《Empyrean Blade Kira》Chapter 23 - Departure from Khukuri
A few minutes prior, in another area of the slum district.
Tetsuya and the tall, purple-cloaked man faced each other from across the rooftops. The tall man's cloak was scorched in places and his hood had come off at some point in the fight, revealing an aged face that showed similar burn marks. Tetsuya, on the other hand, had even more holes in his ragged cloak than patches and his hands were trembling. He was also consciously shifting his weight off his right leg which seemed to have gone limp. Both men were panting heavily. Around them, multiple buildings showed signs of destruction including blackened walls and corners missing from the flat, square, clay roofs.
Flapping its wings at the tall man’s side was a crystalline owl with a swirling, blue eye. His Sprit Projection, the Abyss-Eyed Owl, with its seemingly-ethereal body, was tinted darker by the spattering of blood on it.
Meanwhile, in Tetsuya’s hand was a strangely-shaped, blue object that seemed to be made of a similarly ethereal energy. Only, instead of an owl, or any animal for that matter, what he held was a massive smoking pipe, reaching his height in terms of length.
Compared to his usual pipe, apart from the size, the decorations were far more ornate, as if it came from one of the Twin Empire's Royal Treasury. The fittings were skilfully moulded into the shapes of twisting dragons, serpents and depictions of fierce battles between men and mythical beasts. Near its wide opening was embedded a blue spherical jewel that shared a similar lustre to the Abyss-Eyed Owl's eye.
"That owl of yours is really annoying. If it wasn't for that unfair move, I would've turned you to dust long ago."
"Your Projection is similarly impressive. But I'd assumed there was no more need to talk."
"You're right, there isn't. You've already lost."
From the moment Tetsuya first spoke, he'd forcibly been slowing his breathing so that now, he been able to, unnoticeably, take an immensely deep breath which he blew into his Projected pipe. Of course, this was no ordinary breath, as a flash of gold crossed Tetsuya's eyes. As the air travelled down the length of the pipe, the ornate fittings squirmed as if life itself was being breathed into them and they actually broke free of their positions, glowing brightly as their colour changed from blue to gold before following the path of air towards the end of the pipe.
Slicing winds rose around Tetsuya as a dense pillar of blue smoke blasted out of the end of the pipe and into the sky where it formed a massive cloud, blotting out the sun. The animated fittings which had raced to the end of the pipe plunged into the smoke, disappearing into its depths. Within moments, the billowing smoke suddenly convulsed before that massive cloud split off into several great clouds, each of which glowed from the inside with a golden light. As if shaped by a master sculptor, those clouds became less and less shapeless as they took the forms of the fittings which had been on the pipe. Majestic dragons and beasts filled the sky, letting out loud roars and cries, accompanied by warriors in resplendent armour bearing weapons that seemed to pierce the very air, their previously smoky forms becoming more and more solid. Although not as solid as the pipe from whence they came, they were well-defined and the golden objects glowed brightly from where their hearts might've been.
"Seeing as we're here, let me tell you a story..."
You couldn't blame the tall man for not reacting immediately in this moment. Previously in their fight, the only Skills Tetsuya had showed were using his normal pipe and, even after releasing his Spirit Projection, had only used it as a normal, albeit highly resilient, weapon that was able to defend against his multitude of control Skills. While he'd thought that their energy was being consumed at a similar rate, in truth, his losses were greater than Tetsuya's. Even with the Abyss-Eyed Owl's Abyssal Devouring ability, he'd only managed to gain a minimal amount of energy as Tetsuya focused on physical attacks.
"There once was a travelling bard who'd roamed about the Bladeworks Continent. Wherever there was some important happening, he'd always find a way to be there..."
As Tetsuya spoke, his manifested creations moved in to attack the tall man, starting with the human warriors. Those riding ghostly horses quickly arranged temselves in formation before charging through the air, giving off an almost tangible pressure.
"Fom the birth of someone who would become a great hero to clashes against beasts and creatures of legend, he would be there to witness it all. He would personally experience all of these happenings and tell them in the form of song and ballad to those he met as he wandered between places where these events would occur..."
