《(OLD)Play On! My Lovely Goddess!》Chapter 10: Making Amends


“So. Cheng Yu, what the f*ck did you do to her?” Zhao Rong curiously asked.

Cheng Yu shook his head as he explained to Zhao Rong, “F*cked around with her. Not like the others though. I don’t f*ck ugly girls, you know this Zhao Rong. And we both couldn’t see her face so there’s no way I’d take that gamble.”

Zhao Rong nodded his head in response to Cheng Yu’s explanation, “True. But she can sing well though.”

“Exactly! If I didn’t dick around, I could have made use of my good looks and reputation to persuade her to join my side. I might have gotten even more popular by using her!” Zhao Rong gritted his teeth and clenched his fist as he revealed his intentions to Zhao Rong.

Little did Cheng Yu know, Li Rou already had an extremely unfavorable impression of him before they even met. She had first-hand witnessed his scummy and manipulative personality after all.

“Haha, so what are you going to do now? You made befriending her ten times harder than before!” Zhao Rong questioned.

“I’ll see if giving some gifts will help. Otherwise, I’ll constantly pester her as long as she’s singing in that room.” Cheng Yu carefully thought for a while before responding.

Clutching his sides from laughter, Zhao Rong roared, “Hahaha! The handsome flower boy giving presents and spending his time with somebody whose name he doesn’t even know? You’re really going all out this time!”

Cheng Yu gave off a serious expression and said, “This is an opportunity that’s too good to pass up.” Cheng Yu was determined to bring Li Rou over to his side for his own agenda.

School ended for the day as Li Rou started walking back home. However, at the entrance to the school, there was a large rabble. In the center of that rabble was Cheng Yu. He was wearing sunglasses while he appeared to be waiting for someone.


In his hand, there was a plastic bag carrying an elegantly designed box. Within the box, was an assortment of pastries of the finest quality. It was obvious that the pastries did not come from an average bakery. It had been ordered from a five-star hotel.

As Li Rou walked pass the school gates, Cheng Yu suddenly called out, “Hey! I was waiting for you!”

“F*ck me.” Li Rou quickly hastened her steps but Cheng Yu had already caught up with her. Everything Cheng Yu said had been caught by the crowd that was admiring him.

“Cheng Yu’s waiting for a girl?”

“My Cheng Yu is cheating on me already? Unforgivable!”

“Who’s that f*cking bitch? I’ll kill her!”

The murmurs from Cheng Yu’s fans carried a hint of murderous intent in them.

“Can you please listen to me for awhile? These cakes and pastries are for you! I’m only here to apologize.” Cheng Yu sincerely smiled as he handed the box over to Li Rou.

Li Rou opened the box and took a peek at Cheng Yu's gift. In all honesty, Li Rou was enticed by Cheng Yu's gift. Most women love eating cakes, even more so when they were from an exquisite brand and cost a bomb. Li Rou was no exception as she accepted the cakes.

“I'll take the gift. Goodbye.” Li Rou immediately turned and left after taking possession of the delicious goods. She was smiling gleefully while her hair prevented her facial expression from being seen by anyone.

Her immediate response and exit had left Cheng Yu stunned in place for some time. He had never been treated like this before. It took some time for him to regain his senses. Afterwards, Cheng Yu just smiled and laughed to himself.


“She accepted the gift, that’s all that matters. You’re already within my grasp.” Cheng Yu thought.

“Cheng Yu’s gone mad hasn’t he? He was waiting for some random girl and now he’s laughing and smiling to himself.”

“Who was that girl though?”

"She's the one that Cheng Yu spoke to before!"

"Cheng Yu's so modest! He even apologizes when he realizes he caused trouble for others! He makes me love him more!"

Cheng Yu upon hearing some of the words the crowd around him spoke, quickly left the venue embarrassed by his own actions.

At home, Li Rou opened the box and indulged in the sweet delicacies Cheng Yu had bought for her.

Back then, Cheng Yu had been completely mistaken. Li Rou had not said she had forgiven him, she merely took the gift he was offering away. There was no f*cking way she was ever going to forgive him even if Cheng Yu did not break Li Rou’s heart in this timeline. But if Cheng Yu was going to offer something expensive she liked, she might as well take advantage of him and take it.

“F*ck you Cheng Yu.” With that last thought, Li Rou no longer bothered to think about Cheng Yu as she continued to gobble down the assortment of sugary treats displayed before her. They tasted heavenly, as expected of a five-star hotel.

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