《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 10: Rank Two Warrior
My god, I cannot believe it took us this long to sprint our ass over here! Whatever the case, we came in the nick of time. Golem quickly teleported and surprisingly activated a God's Realm. GOD'S REALM!? I did not know Golem was a God! Was he hiding his powers? It as possible since he could have the hidden rank ability. Tossing this aside, we have to rescue Louise and whatever remains of her army. Arriving at the scene, I know that Louise was losing. There are too many dead bodies lying all over the battlefield.
Teleporting into the sky, Gallant unleashes several energy waves that tore the very area up. The orcs quickly evaded, running all over the place. They were startled by the sudden reinforcements. Turning their gaze towards the forest, they only saw the three dark armored people.
Two males and one female. The female was super weak though...
I run straight at them, empowering chi around my blades. Forcing the blade against the two nearby orcs, I pull against the grips of my swords. The bodies were torn in two, my eyes locking onto the other nearby Skullclaw orcs.
Skills Gained: [Level 110 Maces]
[Level 30 Throwing Knives]
Skills Increased in: [Level 1 Cursed Armor] --> [Level 30 Cursed Armor]
[Level 6 Disarm] --> [Level 10 Disarm]
[Level 1 Spears] --> [Level 19 Spears]
[Level 1 Daggers] --> [Level 18 Daggers]
[Level 3 Traps] --> [Level 16 Traps]
[Leve 1 Disarming of Traps] --> [Level 19 Disarming of Traps]
Perks Gained: [Cursed Armor Insight]
Abilities Gained: [Fearless]
Special Perk Gained: [Orc Supremacy]
Special Ability Gained: [Orc Rally Cry]
Golem took out three orcs trying to kill Louise. He rams the edge of his shield through their metal bodies. Gallant has landed on the ground, deflecting the orc's maces left and right. Toying with them, he sighs in disappointment at their skills. Spinning rapidly, his blades minced three orcs into pieces. Strange... The orcs' ranks were Demi-God earlier, why are they rank thirteen warriors now?
"Get her!" They point at me. Tossing my blades into the airs, I pull out the two pistols Len gave me. Activating Twin Volley, white bullets slam against their chi armor. Huh? It's not working. Smirking at the weak bullets I fired, they start to rush me.
Storing the pistols into my ring and having the automatic shotgun appear in my hands, I empower the gun and press the trigger. Three of the orcs found bullets all over their stomachs as two others found their arms bleeding from the stray shots. Storing the shotgun away, I flip into the air and grab my swords. Empowering them quickly, I slash through the heads of the crippled orcs.
Skill Gained: [Level 120 Claws]
[Level 25 Sewing]
Skills Increased in: [Level 110 Maces] --> [Level 115 Maces]
[Level 3 Bondage] --> [Level 14 Bondage]
[Level 5 Beast Taming] --> [Level 14 Beast Taming]
[Level 3 Steal] --> {Level 35 Steal]
[Level 3 Archery] --> [Level 30 Archery]
[Level 1 Cooking] --> [Level 20 Cooking]
[Level 5 Enslavement] --> [Level 27 Enslavement]
[Level 2 Kidnapping] --> [Level 28 Kidnapping]
[Level 3 Beast Training] --> [Level 29 Beast Training]
[Level 5 Shields] --> [Level 25 Shields]
[Level 20 Crafting] --> [Level 29 Crafting]
[Level 1 Rearm] --> [Level 9 Rearm]
Black knights. The image and the words that describe these warriors start to stink into the orcs. They have never experience such deadly warriors who killed a Demi-God rank warrior of theirs in a mere moment. It seems like the shield using knight protected Louise. He did not move unless the orcs attacked them. The other two knights were just dashing through murdering each of the orcs one by one. And the rank one warrior had a power of a Demi-God, they can feel the Pressure Realms and God Realm engulfing them.
The surviving soldiers all charge at the orcs. At least one hundred were alive. A few of Louise's shield sisters were alive as well. The green hair princess smiles at the frightened orcs. What made Louise even happier was that she was united with a familiar member who can tell her what the hell was going on. Shaking off the experience of death, she looks at her savior. The giant black knight from back then.
He was the main reason to Louise's shields. Inspired by his shield arms, she decided to copy after him. Recalling a memory from back then, she was wandering the mansion and eyed at the guards who mocked him for using shields as a weapon. Unable to defend the knight, it seems like he ignored all of the rude comments. Intrigued by his two weapons of choice, she stalks him to a private area in the forest. Louise was able to see how deadly these shields were from this man...
Well, she can think about this memory later. She has to return these orcs the same treatment she gave her men. Death.
Blocking several attacks, I swing my sword several times at the five orcs that surround me. They all died in an instant.
Skill Gained: [Level 28 Mining]
[Level 28 Pickaxes]
[Level 29 Inspect]
[Level 28 Enchant]
Skills Increased in: [Level 6 Unarmed] --> [Level 9 Unarmed]
[Level 8 Bartering] --> [Level 9 Bartering]
Sighing, I felt bad for using Pressure Realm on them. With Gallant and Golem's Realms already active, this only installed a terrifying pressure that reduced the orcs' speed drastically. Literally, I can just move to the right in a calm manner when one of these orcs try to kill me. These orcs were getting outnumbered and now it becomes a one-sided massacre on our end.
"WE SURRENDER!" an orc voice exclaims in the air. They drop their weapons, raising their metal hands in the air. It seems a bit difficult for them to keep their arms in the air due to the Realms we have.
"Turn off your Realms Golem and Gallant." obeying my command, I just walk to them with my Pressure Realm still active. If they tried anything funny, I would have them killed. The reason why I spared these twenty orcs would help me experiment with the perks and abilities I gained from them.
"What are you doing sister?" Louise flies to me, her wind magic allows her to swiftly appear before me. Eyeing at her adult like features and purple eyes, she says, "These orcs aren't allowed to live. They wipe out half of my army!" Of course I should respect her wishes and let them be killed, but I need them. These were my prisoners after all since the three of us took care of them.
"I came here to save you," I said bluntly, "Not your army."
"Excuse me?" she was offended by my comment, "Are you not aware of what just happened? Do you not know what I have been dealing with!? I do not have any clue to what is going on! Why has Emperor Titus declare an Imperial Decree to hunt each and everyone of us Grahams?! What happened when I was gone-"
"I will inform you later once I deal with these guys." I said.
"I want to kill them." she says, drawing out her shields.
"I WILL take care of them sister. You were in no position to fight against them without us. They are my prisoners." Of course this was true. Without my assistance, I could have let them kill Louise and the remaining soldiers and I could have taken care of the orcs after they finish off Louise. I would like some respect from my older sister and some recognition. But I did not receive that.