While Tetsuya continued with his story, the tall man was fighting for his life. Close-combat wasn't his speciality, yet he had to swing his staff like a club to try and fend off the mounted assault. Even with his Projection Skill, Abyssal Devouring, to provide him some respite, it was extremely difficult for him to hold on. Any Soul Energy he absorbed was used almost instantly to fend off an attack from another direction.
"Word of the bard spread across the continent and some lauded him as a seer. How else could they explain how he always was always at the right place at the right time? Because of this, some people seeking adventure and glory tried to follow him but he would always disappear in the dead of night, without leaving a trace..."
Just as the tall man managed to defeat all the human creations, the mythical beasts, both flying and land-based charged at him, fangs and talons bared. Some of the flying beasts had four wings that could send out slicing winds from a distance and amongst the grounded beasts were twin-headed ones whose saliva corroded whatever it touched.
"And so it was that the legend of the bard was passed on for generations, the legend gaining new life everytime someone matching his appearance showed up at a great event or in taverns and inns. Although his appearance and clothing were different each time, sometimes even being a female, one thing remained the same. He was always seen carrying a pipe which he would smoke as he told his stories of epic battles and legendary weapons, before once more vanishing by morning..."
The tall man was bloodied and his clothes showing gaping holes, his skin melted away in places. Not only that but he was almost at the end of his stamina when he finally looked up, only to see a flock of dragons flying towards him, their dominating auras alone threatening to crush him as they roared.
"Even though it was impossible for the same person to have lived for so many hundreds of years, the fact that there were still sightings of him led to people give him a title that would stick around for hundreds more, the Bard of Ages..."
The Abyss-Eyed Owl flew in front of the tall man, its Abyssal Devouring absorbing a stream of smoky blue flame that came from the maw of one of the dragons while the tall man had raised his Aqua Barrier to try and defend from the stream of flame coming from another side.
"'What was the point of that story?' you might ask. Here it is. My Soul Spirit is a particularly rare one. The same one that all the Bards of Ages have shared throughout time. At any point, there can only be one Bard of Ages and he or she will bear the Spirit known as the Bard of Ages' Pipe. With this Spirit, the bearer will inherit the Unique Skill only learnable by being a Spiritual descendant. This Skill's name is..."
The tall man was no longer able to resist the flames and he screamed as his barrier collapsed around him, leaving him open to the full and devastating heat of the smoky-blue dragonfire.
"Chorus of the Ages."
Both Kira and Hideyoshi couldn't remain still and sprinted towards where they'd left their guardians to fight, Kira slightly behind as she'd quickly grabbed up her dragon-motif sword before leaving. Quickly navigating the narrow streets, she nearly ran into Hideyoshi who'd stopped running and just stood there, frozen.
Keeping her distance from him and her sword drawn, Kira peered past him and the scene before her made her sharply draw breath.
A lone figure stood on a rooftop holding a long blue object while massive, semi-ethereal, blue dragons circled above him. Ahead of him, the results of the fight were much more obvious. The buildings that still stood looked as if they'd been attacked by catapults, the gaping holes large enough to walk through. However, those were the ones that were better off. The destruction was focused on a circular area about 15 metres in diameter which was as black as pitch, the buildings themselves having been burned to ash. There was no sign of any other people around.
The lone figure turned towards Kira and, seeing two figures standing there, kicked off the roof and appeared before her in seconds, ready to attack.
With his Master nowhere in sight, likely dead, and this fearsome figure with a smoky blue dragon following close behind him, Hideyoshi turned and fled, tears streaming down his face.
"Uncle, stop!"
Hearing Kira's shout, the intense expression slowly faded from Tetsuya's face, the blue shadow that had been clouding his eyes similarly dissipating. The dragon with the glowing gold heart which had accompanied him also lost its aggression.
"Oh, hey kid..."
