《Evolution God》8: Purple Moon Lake


After being unconscious for over a day, Lucifer finally began showing signs of waking up. His eyelids began moving, and some times later, he opened his drowsy eye revealing his reptile pupil. After laying like that looking around for some time, he stood up and walked out of the cave with his big body.

'After laying unconscious for some time, I feel refreshed, but also dizzy'. After looking around checking if any beasts were nearby, he flapped his wings and began flying towards the south as his destination laid there.

- "Loton, how many kilometres more do I have to fly to reach my destination?"

["Approximately 3 hours of flight is needed to reach the targeted location laying 180 kilometres (118 miles) to the south."]

Needing some time since he didn't want to use up too much strength flying, Lucifer began looking down on the ground, to see if he could spot anything that would be worth noticing. Although most of what he could see was green treetops, there were places where trees didn't grow and allowed for one to look down from upon. Flying like that for around 20 minutes, Lucifer didn't notice anything he would want to put his attention on. With his bad luck, he probably wouldn't be able to find anything that had value.

Flying half an hour more, evening came, revealing a beautiful orange sky and a completely orange sun almost looking like an orange. Although this world might be chaotic further towards the middle of the continent, the outer region was one of the most beautiful sights Lucifer had ever seen before. Flourishing nature with thousand of different species of plants and animals, and the sun colouring the sky orange when it was morning and evening.

After flying for a little longer, the sun was completely gone, and the vast starry sky was revealed while the moon came into sight. The moon of Zulghen was like the biggest a shiniest star sitting in the sky revealing a beautiful pure light that lightened up the land below.


Suddenly, a few hundred meters out into the distance, a lake with wavy purple water came into sight, almost completely hidden away behind a natural rock formation and some trees.

Piquing his interest, Lucifer flew over and landed by the land of the lake. The water sparkled with a purplish shine when the moon's light bounced off of it.

- "Loton, why is the lakewater purple?"

["When a lake has purple water at, it is a signal of the water containing strong amounts of natural energy, which when bathed in will give nutrition and it will strengthen the physical body increasing defence and HP. Lakes with purple water have been named 'Purple Moon Lakes' since only the moon's light can be used to identify if lakes contain enough nutrition for it to be named as a Purple Moon Lake. Purple Moon Lakes are most commonly used by humans or beasts with intelligence."]

["Host is recommended to soak in the lake, due to its benefits. After 6 hours of soaking in the water, the effects will begin to weaken gradually until it will become completely ineffective for the respected creature."]

After Loton (Lucifer's System) summarised what the purple lake was, Lucifer couldn't help but feel amazed while his mouth stood agape. After standing several minutes like that, he didn't hesitate to walk into the water and begin to soak in it with his whole body. The lake had a depth of 2 meters which wasn't much compared to his body that was around 7,5 meters tall.

Seeing a Lord ranked dragon laying in a Purple Moon Lake in the night was something you wouldn't see often, as dragons in the Lord ranks wouldn't be considered to have intelligence enough to know about the effects of a Purple Moon Lake.

While laying down in the lake, Lucifer felt a natural freshness and gradually his eyelids became heavy, and a while later he fell asleep with only his head above the shiny purple water. After approximately 3 hours of soaking in the Purple Moon Lake's water, Lucifer woke up and took a look around to make sure no creature could harm him during his remaining 3 hours of sleep. After double-checking, his eyelids closed and he fell asleep again.



5 hours later in a barren land, around 150 kilometres (93 miles) away, a group of three humans had encountered a Lord ranked beast. One of the humans in the group was a muscular male holding a big shield and a longsword. He had brown hair, green eyes and an intense brown beard with some grey and reddish hair threads mixed in. Behind him stood a woman with golden hair, and good facial features and what looked to be her child. The child had a red and a blue eye, each shining with a mysterious light. Her hair was silver-white. The beast the three of them had encountered was a 5-meter tall minotaur with a giant sword. Its fur was a beautiful reddish colour that was almost glowing under the moonlight. Although it's fur was beautiful, the face was horrendously scarred and it had lost one of its eyes making it look scary. Its face was contorted into an ugly expression somewhat representing anger. Its eyes were locked onto the male and it was filled with rage.

- "You damn human, why do you care if I take that woman and let her become mine?!" The minotaur yelled with a deep voice at the muscular man.

- "Because I've sworn to protect her Highness, and since I'm a Knight it's my duty to fight even if It means my death. I would never allow you to touch her!" The muscular man had an angered look on his face as he yelled back with disgust at the minotaur.

- "Then you can just go DIE!" The minotaur lifted its sword high into the air and a while later it came crashing down toward the muscular man.

- "What should we do, what should we do?! We're going to die!" The woman almost went crazy because of the threat of death right in front of her eyes. Soon her eyes landed on her daughter, which stood at the same spot with an indifferent and relaxed look on her face.

- "Thalia my child, why do you have such an indifferent look in your eyes?!" The mother yelled while looking at her daughter with a pained expression plastered on her face. While she was almost going insane, her daughter stood with emitting an air of confidence. Thalia's different coloured eyes reflected the moonlight. Her blue eye was as calm as water, while her red eye, was burning with flames. Two complete opposites.

- "Because we're not going to die today." Thalia's face changed slightly into that of a mysterious smile. And that smile somehow managed to calm down her mother as it radiated an air of confidence.

- "ROAR!"

Right after Thalia's voice faded, an ear-piercing roar came from the afar. Suddenly the winds began blowing and almost out of nowhere a gigantic dragon landed between the muscular man and the minotaur with a loud 'boom'. It was even bigger than the minotaur and radiated an aura of death. It had red scales which almost made it seem like it was covered in blood. At the tip of its tail sat a giant spike which seemed to be able to pierce anything. It roared once more and spat out a coal-black flame which reeked of the aura of death.

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