Louise did not back done. "Little sister, you know nothing about losing soldiers! You have no experience about losing your men to some overwhelming forces and being unable to save them. Do you-"
I slapped her. The remaining shield sisters were offended by this, almost charging towards their leader whom they greatly serve. Gallant stands in the way, shaking his finger. They immediately stop in their tracks, knowing not to fight against my knights. Golem just watch eyes at Louise and me. The green hair girl eyes at me in disbelief. Her hand on her swollen cheek.
"I do not know about losing soldiers?! You don't know what sort of hell I have to experience! YOU think I am inexperienced with losing something! You do not even have the right to tell that to me sister!" Vented in sheer anger now, my emotions and my mind were clouded by what had happen throughout my entire life, "Do you not understand how much I envied you- envied all my brothers and sisters who could go out there and experience freedom?! It might not be literal freedom, but I yearned for adventure! For something other than being a tool! A TOOL! You know what I had to deal with! You were there! You did nothing when my knights got insulted, you did nothing when you saw stuff that was unjust- you are just some damn pawn for my father! And you have the NERVES to tell me I do not know what it was like to lose someone!? I lost two of my knights!" I paused, breathing heavily as I can feel the pain coming from my heart and the tears strolling down my face.
"You were loved by father and mother for doing great work. How about me? Did those two assholes love me? No, they didn't. They treated me like shit. You know who were loved me and cherished me? My knights. They were the ones who lived and endured with me for so many years. I lost two of them when I fled for my life and sought for that freedom I longed for. I almost died that night! But guess what, one of my knights sacrificed himself to save me. He protected me and allowed me to live to fulfill the dreams and promise that I can be free and do something amazing. To not be some stupid cage bird! I did not come here to join you. I just came here to save you from your death so you can do something else with your life. And here you are, still trying to boss me around and try to teach me about losing something. I lost my powers, I lost my best friends, and I lost my dignity back then for eleven years! ELEVEN!"
The orc prisoners did not make a sound. They can feel a strange aura coming off of me. I did not notice this, but I would soon figure it out later.
Secret Perk Gained: [Black Knight Leader]
Secret Ability Gained: [Wrath for the Dead]
Silence. After my rant, there was a minute of silence before I spoke again.
"We're leaving." Gallant motion the orcs to head into the forest, tilting his head as Golem and I follow right behind them. My plan was to save Louise and expect a thank you, not to be lectured.
Stopping, I turn to Louise and said, "I did this to make sure you didn't die for a dead family. Go start anew."
Before we walk away, Louise spoke up, "I am sorry Aisha. I-I did not mean to anger you like that. It... I am just frustrated. Trying to compare one's pain, that was wrong of me. Everyone holds a great deal of pain in their heart, and I beg for your forgiveness. I did not mean any ill-intent in my words. I promise that I would bring my men and women back home..."
"Then whoever is alive, tell them they are free of your services. The Grahams family is dead. Emperor Titus personally killed mother and father." Louise sighs and asks, "Why?"
There was no point in hiding this. "The famous genius, Brynhild, stayed at our mansion for the while to get some rest. Learning this, Emperor Titus was angered by the fact we held her in our household. Trying to seize her, he failed his assault on our mansion and wants us dead period." The green hair girl sighs. "I see..."
"They only want us Grahams," I said, "Your soldiers are not enemies unless they work under you."
"Can you wait for me? I want to talk to my remaining soldiers..."
"Why should I wait for you?" I hiss.
"I... Please?" She looks desperate now. The look in her eyes confuse me. They were not the same like the shield princess who fights on the battlefield. Surprisingly, I can feel Golem rest his hand on me. This was a strange gesture of him to make. He wanted me to wait for her. If my knights tell me to wait, then I will.
"I guess." Not looking back, I decide to meet up with the captured orcs and Gallant.
The orcs stared at their enemies who destroyed at least forty-nine of their warriors. They consisted of one Demi-God, twenty-four thirteen rank warriors, and twenty-three rank twelve warriors. Now they have been reduced to one rank thirteen warrior, four rank twelve warriors, and the rest were rank ten warriors. Staring at their three enemies, they know two of them were strong. A Demi-God and a God. This was super rare for them to see a God. They did not even notice his presence when he came out of nowhere- their leader could not even sense him. Usually, a Demi-God should be able to tell if a God is nearby unless that God was no beginner. Wielding two shields, this black knight warrior must be an Intermediate or Expert God.
What the orcs could not figure out was why the female black knight was a rank one with Demi-God powers? Did she defy the ranking system and hid her own powers that well!?
"You," directing that statement at the highest ranking orc, "Explain to me why you attacked the human army."
Lying would be useless and these orcs did not find it a secret for their race to just go on a whelm and kill living beings.
"Our orc leader was bored of fighting against weaklings. He heard from the other two clans that there was a strong army near this location. Entertained by this information, he decided to take us from our settlement to fight against them."
"How many humans have you killed?"
"You think we count-"
"How many?" Gallant decides to say this, enforcing a strict and harsh tone.
"At least nine hundred." My mouth drops. Nine hundred?!
"How many did you guys have?"
"One hundred orcs. In our confrontation, we lost about thirty-one orcs. When you guys showed up, you eliminated the majority of us." Now I can see why Louise wanted to kill these orcs so badly. Wiping nine hundred soldiers, the princess would feel a heavy toil on her shoulders. Even though they did such a deed, these guys are my prisoners.
Hearing this, I try to figure out the one thing I couldn't understand. Golem and Gallant also had the similar question in their heads.
"How did you become Demi-Gods earlier?"
"That is within our Divine Arts. We call it Outnumbered Resort. When we are vastly outnumbered by the enemies, we will be able to copy the highest ally's rank until all of our enemies are dead, or if we all die using it."
"Well, it seems like if you kill the original strongest orc, you will resort to the second strongest rank." This was what happened after Golem killed that first orc.
Thinking about it, this Divine Art of theirs explains why a lot of orcs fear them. Even if they are outnumber ten to one, if they all become the same rank as their highest comrade- there was no way for the lowest rank to win by sheer numbers.
Depending on the skill one has and the level it is, the advantage of being a higher rank can give one the slightest chance of survival. For example, heavy armor level. Let's say you fight against a rank twelve with a heavy armor level of 50. Their chance of survival is good unless they are attacked by something higher than that. If someone with a martial art of level 60 attacks this rank twelve warrior- they are going to die.
Another exception to this example will be if the rank twelve has a mana shield or he/she can produce chi armor.
If the rank twelve warrior has a martial art skill of 60 and produced a chi armor around him/her, the warrior can have a protection of 110. The attacking force with level 60 in martial arts cannot penetrate through their defense now. However, it does not weed out the chances to win. If the rank twelve warrior runs out of chi, then he will become vulnerable. Although the orcs stood no chance against these black knights whose weapons skills and martial arts tremendously surpass the orc's defense.
"So... what will you do with us?" The orc asks. There was a number of things I can do to them. The inhumane and most efficient way to rank up would be to kill them, but that's murder. These guys drop their weapons already, and I can easily kill them with my dual swords. And if I have most of their skills already, it would be a shame to kill them.
