《Adventures of a young Zuma》Volume 2- CHAPTER 3


They decided to tell me some information about what we are doing here; while we are making camp inside this rundown of a place. Apparently this place is known as the Burned Castle of Nomer. It is an ancient castle build by an ancient lord & no one knows what or how this place got destroyed...but after that they said that when we reach our destination I would know the rest of the story. Well, I’m cool as long as I get to have an adventure & perhaps score some loot at the side will be a bonus. As promised I was charged in hunting or finding dinner for the group. I was given a short sword, not great looking but it will do & Wei was told to accompany me as back up. Personally, Wei was the only one with whom I didn’t have any interaction up to this point. Not that I didn’t want to talk, but it feels like an invisible wall is surrounding her. I can tell you she is the most fearsome fighter in this group. Sometimes she makes a face that scares the soul out of my body...

We went out of our campsite range, onto a deeper part to see what food we can salvage. It was a quiet a long walk...actually it was a very scary long walk. All this time I could feel Wei’s trust issues hitting on my head. But salvation was quickly gained. Finally we saw a tasty looking animal eating some leaves of a plant. What interested me more than our prey was what it was eating. Due to my gained knowledge of herbs I can feel that; that plant is important, I can almost sense it. After gathering food maybe I can pick these up & show it to Marion, as she has more knowledge about it than me, probably learn some things while I’m at it.

Quickly focusing my gaze back towards our prey, it still didn’t notice our advance. I looked at Wei to determine if she has anything to say or maybe she would like to go first.Wei looked at me with a stone face & nodded sideways. Looks like it’s my prey. I use stealth movement up to a certain point just stopping few feet of the animal. It still didn’t realize my presence. I drew my sword from scabbard, taking a long breath I jumped at it. The sword entered from its neck & out from its throat, instant kill...a success. Yes...my first kill in the trip. I looked at Wei but got a cold look in response. Well that was nice of her...I picked up the animal’s body & threw it towards Wei for safe keeping. I was going to venture a little deeper as I had some more time left. Wei picking up the animal followed me...& suddenly I heard a voice...it shocked the hell of me...a very distinct feminine voice came from behind asking “Where are you going?”I looked back...Wei just spoke to me. The sword dropped out of my hand.


Wei: “We have our dinner, no need for anything...we are going back.”

Me (regaining courage or senses, probably both): “Miss Wei, I know but that plant looked like it could be useful so I wanted to get some of it & also as we have time, maybe we could look for a new prey.”

Wei: “Plants I understand but why need of another one, it will be just a waste. No...pickup as many herbs or plants you want but no more hunting...we are returning back.”

Me (disappointed but looking at Wei or rather her stone face I knew nothing much will come): “OK...Miss Wei, as you wish...just give me some moments to pick up these plants.”

She nodded & I went ahead to pluck those plants out with a rather disappointing look. I started picking them up, I felt like I knew their properties beforehand, it felt natural. Something flew over my head & I heard a noise behind me. I looked back & saw a big large 4 legged monster is trying to claw Wei & Wei’s face looks like she didn’t expect a sudden attack. She was not prepared, only managing to block its claws with only one sword, holding it with both hands. The monster retracting its one hand & again swung low towards Wei’s stomach. She tried to dodge it & barely managed to move backwards clipping her stomach resulting in a scratch. Not giving her a single moment of respite, the monster pushed its attack by furiously swinging its claws. She was dodging some, blocking some but not able break free of the momentum the monster had created. She couldn’t take out her second sword too & her balance was off. I took out my sword but Wei shouted “Stay back...You run towards the camp...Go!”

Me: “But I can help...”

Wei (dodging a claw & blocking another one): “Just run, idiots...do as I told you.”

I gathered my things & ran past them. She could handle it...she’s very strong...I could hear the scuffle created by them but still I ran but I stopped. Suddenly, my head cleared of all thoughts, it was blank, peaceful. Something is calling me, my temperature is rising, I can feel my body burning. I started running...running towards the fight with nothing in mind...no thoughts...I felt my left hand, felt the sword in hand...felt the blade...noise of fighting beginning to get loud...heard some shouts...but I could only feel my sword. Without a worry in the world I swung it, saw blue fluid splatter on it & on my face...I could feel the warmth of the fluid on my face. I swung again, felt more warmth, now all over my body...at that point I felt as if I am at my peak of pleasure. It was a great feeling. Felt a hand on my face *smack*, I regained my thought & senses...what happened??I looked around...saw a headless dead monster, me drenched with its blood & Wei slapped me hard *smack*.


Wei (shouting): “What are you DOING BACK HERE??I told you to run to the camp...I had it under control...do you want to be a hero? IS THAT IT...IDIOT (*smack*slapping me hard again) what were you thinking??Do have any idea what could have happened to you? Do you have any experience battling high level monsters??DO YOU??”

Me (I can only stand still in shock): “No.”

Wei: “Now don’t just stand here...MOVE...”

Me: “Y...Y...Yes...Miss Wei.”

I followed her, thinking about the consequence...I was scared to be honest & my face hurts pretty badly...her hand was made out of a rock. We reached the vicinity of our camp.

Wei: “This is the only time I’m going to say this so listen carefully.”

I nodded waiting for her to finish.

Wei: “Thank You...”

I thought I heard wrong...still waiting for her to finish.

Wei (her voice softened): “If you hadn’t come I would have lost my life...so thank you for your foolish rescue attempt. But mind you, you are not to do it again...you were just lucky. Probably your luck saved us both this time but do not count on it the next time. Foolish people lose their lives quicker than a trained & tactical minded person. You have yet to learn any of those things. Remember this...it will aid you in the future...thank you again...& call me just Wei.”

Me (just for a second felt the wall had gone down): “Yes...Wei...I will remember it...& I’m also sorry.”

Again the invincible wall formed, her face turned stone & she nodded.

We reached the camp, told them what happened...got smacked again my Aby & numerous hurtful sentences ending with ‘Boy’ & Javel just picked me up & shook me a few times told me to get on with the diner. I tried to cook our dinner diligently, barely making it edible. Afterwards got a few glares but I can live with that. I showed the plants to Marion...she was ecstatic...her stock of health medicine was running low so she was worried but what I had just brought her was much more precious. This plants was called a Triple leafed plant, it can produce a much more potent health medicine than normal & had many more uses. Marion told me that if I wished, she could show me how it works. Out of the females she was the jolliest person. The day came to an end. Tomorrow we explore inside the castle...I am very excited...bring on the adventure.


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