《Loner Boy》Chapter 7- Stay


Chapter 7- Stay

Lara found herself with Luce just outside her front door. She was quite surprised that he walked her home without any qualms. The walk from the river bank to her house has been a quiet affair.

Luce glanced in her direction, gave her an affirming nod and was about to leave, when Lara unconsciously reached and grabbed his hand.

“Stay.” She softly whispered, eyes cast down on the cemented floor. She shivered slightly, not because of the chilly wind, but because she was afraid that Luce would say ‘no’.

Lara didn’t want to be alone in an empty house tonight. The prospect seems daunting and depressing.

“Okay.” He said softly. Opening his hands to cover her own, providing warmth and comfort.

Lara stifled a smile and said nothing, gently squeezing Luce’s hand.

She opened the front door and dragged Luce inside with her. She brought him to the living room and told him to sit down anywhere.

“I’m going to get change in my room. Do you want to borrow my dad’s clothes, they might be too big for you, but at least they’ll be comfortable.” Ask Lara.

Luce nodded and followed her upstairs.

Lara went inside her parent’s room while Luce waited outside the door, she dug around her dad’s wardrobe, looking for clothes that he doesn’t quite use anymore. She settled for a big white t-shirt and blue navy shorts.

“Here.” handed Lara the change of clothes, pointing towards her left down the short hallway. “You can get change in the bathroom.”

Luce nodded silently and headed where the bathroom was.

Lara took massive deep breaths, her heart has been beating unnaturally fast, the thought of Luce in her house, excites her for some reason.

“I can’t believe he's here, inside my house.” She blushed. She turned an even brighter shade of red as a she realised it’s just the two of them.



“What do you want to eat?” ask Lara, now wearing a cute tank top that has an image of bullbasaur in the front. Her shorts barely covering her white creamy legs, as she stood in front of Luce, facing away from him. Her eyes searching the fridge, for things to cook.

“I’m not hungry.” Answered Luce.

Laura frowned. “You never eat anything, you’re literally a walking, talking fish bone.”

“Not, hungry.” Said Luce again, reiterating his previous reply.

Lara narrowed her eyes, taking a large step towards him. She took the hair tie wrapped around her wrist, grabbing a fistful of Luce’s hair, she tied it up, exposing his cute and handsome face.

Lara smiled in content and nodded, appreciating the view.

Luce lips curl into a frown, he squinted his eyes, not use to having his eyes exposed to the light.

“Remember, you can only show your face in front of me and no one else’s.” Lara said sternly.

Luce reached for the hair tie holding his hair and was preparing to rip it off, but Lara grabbed his hand. She smiled mischievously at him and shook her head.

“You’re not allowed to take it off, until I say so.” Smirked Lara, licking her bottom lips unconsciously.

Luce narrowed his deep blue eyes at Lara and whined in discontent.

Lara closed her eyes shut and groaned. “Stop being so damn adorable!”


“Come on Luce. Just a little bite. Please.” Begged Lara, as she held a spoon full of pasta right in front of him.

Luce sighed and opens his mouth and let Lara feed him. He chewed his food carefully and swallowed.

Lara smiled at him. “More?” she asked.

Luce opened his mouth again, and Lara just melts at how adorably cute he’s acting right now.

‘Oh, I could just eat you!’ squealed Lara inside her head.

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