"How about you serve me." After those words left my mouth, I want to see if the perk Orc Leader would kick in. Not only that, I grabbed a bunch of previous abilities and perks from killing some of these Skullclaw orcs. there was chatter among the prisoners. They have loyalties to their orc race, not to humans.
But the leader was laughing. He literally kneels to me saying, "I see you as my new master. For us Skullclaw orcs, we follow whoever kills our master. If our leader had retreated, then you would have to kill us. I have no shame in bowing to you black knight female." Startled, I was surprise the rank thirteen warrior saw me as someone strong. Well, it did bring joy to me since this orc was the first one to finally acknowledge my strength. The four rank twelve orcs also bow and agreed to serving me as well.
The rest were questioning what to do.
"If you serve me, I will treat you kindly as if you were my own soldiers," I said, wanting to persuade them. They will become useful for something. For now, I have a few things I want done for future development. "If you don't serve me, I will give you to my sister. Without any remorse, she'll torture you to death." One by one, these orcs start to kneel and swear allegiance to me. Gallant and Golem eyes at me.
Perk Improved:[Orc Leader] --> [Orc Chieftain]
Divine Art Unlocked: Outnumbered Resort
Eh? I gained their Divine Art? I thought it could only be acquired if I was an orc? Wait, Orc Chieftain? I'm a orc now?
"Why do you want these orcs to serve you?" Gallant asks. Without addressing to him, I ask the orcs, "Do you guys know how to mine?" With my crafting level, I want to try my hand in making my own stuff. Sadly, I do not have the said materials to make these things or adjust my weapons properly. My dual swords and guns are okay for now.
"Is that a trick question?" the thirteen rank orc scoffs, "Of course we know how to mine?! How do you think we make our weapons and armor?!" Strange. I pick up mining from one of the orcs, but it was at 28. Folding my arms at my inner thoughts, the orc leader explains something that surprised me about the orc's society.
"These rank ten orcs have a mining level of 90. Our orcs set up a social class structure depending on one's rank. If you are destined to be a rank ten warrior, those warriors have to do extensive mining and crafting. Warriors of the eleventh through thirteenth focus most of their skills in fighting and wearing this heavy armor. Demi-Gods can do whatever. And our Gods are the last defense for our capital." Hearing destined, I tilt my head at the orc's explanation.
"A shaman proclaims and announce's one rank during birth. Once it has been dictated, they orc has to work whatever they were assigned to do. If one refuses their rank, they have to fight against a warrior one rank above them to prove their superiority and desire to change." Thinking that this social rank structure was bad, I at least admit that the chance to prove themselves otherwise was a good thing if they really wanted to change their roles... unless they couldn't prove themselves.
"I find it strange that you orcs can talk fluently in our language." The orc scoffs at this again.
"We're not like those minor orcs you bump into. We are a big deal since people want ores and other valuables we can easily grab. What do you want us to do though?" Getting back to my original intent, I said this to the orcs.
"I need you guys to mine some materials for me. Anything that can help me craft stuff at my level 29 skill." When I told them my skill level, they were confused at my current rank.
"Aren't you suppose to be rank three right now?"
"It's... complicated. I can explain to you guys about this later. I want you to go mine for me. If you cannot do that, I want you to go tame some wild creatures or find some other materials I can use for crafting like cutting down some trees for wood. At the very least, it has to be something that helps me gain money. No, I do not want you to ransack innocent beings. However, I will allow you guys to defend yourself. If someone tries to kill you, you can kill them. You will be following these two knights into the Zezrious, you can contact and bring the items there. If you have any questions, you can just stay at the tavern until I return. Oh, if you can bring me any books that might inform me about this world or the orc's history as well."
"Are we allowed in the city?" the orc asks. They are known for their notorious armor and reputation after all.
"As long as you do not kill innocents. Let me confirm it with someone." Pulling out the medal the king gave me, I start saying stuff in my head.
"King Len, you there?"
"I am always here. The medal is a communicator that can contact me in the head. I do not need to have a physical communicator. Is there something wrong?"
"More like a question," I thought, "What are your rules on orcs entering the city?"
"If you mean bringing in any of the main orc factions like the Skullclaws, I have no problem with them as long as they can behave."
"Ah, okay. Thanks." Before I put the medal away, the king stops me.
"Hold on Anne. I got a request. If you have any of those orcs, can you let them mine for me? I will pay you for their services and even give the orcs a gift as well." Since I am thinking in my head, there was no way to halt my question.
"Why? Is it because of their high mining skill?"
"Yes. Because of their high mining skills, they can mine a certain ore that I will need. It is for the upcoming war for the Crusades. Hell, I think I will be taking you to one of the upcoming council meetings tomorrow. I got a feeling that you will be a key asset to the fight." What?! NO WAY!
"Is there a chance for me to decline such an invitation?" I wanted out. Why the hell...
"Decline!? Why would you? This is your chance to show how intelligent you are. I would find this as a grand insult to the praise I gave you in front of my Emperor and the other kings and queens." I can feel sweat forming all around me.
"What did you tell them!? Oh god, what did you drag me into!?"
"What? Are you that nervous? I thought you would be calm and collected about this..."
"You think I was able to stay calm and collective when I was around you!?"
"Oh you didn't? Well, you hid it pretty well then."
"Of course I cannot hide my thoughts since you are reading them, so I will start my rambling right now. Forcing me out of my plans and schedule, you want me to attend a damn meeting with your Emperor and the other rulers for this upcoming war that I have no part in. But now, mentioning of how great I am, you praised me with such traits and talents that now they want my insight and my aid to finalize the preparations and tactics for the upcoming battle, right!? I swear if you were some annoying asshole from back when I was young, I would have decline this sort of bullshit from the start."
"... so you are coming tomorrow."
"Yes." I plainly answered, my head fuming with steam now. I was angry at this king, but I am going to be utterly scared for tomorrow's meeting with his Emperor and fellow rulers.
"Splendid. I will wait for you tomorrow morning at the entrance of my castle." After the conversation, I place the medal back into my ring, cursing a mouth full of words.
"What's the matter?" Gallant asks.
"The king wants me to attend a meeting with him tomorrow about the battle plans to counter the Crusade." Gallant was speechless and... irritated. Obviously, we needed to stay low, but Gallant was angered at how this king rudely drags me to his mess. "I will certainly give that king an ass whooping..."
"No harm done. I am going to use him in return." I said, sighing, "But... I can trust that you and Golem can lead these orcs to the city. Oh," turning to the orcs, "I want you to postpone the task I gave you earlier. The king of Zezrious wants you to mine for him. You will be compensated from what he told me." The orcs just looked at me.
"We don't care about compensation, but if this your orders, we will work for him."
"Yes, its an order. Work for him."
"So Gallant and Golem will take you to the city and find this king... Wait, where's Golem?" Gallant looks behind him to see the massive giant gone. "The hell? Where did he go?"
