《An 'Ordinary' Adventure》Chapter 1 - Imprisoned - Part 11


Part 11

Knight came to a halt, wondering where to go next. Ahead of him was the etched-out room; to the left and right were the curved offshoots.

He glanced down both tunnels before deciding he would go left due to being in complete darkness and less chance of activity. He then took out the light, taking time for it to brighten.

Finally, Knight set off down the dark tunnel, which was getting darker and darker as he went on. The lights from the main tunnel fading in the distance were like viewing streetlights from the countryside.

With the light now irradiating the tunnel, Knight set off down the tunnel, occasionally having to choose between more offshoots.

* * *

Knight came to a halt when a deep, jovial humming tune reverberated through the tunnel.

All Knight saw was a straight tunnel, no offshoots insight.

Confused, Knight started walking again. The humming increased the further down he got but there was still no offshoot, where did it come from?

Suddenly, Knight stopped. The humming continued and he had found its source. Just beyond where the rays of the light reached, there was an orange glow. He was worried, it could mean danger. With the danger of a guard or something else, Knight returned the ball of light to his pocket. He then carefully proceeded to the glow.

Strangely, the glow barely lit anything up. All they lit up was the offshoot they were placed in. Anything could be in there, all Knight saw.

As he was about to move past, the humming stopped, replaced by a rough voice.

“Hey, kid.”

Knight paused; it didn’t sound like the creatures. It was rough but the kind of rough a middle-aged man could sound like. However, what caught Knight the most was the absence of violent intent.

“Don’t-” The voice tried to continue before it was cut off.

What followed were a multitude of rasps Knight couldn’t make sense of.

“Don’t stay any longer, run!”

Knight knew why he was being told and began to bolt out of the offshoot.

However, a huge hand wrapped around his arm stopped him in his tracks.

Before Knight could even respond the same voice called out.

“My bad, give me a second.”


Knight was confused, what was it attempting? After failing to remove the hand that clamped his arm, he was hoisted in the air.

The rattle of chains could be heard as Knight desperately tried freeing his arm.

The rattle of chains was followed by the sound of a whip cracking the air.

“Rest easy, kid. I’ve got the bastard.”

Before Knight could even think what the voice meant, the steel grip was released and he dropped to the floor.

The orange glow showed the creature. It seemed to be guarding its face.

Suddenly, the creature was yanked forward with the rattle of chains.

“Just give me a couple of seconds, lad. Got a bunch to deal with.”

‘He doesn’t mean…’ He didn’t even have to ask himself as the air was filled with high-pitched rasping. The creatures within the dark were…screaming in the chaos of rattling chains.

Knight didn’t understand. How would they let someone so dangerous be unchained? ‘Wait, don’t tell me…’

The rasping intensified as the hard whips of chains smacked the air away. It sounded like arms were being torn along with the splash of blood on a rock. The rocks weren’t even safe as cracking filled the air.

The chain whips clanged as they bounced off each other, presumably tearing through the remaining bodies that were still rasping.

All of a sudden, the mess of sounds stopped. A bloody silence emerging.

The sound only lasted a few seconds. He didn’t know what had happened during those very seconds. Yet, he could take a guess from the torrent of sounds.

It wasn’t long before a cough broke the bloody silence.

“Ah, sorry about that, please step in.”

Knight was wary but this person had just saved him. Maybe he would tell him how to escape. So, he stepped into the offshoot.

“Wait a second. Just need to clean these, you might want to step back instead.”

Knight although annoyed, did as he was told. He knew this man could end his life instantly.

Suddenly, a flash of crimson entered the light, followed by a crack. The wall now cracked, splattered with blood.

“Jeez” Knight let out, noticing bloody grey flesh caught in the chains that were slinking back to the darkness.

“Right, kinda cleaned. Ya can take that step now.”


Doing as he was told, he walked into the offshoot, following the chains to what Knight guessed would be the speaker. He then pulled out the wiry ball.

“Hey, come one. Put it back. Don’t want ya seeing ma ugly mug.” The booming voice laughed.

“Err, right.”

“Good lad. Anyways, sorry bout that. Can’t start a conversation with them things chasing ya out, can I?”

‘Didn’t they notice me after he said hey to me? I know I was carrying a bright light but they didn’t seem to notice…’ He thought before ignoring the reasoning. “Err, I guess we can’t, no.”

“Well then. I was just wondering if ya were planning to escape. A prisoner doesn’t just find their way here, especially with these bastard guards.” The voice boomed.

“I am yes,” Knight answered sharply. He had the feeling if he stayed too long it wouldn’t end well. “Well, I’ll be off then. I need to escape after all.”

“Oh? Don’t want to know the exit, do ya?”

Knight stopped as he was about to exit the offshoot, “…Would you be so kind as to tell me?”

“Hahaha, of course I would. Continue down the tunnel as ya was before and you’ll reach a choice of two paths. Take tha left and continue till ya find tha exit.”

“Ah, really?” Knight asked, pondering how he knew all this when he was locked up in this hidden tunnel.

“No need to confirm. I won’t lie for no reason, that’s useless.” Strangely, his tone changed. It held a hint of annoyance. “Oh, forgot to tell ya that after taking that left ya need to just continue, ignore tha next left turn. Sorry bout ma other comment, ya were right to confirm.”

“Ah, okay.” Knight replied, ‘what a strange guy.’

“Also, doubt ya will be able to escape today.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Well, that’s for ya to find out. ya better escape tomorrow cos if ya do, I’ll be out to get ya! Hahaha.”

“Err” Knight was confused, “why would you be sent out for me? One, I don’t think I’m any match for the guards. And two, you’re a prisoner, right?”

“Well, I am a prisoner. But I’m freaking strong, as these bastards just found out haha.” The voice joked, not really answering Knight at all.

“And to answer ya other question. That posh idiot above loves that little roommate of yours. She wouldn’t be down here if he wasn’t gone on trade talks. So, he wouldn’t risk anything when it comes to her. Hence, why he made a deal with me.”


“Woah, I said a bit much their lad. Ignore that for me will ya?” The voice interjected.

“Wha…right.” Knight stopped himself from asking more. If someone who can toy with a few giants at once tells you to forget about something, you forget. That, and the fact that he mentioned the girl. “How do you know about the girl?”

“Shucks. Heard it through that grapevine as ya do.” The voice lied, hiding more information.

Knight had a lot of questions. Despite sensing something dangerous before, he needed to know what this guy knew and what he meant by ‘posh idiot above’.

However, before Knight could even take a step closer, the speaker’s booming voice echoed around the cave, except this time, it lacked the jovial tone. “Don’t come closer.”

“Why? What’s wrong with seeing you?” Knight questioned him.

However, the voice didn’t answer with words. Knight’s question was answered with a hard crack in the air, followed by the rattle of chains.

“I said before it is useless to confirm as I do not lie. I let you off as I forgot some information. When someone tells you something, acknowledge it. Don’t ask useless questions!” The speaker spoke after the whip of the chain. Knight didn’t know why he was so worked up after two simple questions.

However, he didn’t want to risk the wrath of them chains and refrained from asking further questions.

“Anyways, go and find that escape route bud.” The speaker boomed, casually returning to a jovial tone.

“R-right.” Not wanting to stay anymore, Knight hastily walked towards the ethereal wall he had come through, pulling out the wiry ball.

After the crystal belatedly lit the tunnel, he set off in the direction told by the speaker.

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