《Crystal Guardian》Chapter 19: The Quest for Revenge.
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Crystal Guardian
Arc 2: Restoration of Hope
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Chapter 19: The Quest for Revenge.
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The Red Guardians were moving faster than anyone had predicted the new Crystal Armour was capable of, and because they reached speeds in excess of mach 18 at Hypersonic altitude they were rapidly approaching the Island. But Naole was moving much slower because he had not had much experience with Hypersonic altitude manoeuvring. Esara and Nalen knew that they were walking into a trap, and Nalen could not repeat the attack he used on the HOD in the Central African Republic without risking Casara's life.
Esara and Nalen knew that this was going to be a hand to hand confrontation, and they would match the power of the Crystal Lance against the power of the Manacle of Destiny. Esara and Nalen realised that in the fight to come the balance of power would be determined by the upgrades Nalen had introduced to the Crystal Armour, and as the Red Guardians made their final approach they began to finalize their battle strategies.
The Red Guardians were using the Crystal Armour's internal Communications Channel to speak directly to each other.
Nalen : " Switching Armour power to Maximum"
Esara : " Likewise! Charging Crystal Lance"
Nalen : " You take the Viceroy! I'll deal with the Grandlords"
Esara : " Those are pretty bad odds Babe!"
Nalen : " Yeah! The fools don't stand a chance"
Esara : " I love you Nalen!"
Nalen : " I love you too Esara!"
Coming in at high speed Esara and Nalen launched their attack on the Hodian elite resulting in debris flying all over the place because of the large electrical discharge. Esara once again took on the ultimate power of Lord Tsela's Metallic Golden Crystalline Form while Nalen engaged no less than 4 fully powered Grandlords. The assaults by the Red Guardians managed to separate the Viceroy from his Grandlords and thus prevented them from forming a combined front.
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Esara was using her new and improved Crystal Armour to successfully deflect Tsela's plasma energy attacks, and the faster flight manoeuvrability was allowing her to successfully evade Tsela's physical attacks. The Grandlords had never faced Nalen in battle, so they could never had foreseen just how powerful he was, and with the enhancements caused by the Blue Crystals he received when he experimented on himself to develop a cure for his son Naole he was in a league of his own.
Esara and Nalen had developed a technique where they threw the Crystal Lance at high velocity, then they attached an energy field around the Crystal Lance which then allowed them to control the Crystal Lance like a guided bullet. The purpose of the method was to catch their opponents off guard.
Nalen was using the technique with great effect by physically attacking one Grandlord while attacking another using the Crystal Lance. Esara was using another technique to great effect; she was using the Communications Crystal on her helmet to generate multiple holographic images of herself, and in the confusion of combat Tsela could not determine which of the fast moving images was the real Esara.
Esara's technique left Tsela vulnerable to Esara's attacks, and for a while the cards seemed to be in Esara's favour despite Tsela's incredible strength and power. Nalen quickly realised he could not indefinitely sustain an attack on the 4 Grandlords. Nalen decided that to win he would have to reduce their numbers, and so Nalen devised a plan to cut down the number of his opponents.
Nalen pretended not to notice that two of the Grandlords were trying to sneak behind him while he was engaged in energy attacks with the other 2 Grandlords. Nalen then allowed the 2 Grandlords to each grab one of his arms at the shoulder and elbow. The two Grandlords grabbed Naole from behind because they thought that they would be safe from Nalen's Armour Chest Energy Crystal, but the Grandlords never thought to consider Nalen's energy field, and Nalen had compressed his energy Field shield so that it was just a few millimetres from the surface of the Crystal Armour.
So when the 2 Grandlords touched Nalen's energy Field shield he was able to attach an energy field around the two Grandlords. Nalen then quickly flew 200 meters into the air and started rapidly spinning his now expanded energy shield along with the 2 Grandlords, and when Nalen released the two Grandlords they went flying through the air and landed in the ocean some 2 km away from the battle zone.
With two Grandlords temporarily away from the fight Nalen decided it was time to launch his ultimate attack; the Red Wave. Using both his hands to generate Electromagnetic Radiation ElectroLaser Lightning Bolts Energy attacks combined with a maximum power Red ElectroLaser Lightning Plasma Ball from the Armour's Chest Energy Crystal Nalen attacked one of the 2 remaining Grandlords instantly killing him when the Red Wave made contact with his head.