"Stay here, I will go..."
"I. Here." the tall and wide knight appears to our left with Louise beside him. With mixed feelings, I decide it was time for us to return to Charlotte and Esta. Oh wait... Fuck. I left Esta with that crazy vampire. I did tell her not to bite her, I said nothing about kissing or...!
"I WILL GO UP AHEAD!" Running at great speed, Gallant and Golem just sigh. They knew why I ran...
Esta and Charlotte. Note: If you do not want to see any girl on girl foreplay, avoid reading this section.
"Wow... you taste so good." Esta struggles within the vampire's strong grasp. Her clothes were on her, but the vampire's hand took off her cap and hat. The vampire took Aisha's order with great heed. Not to bite her- she said nothing about tasting her or having her hands explore this innocent elf.
It was too good to pass up on. This elf had purity written all over. Despite her job as a Gate Guardian, she won't have a chance like this ever again. Beautiful females never entered her domain until Aisha and this elf showed up. Hell, Valarie is sexy along with some other high rank warriors, but she could not touch them. She'll die and will receive punishment for assaulting higher rank individuals.
Sighing against the elf's neck, Esta lets out high pitch squeals and moans as the vampire toys with her body. Too soft, too pure, too good to not bite into such flesh. Charlotte stops herself before her fangs sick into her neck. Cursing, the vampire just have her tongue lick her bare neck. Oh well, she can at least play with those large breasts.
"S-S-Stop..." the elf pleas, her face flourished in that bright crimson color. Oh, the feeling of her soft nipples against Charlotte's fingers pleases her. The vampire was angered by the fact she still have these gloves on. Stopping her momentary assault on her nipples, she pulls her gloves off. Charlotte decided to change into her dark gown, the armor would be uncomfortable to wear since her breasts couldn't grind through metal. With decent size breasts, the vampire's breasts rub against the mage elf.
Oh, that get up of a mage. How it suits this elf. Look at her holding onto that staff trying to resist the urge to collapse on her knees and fall. Charlotte was getting hot, her body increasing rapidly as she toys with those soft breasts and nipples once again. Sliding her hands under her tight sweater, the vampire gropes and fondles those giant melons. Despite the tightness of her sweater, Charlotte can use this to her advantage. Her hands are forced to stay close to her breasts, the girl wouldn't escape her now. Even if she pulls away, her hands will still be all over them.
This feeling was too much for Esta. It was driving the elf to new heights of sensitivity and familiarity. This warm feeling was as if she was back home when her family greeted her with open arms. Of course, she knew that they were died. But this feeling, it warmed Esta's heart nonetheless. Being left behind with this stranger, Esta though she could befriend the person. Since Gallant and Golem were so cheerful, she must be too right?
Although this sort of friendliness was utterly different.
"I bet you like this.." The elf lets out a shocking scream, her ears getting nibbled on. "Wow, your ears are very sensitive..."
"N-N-NOOoooooOOO!" increasing and decreasing, the elf finally falls down. The vampire wanted to play with her ears still, but she too, fell right on top of the elf. Her hands can feel a slight pain since they were squeezed between Esta's breasts and the ground. Irritated, the vampire said, "That hurts."
"I-I am s-sorry but... Heheheheheheheheheehwwhhahththahththehehe!?" the vampire decides to mix it up a bit. Instead of hearing cute moans, why not hear some giggles as well. Motioning her right hand to play with her sides, Charlotte was moving her fingers rapidly against that spot. In the meanwhile, her left hand would twist and pull on Esta's nipples.
"P-PLeaseheheheheheehehheh! M-merccyeeheehehheehehe!" Charlotte shook her head side to side. Leaning in to move strands of her hair out of the way, the vampire skillfully teases the pointy ears. Another delightful sound emerge out of the elf's mouth. "OHHhahhahaha NOOOnooooo! T-This ishhehhehe tooo..... muchhhh AIEIEEEEEEE!"
Charlotte wanted to see how wet this girl was. Oh, she has such a tight little pussy. And it seems like her body is unable to handle this. Well, of course, she's a virgin. Purity is written all over her. The elf is being overwhelmed by so many sensations that her mind cannot keep up. Or more like her body is accepting it all. Taking her hands out of the sweater, the vampire gets up to roll Esta around.
Those blue eyes had some tears in them from her giggles. Such an expression- oh my! Charlotte couldn't help but lust after this elf even more.
"Oh... The temptation is too real..." Sweating in tight clothes, the vampire starts to contemplate on stripping. Hell, the scenario was a bit hot for her. Even though they're in some desolated and dead place, the vampire can feel the sun's rays on her skin. She wants to cool off...
"W-what... N-No! D-MPFFHH!" Esta was silenced by Charlotte. The elf tries to push her off, but she couldn't. She finds her hands moving behind Charlotte to undo something. Esta can feel Charlotte unbuttoning her tight sweater. After a minute, the elf has her sweater opened up to reveal her busty breasts in a black bra. Charlotte gets up for a bit to have the gown slide off of her revealing her model like body. Her curves, her ample breasts, her pale skin- she definitely resembled a beautiful vampire woman.
Esta was panting heavily, her eyes feeling heavy from these sensations. "W-Why...?"
"D-don't make me feel bad now..." the vampire says, teasing Esta as she unfasten the elf's bra, "I just want to make love."
"T-This is love?" Esta says with a burning color covering her entire face.
"Well, not the family sort of love." Esta wanted to know more. She wanted to thank Aisha for saving her from those evil people, but she has no way to repay Aisha yet unless...
"T-Teach me." Esta bites her lower lip and moves her legs against her chest. Staring from above, Charlotte couldn't help but feel her heart beat hastily at the sight of this elf making such a pose. Grasping her heart, the vampire trembles at the elf's words. "You sure? You might break."
"I-I am strong as well..." The vampire just smiles wickedly. Eyeing in the direction Aisha ran off to, she doubts that she will be coming anytime soon. I mean, she started this right after those three disappeared from her sight. "Alright." Leaning in, the vampire starts to kiss and lap over Esta's nipples again. Squirming and squealing, the elf tries her best to contain a bit of her sounds. Due to this, Esta was preoccupying herself by looking into the sky.
"Dear," Charlotte says, her covered breasts rubbing against the elf's slim stomach, "You should always look at your significant other. You wouldn't want to be surprised when they start doing something unexpected to you..." Sliding her hands through her panties and skirt, a single hand motions over Esta's womanhood. Shaking uncontrollably, Esta darts her gaze to the vampire.
"W-what was that!?"
"I doubt you touch yourself in such a sexually manner," Charlotte remarks, smiling wickedly as she licks her way from the girl's breast up to her mouth. Locking lips once again, Esta squeezes her eyes shut, feeling the vampire's breasts pressing against hers. She can feel both hands teasing the edge of Esta's vagina. Quivering violently, Esta struggles to breathe. Pulling away, a bit of saliva parted Charlotte's retreat, Esta breathing through her mouth. Moans were travelling into the air, the elf hugging herself while Charlotte teases her lower region.
