《Reincarnated Renegade》Melody (2)



Bellavarn nibbled on a biscuit. The desert was a pleasant surprise. Over-exercising his mental faculties made him peckish. The breakfast of eggs and bacon was a bit hardy, but the cookie was a welcome distraction.

Crumbs fell onto his lap regardless of how careful he was. Melody still seemed skeptical of his explanation, but Bellavarn didn't give up the game. It was half-true anyway.

"I didn't even know my name until you said it aloud."


Bellavarn decided to swallow the rest of his desert rather than talk with his mouth full.

"I've gleaned that I am a noble with significant lineage. My appearance, the grandness of the room, the coat of arms, my wardrobe, the presence of knights, and even your willingness to listen to my words all support the fact that I am a noble."

"You got me to tell you your full name. That... That was clever."

"If the Lord, my father, or anyone else figures out I have amnesia, it will cause problems. We need to discuss who I am so that I can play my role until my memories return. I can't disappoint anyone's expectations for me."

Melody unconsciously went for the tea as she listened.

"If that is the case... What is it you need to know? I only joined the Sallow house six months ago. We haven't had that much interaction. It is a Duchal household, so there are a lot of duties to keep maids busy."

"A Duke. Good to know. I don't expect you to know everything; however, you must tell me..."

Bellavarn pinched his cheeks.

"How old am I?

Melody laughed. It was a delightful tune.

"You are 19. You had a birthday last month."

"Oh. That is younger than I thought. Well. No help for it. I am 19, I suppose."

Melody covered her mouth with a gloved hand, preventing laughter. It would be rude to insult a Duke's son, memory intact or not.

"Are there any families with equal or higher ranks than us? In fact, what kingdom is this, or is this an empire?"

"Kingdom. There hasn't been an Empire in millennia."

"What is the name of the Kingdom?"

"This is the Lionel Kingdom. The King is Francis Lionel II. He has two sons and two daughters."

"Are there any other Ducal households?"




Bellavarn built an accurate representation of his situation. He was the heir of a ducal household in a medium-sized kingdom. Him and his parents are currently away from their northern territories and are staying in the capital on business. Melody and many of the staff in this mansion were new hires screened by his mother, the Duchess.

According to Melody, Bellavarn spent a lot of his time alone and only went out when mandatory. This was good new because it made it easier for Bellavarn to slip into his new shoes.


The biggest bullets he needed to dodge were his Father and Mother. He had no siblings, much to his parents' chagrin.

Melody put a finger to her chin, thinking. The involuntary action was cute. Her hazel eyes peered off to Bellavarn's left in thought. The way they glazed over indicated she was checking her memories.

"The staff thinks you are kind, if quiet. You have close relationships with the cooks, and have a sweet tooth for desserts. The only other person that knows you well might be Oslo, the head butler."

"What about the Knights? Can they use magic, or are they the more sword and shield variety?"

Melody paused, tilting her head in confusion.

"I believe some might have been magic knights before being employed, but their offcial duties are guarding the family and the household. They aren't an army. Also, I think you're misunderstanding magic."

Bellavarn listened closely as she explained. Magic wasn't exactly fireballs and lightning bolts. Knights could use magic to strengthen their muscles but that was it. Any other magic would be considered enchantment. There was an abundance of magical tools in this world that made life easier. Though, most of them were expensive beyond reach.

Melody continued

"As to places you frequent. Hm. The gardeners say you spend a lot of time in the atrium. That's when you're not in here or the study."

"Good, I should be able to avoid my parents then."

Bellavarn noticed Melody's staring at him oddly.

"You've been distant from your parents. Um. There is a rumor that you are in a rebellious phase. They have tried setting up partners for you, but you've declined firmly every time as far as I know."

Honestly, why was I worried in the first place? This is too easy.

"Good, good. It seems that I am not as terrible a person as I first thought."

Melody put a finger to her chin again.

"What did you think of yourself, if not upstanding?"

Bellavarn scratched his head and avoided eye contact. The thought seemed silly now.

"All the soft and loose clothing, combined with the amount of drapery, numerous pillows, fancy bed... Plus your reaction when we first met. It all gave me an awful feeling that I was the kind of noble to use my status to get what he wants."

There was a solid beat in-between her words that indicated sudden realization.

"Oh. Oh! No, not at all. You're nothing like that."

Melody reached over to grab his arm in reassurance but stopped the action before making contact.

"You are a kind person. Every one knows that.."

Bellavarn gave a warm smile. Melody glowed, her eyes shining.

Coughing once and standing, Bellavarn looked for a distraction.

"Are you literate by chance?"

"It is a requirement for being in service to the house. Why do you ask?"

Running a hand over the journal, he chuckled.


