《Evolution God》23: Goddess of Creation and Life & Victory


["Host has received the Divine Blessing of the Goddess of Creation and Life."]

["Due to the Host receiving the Divine Blessing of the Goddess of Creation and Life, the Host received the 'Unique Skill: Create' and a permanent boost in TB."]


[Divine Blessing of the Goddess of Creation and Life]

The divine blessing of the God of Creation and Life is the second strongest divine blessing possible to be granted. In the course of history, no more than 4 people have received it, as the Goddess of Creation and Life, only pick those she holds dear. Since it is a divine blessing from a Goddess of Life, it will be almost impossible to completely kill the soul, allowing one to reincarnate with memories and the previous power's intact, within a short amount of time. Although if the attack comes from a rank above God Rank, nothing will remain.


[Unique Skill: Create]

A skill only allowed for those favoured by the Goddess of Creation and Life. It will allow the user to create anything as long the image inside their mind is clear. Although everything can be created, it costs huge amounts of MP.


'There's a rank above God Rank?! And what the fuck is with this divine blessing and the skill?! WHY IS IT SO OVERPOWERED?!?!' Lucifer's heart began to pound extremely fast, as he felt like he had won the lottery, making him extremely dumbstruck and happy at the same time. But who was this Goddess that would give him a divine blessing, at that exact moment?

'Madison..?' A hint of suspicion rose in Lucifer's heart, as he could only think of one person. Since he had killed a lot, it wouldn't make sense for a Goddess of Creation and Life to give him their divine blessing. The description also told him a lot, as only those that the god held dear, would be able to receive their divine blessing.


Although Lucifer could only think of one person, it didn't make sense. If, Madison was a goddess of Zylghen, why would she even need to go to Earth and pick him to reincarnate here? What was the motive behind it all?

- "Loton, show me the possible ranks achievable."

["The currently known ranks are as follows: Mortal, Earth, Lord, King, Angel, Heaven and God."]

'If there's a rank above God, why won't Loton tell me? Doesn't Loton know?' With a little frustrated look on his face, Lucifer once more placed his attention on the surroundings. The memories that had been playing around him like on a TV, were now gone and replaced with white. Everything within sight was white radiating an aura of purity and innocence.

Suddenly, something flickered in the air in front of Lucifer's gigantic dragon body. It seemed as if space was twisted in which looked like a whirlpool. A calming sound emitted from the whirlpool of twisted space, as the whirlpool began to grow bigger. Looking closer, it almost seemed as if the whirlpool contained stars and planets... life. It looked like exactly like a galaxy, that Lucifer had seen.

A memory suddenly came into the mind of Lucifer as he looked at the small galaxy in front of him. He remembered, that it looked the same as one he had seen before. And that one was shown by Madison when she researched space instead of WW2, back at school on earth. The picture of the galaxy inside Lucifer's head was so clear, that he could see everything was the same as the galaxy in front of him. Every little star and planet represented each other, with no exception. They hadn't even moved.

A slight flicker occurred in the galaxy, and suddenly a pulling force pulled Lucifer towards it. Without any power to resist the pulling force, Lucifer gradually came closer, while the galaxy seemed to become larger. Within a second, Lucifer was inside the galaxy as yet another little life with the size of a grain of sand inside a sandpit. He saw hundreds of stars, and planets up close, while moving forward at a speed he couldn't even seem to guess. It felt as if he went through the entire galaxy within only a small matter of time, yet it also felt like years had passed by. Without a warning, Lucifer stopped in front of a planet, with a single continent placed on it. It was a continent almost filling all the space available on the planet. Lucifer could see forests, lakes, deserts, and also in the middle of the continent, everything was red. Nothing was an exception, as even trees, rocks, lakes and skies were the same colour. Red.


'Is this the world of Zylghen?' Somehow Lucifer felt like the planet he was looking at was the world he was in.

Suddenly, space warped once more and he flew back the way he had come. Within a couple of seconds, he was back at the area where everything was white with a radiance of divine power. Nothing but white could be seen in the white space he once again arrived in.

- "I'll be waiting."

Suddenly a voice of a woman seemed to come from every corner of the white space. As soon as the words were said, Lucifer felt another pulling force, that seemed to tear through space itself. Suddenly, Lucifer felt his eyes burn, and as he closed them, he suddenly heard sounds of battle once more. Within the white space, no sound could be found except for the three words spoken by the voice of a woman.

'That voice...' Lucifer was getting more and more suspicious about the identity of who his crush, Madison was. First, she drew a dragon that seemed to be of him when he first arrived on Zylghen, and now even the picture she showed during class, contained the planet he was on.

As he opened his eyes, the divine white light was long gone, and replaced with the scene that he had left, as if time had stood still. The Prince that now stood away with a dazed expression and closed eyes, began to move his mouth hurriedly. Without even thinking, and only listening to his instincts, Lucifer flapped his wings and shot through the air at incredible speeds. As natural as it seemed, when he got close, he once more released the poison gas, his Orcus Dragon Flame and he thrust his tail towards the heart of the Prince with his closed eyes.

Lucifer instantly broke through the barrier like a knife cutting butter. The barrier that had seemed so tough and had protected the Prince from all of Lucifer's attacks, now seemed way too weak for it to even be called a barrier.

Without much resistance at all, Lucifer's tail pierced through the Prince's chest, and straight through his heart coming out his back. The Prince looked at Lucifer with eyes filled with fear and confusion.

- "H-how...?"

A slight whisper left the mouth of the Prince, as his look changed from fear and confusion to that of regret.

- "Because I'm stronger than you."

A reply with an intimidating and deep voice left Lucifer's mouth as he glared at the Prince with hate. Lucifer hated arrogant and prideful people, that only thought of themselves, and not about others.

- "Y-y-you'll regret m-making an enemy out o-of the Giants...!"

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