"Now, now, don't do that." Charlotte moves Esta's arms around her, "If you want to hug someone, hug the person you're doing it with. Hugging yourself only works if... Well, you're being utterly submissive. I wouldn't mind chaining you up and torturing you for days, but I am teaching you here..." After the minutes of foreplay down there, it was time to turn it up. Rubbing and stroking lightly against the elf's clit, Esta jumps against the ground violently. Her innocent eyes start to shake in a bewildered manner.
She never experienced this overwhelming sensation that warmed her entire body and soul.
"Now... Once you get her warmed up, you want to get her excited, get her aroused..." Using one hand as Charlotte explains this, her other hand gropes and teases her breasts and nipples. Esta lets out a continuous stream of moans exit her mouth. Panting, sweating, this elf was being reduced to an erotic and submissive state. Stopping the assault on the elf's breasts, the vampire decides to pull her panties and skirt down, so if she climaxed, it wouldn't get all over them. Well, if she did have a mess, it was the master's duty to clean it up.
Esta could not describe this intoxicating feeling that was engulfing her. It was something that felt too amazing. The feeling of her clitoris getting played with was stimulating her so easily. The groping, those strokes, the vampire's tongue... everything was making her melt. The world, the problems, nothing mattered. This was like heaven... And a stronger feeling suddenly emerge from below that spread throughout her body.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Esta screams as Charlotte sticks one finger into her. Whoa. Charlotte didn't expect the girl to scream that loudly. Eyeing to where Aisha disappeared to, she shrugs and continues on. She wants to make this girl cum.
Deciding to send a bat as a precaution, she force it to go into the woods. Continuing on now...
Charlotte locks her lips all over the elf. Shoving her tongue against the elf's tongue and down her throat, the elf squirms once more at the new move. Charlotte has her right hand fingering her and in out while her other hand teasingly stroke her left ear. The elf moans violently into the vampire's mouth, slightly wiggling against Charlotte's body. With the vampire on top, she has her breasts zone in on the elf's goodies, rubbing their nipples against one another. Charlotte also presses her breasts against the elf, feeling herself getting a tad wet under her panties. The vampire did not withdraw her lips away from Esta's as she gives out some slight moans as well. Charlotte opens her eyes to take a peak at the shy and innocent elf... Well, she won't be that innocent after this.
Going a tad faster with her hands down there, she adds another finger into the elf's pussy. Man, it has been a long while since she actually fucked a virgin. Of course, Charlotte would love to be on the receiving end, but Aisha should be here eventually. Sighing in her mind, she has her left hand grab a strand of the elf's hair and uses it to brush against the elf's ear. This threw Esta off completely.
She starts to howl, screaming into Charlotte's mouth. Her eyes pop open before they shut themselves again. The elf was frantically moving underneath her as the vampire's finger hastily move in and out. Unable to take the exploding sounds erupting into Charlotte's mouth, the vampire withdraws. Gasping very heavily, the elf starts to usher out erotic and alluring sounds. Memorized by these sounds, Charlotte almost stopped.
Of course, this would ruin the mood and piss the elf off. She was going to climax soon. Charlotte slides her body down at her pussy personally to lick up her treat.
"Well... This is how you finish it off. Well, this is my sort of way. Depending on what you want, you can do something else..." Rolling herself off of Esta's upper body, Charlotte appears in front of Esta's womanhood. Pulling her fingers out, the vampire decides to shove her wet moist tongue into her. The elf feels a sudden burst of electricity all over her. With her entire body filled up like this, there was no way she could hold to whatever she was holding. Her body was screaming for a release.
That tongue dives deeper and deeper into her. There was no stopping it, Esta letting out a very loud scream.
Charlotte couldn't help but watch the elf explode.
She just came, and the vampire hungrily licks the mess up.
Sprinting at such speed, I arrive at the edge of the forest, gasping heavily. My god, why did I leave those two alone!? Walking into the field, I can see the two talking on a rock. Charlotte was motioning her hands in front of her, explaining something. I guess she wore her formal outfit to get comfy.
Sitting across from her, Esta was giggling at whatever Charlotte was saying. Motioning her close fist over her smiling mouth. Placing my hand on my chest, I walk towards those two. Upon seeing me, they quickly got up from their seats, greeting me.
"So. Did you save your sister?" Esta asks cheerfully. Huh? That's strange. I did not hear that shy or stuttering tone in this elf anymore. She seems like she was brimming with utter happiness and energy. I feel like Charlotte did something to her. My eyes dart towards her in a piercing manner. Charlotte holds her hands up. "I did nothing wrong."
"If you want proof," Esta moves her long hair away from her neck, "See. Nothing." No bite marks. I guess Charlotte must have done something else, but I do not have time to figure out what exactly. I was two skills away from ranking up. Thinking about it, I never asked the elf what her skills are. I guess I can bug her later about that. Right now, I want to level up rearm and disarm. Along the way, if I can tame some creatures- money! I lost a good amount of money buying Esta.
"Oh... Charlotte, I have a favor to ask you for tomorrow." The vampire raise her eyebrow. "Can you arrive in Zezrious tomorrow morning? There will be a meeting about the upcoming Crusade. Since you are a Gate Guardian, you might be dragged into this mess." The calm expression on Charlotte turned twisted.
"Crusades... Ugh. Alright. I will accompany you tomorrow morning. I will wait in front of the castle."
"You can't leave your gate though right?"
"With this war, there will be several high rank officials supervising my gate. I can do whatever I want for now. If you plan to stay in Zezrious Aisha, I will be keeping my deal to protect you at the least." Protect me? I don't remember this as Nero's deal.
"It was to help me, not protect me."
"If you are going to stay in the city during a Crusade calling- you will need it. Trust me." The vampire says with a stern expression. Regrouping with us, Gallant, Golem, Louise, and the orcs appear. The newcomers were surprised to see Charlotte, the Underworld Gate Guardian. For one, she was beautiful, but that was not the reason why they were shocked.
She was on friendly terms with Aisha's group.
To be friends with a Gate Guardian meant that you are a special person. Louise, shocked by this, asks, "How... What? Sister, how are you friends with the Gate Guardian?" Charlotte hums at the sight of Louise. Another beauty has appeared in front of her. Stepping closer to the shield princess, she quickly cowers behind Golem.
Without any sort of indication, Charlotte can easily piece something together. Louise loves Golem. Does the giant fellow know this? Sliding a little comment to the giant knight, "Well, she must like the big ones huh?"
"..." Golem did not say anything.
Watching everyone, I cleared my throat.
"I will be going around the forest now to level up. The rest of you can return to the tavern in Zezrious." The knights and orcs nod at this, already heading back to the city.
"Come on Esta." Turning around, I watch Esta and Charlotte hug each other. Eh? A sudden feeling stabbed me in the heart. In the short amount of time, did those two become lovers? Wait, am I jealous again? She is my elf... there is no way...
