《Not another zombie apocalypse role playing game》Chapter twelve: A hero’s welcome


“I’m not sure what hurt more. Their inhuman techniques or the helplessness.”

“A slight shiver, a strange sensation. These are the signs of a quest. This is where our hero’s innate advantage comes into play.”

“Huh? What do you mean?

Oh! Cool, a quest!”

“Like a child with a toy, any former reflection of his tortuous experiences vanishes.”

“Class quest? Level forty? When did I get five levels?”

|Class quest: Tier one|

Use |Calling stone| to teleport to nearest transfer portal

Find and speak to a local quest guide

Difficulty: Negligible.

Reward: Class point

Ohhhhhahaha! Ye! That’s how we do it! Ye! First generation, best generation! Come on beta’s come on!

Alright. So how do I use this thing? Where is this calling stone?

Inventory. Right, inventory.

“Out of the infinite an item appears. A mossy stone, exuding a complex pressure.”

“Wow. This thing definitely looks magical.”

|Calling stone| cannot be used while bound.

|Calling stone| cannot be used while in combat


What the hell man. Back at it with these damn chains.”

“The laughable situation. The sad state of affairs! If our hero had only raised his level slightly before ending up in this situation.”

“Please don’t. Not right now.”

“Not only would our hero been able to start his path towards a greater specialization, he would have been able to enter areas more adequate for his level.”

“Now that I can’t actually make use of that information you decide to spill it? what is your purpose even? I am formally putting in a complaint!

As soon as I get my hands untied I’ll be writing a very harsh worded letter.”

“Sounds of pounding footsteps can be heard, even over the mindless chatter of our poor, deranged hero.”

‘Open the door!’

‘Yes, young master!’

“For real? This can’t be round two can it?”

“Each of his footstep lightly shake the room as he nears our protagonist.”

‘Ji Aleksy! The Impotent! The world laughs and cries.’

“Morning, evening or whatever time of day it is.”

‘Yes, good evening, Ji Aleksy. I am the residence healer, a doctor of sorts. Here to fix you up.’

“Ah. You came just for me? I’m touched. But I’m afraid I’m perfectly healthy.”


“Also aren’t you a bit too. A bit too big? And round?

You know, for a doctor.”

‘Hehe. You got vigor at least. Now, let’s see what’s wrong with your battle sword.’

“Don’t suppose you could loosen these chains? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to be any kind of a threat, I’m only level 35.”

‘Funny. I’m seeing forty.’

“Ah right. Not sure how I got five levels. Let me check the log.”

|Tedious temptations|

Survived sexual torture and humiliation.

Bonus reward: Do not succumb to your primal desires.

Bonus reward: Succumb to your primal desires.

Your level has increased to forty!

You have acquired forty percent experience; sixty percent required to level up.

You can distribute fifty attribute points as you like.


All attributes have increased by eleven for clearing a hidden mission and clearing one optional objective.

You have met the requirements for your first class quest. Seek a master to continue.

“These quests need to be a lot more alerting. Alerting, warning, warned? I need to be alerted in a more efficient manner. There we go.”

“One must wonder, one most ponder. Why is someone that puts majority of his attributes into Intelligence, Focus, Willpower, Concentration and awareness, a bumbling imbecile? One of life’s greatest mysteries.”

“What do you know? I’m a mysterious person, it is not strange that others cannot perceive my brilliance.”

‘I see what they mean. If we didn’t know better, we would consider you at the very least mentally ill.

I assume you’re having a conversation with your ethereal companion, the narrator.’

“I’m not on speaking terms with that thing.

On a different note. Would you care to explain why you are sending young women to molest me? And such, inexperienced ones at that..

I’m not trying to brag here but as the only child of the Ji Aleksy Empire, I didn’t do too badly for myself.”

‘The Aleksy Empire.’

“Yes, the Aleksy conglomerate to be more specific.”

‘Aleksy, Aleksy. Where have I heard that name before?’

“The Aleksy family was of such enormous caliber that they even survived what was in its essence the rebirth of the planet earth. They of course are one of the strongest, most powerful human factions.”

“What!? Holy shit, no way! Ye! That’s right. The Aleksy never surrender!”

‘Calm down young man. What’s with all this yelling?’

“Huhuhehehe. You think your puny Keeo family is something to brag about? You have no idea. Once I find my family, shit is going down. Sorry about the yelling.”

‘First things first. Let’s try some medication, a little something to give you a little push.’

“Oh? Wait. Actually, I’m more of all natural kind of guy. I don’t do drugs, thank you.

Just say no! You know the ads?


“With the eloquence of a bumble bee our hero forcefully swallows pills glimmering with a mysterious hue.”

“This place is awful! I’ll be writing a horrible review, next to no privacy, also. How about feeding your prisoner.

And make it something other than rape powder.”

‘So, how do you feel?’

“Hungry. Wouldn’t mind stretching my legs a bit, mind untying me for a moment?”

‘Guards, untie the boy.’


‘He’s just a boy, what is he going to do? He’s level forty of heaven’s sake.’

‘Alright sir.’

“Oh. What is that? A strange looking thing for a key.”

