《SUPREME MARTIAL SYSTEM》Chapter 4: Supreme Martial System


As Zhihao accepted the Interspatial Ring there was a sound that came inside his head as a voice of a man followed.


=Host has acquired a rare Treasure 'Gold Interspatial Ring'

-This item can store things within a space of 40 cubic meters.

Zhihao became shocked and flustered as he tried to prevent himself from screaming, in his thought, he repeatedly chanted.

'I shouldn't scream! I shouldn't scream! I shouldn't scream!'

After a while, Zhihao finally calmed down as he looked at his mother as he smiled and replied: "Thank you Mother, I should be going now." Zhihao stopped as he looked at his Father and the other two and continued.

"Father, Father-in-law, and Mother-in-law I`ll see you all later."

Zhihao bowed as he walked out.

Wentian and Ru Feng felt a sharp gaze directed to them telling them to just nod and shut the fudges up! the both of them could only sigh as they nodded.

Seeing their wife focused on Zhihao and Ning'er, the both of them looked at each other as they silently tried to walk out of the Grand Hall.

Ruo Lin gave a few words before saying goodbye to her Daughter.

"Ning'er, don't cause trouble for your fiance, behave like a well-mannered woman."

Ning'er sighed as she nodded and answered: "Yes Mother,"

Ning'er stood beside Zhihao as they both walked out of the grand hall.

Zhihao kept a gentlemanly expression as he goes out with a little-dazed expression, thinking of what he had just seen earlier.

Ning'er took a peak of Zhihao's face as she blushed a little and giggled.

Waking Zhihao from his dazed state, Zhihao gazed at Ning'er and thought: 'what a beautiful lady, is she really my fiance? though my current appearance is that of a drop-dead handsome guy, or what I can say as a 'boy toy', she is definitely a beauty'

Looking at Ning'er from head to toe, Zhihao commented in his thought.

'Well, A little more chest would be great too.'

Then suddenly something strange happened as Zhihao looked at Ning'er.

Ning'er relaxed her expression from a noble lady into a carefree expression and spoke: "Hey! why are you staring at me from my head to toe? Are you scanning me or something?"

But Zhihao kept staring at her in a daze, but that was not because he was astounded by Ning'er's beauty, but instead was because of what he is seeing in front of his eyes.


=Showing host's current status.

Host's current status :

Name: Zhong Zhihao

Age: 14 Years Old

Host's Level: 5 (95/840)

Cultivation Level: Final Foundation Lower Stage

Cultivation Technique: Nil

Cultivation Skills: Nil

Physical Powers: Extremely Low

Spiritual Powers: Extremely Low

Other powers: None existent

Specific for hosts: This system is given to people that died without fulfilling their dreams, only the people that haven't harmed or we're good is given the chance in acquiring the system.

Due to Hosts' lack of common-sense, the system made a decision that it should explain everything once asked.

The Supreme Martial system is a guide and also a great way to help the host establish your own as a powerful individual and those around you in this world. the Physical power is an additional benefit for the Host's body to become more powerful, it will be increased based on the Host's current level.

Services provided :

Pill concoction

Treasure Appraiser

Weapons crafting

Bonus benefits

Leveling/Cultivating Helper.

Zhihao became excited as he thought inside his head: 'isn't this some sort of cheat? then if I have the System, and also cultivation power, would I be stronger than an Average cultivator?'


Another notification popped up.


=You will be stronger, much stronger than them.

Hearing the System's reply, Zhihao smiled as he started to envision some great dreams.

As Zhihao sunk into his own dreams and fantasy, a lovely voice woke him up from his daze, Zhihao then looked at where it was coming as he saw the one he's accompanying, it was Ning'er's voice.

Ning'er pouted as she stomped her feet on the ground and spoke.

"HEY!! IM CALLING YOU! What have you been staring at me like that for? It is okay if it is a casual glance, but if you continue that for 10 minutes, it becomes really weird."

