《Evolution God》2: The First Battle


After Lucifer walked around for a bit, he got used to the terrain and the surroundings. Even though the world he was in was called The World Of Chaos, there really wasn't much about it that seemed to be chaotic. At least where he was located.

He began to familiarize himself with his new dragon body since this was his new life anyway. In the start, he barely walked around, since he wasn't used to having four legs, a pair of wings and a tail that was around three meters long.

After walking around for some time he came across a river, but the colour of the water was not bluish like your typical river water. It had a red hue to it and seemed to sparkle under the sun. It even had fish in it, but they were floating on top of the water, dead. Not the prettiest sight, and it was disturbing to look at so he hurriedly walked away and deeper into the jungle to explore, and find some beasts he would be able to kill.

After walking for a couple of hours a weird deer, with red antlers, red eyes and black skin with some reddish symbols and carvings ran in front of him a couple of hundred meters away. It looked like it had been fleeing from a battle with another animal as it was covered in wounds and scars.

- "Observation!" He almost yelled because he was excited to finally find a beast, that he most likely could kill and get a skill and XP helping him grow stronger.


[Name: None][Race: Demonic Deer (Young adult: 3/5)][Rank: Earth]

- HP: 121/500, MP: 64/250

- Total Battlepower (TB): 185/750

- Skills: Demonic Rush, Demon's Eye

- Unique Skills:

- Passive Skills: Demon's Healing,

[Race: Demonic Deer]

The Demonic Deer is known for its skill Demon's Healing, which will allow it to Heal through absorbing blood from a living organism. The Demonic Deer is usually a peaceful creature, but it has been recorded to attack other races and beasts stronger than itself.


'I might have a chance to kill it before it runs and absorbs blood to heal If I attack it now'. Lucifer silently stared at the deer. Even though the deer was weakened it was still stronger than him, so he had to be careful. The 'Demon's Healing' skill it had was something he would also need If he wished to survive in this place. It's got some bad luck since it met Lucifer today because he's not only going to kill it, but also steal its bloodline and its skills.


'Maybe I should try my dragon flame?' Lucifer silently walked a little closer, just in case his flame would miss by accident.

- "Sanguis Dragon Flame!"

Right, when he spat his flame at it, the deer's eyes turned void black, and it sprinted all it could in the direction he was in, with its antlers pointed at me, completely ignoring my dragon flame. As soon as its eyes turned black, he began to feel fear and pressure. It kept staring at him, while his flame came closer to hitting it for every step it took. The flame hit it, but It just ran straight through without a single new scratch and stared at him with its demonic black eyes. 'It must be it's skill Demon's Eye, that makes me feel fear and pressure'. Lucifer thought with a panicked look on his face.

- "Loton, how can I kill this deer??"

["Since the Demonic Deer is stronger than the Host, it is recommended to use the skill 'Expand' which will double the Host's TB and body mass for a short period of time."]

'How stupid can I be'. Lucifer silently shook his head. He just read through his skills some time ago, but already forgot that he had a skill that could help him in situations like these. 'I guess this shows that I'm not used to being in a battle, where life and death matters'.

- "Expand!" Lucifer roared, and the energy of nature around him began to get sucked into his body. His body began to expand in size, while more and more energy got into his body giving him a refreshing feeling. At last, It stopped at two times his original body size, which made him look really intimidating.


[Name: Lucifer]

- HP: 150/150, MP: 150/150 (↑2x)

- Total Battlepower (TB): 300/300 (↑2x)


["Warning, the Host can only maintain the expanded form, for the next 60 seconds, due to the skill putting too much stress on the body."]

'So I can't use it for a long period of time'. Feeling a little dejected hearing that, he focused on the Demonic Deer running towards him with its almost abyss like black eyes.


'I must not let it hurt me'. Lucifer prepared another round of his dragon flame.

- "Sanguis Dragon Flame!" He roared again, but this time with the boost he got from using his 'Expand' skill.

The blood-red flame flew toward the deer at an insane speed, twisting and turning while in the air, looking like it was a living organism. It lightened up the surroundings in red eerie light while roaring like a dragon.

The flame hit the Demonic Deer, but this time it actually did some damage. The deer was scorched like coal, just standing a dozen meters in front of him, staring with fear and confusion in its eyes.

- "Sanguis Dragon Flame!" He fired his dragon flame again, to kill it.

As soon as the deer saw the flame it turned around to flee, but it wasn't fast enough and got hit by the flame, completely burning up only leaving bones behind. Lucifer undid the skill 'Expand' as to not give his body too much stress. He deflated back to his normal size again. Then a cold mechanical voice inside his mind began speaking.

["Due to killing a Earth ranked Demonic Deer, the Host has been awarded 750 XP"]

["A dead organism has been spotted within the range to absorb, would the Host like to absorb it?"]


-"Yes, YES, I would like to absorb it!"

["Absorbing 'Race: Demonic Deer'."]

["Successfully absorbed 'Race: Demonic Deer' and obtained 10% of its bloodline and the 'Passive Skill: Demon's Healing'."]

'Great, now that I've killed it I got its skills and some of its bloodline. I even got so much XP for killing it!' Lucifer had an evil smile plastered on his face.

- "Status!"


[Name: Lucifer][Race: Demon Dragon (Baby: 1/5)][Rank: Earth]

- Titles:

- HP: 75/75, MP: 75/75

- Total Battlepower (TB): 150/150

- Skills: Expand, Sanguis Dragon Flame,

- Unique Skills: Absorb, Combine, Observation,

- Passive Skills: Fear, Demon's Healing⁽ᴺᴱᵂ⁾,

[Advancement Available]

[Evolution Unavailable]

[Passive Skill: Demon's Healing]

Due to normal healing skills not working on demons, one of the Demon King's modified the skill 'Nature's Healing', to absorb blood from the wounded and dead to heal, instead of absorbing nature's energy.


'I can even rank up now because I got so much XP from killing that deer'. He smiled happily.

- "Advance!"

[Advancement][Race: Demon Dragon][Rank: Earth][Current XP: 750] Baby (Current) Child (50 XP) (Available) Young Adult (500 XP) (Available) Adult (5,000 XP) Elder (50,000 XP)

- "Loton, advance me into a young adult Demon Dragon!"

["Is the Host sure he want to advance now? For the optimal result, while advancing, the Host will automatically shut down, losing all senses for the next 12 hours, due to the System modifying the Host's body."]

'Shit, so I've gotta find somewhere safe before I can advance'. He looked a little nervous. After looking around and double-checking that no beast was around, he began to look for somewhere isolated.

After some time walking around he spotted a cave at the bottom of a small mountain. He walked into the cave while being on high alert, in case some beast was the owner of this cave. Luckily nobody seemed to live here or own this cave, which was lucky for him. He laid down in a corner the farthest away from the entrance of the cave.

- "Loton, advance me into a young adult Demon Dragon!"

["Extra confirmation needed."]


- "Yes!"

After saying that Lucifer got sleepy, and began to silently fall asleep, and lose all his senses.

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