《SUPREME MARTIAL SYSTEM》Chapter 5: The Auction starts


By the time both Zhihao and Ning'er entered the screen covered room, A sound came from the stage was heard, the auctioneer walked in the center of the stage as an amiable voice was heard coming from him, the old man looked like someone in his late 60's,

The old man entered the stage as he spoke: "I know that everyone's been waiting for hours already, now then, without further delays, we will now start the auction!"

The old man is the Auctioneer of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, his name is Lu Dong, but everyone calls him Auctioneer Lu. Auctioneer Lu then continued.

"The first item would be from a guest from another county, its a very good item, I would've preferred it to be placed last, but sadly the guest said that he wished for it to be auctioned first, the first item is this pill bottle with Spiritual Energy Cultivation pill, as everyone had heard, this pill can already be called a treasure in this small county of ours, this bottle has 8pieces of pill left, as such the first bidding price would be 10gold with 1gold per increment. now let us begin"

The people below couldn't afford it, they shook their head as they looked at the private lounges, and with a boom, the room was suddenly filled with shouts.

Room # 1: 15gold!

Room # 2: 16gold!

Room # 1: 20gold!

Room # 6: 25gold! ....


When Ning'er heard it, she stared at Zhihao, thinking that the Pill is becoming extremely expensive, although she had brought money with her, it wouldn't be enough as she only had less than 150 gold coins.

"Hao'er, we can just forget about the Pills, I'm a genius with cultivation, I don't need such a thing, my Father didn't give me enough money, we can just have fun watching the auction, maybe we can find a better item to spend our money on, we should just wait for the next items, so ..."

Within a short minute, Ning'er already spoke about two thousand words, trying to convince Zhihao in passing the bidding.

Zhihao laughed as he looked at Ning'er in a loving manner and nodded.

Seeing Zhihao's nod, Ning'er sighed in relief as she smiled at him and sat closer.


Zhihao smiled as he shouted.

"100 GOLD!"

The people in both public and private lounge got scared witless, the bid was only at 52gold but it suddenly increased by more than a 100%! this is definitely a young master that they can't afford to offend, as such, they already gave up the thought of bidding, they can't bid more anyways.

Auctioneer Lu was shocked at first, but returning to reality, he looked at the VIP Lounge as he nodded his head, immediately calming down, his salary for a whole month was only worth 480 silvers, and this Young Master had just splurged a large amount of 100 gold coins instantly, with that he sighed as he continued.

"Anyone else? going once? going twice?" Waiting for a few seconds, Auctioneer Lu smiled as he continued.


When Shen Rong heard that, he went into daze as he pondered for a bit, he only has 200 gold coins left from his monthly allowance, and he had just received it from his Father the other day, he knew if he fought a bidding war with that guy, it would definitely be a big mess, especially if he won, he gritted his teeth and readied to bid for the other things.

Auctioneer Lu hurried up as he let his Assistant pack the pill up and let it be delivered to the VIP Lounge.

After a while, the Assistant arrived as she handed the Pill to Ning'er and bit her farewell.

When Ning'er received the pill she looked at Zhihao, since their county is far from Region Lords, and imperial cities they hardly get things like these Pills, most of the times, they can only cultivate properly and absorb the Spiritual Energy from the ground. without any decent Alchemist in their counties, they can't acquire cultivation pills, only great lands such as Region Lords, and Imperial Kingdoms have at least a grade 9 alchemist and grade 9 weapon craftsman.

Zhihao smiled at Ning'er as he spoke: "You can keep it now, It is my Betrothal gift to you."

Hearing Zhihao's words, Ning'er blushed as she nodded her head, she then went back to a seat near Zhihao as she spoke.


"Thank you."

Zhihao glanced at her as he sighed and asked: "Why are you thanking me? It is my duty as your future half to give you comfort, don't worry about the little details, you should give me a kiss instead, hahaha"

Ning'er giggled as she looked at Zhihao and scolded : "Although we're both 14years old you should focus more in cultivation, also top with the thinking that you could get everything with money and charms, you need to put effort into everything even wooing me as your wife, we've just met today so I'm expecting some serious wooing especially since I would be your other half to be, now continue with the auction and think things through again. Hmmp!"

Although Ning'er said that, she knew that he's only joking, trying to tease him further, she giggled again as she sat next to Zhihao, now a little closer, Ning'er felt warm as sat near Zhihao, if she can't reject Marriage, she could at least learn what her future husband would be like, although she didn't know if Zhihao is showing his real personality, she felt an inkling of accepting Zhihao as her husband.

She wouldn't even be able to reject anyway, and since 14 is the right age for Marriage, she would be thrown into another Marriage by his Father, and it might be to a very worst Young Master at that.

Looking at Zhihao, she felt that he's really not bad, better even, out of all the people she had talked to before, she can only feel that she's safer with him.

Zhihao sighed and made an expression of Serendipity, thinking that his past life, He couldn't even afford a food three times a day, but now he is rich, and will also be having a wife in the next day.

Zhihao thought 'I`m having a good Wife, at least she's not some random person that hides her personality.'

Zhihao looked at Ning'er as he nodded and replied: "Yes, my Lady"

Zhihao felt that this woman is good wife material, at least to his knowledge, she didn't hide anything and spoke everything aloud in front of him. Zhihao smiled as he said in his mind.

'I`ll treat her to the best of my abilities, protect her from any hard that will come to us, even if it costs my life.'

The two of them became closer, the kind of feeling that the two of them had known each other for a very long time.

The Auction continued as Auctioneer Lu spoke.

"The second item is just a minor item that we found particularly loitering within the forest, we don't have any uses for it as it has never been verified and with just a single glance we already find it useless for cultivators, but if you use it on a normal person, that person might become a Cultivator, bid for it to have someone close to you become one, although cultivators consider it as garbage, normal mortals can see it as their treasure."

A random guy suddenly said: "Auctioneer Lu why even bother to auction it then, hahaha its just gonna be a waste of our time with that hurry up"

Auctioneer Lu sighed as he already expected such a thing to happen, he nodded as he replied.

"Alright, alright, now this is the item we called it Rotten Wood, there is a tiny bit of Spiritual Energy inside it, though it's really tiny we all thought that it can at least help a normal person to become a Cultivator with a slim chance."

Auctioneer Lu waved his hand as his assistant nodded and brought out a rotten looking wood.

Suddenly in Zhihao's mind, there was a notification again. and it was different from before as it buzzed two times! one more than from before.

*Ding! Ding!*

=Host has discovered a Magic rated treasure 'Sealed State' Dark willow sacred branch, once it has been unsealed the grade will increase into Epic Rarity. This type of treasure can help a cultivator to improve his cultivation 5 times with half the effort, this type of item can be concocted into a pill to improve its effect into 6 times the cultivation yield with half the effort.

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