《Villain To Be》Villain To Be: Chapter 6


Villain To Be: Chapter 6

Have any of you played an otome game? It’s a game where you, as a heroine, gets surrounded with plenty of hot, tender, juicy… *ahem*… well, you get to choose among pretty boys or if you know how to play well, you could get a harem ending where you can catch ‘em all ya’ know! While this kind of setting is very attractive to young romantics… can be played by either male or female, yeah… the game simply won’t sell without what you call the element of “challenge”.

Well heck if you only get a sure ‘victory’, or ‘happy endings’ then it won’t be a game anymore now would it? It is a game because you can ‘lose’. This ‘losing’ is technically called a ‘Bad End’, ‘You Failed’, or ‘Game Over’… or in some rather hard core otome games… ‘You Died!’.

Nobody wants to lose. But if you cannot lose, then there will be no ‘challenge’ therefore, you have to lose and to bring upon you the ‘challenge’ a hurdle must be made!

Okay, long story short, you need the villain for goodness sake. And that villain needs to be your hurdle in order to strengthen your urge to compete for the Pretty boys… in other words, without villains, ‘no challenge’, which means ‘no game’, no game means ‘no sales’… which further means that the developer gets bankrupt!

Hmm… that kinda sounds confusing and yes, I am currently just blabbering nonsensically simply because I just broke…

… The vases across the room also broke…

I’ve dragged the heavy carpet off the floor… well, I tried to but it only ended up a bit disarrayed because it was too heavy for me to flip over.

The paintings were also thrown like Frisbee, thankfully only two got destroyed… that’s ‘cause I punched through them.


Right after Granpa proclaimed my shameful failure there was an awkward minute of silence between us. During that time, I am guessing as to why should this perverted shota of a grandpa had to personally come and throw the bloody shit pie to the fan but seeing that he’s somehow looking at me expectantly, I got pissed.

I have plenty of ideas as to what he’s motives are but before that, I had to process my current emotions into a more logical one. I have read it before… and I think I am feeling the exact things now…



Denial and Isolation

Emilia: “THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! I-I-I-I’m sure there’s a mistake somewhere! You’re just pulling my leg there ‘aint ya’ eh, Granpa?”



Emilia: “You stupid vase! It’s because you’re so pointlessly shinny that’s why I got bad luck!

Damn you stupid piece of rug, watch me peel you off the bloody floor!


Stop looking at me you stupid painting of a monkey! Dare to mock me eh? YA THINK IT’S SO DAMN FUNNY?!

Well damn I’m so hilarious!”





Emilia: “Granpa! You should help me! You can do something about it can’t you? I’ll do anything you want! ANYTHING!”


Emilia: “No, never mind… I failed the test, it was me, my fault… no need to drag anyone else down the mud!

Ah God, if I have another chance at life, you might as well turn me into a potato… that’s right! A potato has more use than this sorry excuse of a villain!

No… Just turn me into a rock! Maybe then, I’ll be of use!”


Emilia: “Okay, well… sorry for making you go all the way here Granpa but I have to ask you to leave because I think it will get a bit messy when my parents get a hold of the result. That, I wouldn’t want you to see…”

Reigner: “But actually-“

Emilia: “It’s alright, I’ll tell them myself. I know they’ll be heartbroken… I mean, father was… he was secretly planning for a surprise party for me, and mother… was secretly buying me new underwear for when I had to live in the dorms. But I guess they’ll have to delay those for now.”

Reigner: “Emilia, I’m actually here-“

Emilia: “Ah, yes, and I’m very thankful for your presence. It’s because I have you here that I was able to come in terms with my depression faster.


I called the servants to clean up after me seeing as though a hurricane passed through the house. I also had them escort Granpa to the gates as I handed him a couple of pastries to bring home.

Waving at him while still a bit slumped, I tried to give him a smile of assurance but perhaps it appeared stiff because his expression became a bit conflicted. Nevertheless, he walked forward as his body guards meet him halfway. Just when he is about ten feet from me, he turned back. Looks like he has set his mind on to something as he said:

Reigner: “Actually, I wanted to offer you another way to enroll to the academy but I guess you’re still confused with everything so I’ll visit you again some other time, okay?”

He said that all in one breath, probably afraid that somehow someone or something would cut him to his words again. When he saw me widen my eyes, he gave a chuckle before hastily walking towards his waiting carriage.

