《Reincarnated Renegade》Melody (1)


"Close the doors."


"Do it."

Bellavarn looked around the room. He awoke on a cozy king-size bed with an abundance of plush pillows. The four corner bedposts raised several feet in the air to support crimson draperies.

Moving over to a nearby dresser, he examined himself. Dirty blond hair cut short and cleanly.

Refined features. Straight nose, clear blue eyes, porcelain skin... No facial hair? No, just groomed extremely close. Age? The babyface makes it difficult. Definitely over 16. Probably less than 25.

Bellavarn removed his thin nightshirt. There was a tiny peep from the maid.

Well-toned, decent musculature. No sign of body hair. Maybe it is just light?

He ran a hand over his pectorals.

Nope. No hair.

Unfortunately, no abs. Well, he didn't expect it.

How tall am I?

Another thing he couldn't compare. He looked at the maid. Melody was how she introduced herself when asked.

"How tall are you, Melody? Measurement in feet and inches, please."

The brunette maid in traditional black and white garments jumped a bit before stammering.

"I-I-I am five feet tall with about another six inches."

"Five foot six. Hmm..."

Bellavarn put back on his shirt then moved over to stand next to the maid.

"I want to check my height; please stand next to me. You may face whatever way you find the most comfortable. I won't move anything below my neck, you have my word."

The maid rubbed her hands together, and her expression looked terrified. Did he have some reputation? Add it to the list of questions.

Fortunately, Melody came up to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Bellavarn noted this was probably the least promiscuous way to do this and mentally approved of her judgment.

Craning his neck, he got the rough estimate that he was probably over six feet. Not well over, but there was enough of a difference.

"Hmm... I'm pretty tall.

He stared at the swirl's in Melody's brown hair.

"Okay, Melody. you may step back now."

Melody complied. While her face remained unseen as she ducked her head, the tone in her voice made it clear she was uncomfortable.

"Young Master, may I ask what this is about? I was only to bring you breakfast."

Bellavarn took her words but didn't immediately respond. If he was a Lord, or even a young master, she could wait some moments longer while he adjusted to his surroundings. When he moved back to the dresser as examined the drawers, he found a small notebook. His long fingers ran over the letters appearing on the cover.

It's not a language I've seen before.

Bellavarn spoke with forced authority.


"You address me as your lord, and then young master, which is it?"

This could be a potential landmine.

"Your-Your Father is the lord, of course. But we've been ordered to speak to you with the same regard.."

Ordered? By me or someone else?


He whispered.


"Stop that. Call me by my name."

"Young Master, I could never-"

"My name!"

"Yes! M-master, Bellavarn."

His name remained the same even in this life. Should he count it as a blessing?

"Ditch the master. Use my full name, please."

Melody's voice somehow became even smaller, but she said the words all the same.

"Yes... Bellavarn Sallow."

Bellavarn gave a kind smile to the maid. She looked entirely on edge. He didn't wish to do this to her, but he had no one else to turn to.

"Good. I need you to complete a task for me. You may decline if you wish; however, it will put me in a bind if you do."

Melody seemed to wrestle internally for several long moments. Bellavarn was surprised because it should have been instinct for a maid to obey without objection. Maybe things working differently in this house.

When she spoke, it was with a question.

"If it is of importance, I will not fail."

Bellavarn smiled, showing off his teeth.

"Go outside and find someone trustworthy. Tell them to guard the door and then return."

Melody straightened.

"Should-should I ask one of the knights to guard the entrance? They would be more suited to the role."

The statement caused Bellavarn to hesitate. The precedence of knights preluded many things. Questions popped up one after another. Were they loyal? Were they knights in clanky armor or were the magically in nature? How lofty was his status that there were multiple knights in the vicinity willing to guard this bedchamber at a moments notice?

Sighing through his nose, Bellavarn waved a hand.

"No. Adding an official guard to the door will raise suspicions. Have a maid or two loiter near entrance. If someone approaches, tell them to cause a stir."

With those words Bellavarn's gaze turned serious. His piercing blue eyes stabbed into Melody.

"Can I trust you?"

At the moment, his entire world hinged on these words. That he had to ask at all proved his desperation. Melody seemed to gleam... something, from his words. So, after the slightest moment of hesitation, Melody nodded confidently. Her shoulder squared firmly when she grasped the folds of her uniform.

