《Evolution God》7: Battle With The Snow Dragon


The Snow Dragon's roar sounded inside the cave, and it began to charge towards Lucifer with its head first planning to use raw strength, and its icy-blue and cold eyes radiating strong killing intent. Even the cave began to vibrate slightly as if to say it wouldn't be able to withstand the shockwaves of the battle.

'Although I could kill it, it would be better to get fighting experience.' Lucifer stood at the same place as if he wasn't moved at all by the overwhelming pressure coming charging towards him. Suddenly Lucifer began moving and charged towards the Snow Dragon with all his might.

- "BOOM."

A loud ear-piercing sound was made when the two dragons clashed together in a fierce charge. The dragon stood as still as a mountain, not moving even an inch, while Lucifer had to move tens of meters back. When he clashed with the Snow Dragon, he got a headache and got the feeling that if he was any weaker he might have been knocked unconscious.


[Name: Lucifer][Race: Giant Demonic Dragon (Baby: 1/5)][Rank: Lord]

- HP: 750/1200, MP: 1200/1200

- Total Battlepower (TB): 1950/2400


'Just one clash and it already made me lose over 30% of my health?! Why is it so strong??' Lucifer only imagined it to be a little stronger than himself, but that's where he got it wrong. A lesson learned, never fully estimate the opponent's strength, if you haven't fought them yet. While wondering why the dragon was so strong, it began it's next attack, with an ice-blue flame sending down a shiver Lucifers spine.

The flame roared towards Lucifer with incredible speed, while twisting and turning in the air, giving it a feeling as if it was alive.

- "Orcus Dragon Flame!"

The ice-blue and abyss-like flame hit each other with massive force, creating an explosion sending shockwaves in all directions. The shockwaves were so powerful, even the cave began to shake and dust and bits of stone came falling. Cracks began spreading along the cave walls, floor and ceiling. The cave began collapsing with the ceiling falling in big chunks of rocks.


Lucifer hurriedly avoided a big part of the roof and sought to find the entrance and escape. At the same time, the dragon also began doing the same with a panicked and angry look plastered on its face. It glared at Lucifer, silently ignoring the urge to go at him and kill him.

When Lucifer found the entrance, he began escaping as fast as his dragon body could get out, while avoiding pieces of rubble falling. A few seconds later, he safely arrived outside and began flying in the air with only minor injuries from the cave falling apart. The cave entrance had been completely blocked with big chunks of boringly grey stone.

- "BOOM!"

Suddenly the rocks blocking the entrance to the cave exploded in blue flames, sending them in every direction. The dragon soon came flying out with a murderous glare, looking at Lucifer with its chillingly cold eyes. It charged over to Lucifer, with its mouth agape preparing another round of its flame. Lucifer did the same as it and began preparing another flame of his Orcus Dragon Flame.

- "DIE!" The Snow Dragon roared at the top of its lungs while firing a flame even colder than before.


Lucifers dragon flame twisted and turned, which made it seem wicked. It made a roar almost representing the sound of an ancient dragon. The two flames clashed together almost like complete opposites, countering each other. An even stronger explosion occurred, shaking the mountain while pushing both dragons a considerable amount of metres before stabilising in mid-air.

'If I want to win, I would need to use my Expand skill, but that would require a large amount of MP and it would put a stress on my body'. Lucifer had a grim expression while also looking intensely at the other dragon to spot its next move.

- "Demon's Eye!"

Lucifer used the skill he'd got from killing the Demonic Deers in the hope of it predicting the dragons next move. He knew the intimidating aura it would release, wouldn't be able to scare the Snow Dragon since it was stronger than him.


Almost instantly when he activated the skill, a scene occurred inside his head, where the Snow Dragon charged at him with incredible speed and turning into the hill it once was, crashing into him and seriously injuring him. As soon as the scene inside his head stopped, the Snow Dragon charged at him with incredible speed and turning into a hell smashing towards him. Although he knew what would happen, he wouldn't be able to dodge in time to escape unscathed.

- "Expand!"

While roaring out loud, the nearby natural energy was guided into Lucifers body which was rapidly expanding and emitting a much stronger pressure. When he reaches double his normal size, he was 15 meters tall and over double as long with an enormous dragon head that could swallow a couple of men whole.

As soon as Lucifer had been given double his previous strength, the Snow Dragon smashed into him. The shockwave from the collision blew away everything within a hundred metres, even clouds weren't and exception as the shockwave was simply too powerful. Although dizzy and slightly disorientated, Lucifer came out unscathed while the Snow Dragon was heavily injured. Its skin was covered in big wounds and its wings had holes, drenching its snow-white skin with red. It looked at Lucifer with a confused and dazed look in its eyes, but deep inside its heart, a little fear was starting to grow.

- "Observation."


[Name: None][Race: Snow Dragon (Child: 2/5)][Rank: Lord]

- HP: 435/2000, MP: 765/1500

- Total Battlepower (TB): 1000/3500


Since Lucifer had become stronger, the Snow Dragon was on the losing side and with another hit, it would be dead.

- "Orcus Dragon Flame."

Lucifer spewed his deadly black flame at the currently dazed Snow Dragon. The flame flew through the air coiling around itself, moving with incredible speed and hit the Snow Dragon making it begin to wither and rot. The skin began to retract and dry out and with the wounds it made it look like a zombie dragon. With a thump, the dragon fell to the ground as a corpse, completely rotten and a smell of death slowly appeared. He deactivated his skill 'Expand' due to it putting too much stress on his body.

- "Absorb."

Lucifer went by its side holding his breath because of the smell coming off the corpse. The Snow Dragon corpse gradually began to dissolve while being sucked into Lucifer.

["Host has successfully killed and absorbed a Snow Dragon. Awarding host with 100,000 XP and a skill."]

["Host successfully obtained the unique skill 'Cold Resistance'."]


[Unique Skill: Cold Resistance]

Users with the skill Cold Resistance will take 50% less damage when attacked with cold attributed skills.


'This will be very helpful in the future'. Lucifer smiled silently while nodding to himself. Although he had won, it had tired him out and he wasn't in his peak-condition. He flapped his wings creating small whirlwinds and flew back to another entrance to a cave dug into the mountain. While entering, he checked on himself to make sure that he hadn't gotten a deadly wound. When he made sure he was okay, he walked in further, while closely concentrating on the temperature in case it would lower or raise.

When coming at the end of the cave he found that it was empty. Luckily this cave wasn't inhabited by any beast, compared to the one with a Snow Dragon in it. As he walked into the middle he began to feel dizzy, and a while later he fell on the ground with a loud thud and fell unconscious.

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