Zhihao laughed and shook his head, isn't this a completely different change? A 180-degree turn from her previous personality?

Zhihao smiled as he chuckled and replied: "Ahh I was just too shock due to the sudden changes in your personality, don't worry." Pausing for a bit, Zhihao then continued.

"Should I tour you around town or head back?"

Ning'er seeing Zhihao's smiled blushed as she looked at Zhihao and nodded, she's still not buying Zhihao's explanation, so she just casually ignored it

"Just tour me around the town, if we go back now, my mom will scold me a lot." She giggled due to Zhihao reply after some thought, He wasn't bothered that much with her showing her true personality.

Zhihao nodded as he answered: "Alright, let's go."

The duo kept walking in the town, Zhihao strolled her towards the Marketplace, a Restaurant, some park with a good scenery, all sorts of places where the previous owner of his body had liked, after a while, the night is starting to show up as they decided to eat something, walking back towards the Restaurant to have something to eat, they heard some people talking.

"Hey, there is an auction happening today in the Heavenly Treasure pavilion, and there is a cultivation pill that will help anyone from Foundation Establishment to break into the Elementary Realm lower stage, that's just great but I think it will be too expensive for us normal people."

Another one replied: "Of course, if it isn't expensive why would they sell it in an auction, and it is the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion at that!"

"Yep, the greatest Auctioning house around our area."

When Zhihao heard it he looked at Ning'er as he asked: "My fiance, I think I have enough money to purchase that Pill for you, if I remember correctly, you are in the Foundation Establishment Realm peak right? It can help you to directly break through to Elemental Realm lower stage.

Zhihao scratched his head as he doesn't know how Ning'er would react. Zhihao sighed as he thought inside his head.

'Having a wife, I need to reconsider everything, Maybe it will also help me in the future, since she'll be my wife, and with her powering up, I have a lesser problem to deal with in the future.'

Ning'er looked at Zhihao as she replied: "I Actually have my own money, I can just bid at it on my own."

Zhihao thought for a bit as he replied in a manly manner.

"It is a Husband's duty to buy his Wife's needs, don't worry about it, although the money didn't come from my own hard work, everything I own will be shared by the two of us."

Hearing these words, The tomboyish Ning'er blushed, not knowing what to reply, she just bowed as she nodded her head and replied.

"Then, I`ll thank you in advance... my soon to be Husband."


Zhihao smiled as he nodded and walked towards the Heavenly Treasured Pavilion, Ning'er walked together beside Zhihao, now a little closer, with her face still blushing as red as a tomato.

Ning'er thought that the fiance her Father and Mother had given her is just a good-looking rich kid, but she started to accept her in her heart.

In this World, the right time for Marriage is when they are 13 or above, that is for rich Clans, while the not so blessed family made it for Young Males to be married at the age of 18 and a female the same as the latter, 13 and above.

If you have Money, you can marry at the age of 13 and above, but for those that are less blessed by the heavens, they first needed to earn some money to keep a family stable.

As soon as both of them entered the Heavenly Treasured Pavilion, a notification popped up in his head.


=Host has entered an area with a defensive formation. this formation is weak and is only meant to deal with Nascent Sprite Realm and below.'

Zhihao pondered and then the thought of 'so it is an anti-theft formation, well it is good if it's like this.'

As they went further in, a voice entered their ears, it was from the Clerk standing in the front desk.

The Clerk smiled as she spoke: "Dear customers, which room would you like to be into? we got the public stand for the auction which costs 10 silvers, and a private lounge that costs 5 gold. we only have 10 spaces left for the private lounge, so Young Master which room would you like to have entry to?"

Zhihao searched through his memory, he then smiled as he got an idea out of it. he found out that there are 5 spaces where VIP's can enter at a costly price.

Zhihao smiled at the clerk as he spoke: "I`d like the VIP Lounge with my wife, it would be too bothersome for people to notice my beautiful while we're in the auction."