Was all he could manage before he collapsed on top of her, the glowing blue object in his hand splitting into shining strands of blue light that streamed into his chest. Despite looking as if he'd come from a warzone, which certainly appeared to be the case judging by the state of the area, Tetsuya's breathing was even as Kira carried him out of the district.
Days passed, during which the Khukuri Royal Guard was investigating the disturbance which had taken place in one of their poorer districts. Their first impression was that a large-scale battle between two of the city's cultivation schools had taken place, although, miraculously, no one was hurt.
On questioning the residents, they discovered that the a tall man and boy had warned them to evacuate for the day. While usually a stubborn lot, there was something about the pair that they just couldn't ignore and grudgingly accepted along with a few coins that they didnt mention. All of them were glad of their decision when they saw the damage.
One thing that the Royal Guard couldn't make sense of was that the residents hadn't seen anyone else enter, save for a very ragged-looking man accompanied by a young girl in black training clothes.
When they took this report to the city's King, he remained silent for a long time before speaking.
"Find out where that ragged man is staying. I wish to make a personal visit. You are dismissed."
"Aye, my liege."
The Guard Captain didn't question why the King would personally want to visit such a person. Questioning the King wasn't in his job description. That was better left to his advisors. He quietly left the throne room.
'First the death of the Metal Dragoness and now this. It can only be him.'
The day before Tetsuya woke up there was a knock at the door at the room where Kira and he were staying. Kira, who was quietly cultivating her Soul Energy while sitting on her bed, let out a deep breath before slowly opening her eyes. Lifting her dragon-motif sword with her left hand, she silently broke the seal with her thumb as she slowly opened the door. When she saw a bearded man in hooded, brown cloak, she immediately leapt back while drawing her sword.
"I didn't think they'd send someone so soon."
The bearded man was startled twice over. Firstly, knowledge of his visit was only known to a select few and, secondly, because a very young girl was pointing a seemingly-real sword at him. He quickly lowered his hood and raised his hands innocently.
"Calm down child. This is a misunderstanding. I'm the King of this city."
"And I'm the Moonsilver Empress."
Kira responded sarcastically, unconsciously echoing Kazumi's words from before. With all that had happened, she was in no mood to be polite to strangers.
"I'm serious. Allow me to prove it to you."
Kira quickly slid forward, keeping the tip of her blade at his throat as he reached into his cloak. However, instead of the expected weapon, he pulled out an intricate golden insignia on a chain. Kira recognised its shape from her Suzuki Clan's geography scrolls as the seal of Khukuri. She slowly lowered her blade, still wary. She was completely clear on the strength and influence of the purple clan but a royal insignia, at the very least, shouldn't be something easily replicated.
The old man breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't seriously expected his life to be threatened, and by a small girl no less!
"So, why are you here?"
"I came to see how the Bard is doing. After the Metal Dragoness died, I had a feeling he was in the city."
"Bard? Dragoness? Explain."
"Ah, he didn't tell you, did he? Then it is not my place to say. What I can tell you is that this man and the weapon tester Kazumi did this city a great service a few years ago. I felt obligated to personally check on his condition and thank him for what he did at that time. To see them in action was truly a sight to behold but he disappeared almost immediately after the incident. Speaking of incidents..."
The man's eyes narrowed and Kira, who was listening intently, raised her guard again.
"...if something major happens in my city, I make it a point to know all the details. However, no one can tell me what really happened. I assume you were there with him when it occured. So please, explain to me why at least twenty buildings in my city were levelled to ash."
"We hadn't been in the city long and soon found out that Kazumi was killed. We managed to track down the ones responsible and the result is as you see it."
Kira told a half-truth, hoping there was enough in there to satisfy the man. The King, on the other hand, knew that she was still hiding something but he didn't pry. He owed that man too much to try and force information out of one of his seemingly-close associates.
"Very well, I shall be taking my leave."
He said and left unceremoniously. When the door shut, Kira finally sheathed her sword.
When Tetsuya finally awoke, he didn't say anything, communicating with Kira only through small gestures. His gaunt face clearly showed the toll his Skill had taken on him. Kira, in turn, didn't mention the King's visit. When Tetsuya's strength had recovered somewhat, they left the city through the western gate, heading towards the Moonsilver Capital.