"Yet another thing I have forgotten how to do. Are you confident enough to teach me?"


The two of them made an excuse that Bellavarn had become sickly, unable to attend even family dinners. He spoke to his father through the door when he came by to check on him, explaining that Bellavarn would soon get over it and not to worry. Staying separate was a precaution Bellavarn insisted on.

His Father, Duke Braster Sallow, was a kind and understanding father. He told Bellavarn that he would pick up his duties for a week. If Bellavarn didn't get better by then, the Duke would summon the physician. Bellavarn gave his thanks and promised to pick up the slack when he got better.

Both the thanks and promise were genuine on Bellavarn's part.

A second chance.

A hand sliding down the door, his fingers felt the delicately carved grooves.

Do I deserve it?


During the week, Bellavarn learned the written language with Melody's help. She became his sole interaction with the outside world. Luckily there was an attached washroom to his bedroom so he remained clean.

The days blended together sweetly as he learned the ins and out of this new world. The magic intrigued him. The stylus he used to write in his journal was evidence. The pen worked without ink. Not a miracle, or acutely magical, but suprisingly handy.

Just imagine having to dip a quill in ink ever 10 seconds.

When Bellavarn was alone, he would perform light exercises He abhorred getting sweaty, but the workouts staved off cabin fever in a time without the internet. The time he spent making his sketching also helped. The differences between his style and the previous Bellavarn were extreme.

He admitted that being left alone with his thoughts was driving him crazy. That is why time spent with Melody became something he looked forward to every day. They spent most hours of the day in each other's company. Chatting. Learning. Sampling tea and treats.

Their studying had started with children's books from the library. He laughed at how silly they were. Truly for children. They depicted scenes of knights slaying dragons or heroes saving damsels.

Bellavarn kept trying to sound out the words as he learned them. His flubbing made Melody giggle uncontrollably.

It was music to his ears.

He realized he needed to escape soon. Otherwise, he would end up falling for her.


"That is a rare combination of letters that turn a statement into a question. It's mostly used in poems, but it is also possible for it to occur accidentally. It makes written mail complicated."

Melody was a great teacher. She explained things succinctly using real-world analogies or applications. He regretted that the time was over, but he needed to get out into the world. Today was the last day of the week and Bellavarn learned enough to get by.

"I can't thank you enough, Melody. You're a lifesaver."

She gave the brightest smile he'd ever seen. It made him scramble to get his emotions under control. Pushing back his chair, Bellavarn stood and paced around the room. He stretched his arms and shoulders, eliciting a pop. Exhaling, he spoke with resolve.

"It's time. I need to start pulling my weight. It is still the afternoon; I should see my father."

Bellavarn looked at the door and then back at Melody.

"Honestly, I can't thank you enough. Is there any way I can repay you?"

Melody shook her head.

"This is part of my job. Besides, I had fun. The experience reminded me of teaching my little sister."

He raised an eyebrow.

"You never mentioned any siblings."

Melody's eyes glazed over again.

"Mhm. Two. My older sister takes care of the youngest while I work at the mansion."

"I didn't realize."

Bellavarn looked around, getting an idea.

"Wait. I need to give you something for all the effort you've put in. Something useable. Here! Take this."

Bellavarn grabbed the stylus he'd been using for his writing and handed it to Melody.

"You can keep it, or you can gift it to your sister. Or you can sell it for extra income. Magical items are expensive, I hear. I'll talk to my father about giving you a hefty bonus as well."

“All that isn’t necessary. I’m only doing my job.”

"You deserve it. If it bothers you, simply think of it as a reward for outstanding service to the house."

Melody reddened, wringing her hands again. Her face was hidden underneath brown bangs. Bellavarn stepped closer.

"Melody? Is it too much or not enough? What's wrong-mhm."

His words were interrupted with a kiss. Shocked still, Bellavarn felt the warmth flowing from her lips, and he could feel her face heating up. He melted as she pressed up against his chest. When she retreated, both of their breathing was heavy. Bellavarn felt the cold absence more than anything.


Melody sprinted out of the room.


Bellavarn extended an arm, but it was too late. She watched her go through the open doors, hunched in on herself. A pair of passing maids glanced between him and the retreating Melody. They shared a knowing look.


Melody managed to wrangle his heart free and run off with it. He didn't plan for this to happen, but then, these things are never planned, are they? He was like this in his old world too, always wearing his heart on his sleeve.

"Alright, the show is over. Please inform my father that I have recovered enough to attend dinner."

"Yes, young master."

The maids echoed each other, curtsying and then moving off. Bellavarn closed the doors and fell against them.

"My first kiss...stolen."

The corners of his mouth inched upward until they locked in place.

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