《Shonen Hero System》Teacher



I have accomplished the first mission. Which one it was? Probably the one about getting to know the heroine.

Murakami pushed the door open.

"I… I mean WE are going in!"

The girl shouted and entered the room. I followed right behind her.

It was bright inside. A normal teacher's room appeared in front of me. Chairs and desks were around. There was plenty of various papers, folders, notebooks, pens, and other stuff stuffed on them… Even a boiler and a cup.

Apart from all that stuff that you can find in any office, I also saw personal belongings of the teachers: photos, toys, and a picture made by a child depicting his parents...

Through the window, I could see the backyard of the school and the green bushes of the forest beyond it.

Murakami approached the desk that was standing in front of the window. A woman was resting her hands on that desk and sleeping.

She appeared to be in her twenties. Her face was beautiful and yet looked somewhat tired. Her hair was green and she wore it as a ponytail. It reminded me of a wire. A box of tomato juice was laying on the desk beside the woman.

Suddenly, Murakami grasped that box and made a sip from it. Her cheeks reddened. She whispered to me:

"It's whisky!"

Then she sipped again and added:

"Malt one!"

I nodded. Now that was interesting...

A schoolgirl turned out to be a sommelier.

And a teacher drank herself into a stupor.

Though, is it that surprising? I am not sure what can be considered normal in this world. A lot of crazy stuff happened to me today.

"Hey… Hey! Wake up."

Murakami tried to wake up the woman. She succeeded. The teacher opened her eyes.


"What do you want?.."

"Hello! We were assigned for the dormitory, the old one, I mean."

The woman frowned. She opened the drawer of her desk and started searching for something inside of it. At last, she found a pair of keys and placed them on the table. The keys made a loud noise. The woman winced because of it.

"Thank you," said Murakami, while taking the keys.

"So… Where should we go?"

I asked.


The woman pointed toward the window behind her back. I squinted and saw there a path leading into the forest.


Said Murakami, and we left the room.

Once we walked into the hallway, the girl said:

"By the way, that was our teacher.

"Wanna know how I know that?'

"There was a plate with her name on the desk: Nozomi.'

I answered in a dry voice.

"Oh, so you have noticed."

Said Murakami. Together we walked to the other end of the hallway. There was a cloakroom there.

The queue of people waiting to receive their uniforms has been reduced by half by that time. We waited for our turn and said our names to the woman who had been distributing clothes.

No... Rather than that, Murakami said her name and then added:

"And Kiryu, right?"

For some reason, she looked at me anxiously at that moment.

I was about to correct her, but the old woman had already left. In a few minutes, she came back with two bags in her hands. One of them was signed: 'Kiryu Reed'.

Feeling a bit confused, I said:

"Yeah… Something like that."

Then I shook my head.


I have never bothered to correct people who mispronounce my name. Probably a psychiatrist could make something out of my character by knowing that.


Murakami smiled.

Then we walked out of the building to the courtyard. Other children were leaving their classrooms at that time. We managed to be just in time to avoid getting squashed by a crowd.

"Lucky us," said Murakami. She told me something about getting her bike and left.

I was left standing on the stairs of the school.

Other children were passing me by. They were leaving.

There were no more classes today. Instead of that, different clubs of the school will start drafting new members around noon.


My gaze shifted to the sky.

So… What should I do?

Obviously, I wanted to get back to my world. But how exactly can I do that?

Well, I guess the first step is to avoid getting killed by the magazine… I need to get some footing in this world. And to do that, I have no choice but to play the crazy game described by the clown.

I was the main character and that girl, Murakami, was the heroine… A character with the potential to become a heroine, I mean…

I guess I should think about some stuff that we ought to do together. I need to come up with a story suitable for the rom-com genre…


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