They'd walked for about half a day before Tetsuya eventually spoke, his voice hoarse and somewhat soft. Kira had to lean in to hear what he was saying.
"I've been thinking...those purple guys actually have no idea who you really are or they would've focused everything on taking you away. Although, since you let that boy go, and I won't question your judgment, they're going to keep sending stronger people after us. Avoiding them is going to be tough if I have to keep an eye on you also..."
He paused for breath.
"...What I'm trying to say is…it's not safe for you with me anymore. Alone, we'll both be better off."
Kira wasn't too surprised to hear this. Logically, it made sense to her but she'd come to like this lazy, irresponsible uncle of hers. Not only that, but from his teachings on Skills, she'd come to respect him as a real Master, her first in this world, and that was a place in her heart that was previously reserved only for her Takanashi Clan elders. Despite keeping her normal, blank expression, a single tear rolled, unbidden, down the side of her face.
"Oh, you're actually gonna miss me? Just kidding. Here kiddo, this is for you."
Tetsuya reached into his new cloak, having discarded the old one which was no longer functional as a source of warmth, and drew out a ring set with a single piece of obsidian which he tossed to Kira. Although it was similar to his own, this ring's crystal was noticeably smaller.
"Uncle, this is..."
"A Storage Crystal. It's not a very big one but I'm sure you'll find it useful. I've put in some food, water and clothes that looked like your size as well as a few other things. See, I didn't just laze around sampling sake whole day."
Tetsuya said with a satisfied smirk on his face. Kira was at a loss for words. Having roamed the marketplaces of Khukuri while on her own, she knew just how valuable a Storage Crystal was, even one with only a cubic metre’s worth of space had a price she didn't think she'd ever be able to afford. It also occurred to her that Tetsuya had been considering their parting since before Kazumi was killed and made proper arrangements. For the first time, he seemed like a dependable adult.
"Thank you...for everything. For this, for teaching me, for saving me I...don't think I'll ever be able to repay you."
"Don't stress about it. This is the least I could do for my cute little niece. We're family, nothing will change that. Enough mushy stuff, you go on ahead, I just need to rest here for a bit."
Kira fully understood that this was where they would part and that she would likely not see him again unless Fate willed it. Even so, she hadn't walked very far before turning around one last time to see her guardian's rugged, lackadaisical face. Only, there was nothing to see. Tetsuya was gone, the faintest wisp of blue smoke indicating that he was ever there.
That night, Kira made camp in a small grove of trees, lighting a small fire that wouldn't be noticed by any who peered in from outside. The night was silent, making Kira feel oddly uncomfortable. She'd been on her own before but never had she ever felt so alone. She shivered despite the nearby fire and decided that it would be a good time to inspect the Storage Crystal that her Uncle had given her.
After putting the ring on her left index finger, she wasn't quite sure how to use it and she hadn't asked Tetsuya either.
'Sigh, that's what I get for allowing myself to get sentimental.'
Kira closed her eyes. While she wasn't used to being alone, she was, however, long since used to figuring things out by herself. Having not trained in using her Soul Sense, as it was still a vague feeling to her, she instead drew out a strand of Soul Energy and prodded at the crystal-set ring on her finger. The ring brightened slightly, glowing with an ebon light that was barely noticeable in all the surrounding darkness.
Inwardly, however, Kira felt as if her inner eye had been drawn into a room cut off from reality. She glanced around and, sure enough, there were dried meats, gourds of water and a few sets of neatly folded clothes resting on their own pile. Atop the clothing was a folded letter. Curious, she mentally grabbed the paper and allowed her mind to exit the space.
She opened her eyes and found, perhaps not unexpectedly, that the letter was resting in her hand. She unfolded it and a rather untidy script presented itself. It was from Tetsuya. The further she read, the more the feelings which she hadn't known she possessed began to expose themselves.
"Hey Kiddo
I'm really not good with words and saying mushy stuff so I thought I'd write it down.