Hearing Zhihao's words, Ning'er blushed further as she looked at the ground.

Zhihao smiled as he handed 50 gold coins to the clerk.

The Clerk was dumbfounded, such a young youth can afford the VIP Lounge and what's more shocking, they actually knew there was one! the clerk gave a seductive smile as she received the money from Zhihao, not forgetting to touch his hands a little, knowing that she can live the rest of her life in wealth if she could manage to be at the very least become a mistress ,the clerk didn't hesitate to approach in a professionally seductive manner.

Ning'er caught sight of it and checked Zhihao's reaction, but Zhihao didn't have any reaction nor felt anything. Ning'er just ignored it and let it pass by.

'Are you a very loyal guy or just dense when it comes to these sort of things?'

Ning'er then looked at the Clerk as she didn't forget to leave a threatening stare, but out of nowhere, the both of them received a sound transmission, it was from both of their Mothers.

Ruo Mei and Ruo Lin spoke to Zhihao and Ning'er separately: "We've decided that the wedding would be on the day after tomorrow, so be prepared, and as such, enjoy yourselves for today, no need to come back until late night, just don't get too much trouble with strangers."

Ning'er & Zhihao both replied to each of their Mother: "Yes Mother/Mom"

After finishing the conversation with their Mothers, Zhihao told the Clerk to bring them to the room.

But suddenly a group of people came in as the one leading the group spoke to the Clerk.

"I`d like to take all the VIP Lounge in your pavilion for this auction, take the money"

Just after speaking, the man threw a bag full of golds like garbage to the clerk and suddenly walked forward.

He then stopped as he saw Ning'er, he was bewildered and shocked, this woman is definitely someone that can topple cities and start a war for countries just to get her, although her figure isn't perfect yet, it would be enough once she grew up.

He then spoke: "Hey beautiful, you should come with me and leave that boy toy alone, this man can give you wealth and cultivation resources, until we both aged old and die. i`ll even take your boy toy as my servant if you like, this Young Master Shen Rong of the great Shen Clan of the Nether Void County can take care of that, come with me to the VIP lounge. HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Ning'er frowned not liking what she had just heard, these type of people are what she despised the most.

"Young master Shen, I think you misunderstood something here, and you can't really buy all the VIP lounges since we've already paid for one. now if you`d please my husband and I need to go to our room, Miss, lead us please."

The Clerk suddenly thought that getting between them is gonna be bad, so she just silently stood there, nervously seeing things, if she offended one of them, her fate would definitely be one of the ruined. so she decided to speak.

"Young Masters, Young Miss, I would like to go but I'm too afraid of offending either one of you three, please, I beg for mercy, I need to call our manager to discuss this with you guys" The Clerk immediately returned the bag of golds to Shen Rong as she ran to the back of the room.

Ning'er frowned again as she looked at Shen Rong and said: "Young Master Shen, I am the Young Miss of the Ling Clan from White Sky County, and this is my husband Young Master Zhong from this Black Wind County."

Shen Rong hearing Ning'er's words frowned thinking in himself.

'Tsk, just my day, I need to be careful with the both of them, If I am in the Shen Clan's territory, I can do whatever I want, but...'

Shen Rong then looked at the Both of them as he replied.

"Oh so it's both the Young Miss and Young Master of two great Clans, hahaha, well I`ll leave the both of you guys alone, but I`ll surely visit you both sooner or later... hahaha"

Zhihao got enraged at what Shen Rong as he spoke.

"Just be sure to have a lot of balls when you come back, I`ll wait for it."

Shen Rong gave a snort and walked towards the VIP lounge not waiting for the clerk to return,

When the Clerk finally returned, she was together with the Manager. the Manager was a fat old man in his late 50's, he walked towards them as he talked, explaining that he would do everything to fix the situation as he led the both of them to the VIP lounge.

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