In an instant Nalen then focused on the other Grandlord, and by a combined attack using ElectroLaser Lightning Bolts Energy attack from Armour's Chest Energy Crystal and high velocity Crystal Lance on the same spot on the Grandlord's chest Nalen was able to penetrate his Metallic Crystalline Skin and thus destroy his central nervous system with the energy contained in the Crystal Lance. Since the central nervous system was destroyed the Grandlord could not regenerate, and the energy from the Crystal Lance killed him.
Even though Esara had the technical upper hand the Viceroy was still more than capable of gaining the upper hand should Esara make a mistake. So Esara’s movements were planned, careful and precise, and although she had grown stronger and faster over the years, Tsela had also grown stronger and was more dangerous than ever. As their battle continued the shockwaves from the impact of their blows could be felt by the Crystalorb reinforcing battle group that was engaged with Enforcers, Under-Lords and Overlords who were keeping Casara and 4 others trapped in a small cave.
When the 2 Grandlords who were thrown into the ocean 5 minutes earlier returned to once again battle Nalen they realised that 2 of their associates were dead. The 2 Grandlords quickly realised that they were up against it, and as they prepared to simultaneously attack Nalen one of the Grandlords found himself under sustained ElectroLaser Lightning Bolts Energy attack. When the Grandlord turned to see who was attacking him Nalen took the opportunity to single out the other Grandlord for a Red Wave attack.
Naole had arrived on the battle field, and even though he was no match for a Grandlord his attack on one of the Grandlord gave Nalen the 10 second window he needed to gather the energy required for a Red Wave attack. As Naole continued his attacks on one of the Grandlords the other took his attention off Nalen and launched a stream of plasma attacks on Naole forcing Naole to the ground.
But before the two Grandlords realised what had happened one of them was hit by Nalen's Red Wave attack and instantly killed. Nalen then rushed to Naole's side to see to his status and was pleased to find that Naole was unharmed.
Naole : " That was a fantastic attack father!"
Nalen : " I can take it from here son! Go help your sister"
Naole : " Yes father!"
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As Nalen turns his attention to the remaining Grandlord Naole takes off in Casara's direction. Nalen is confident that the HOD forces on the ground would not be able to stand in the way of the young Blue Guardian, and for the first time all of Crystalorb is witness to young Naole's true power. Naole has shown all of Crystalorb that he is just as fierce as the other members of his family, and that he wields the same great powers that flows through Esara and Nalen's veins.
Being young, eager and overly enthusiastic Naole chose to make a direct attack on the HOD forces gathered near the entrance to the cave that Casara was taking shelter in, and as Naole was descending into the middle of the HOD group he launched a multiple ElectroLaser Lightning Bolts attack on the group using his Armour's Chest and left hand Energy Crystals, and since he was holding his Crystal Lance with his right hand he used it to produce lightning bursts that he aimed at anyone he focused on.
Naole was also using his Crystal Lance to deflect the plasma energy attacks that were fired at him back into the HOD group. When Casara realised that the HOD group were no longer focused at the cave entrance she went outside to find Naole engaged with multiple targets in a massive cloud of fire and lightning. Casara engaged in support of Naole, and once the others in the cave were safely out of the cave Casara and Naole took to the sky and continued their assaults from the air.
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Meanwhile the remaining Grandlord realised that he could not hope to withstand the power of the Red Guardian, but he was trapped with no hope of escape, and Nalen was in no mood to be forgiving. So the Grandlord decided to stand firm, and so he harnessed his power, raising his energy level as he prepared to make his final stand. Nalen was eager to end it quickly so that he could assist Esara, but he knew from the look in the Grandlord's eyes that it would be a fight.
The results of their clash was always inevitable, and all it took was a slight mistake from the Grandlord and it was over. Nalen used the systems of his Crystal Armour to locate Esara's position and then quickly moved in to assist her. Esara and Nalen coordinated their efforts and launched a joint assaults on the Viceroy. Tsela found himself fighting against two of the most powerful Crystalan warriors.
Nalen's arrival intensified the fight, but even with Nalen's presence Tsela was still able to hold his own, and time was on his side. Tsela knew that he could sustain his power ten times longer than the Red Guardians, and so all he had to do was hold on long enough for the Red Guardians to run out of power, but he also knew that it would not be easy. As the Red Guardians intensified their attack on him it became clear to Tsela that he may have underestimated the power of the Red Guardians.
