No… I… I wanted to draw some fresh blood from the region near your heart. That is why I was trying to measure the exact shape and size of your heart.”
Me: “Oh… I see…
That explains everything now!”
Marion: “Are you being sarcastic with me?”
Me: “How nice for you to notice.”
Marion: “Look… I tried coming up with different types of antidotes, but all of them failed. Then, I had a great idea. I needed some fresh blood samples from you to develop the right antidote. As you know your blood stream has been contaminated with that poison… so the only place left to find fresh non poison blood is the area just near your heart.”
Me: “Marion, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but stop.
I don’t want to be cured right now.”
Marion: “What!!
Me: “I have my reasons.”
Marion: “Tell me then!”
She was angry. I could see her eyes getting red.
I cupped her left chick with my left hand.
Me: “Marion... please calm down.”
Marion: “No! You first tell me why do you not want to be cured?”
Me: “I am sorry Marion, but I don’t want to be cured. That is all you are getting out of me.”
Marion: “That is not a satisfactory answer!”
This-this does not make any sense.”
Me: “Marion let it go. Let us discuss this in the morning. Take some rest.”
Marion: “No!
I want to know why… why you don’t want to be cured.”
Me: “I am sorry, but… I just don’t want to.”
We argued for the better part of the night and things began to cool down during the first light of the lightstart. During the end of our argument, she insisted on coming to Blood Zuma with me to meet with Adi and discuss this matter with her. I tried to resist, but ultimately agreed to it. There were no cure out for it and that was not going to change.
Sometime in the evening, I went to visit my in laws. We talked for a while before taking my leave. I insisted that they should visit Blood Zuma sometime and I would come to visit them again. Onray was not present in the house while we talked. He had been sent back to the Poison Grounds to oversee the rebuilding of the facility. Horuna was sad that I could only spend little time with them, but she understood the importance of me returning back to my Clan. I felt a warm feeling while I spoke with her… I suppose that was an effect of a mother. I never saw mine, but I am sure my mother was as warm as Horuna.
That night, accompanied by Marion… I left for Blood Zuma.
The King was returning back to his Clan.
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