“With a scowl the guard looks Ji in the eye before exhaling strongly out of his nose”

“What? Why is everyone so pissy? Oh dear lord and ladies above, I feel hot.”

“An extremely sloppy smile appears on over-sized physicians face as he waves his hands, signaling everyone to move out”

‘Go, go! There is work to be done. Call the second batch, it seems my work is almost done.’


“This place is straight up insane.”

“As the chains are released our hero hops up from the extremely comfortable bed, a stone appears in his hands he vanishes without a word.”

“Didn’t expect that did you!? Easy!

Okay. Where am I?”

“A large prairie has come into view, our hero standing in the middle of a formation of stones, this formation is aptly named; summoning circle.”

“Okay. But where am I though? I was promised a class upgrade, how we doing on that front? Care to elaborate?”

“A slight tremor occurs, in the distance you can see small birds take flight. Those with great eyesight might catch a glimpse of herds of beasts starting to flee.”

“This is what I’ve been wanting all along. Something with some proper suspense! So what’s making things shake?”

“The ground starts shifting, the tremors intensify. The grass is torn apart as the soil starts rising, forming a small hill.”

“What in the world.”

“Our hero tactically stands on the only part that is relatively stable, the summoning circle. His response in general to this potentially lethal encounter is less than ideal.”

“What you w-w-want me to do? Ru-u-u-n? Whe-e-er-r-re?”

“The soil doesn’t seem to be stopping and the previous small hill has now turn into a small mountain, the landscape slightly changed, even the skies above seem to have been affected.”

“Cool. Look, is that a door? Look.

It’s definitely a door!”

“Finally the surroundings come to a stop, the dust settles. Our hero stands still, buck naked with only the dust covering him, no intentions of moving.”

“I´m thinking, give me a minute, should I make a bikini out of grass or something? Maybe bark pants. How do people make pants?”

“That feeling you are currently experiencing is a form of extreme irritation caused by baffling idiocy. Also known as ‘Can you please? Okay?’ This experience I wish upon no one.”

“Tune down the dramatics, how about you explain how to make pants before getting all high and mighty.

I should consider myself lucky it’s warm here.”

“Our hero looks down, marveling his junior self. Not uncommon for this egotistical creature.

The mysterious door slowly opens, the sound it creates is reminds one of old times back at the bunker, a time before we realized we were doomed to such a hero.”

‘Well then. Come on.’


‘Get moving, we haven’t got all day.’


‘Oh for Jallels sake. Ji Aleksy, yes? You used the damn Calling stone didn’t you?’

“Oh. Right, right! I did. Who are you?”

‘For the love of Jal-! Just come on. I’m here to get you to the central hub, what else would I be here for? Dear lord.’

“With a look of confusion our protagonist stumbles forward, his nether bits swinging proudly.”

“Can’t control every part of my body, don’t body shame me.”

‘Can you just follow me!? Why do I always end up with the Jallels!’

“What is a Jallel?”

‘You are. Stop talking, stop asking questions, follow. Or I’ll stuff a sock in your mouth.’

“A look of fear appears on our hero’s face and he quickly covers his mouth.

The tunnel turns into a grand hallway. The walls are decorated with various pictures of nature or notable people from a myriad of races.

A carpet, red velvet by the looks. Spans the large hallway from beginning to end.

Our hero has lost himself in the magnificent paintings of rarely seen beings, powerful looking magical abilities and shows particular interest in females from other races.

After walking for what would feel like hours our hero looks back and sees what he can only describe as a short hallway, appearing easily traversable in seconds.

This of course is an illusion, formation magic beyond his comprehensions and presumably beyond most earthly beings. It is even highly doubtful that a person of earth created this.”

‘Yes, yes. Pretty girls, there will be time for that later or probably not with your looks, what are you? A human right? You lot are so ugly.’

“Excuse me? That’s racist.

It’s racist right? Speciest?”

‘Whatever Jallel. We’re here. Now you better follow me, if you wander of I’ll cut your privates off. You are male right? I never can tell with you lot.’

“Still mesmerised by the scenery our hero only nods and obediently follows his semi-transparent guide.

What you all are seeing is one of the world's many hubs or cities. In every direction you can see massive, beautiful buildings.

Magical formations mixed with technology.

Tens upon tens of different species roaming in the thousands. This is the more prosperous part of the modern earth.”

‘Alright. Since you clearly don’t have identification, you have to go through processing and they’ll deal with you, you are no longer my problem.

Just stand in line and explain your situation to the clerk.

It has been my great displeasure meeting you, Ji Aleksy, let our paths never cross again.’


This place is amazing. I wonder how far I travelled.


Hey. You.”

‘Marekki. Marekki kassassssssss!’

“Our hero’s attempt at communicating with the Horend appears to have been a miserable one.

The species consist mostly of fire, all of them have great control over their bodies and therefore give of no heat.

Although their young are known to cause small fires, and as a result the race is discriminated against and considered arsonist by many.”

“Okay. People can be made out of fire. That doesn’t sound unreasonable at all.

Feels strange standing here naked in line. Is this a government building, who controls the city?”

“If everything goes according to predictions, we’ll be leaving this city soon enough. Seeing as our hero has no permission to stay here much longer without the government’s authorization.”

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