At the same time, and with the help of the Crystalorb reinforcing battle group Casara and Naole had the HOD forces on the run so Casara decided to disengage from the Crystalorb reinforcing battle group
Casara : " Naole, let the Crystalorb reinforcing battle group deal with the HOD forces! Let’s go help Mama and Father"
Naole : " Let’s do it!"
When Casara and Naole arrived at the battle field they found their parents heavily engaged with the Viceroy of the Hand of Destiny (HOD) in a spectacular mix of electrical and plasma energy. Casara and Naole wasted no time and quickly attacked Lord Tsela with ElectroLaser Lightning Bolts. Lord Tsela was boxed in as all 4 attacked simultaneously, and it began to look like the end for Lord Tsela.
As Lord Tsela fell to his knees the 4 stopped their attack.
Viceroy Tsela : " For a moment there it looked like I had the upper hand, but In my calculations I missed two important components. My spies did not tell me you had such powerful children!"
Esara : " Taking my child was a grave mistake Viceroy!"
Viceroy Tsela : " I suppose it Ends here Like it was always meant to!"
As Lord Tsela speaks he takes off both the his family Manacle of Destiny and the Leadership Manacle of Destiny commonly referred Manacle of Leadership, and this causes his body to return to normal. Once both Manacles are off Lord Tsela throws the two Manacles into a 15 meter deep hole in the ground that was created by one of his plasma energy blasts.
Viceroy Tsela : " I'm ready now!"
Using internal Joint Communications Channel
Nalen : " Do we end it?"
Esara : " Yes! It will End with his Death"
Before Esara and Nalen could launch their final attack Anun interrupts from the Crystalorb Command Centre.
Anun : " No! The Crystalorb Leadership needs him alive! We can use him to negotiate a permanent and lasting peace with the HOD"
At this point Esara and Nalen were 2 meters above the ground and about six meters from Lord Tsela, and Casara and Naole were 125 meters behind Esara and Nalen at 75 metres above the ground.
Esara : " What?" responding to Anun
Viceroy Tsela : " Like I said it ends here!"
Lord Tsela then proceeded to press a button on a pendent hanging around his neck, and that activated the 3 megaton nuclear bomb that was secretly placed 50 meters behind where Tsela was standing. Esara and Nalen realised that they could not escape the blast, and in a final act of love Esara and Nalen quickly used their energy field to rapidly push Casara and Naole from the blast area.
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After the explosion the dust was thick and those in the air could not see what was happening on the ground. The Crystalorb Command Centre ordered the Intrepid to the skies above the area to help search for survivors. Some of the Crystalorb reinforcing group had been caught in the shockwave caused by the nuclear blast, and the Crystalorb Leadership was eager to recover all the bodies of the fallen Crystalans.
It was 2 hours later when the Intrepid finally arrived in the skies above the Island, and as soon as the ship arrived all those who were part of the Crystalorb forces engaged with the HOD were taken onboard the Intrepid for debriefing and medical care. The Crystalorb Command Centre had ordered Nasan to assume command of the Intrepid, and when all the remaining Expeditionary units were recovered Nasan ordered the crew of Intrepid to begin ground recovery operations.
The recovery operations meant that the Intrepid would conduct a detailed search for the remains of all the yet undiscovered fallen Crystalans. There were 9 Vanguards and 4 Vangleads who were officially presumed dead, but Esara, Nalen, Casara and Naole were officially declared as missing. As the Intrepid used its powerful sensors to search the Island the search teams began to detect trace Electromagnetic Radiation given out by the Crystal Armour.
By following the Electromagnetic Radiation signal the recovery teams were able to locate and recover the bodies of the 9 Vanguards and 4 Vangleads. For the next 2 hours the Intrepid searched for Esara, Nalen, Casara and Naole. Just as the recovery teams were beginning to consider the prospect that the 4 may have been vaporised by the nuclear explosion the Intrepid found an Electromagnetic Radiation signal.
When the recovery teams arrived at the location of the signal they found Casara and Naole, and to everyone's surprise Casara was on her feet, relieved and unharmed, but Naole had suffered serious injuries and required immediate medical attention. Casara and Naole were rushed to the Intrepid's Medical Centre. For the next two hours the Intrepid continued to look for Esara and Nalen without success.
Nearly five hours after the explosion Naole begins to wake. He finds himself in the Intrepid's Medical Centre with Casara by his side.