"I understand. You can trust me."

"Good, hurry, and then return. We need an hour alone. No! Make it two. If possible."



Melody hurried out, closing the door behind her.

While he was alone, he reexamined the room. The room was lush in soft fabrics and tapestries, making for a very cozy space. The ceiling was tall, and the two narrow windows along the bedside wall edged the room's two corners. The grey stonework behind all the fabrics and decorations felt cold to the touch.

A wardrobe along the adjacent wall harbored all manner of clothes. Most of them appeared to be comfortable and soft fabrics. Pricey, but not overly colorful or as gaudy as Bellavarn thought they would be.

A coat of arms rested on the wall opposite to the bed—a bluebird carrying a branch with berries flying over a a mansion.

Duke? Marquis? Baron? What is my status? Surely not a prince, Melody would have given that away immediately. However, if my father is the true lord of the house and I am the young master.... that makes me the direct heir. Unless I have siblings.

Inspecting his body again, he was somewhat disappointed. His hands were delicate and without calluses. There was a tiny visible scar on his index finger, perhaps from a kitchen knife. These were hands made for arts, not swordsmanship. His body felt... light. Even the meager muscles Bellavarn once built while working part-time jobs had become boringly standard.

Sighing, he resigned himself. It's not like he wished for a second chance.

Attention drawn back to his journal, Bellavarn idly flipped through. Most pages were brimming with words while other held sketches. Drawings of birds and flowers. Women. They were all well done.

Bellavarn could remember a time when he spent the day sketching passing pedestrians on the bus. These were not the same. They were more sophisticated. Practice. Like the person who drew them enjoyed it.

It was leagues above where he was in his past life.

He turned when the doors opened. Melody returned, appearing slightly red in the face.

"Is it done?"

"I... yes. I called in a favor. We should be alone for an hour."

"An hour will do. Thank you."

"What now lord- er. I mean, young mas- no. Bel-"

Bellavarn cut her stammering off with a wave of his hand.

"Stop it. I see it is difficult for you. Call me whatever you wish. You don't even have to address me directly while we are alone."

Melody appeared downcast.

"Ah. Yes. Young master."

"If you want, you can help yourself to my meal. It is getting cold, and I am not in the mood to eat it. Have you not been eating well lately? You look like you could use a bit more weight."

Bellavarn belatedly realized his compliment could be an insult. Melody blushed deeply, her bangs hiding the rest of her expression.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I need to look over a couple of things before we talk and the food is a way for you to pass the time."

"That is alright. I will wait."

With permission, Bellavarn returned to the journal. He flipped a few more pages, trying to make sense of the written word. More pictures, more unfamiliar women. There was one that appeared several times. The woman wasn't older; how should he say it? Mature was a better word. The facial features were elegant and familiar. Perhaps an older sister or his mother.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Melody shifting from foot to foot. She didn't go over to the cart of breakfast but instead stood in place. Continuing to flip through the pages, he spoke.

"Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?"

Melody rubbed her hands together while hiding her neck in her shoulders. Bellavarn could see her mouth opening, but no words came out.

"Melody. I don't know what preconceptions you have, but whatever is running through your mind, erase it. I assume that your "friend" believes I am interested in you?"

She yelped

Right on the money.

"You are wrong."

"But you're lordship has yet to take an interest in a woman outside the house. Even if I'm a servant, It is not wrong to-"

Melody cut herself off and left her words open to interpretation.

Well... It isn't the worst-case scenario. At least I'm not a lecherous deviant.

"I do not intend to lay a single finger on you. Right now, I need someone I can trust. You will do, for now."


Bellavarn nodded without looking. He noted the last page in the journal was of a small bird.

"You were the one who walked through those doors and not another maid, butler, guest, or family member. Even if it is the wrong decision, it is the best one I can make at the moment."

Melody's head emerged from her shoulders, and she looked up, no longer holding so tightly onto her dress. She looked into Bellavarn's eyes. After a while, Melody found whatever she was looking for. Her entire demeanor relaxed as she exhaled.

"I see."

Bellavarn watched her now. Waiting.

Melody took her time to find the correct words to use.

"Yes. You can trust me, Bellavarn."

Melody showed off her first, bright smile. And Bellavarn's heart skipped a single beat.

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