Hiding my confusion and jealousy, we head out. In secret, the two only hugged because Esta wanted to say thanks for teaching her THAT.
Running around the forest, we stumble into several orc parties. Using my bare hands alone, I was able to beat them up. Snatching their weapons from them, I hack them down easily. Surprisingly, Esta was buffing me with a ton of seplls. I can feel a shield over me. Looting the dead bodies, we continue on.
I know Esta has no experience in killing orcs. Stopping my killing spree, I allow the elf to use her magic attacks. The orcs could not deflect her attacks. Dying from a couple shots of her magic, she seems okay. I thought that she would be afraid at the sight of blood and dead bodies, but I was wrong. She executed these orcs quickly and showed no hint of remorse.
Twenty-four dead orcs later...
Skills increased in: [Level 9 Rearm] --> [Level 10 Rearm]
[Level 9 Disarm] --> [Level 10 Disarm]
I know I have ten level 10-19 skills now. Pumped by my rank up, I was startled by something that popped into my head.
Congratulations, you rank up. You are now a rank two warrior.
Please select one of the special traits.
Wait a second, This never showed up when I ranked up. It must be because of the "Defeat Inheritor." Puzzled at this damn thing popping up in my head, I eyed at the two perks.
Death IncreaseDeath Focus
Eh? Death Focus and Death Increase? I never heard of such things? Shaking my head side to side, I want to know about the description of these two perks.
Death Increase helps the user skills(level 1-19) increase by five levels for every kill.Death Focus allows the user to select one skill(level 10-30) from a defeated foe to level 40.
Was there any sort of consequence for choosing one over the other. Apparently, there was no screen or information answering my question. Huh... If I choose Death Focus, that might be very useful to just skip to rank five, but that will mean I will have to kill a bunch of weaklings... And I don't feel great about killing the weak. Never felt good about it, even now.
Not only that, I will raise suspicion around me if the king or other important individuals notice this. Only a selected few know that I have this "Defeat Inheritor."
The other one can help me increase to rank three right away if I do kill high powered enemies like the Skullclaw orcs, I won't feel that bad. Hell, I will be fighting in the Crusade most likely. I do not think the enemies will have that much skills at level 10-30. This was a better perk because I can kill someone of high level without feeling guilt.
You have selected Death Increase for this rank up perk.Are you sure?
Yes, I am sure.
Rank up process complete. You have gained the Special Perk: [Death Increase]
Chuckling to myself, I turn to Esta. A rank up can be noticed by anyone if they're close to the level the individual levels into. So if I turn to a rank two warrior, rank one, three, and four can feel it in the air. Well, if they are close by. Most of the creatures in the woods can feel it, and Esta felt it as well.
"Congratulations Master Aisha." Esta reveals a perky smile with her eyes closed. Planning to scold her on calling me master, I noticed something about this elf.
She ranked up as well! Blinking several times, I finally want see this elf's abilities, perks, and skills.
"Esta..." I started, "I want to know your abilities, skills, and perks." Walking closely to me, TOO CLOSE, I can feel her eyes piercing right into my soul again. UGH! Why does this elf attack me with those eyes. Blushing and turning my head, she lets out a pout.
"Don't turn your head master!"
"Y-You're too close-"
"How else can I give you my information master. I HAVE to stare into your eyes to give you my stuff."
"More like you're giving me a cute death stare..." I mumble.
"Alright, alright." Turning my head towards the elf, I stare into her eyes. Biting the lower lip of mine to resist the urge to glomp the cute being, I stare at Esta's abilities, perks, and skills.
Esta Lancester SilveriaDivine Art Elven Comet
Locked. Special requirement(s) is needed to unlock the rest of this information. This being has a chance to evolve upon completing a certain procedure. Times evolved [0/3]
Faith Magic can also be unlocked once this individual can become a Fiend/Angel/Demi-God rank.
More Divine Arts will be unlocked after evolution.Perks: [Increased Mana], [Increased Wisdom], [Empowered Magic Attacks], [Improved Casting Time], [Dual-Wielding Magic], [Shortened Wait Time]Skills: [Level 10 Healing], [Level 10 Light Arrow], [Level 16 Protection], [Level 10 Shield], [Summon Level 5 Light Sprite], [Level 2 Regeneration]Abilities: [Regeneration], [Regenerate Mana]
Evolution!? What!? I heard about such a thing, but it was super rare. Beings who can evolve can utilize special traits and arts no one else can use. Amazed that I bought a special sort of elf, I decide to hug the cutie.
"E-eh!?" this made the elf blush madly, "W-Why are you hugging me?!"
"Because we're not rank ones anymore!" I said, jumping up and down.
"B-But master..." I stare down into those blue eyes once again, "I-I know you're stronger then me. You look like a war goddess when you move in front of me..."
"War goddess?" I let out a little laugh, "I doubt you can say the same thing if you saw how strong Charlotte is."
"O-Oh? She's that strong?" Esta was curious about the vampire. They just fucked each other after all.
"She's a Fiend class, but with her scythe, she's on a whole different level." FIEND!? She, a rank one elf, just had sex with a high rank. "Hey, are you okay Esta?" The elf quickly turns around, confused on whether to be happy or screaming in fright. Calming herself, she says, "I-I-I a-am alright..." She was stuttering too much.
"Well, I am in a good mood. I want to tell this to the others. Let's go capture some creatures and head back." Nodding to this plan, we head out through the forest. Oh, since Esta was with me, I decided to inform her on how to tame a monster. Most likely, she'll gain a few levels in it before the end of the day.
Taming four wolves, we called it quits. The reason being... I swear, the wolves literally attacked Esta on purpose. Fending off the savage beasts, I had to let out that terrifying roar. Affected by my Threatening Roar, Esta decides to comfort them and show them that we are friendly. After they accepted us, all four wolves tackle the girl and cuddle against her huge....
Arriving at the entrance, the guards allowed me to pass without paying the fine. It seems like everyone is getting wind about my reputation. Some of the guards said congrats to me for ranking up. Heading to the monster store, Kat glares at me.
"Eh...?" I can tell that this girl was mad at me, "Why are you showing me that face?"
"I-I heard what you did at the town center." A lot of people turn their glance to me, immediately recognizing who I was. Ah yeah, I said people will remember me as the girl who kissed a... Abaddon rank. Should be the same rank as a Leviathan. Anyways, yeah, Kat was mad at me. I don't get why this girl was... Oh.
Maybe she likes me.
"I-I had to make a deal with that monster." I said, telling the truth, "If I didn't, she would have enslave this elf." Pointing to her, Esta bows formally to Kat. Eyeing at her, Kat was shocked at how cute she was. Taking one look at me with those fierce eyes, she closes them to let out a huge sigh.