Casara : " Doctor; I think he's coming around"
Dr Kanu (MD) : " Welcome back young man"
Naole : " What happened? Where am I?"
Casara : " I was afraid I'd lost you too!"
Naole : " Mother and Father?"
Casara : " They're gone Naole; they’re gone”
Naole : " Why is my leg so painful?"
Dr Kanu (MD) : " Your left leg was damaged beyond repair; we had to amputate below the knee. Your Crystal Armour was fused into your back we removed all the parts we could, but the skin on your back is almost entirely Crystal."
Casara : " They are still looking for the remains of our parents, but there is little hope! Mother and Father used you as a shield to protect me when they pushed us away from the blast area."
Naole : " Because they knew that my Blue Guardian Crystal Armour could take much more damage than yours"
Casara : " Now all we have is each other!"
Naole : " I can still sense their Chest Crystals; If you concentrate you could sense it too! Find them! Find them Casara!"
Naole once again drifted into sleep
Dr Kanu (MD) : " He's been through a lot! He needs time to rest"
Casara : " He's right! I can sense them!"
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A few minutes later Casara led the recovery teams to the location where Esara and Nalen were buried under Radioactive rubble. Fortunately the Crystal Armour protects Crystalans from deadly radiation, and so they were able to recover the remains of two of Crystalorb's greatest warriors. There was strange silence on the Intrepid as the ship set course for the Crystal Valley autonomous region.
Esara and Nalen were killed by the intense heat of the explosion, but the Crystal Armour and the Electromagnetic field shields was able to protect their Chest Crystals. The fact that their Chest Crystals were still alive meant that a part of Esara and Nalen would live forever as part of the Spirit Stone. The knowledge that Esara and Nalen would live on as part of the Spirit Stone gave Casara Comfort, despite the situation.
When the Intrepid arrived in Crystalorb Casara and Naole insisted that their parents be committed to the Spirit Stone immediately. Casara and Naole also insisted on a private ceremony with only the three Elders; Lumen, Cyris and Isis there to oversee the commitment ceremony. The only other people present at the commitment ceremony were all of Esara and Nalen's closest friends.
And so the Elders began to expatiate the commitment ceremony.
Isis : " Heart of our people! Heart of Crystalorb!"
Cyris : " In the name of all Crystalans!"
Lumen : " We beseech you!"
Isis : " Awaken mighty Spirits!"
Cyris : " And receive our fallen children amongst your order!"
As the Spirit Stone activated Esara and Nalen's Crystal Armoured bodies began to produce a red Aura, and since their bodies were fused to their Crystal Armours their Chest Crystals absorbed the fused bodies and Crystal Armours.
Lumen : " We are born of the Light, we live in the light!"
Isis : " And upon our death we return to the light!"
Lumen : " With this in mind, we will now return Esara and Nalen to the light!"
Speaking directly to Esara and Nalen's bodies
Cyris : " Esara, Nalen; It’s time for you to return to the Source my friends!"
Casara and Naole activated their Chest Crystals, generating beams of light aimed at the resultant fusion of Esara and Nalen's bodies; Chest Crystal and Crystal Armour. The large hovering spheres began to generate a large Electromagnetic energy storm manifesting in light and electrical energy. The two large hovering spheres then fused with each other in a bright flash of Red Light
Isis : " Mighty Spirit Stone! Accept your own into your home!"
The sphere then joined with the Spirit Stone generating Electromagnetic light energy that could be observed from all over Crystalorb.
Lumen : " Esara and Nalen are no longer with us, from here onwards they will forever be a part of the Spirit Stone"
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Once the ceremony was concluded Naole was taken to the Crystalorb Medical Centre, and Casara returned to her home. For nearly 3 years the apartment had only been used for the period when the Intrepid was being serviced, but now that Naole was somewhat disabled Casara wondered if she could leave him alone. As Casara took both her and Naole's Crystal Armour to the Armour Storage Centre for repairs she wondered if Naole would once again be able to operate his Crystal Armour.
As the days passed Naole encouraged Casara not to give up on her hope to follow in their mother's footsteps by becoming the Expeditionary Guardian. With the death of Esara the Intrepid was without a captain, so the Crystalorb Leadership elected to place the ship under the command of the Expeditionary Division and the captain of the Intrepid would from that day onwards be the Deputy Expeditionary Guardian also known as the Expeditionary Recognisance Commander.
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