As far as talented kids go, I've never met anyone like you. You learn fast and you don't complain about doing what you need to do to get stronger. I've travelled all over and seen those kids from the big clans, all juiced up on elixirs and stuff to boost their cultivation speed, but you, you have something special, you wield that weapon as if it's a part of you, not a tool to be used.
Cultivation level will come naturally if you keep at it but the way you fight isn't something that can be replicated. As people's cultivation grows, they focus less and less on their weapons and more on which Skills they can use with it. I hope you don't follow their path and instead find a balance that lets you express your amazing technique to its full potential.
On that note, while you have the talent, you still have a lot to learn. Finding someone who will teach you these things is no easy task. There's a place I want you to go to. The people there may seem a bit strange but they'll teach you everything you need to know and more. Usually their requirements are very strict but I have a friend who can at least make sure you get a fair shot at getting in.
I hope you'll accept some words of advice from a good-for-nothing Uncle who didn't even know you existed until recently. Try to enjoy life and not be so serious. Find people you can trust and stick with them. Don't become a loner like me who has no place to call home. Remember that to achieve your goal...it's not something you can do alone.
I feel that I need to say that, even though I've never had children of my own, seeing your growth over the short period of time we've been together has made me feel proud of you as if you were my own daughter. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you and I'm sure whoever taught you to wield a sword like that is also very proud of you.
One thing of which I have no doubt is that you'll be able to achieve your goal one day. When the Heavenly Flame Lily Clan is reborn, you can be sure I'll be there to witness it and help you defend it with my life.
Your (useless) Uncle
Kira couldn't help the tears that were now streaming down her face. To say she was touched by his words was an understatement. In her old life and in this one, once it became known that she was talented, success was always expected from her. To receive this kind of affirmation was something that she hadn't known she'd needed. It felt as if a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders and she smiled a genuine smile that she just couldn't seem to get rid of, despite the clear rivulets running down her face.
'Stupid Uncle...Look at what you've done.'
When she'd first met him, she couldn't have cared less what he thought. Yes, he'd saved her, but she considered him nothing more than a babysitter. Somewhere along the road, he'd become someone more to her, someone that resembled true family, despite his faults. She'd been with him when he was at his lowest and helped him to pick himself up and deal with the grief in his heart. And now, he'd gone to such lengths for her.
'Don't worry Uncle, wherever this place is that can help me get stronger, I'll make sure to get in. No matter how long it takes, for the sake of my clans, both in this lifetime and the last, I will make them shine once again!'
- In Serial150 Chapters
The Portals of Albion
Portals to other worlds. Siblings with a secret. A world in need of magic. Zach is haunted, scarred by his time spent in a place that might as well have been hell. Zara, his sister, even more so. After years of torturous experiments, they were finally rescued. But the years since then haven’t been easy. Both siblings just want a break, something to take their minds from the past. The portals that appeared all over the world a hundred years ago are the key. The reason behind years of captivity now holds the answer to their problems. For the second time in his life, Zack awakens as a ‘Traveler’. Someone possessing the ability to pass through these portals and venture into the mystic realms. What begins as a fresh start soon attracts the attention of nobles and those with less savory intentions. When you have known nothing but distrust for those in power, what would you do to remain in control of your life? I will be uploading new chapters on Tuesday and Saturday each week at 4pm Mountain Standard Time. (The story has been described as X-men meets Narnia. Which while not entirely accurate, is still a fun way of looking at it.) (Note: As with my other stories, this one focuses more on the characters than on constant action. The Lite-LitRPG and Gamelit elements are introduced into the story gradually.) Author's Note: This is my raw, mostly unedited text. I am using RR to test out this story as I'm writing it to get a feel for how the published and edited copy will be received. Certain sections of the story will be changed or added to when I publish it as well. Links to My Other Books: The Game of Gods - 5 Books Ebook AudioThe Dungeon Alaria - 2 Books Ebook AudioThe Ridden - Stand Alone Ebook AudioRefton & Thomas - 2 Books Ebook Thanks for reading and supporting me!
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