"I can't stay mad at you..." she admits, "But..." Leaning in she whispers, "I want to get a kiss from you sometime. It's just... a little wish that I want to come true." Chuckling lightly, I said, "Okay." Handing her the wolves and gaining sixty thousand gold, I kind of question if I can fulfill a girl's lust. I mean, I can kiss them and all, but can I go to that point where we fuck each other in the bed. Shaking it off, I just lead Esta to the tavern.
The orcs were already dispatched to the castle. Gallant, Golem, and Louise sat at one table. When they were coming into the city, Golem told Louise to get rid of the family's insignia. This was to avoid any trouble with the Imperial knights wandering around the city. Glancing at me, they can tell that we hit rank two.
"Well, why don't we celebrate." Gallant says, calling a waitress over to get some alcohol and food. We were playing a farce at the table. There was something else that I wanted to know.
Heading into my room, the five of us sat around the wooden table. Gallant pulls out the map he and Golem looked at in the morning. "Titan went west to do three things." Gallant started, "Due to the fact that you will become a ruler, you'll need an army..." Hearing this, I got up from my seat.
"WHOA, I am in no position to do that sort of stuff yet! I mean, I just turn rank two... I can't possibly-"
"We know, but it will take a while to prepare an army. If you did it when you were rank ten, it will take you years still..."
"I don't remember planning to become a ruler though," I said, surprised that Titan was sent to gather soldiers, "Unless... you guys didn't warn me about something." Gallant and Golem eye at one another, saying, "Emperor Titus knows that the Grahams family has 27 son and daughters. 13 princesses, and 14 princes. Even if you were to stay hidden, someone will rant you out. It is possible that Prince Arnos also revealed your identity." A cold realization flows down my back. He has always asked me to dance with him in my family's banquet, and being a son to the Emperor... He should have told his dad about me.
"Emperor Titus knows you are out there somewhere. To be on the safe side, we will make an army to counter his rule. That is why Titan is heading west to get help from an old allies of ours..." Gallant pauses, "This was back when our Black Knights were arrogant and prideful. We had a former master, but he died as he lets a few remaining Black Knight leave his army to start anew. The fact that only a few heard about us means that our enemies wanted to keep the information about us Black Knights a secret." This was the first time I will hear about the Black Knights. Nero and the others never revealed their origins or their history.
"The Black Knights were prideful and arrogant because we literally ruled a handful of land. We were fearsome and fearless soldiers who crushed armies despite the odds! Our strongest warriors decimated armies that try to kill us and we lived wonderfully. We are not savages, we stayed in the lands we conquered from our attackers. We showed intelligence and kindness to our people. We died out because we were seen as a threat for several other clans near us. The Pureblood Demons, the Dragon Knights, and the Witches of Chaos. We have fought against each one of them separately, but they made an alliance to get rid of us. War broke out through our lands as we tried out best to hold our lands, but we were overpowered and outmatched. We could stall and hope that our allies from other lands could help us, but we did not except a new faction to attack us. Death knights." Exhaling a bunch of air through his mouth, he pauses. Golem was quiet, reliving the moment.
"These new enemies were too powerful. Their beliefs and concepts are the opposite to our own. Their powers come from the dead. Our powers come from our loyalty to our master. Even if we held off the armies from the other three faction, the Death knights eliminated us without a sweat. They can store the dead souls into their attacks. Using something completely different from magic, faith, and chi. They harness the life force of the dead. If we killed a thousand of their guys, a simple attack from a Death knight can wipe out a thousand Demi-God Black knights with the massive amount of life force they stored up." A thousand!? A thousand Demi-Gods?! I sat there in disbelief. Louise could not imagine one being taking down so many Demi-Gods.
"We call our strongest and powerful faction leader Devil Shadow. He is seen as the wisest, strongest, and unbroken leader deemed by our people. When the end was nigh, he took a handful of our strongest warriors to delay the enemies. Anyone lower than a God were to run and start anew..."
"Nero. One. Of. Comanders. From. War."
"He is?" I asked.
"Yes. He is the only one who can allow anyone to start Black knight training." Gallant stares right at me, "You have become a Black Knight once we started, but the thing is..." Gallant was questioning if he can tell me something. Golem says, "Not. Now."
"Well... Titan is heading to see one of the great witches. Just dawning the armor, they will know who he is. The second reason why he is heading westward is the possibility of finding some other soldiers. There are a number of us that fled all over the damn place. A good handful of them went west, so he will see if he can find any there. The last destination will be your test to prove yourself as a warrior and to get a Souleater weapon."
"The Pillars of Gluttony." Louise states. She points it on the map, It was really out there. I can see where Zezrious was at, but I have to travel a lot of miles before I even arrive at that area. "The Pillars of Gluttony allows rank six warriors or higher to enter the place. There is no exception- they have to be of said ranks or they will gain no entry. This place is said to be the hardest and dangerous place to enter. Ten of thousand enters this place to become stronger and acquire goods, but a lot of people are killed."
"Titan needs a Souleater weapon. Out of the five of us, he is the only one without a Souleater weapon." Revealing this, Louise and I glance at these two knights before us. They have Souleater weapons?!
"Yes." Golem says, "We. Have. Them."
"Nero only took a good amount of weapons when we escaped. He handed them to the strongest warriors between the seven of us. Dan, Gale, me, Golem, Titan, Zan, and Nero- the order from least to greatest. Well, saying that, Titan should have a weapon although his style of fighting is using a greatsword. You remember that Princess Aisha?"
How can I forget that enormous sword. I could not pick up the damn thing and it felt like a giant had to use such a weapon. Despite Titan's moderate body frame, he lifts that sword with ease, and not to mention, he used one hand alone to hold the weapon.
"Two. He. Dual. Wields. Greatswords."
"THATS ABSURD!" Louise eyes at them at disbelief, and then at me, "How... Why did you guys hide your powers? Why did you serve Aisha instead of me?" Okay, that made me stand up and stare at her in disbelief, "Hey! You were free, remember! I was being a damn tool-"
"Calm down you two." Golem puts his hand on Louise, calming the green hair girl. I just collected myself and sat back in my seat.
"We are being hunted still. The Death Knights would not come this far to search for us though. They tend to stay in the area we left."
"Nero said he was going back there... Isn't that dangerous?"
"Not at the capital." Gallant answers, "He went to the one near Mel's homeland. We had some outpost located in areas that the enemies would not find."
"Said. Origin. As. Code. Word." Golem explains.
"Anyways... Titan wants to have two greatsword Souleaters. One would be enough, but if he had two, he would out power Dan and be on par with Nero." The two knights look at me, "We want you to go there when you are at or near that point." They did not need to tell me this. Sadden by the fact I have to be rank six, I plan to adventure into danger without these knights. Wait, they were not coming with me right?
"Are you coming with me to that place when I-"
"No." They both answered.
"Just making sure." I said, not disappointed by their answer.