I gawked at the carriage as it started to move forward for a while and then I shrugged. I wasn’t actually surprised at his offer, no. Rather I am more surprised that he insisted on it after my subtle rejections.


True, he is more than capable of getting me enrolled in the academy. After all he is the King of all Merchants, owner of most of the thriving business here and abroad (lol), and for all of those who don’t know, running a school is one damn profitable business. Catch my drift? No?

Well, here’s another hint… he controls all of the merchants as well as their merchandise and these merchandises are not limited to just wheat and flour, Illegal weapons, drugs, slaves, anything and everything… that includes information or in this case, education.

Not many knows of this but if you just stop and think about it, it really makes sense that Granpa, that one, is the living founder and the true owner of the Central Earth Academy. Probably due to the inherent prejudice of the people against him and his notoriety that’s why they fail to see a connection between him and a ‘fair and just’ institution. You know, if you would tell me that he owns an orphanage or something, I won’t even bat an eye and will just think “okay”.

Hmm… should I consider his offer you ask? If it’s just me then I would flat out reject it but I’ll have to consult this with my parents and I’m afraid that they would gamble on his offer just to get me enrolled. Well, that would be a bit depressing… because the one who messed up is me, but the one who would suffer the most are my beloved parents. Ah, those loving and cute idiot of a couple deserves better…


Oh, are you wondering why would I reject Granpa’s offer eh? Well, let’s just forget about that carefree, dandy, and seemingly harmless shota of a granpa and focus on some facts.

That’s right, he’s a merchant. Merchants value fairness and equity which is good and all because if they get to owe you then they are sure to repay… as surely as they collect the debt due to them. They also value contracts since their profession is built out of trust.

But what they value the most is profit. Because they aint’ running their butts off for charity ya know?

I walked towards my room to change to a new set of clothes. I got filthy after rampaging before, also a bit hungry so I asked a maid to prepare a snack for me. I specifically ordered her to make it extra sweet, preferably chocolate, because I feel like my sugar level was greatly reduced. I wonder what time is it now.

Ah… continuing with the topic about Granpa…

So… just think. Granpa don’t owe me anything, and we are not in any form of contract that can lead him to offer me this opportunity. Therefore I can only conclude two things… one is that he is giving me this offer on a whim, free of charge I hope… or two, it can be a form of sale or loan, the payment of which I don’t know. The former would be good but the latter… is too intimidating. Had it been someone else who offered then I won’t be this negative about the whole thing but we’re talking about Granpa here…

Don’t judge us as close friends just because I can call him nicknames and he calls me with my first name… let me tell you one more good secret to ponder on…

Reigner “Black” Eternia, the King of all Merchants, living founder and the true owner of the Central Earth Academy… is currently housing a great calamity within his territories.

Just below the mentioned academy lies what the game has termed ‘Pandora’s Box’, this very thing powers the whole academy and also the very thing that would soon plunge the world into complete chaos and darkness.

… I’ve said so before, he is D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S. and ladies and gentlemen, I aint brave enough to owe this kind of being a favor… the mere thought…. *shivers*

I sip the tea as I relax by my terrace.


???: “Was the tea not to your liking my lady?”

Emilia: “Ah, no Marie, it’s just that I was preoccupied with my thoughts. The teas you brew are always delicious so you don’t have to worry that I won’t like it.”

Marie: “That’s a relief, my Lady. I thank you for the compliments.”

Emilia: “Jeez you’re welcome… so, how’s your relative’s marriage?”

Marie: “It went well, in fact the tea and pastries are from them.”

Emilia: “Oh?” I chowed down the last brownies and licked at my fingers. “Then, it’s only fair to give them a return gift, no?”

At my words, my Nanny Marie chuckled at first then it evolved into an uncontrollable laughter… I waited for her to finish.

Marie: “Really foolish spoiled brat! They are more than willing to gift you your last snack! After all tomorrow people everywhere would be gossiping, and you know what they would say? ‘The little lady of the house of Fireheart was too devastated after learning that she did not pass the qualifying exam so she committed suicide by putting poison on her favorite tea and snack. She had departed the world while contentedly smiling’! Hahahahahaha!”

Again… I waited for her to finished laughing and I can’t help myself smile. Ah, my cute Nanny…

… only after a couple of minutes did she finally notice…


Ah… I really liked her ya’ know? But of all fuckin’ days, she just had to act up today…

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