"When you get to that point, we will leave with Louise and wait for you with Nero and Dan. And Titan should be enough help for ya." Louise gets up, "Well... I will head to my room now. After today, I am super tired. Night sis." Heading for the door, Golem decides to follow her. After those two exit the room, Gallant leans against his chair saying, "Just letting you know.... Golem has taken an interest in Louise."
Drinking some water, I choked on it before coughing violently. Dropping my glass, I stared at the door, then at Gallant.
"Are you kidding me?!"
"Use your brain princess. Why is Louise known as the shield princess.... She greatly admires Golem. One day, Golem told us about how she stalked him to see him train way back then. Seeing his fighting style, she literally dedicated."
"Wow..." I couldn't say much against it.
"Well... Golem will watch over her. I will be wandering around at night."
"Eh? Don't you need sleep?"
"Curse armor never allows you to be normal." Wait, what?
"Curse armor?" Wait. Those orcs have that skill. "Don't tell me the reason why you guys cannot take off your armor..."
"Yep. It's cursed. It give us great protection, but once you dawn it, you can never take it off. Well, night princess. Might want to take care of your girl." He turns his head to Esta. She was already asleep in the chair. "I don't blame her for falling asleep. She must have fallen asleep due to all the events today." Closing the door, I just eye at Esta. Changing her out of her outfit, I just place her under the bed sheets and went to freshen up.
Well, today was a great day. Tomorrow, I have to brace myself for that meeting though...
Leaving Aisha, Gallant decides to look at the desolated streets. Teleporting, he appears on the roof of the tavern eyeing at Charlotte. The vampire twirls around in a circle, giggling lightly as her red eyes shines in the night. Her white hair flows freely in the wind. She eyes at the Black Knight, bowing as if the two just met.
Of course not, but this was Charlotte.
"What is the status of Valarie's army and power in the Underworld?"
"It is growing. There is no way for anyone to literally stop her reign. She has controlled a good quarter of the entire realm. It takes a lot of forces to rally together and fight against her."
"I want to make sure that the reinforcements are not aligned with that girl... We won't be seeing her right?"
"She only shows up if it was THAT city. She wants the Death Knight city. If there was a calling from our side or the Crusades, she will show up."
"Do your guys know about those lands?"
"Nope. Both sides should not know the location about that place yet." Gallant just folds his arm and stares into the silver reflection of the moon, "Aisha will have to suck the blood of someone soon right?"
"Yep." Sitting on the top of her scythe, the vampire, "Also... I hear that this Crusade will have a Twelve-Winged Angel leading their forces."
"Twelve-Winged... That is..." Sighing, Gallant says, "Let's hope the city can survive. If not, Aisha will have to venture off on her own."
"You plan to leave her that quick?"
"She needs the experience. When Valarie or someone strong will force her to that state again, she has to stand against the overwhelming odds with her determination and strength. Most likely, I will die next. This Crusade will surely be the turning point in who lives and who dies."
"Oh?"Charlotte eyes at the man with concern, "You're the one tasked with training her."
"I cannot train her anymore. Not with that skill, and she needs to be tossed into the fry now. I cannot hold her forever."
"I would offer a little something, but that armor is cursed. Can't even take it off to do sex right?"
"Hey, don't do that now. You're fucking teasing me now."
"Well, you want to spend sometime with me?"
"Huh, funny. It seems like I've been talking a shit tonn. Man, signing me to tell and inform Princess Aisha, I'll get Nero for this. There is one question that also popped up." Charlotte eyes at the man.
"Prince Arnos will be appearing before the day of the battle right?"
- In Serial90 Chapters
A Gentleman's Curse
Living a normal, content blue-collar life in the States, MC hadn't expected his situation to change for a long time. When his soul is stripped of his body, however, his plans were thrown out the window. Thrown into a new world with regrets and the memories of a life that is no longer his, he can either embrace this new environment of magic and monsters, striving to make a new life here using his old knowledge, or suffocate under his past. Hey! Author here. Chapters post every other week and are anywhere from 3.5-6.5k words apiece. This'll be the first story I've ever written but I have a plot in mind and a plan in place. Just let me know if there's anything you'd like to see or if something about the grammar is bugging you. Thank you for reading! Please keep in mind there will be some minor adjustments made to the earlier chapters as the book progresses. I'm building a story chapter by chapter, so I may/will need to go back and touch up some things. If you like the story, please consider supporting me on Patreon!
8 255 - In Serial59 Chapters
The Eternal Seeker Saga
In a universe where Earth is nothing but a distant memory, and humanity is clawing its way back from a million years long interstellar dark age, Sarah Ciel-étoilé is but a humble mercenary. For 60 years, her crew of exiles has followed her onboard their stolen military gunship, the Eternal Seeker. But now, a threat like they have never seen before is rising. The Dominion, an intergalactic empire over a millenia old, is dying. Its catastrophic civil war almost brought it to total collapse, and it endures only through the strength of its navy. But that strength is waning. Throughout the Dominion's Protectorate, whispers of a revolution are spreading, and insurrections are flaring up, as a conspiracy set on casting down the Dominion and burning it to the ground set its plan into motion. Yet, behind all the chaos and the destruction, something far more sinister brews in the shadows, and it could change the face of the universe forever. This is the story of Sarah, and her mercenaries, during these troubled and dark times, as empires fall...and others rise. ----- Chapters will be posted every sunday, mostly at 23h30 CET (22h30 UTC), although I will probably experiment with different release times. Illustration © Tom Edwards TomEdwardsDesign.com
8 336 - In Serial48 Chapters
The Dungeon Hive- Volume 2
The sequel to The Dungeon Hive is here! After a huge fight against the humans, Ioplon's first dungeon is still here and the hive that controls it is now more bored than ever. As the world of Ioplon would soon find out, you must NEVER EVER let dungeon cores get bored. Strange things tend to happen when they do...yes; I said 'they'! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For edited version of the story, the full trilogy (Book_1: Fantasy Begins, Book_2: Dungeon Flames, Book_3: Spread of the Dungeons) are now available on Amazon. Please take a look, and leave a rating. Thanks
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Bastion Of Heroes
A long time ago, during once was known as the Age of Mysticism, heroes rise and fell. When an invasion occurred, only one place stood where humanity made it’s last stand. This was the Bastion of Heroes. However tales of this history was lost to the ocean of time. When a young boy Seth meets a remnant of this lost history, he made a promise. In exchange for training and skills, he would search for clues to this lost past. Join Seth on his journey to discovering the secret truths of the world.
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New parts every week on Wednesdays at 3PM ET*****The age of magic.A world where magic idols prevail.In these extraordinary times, Star One is one of the last non-magic idol groups left standing.When they feel as though they've reached their limit, miraculous magic emerges.And with it appears an unforeseen enemy, the Dragon Slayer Clan.Suddenly, Star One must face these challenges to discover the truth.Can they change their predestined fate?THE STAR SEEKERS with TOMORROW X TOGETHER*****Original story: HYBECo-planning: HYBE / NAVER WEBTOON
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