《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 9: Elf Rarity
Waking up from another nightmare, I had to hold in several screams. Twisting my face to be full of smiles and cheers, I eye at the two knights. "Morning Princess." They both said. Well, Golem said his after Gallant. Both knights were looking at a map. Shaking off the dread that engulfed me, I said "Morning Gallant, Golem." Trying to hide the sweat running down my skin, I said, "What are you two doing here? I thought you were going to do another mission for the Guild?"
"Well, we could," Gallant says, "But most of the time, we're on the sidelines. Due to our unknown reputation, most of the Demi-Gods working with us lets us sit out and watch them. Thinking that we're weaklings, they do most of the work. We just tag along for the rewards." Cooling down, I got up from the bed walking to the restroom. I stopped in my tracks at a sudden thought popping in.
"Titan headed west right? Why is he going solo?" Golem stares at Gallant.
"Well... Reach rank two, and we can tell you." Uh, that will take a while! Apparently I need to see all my abilities, skills, and what not. Not making a fuss out of it, I just walk into the restroom and stripped naked. After I clean myself off once, I wanted to just soak myself in the warm water. Sighing, I drown ninety percent of my body into the water. Only the my head lies above the water. Time for me to figure out what to level exactly.
Defeat Inheritor
Vampire Lust Cust
Demi-God Black Knight
Special Divine Cursed Art
Death Knight Mode
Skills: [Level 155 Dual-Wielding]
[Level 1 Cursed Armor][
Level 155 Heavy Armor]
[Level 155 Medium Armor]
[Level 155 Light Armor]
[Level 155 Martial Arts]
[Level 155 Swords]
[Level 69 Snipers]
[Level 60 Rifles]
[Level 60 Pistols]
[Level 50 Submachine Guns]
[Level 50 Grenades]
[Level 41 Shotguns]
[Level 32 Mines]
[Level 11 Axes]
[Level 5 Shields]
[Level 1 Spear]
[Level 1 Daggers]
[Level 20 Crafting]
[Level 8 Bartering]
[Level 3 Gun Smith]
[Level 5 Beast Taming]
[Level 6 Unarmed]
[Level 6 Disarm]
[Level 1 Rearm]
[Level 20 Bite]
[Level 20 Slash]
[Level 3 Beast Training]
[Level 3 Steal]
[Level 3 Traps]
[Level 3 Bondage]
[Level 1 Disarming of Traps]
[Level 5 Enslavement]
[Level 2 Kidnapping]
[Level 1 Cooking]
[Level 3 Archery]
Perks: [Tremendous Agility]
[Tremendous Foresight Knowledge]
[Tremendous Stamina]
[Tremendous Strength]
[Increased Resistance to Elements]
[Incredible Sight]
[Incredible Hearing]
[Increased Sensitivity]
[Increased Smell]
[Increased Taste]
[Two-Handed Stance]
[Strengthen Skin]
[High-Tech Armor Wear]
[Light Load]
[Rapid Reload]
[Gun Maintenance]
[Gun Use]
[Heavy Weapon Usage]
[Sniper Training]
[Rifle Training]
[Accuracy Increased with Guns]
[Precision Increased with Guns]
[Ammo Smith]
[Controlled Breathing]
[Sharp Visions]
[Pack Leader]
[Black Knight]
[Female Seducer]
[Orc Leader]
Abilities:[Gentle Play]
[Motherly Love]
[Summon Rank Three Wolf]
[Under My Command]
[Twin Volley]
[Shotgun Volley]
[Shotgun Focus]
[Fixed Fire]
[Explosive Hellfire]
[Sneak Shot]
[Powered Shot]
[Shield Decimation]
[Shield Arms]
[Threatening Roar]
[Frenzy Mode]
[Berserk Mode]
[Hidden Rank]
[Piercing Tornado]
[Dual Cross slash]
[Dual Barrage]
[Dual Strike]
[Armor Strike]
Sighing to myself, I only have at least one ability near the level 10 marker. Axes. The rest of these abilities are scattered. Today, I will have to earn money and level up the skills that are close to level 10. The abilities I will focus on will be shields, disarm, beast taming, unarmed, and bartering. Enslavement is up there, but I doubt I have any sort of skills to enforce this enslavement? Or more like I am wondering how will I execute this skill. Tossing that aside, I sigh at my large list. I literally gained a lot of things, but I am rank one still. How long has it been? Four days, five? Blowing bubbles against the water, I decide to head out. Procrastinating won't solve my problems.
Exiting the restroom, I slowly put on my armor. Gallant and Golem were still fixated on the map. After I place my gauntlets over my arms, I decide to chime in. Wondering why these two were staring at the map, I asked them, "What are you two thinking about?"
"Get to rank two." They responded. Puffing my cheeks, I was going to storm out of the room, yet these words erupt from my mouth "Any word about my other family members?" The two knights stare at one another before they turn to me.
"Well... There are a couple sightings of one of your sisters nearby." There are only a few of my sisters who were able to leave the caged life I was trapped in. It has to be the first seven princesses. Sadly, I was the thirteenth prince in the family tree. Debating about what to do, I think a bit of guilt has came over me. Not all of my family members deserves death.
"Later, can you accompany me to find their camp? I bet it is somewhere near here, right?"
"Oh? A change of heart?" Gallant says, surprised at my sudden motive to find one of my sisters.
"I don't care about most of my brothers. There are only a few that I will try to save. The others bullied me and treated me like shit," I answered, remembering the time they punched me aside and slapped me away when I greeted them, "My sisters... I guess I don't want them to die stupidly like my brother. I guess a hint of guilt and admiration to see them make better use of their life then staying loyal to a dead family." Gallant and Golem got up from the table, moving their shoulders and cracking their necks.
"Leave it to us, we'll find one of them by today. What do yo plan to do?"
"I will return around noon. By then, I can join you in your search for one of my sisters." Nodding to this plan, the two knights walk out of the room with me. Ignoring the Imperial knights who made a huge ruckus in the tavern, we part ways. Something caught my attention. Planning to tame new monsters, I was going to bug Kat about certain locations I can try. When I walk out of the tavern, a huge mass of people stand at my left. Eyeing the audience, I decide to stick around. It was an auction of some sort. What were they selling? It seems like the second to last item was sold off already.
"Damn it," a man says, "That slave has been sold to that damn noble."
"Shit, this last one will drive a hard bargain I bet." Another one stated.
Slaves!? I felt sick at this sort of business. Why the hell is someone selling people in this city?! Did Len allowed this to happen?! Planning to walk away, I hear the auctioneer motion at their last item to sell. Well, I don't think I can call a person an item now, can I? This poor being was being covered for a reason. Suspense. This crowd definitely have some sort of noble that will want this last slave. Grinding my teeth together, I decide to stay. This pissed me off. Instead of watching, I would have killed the auctioneer and free everyone, but this is life. The weak get dominated and the strong survives.
"Today," the masked man says, spinning around in circles before he stands next to the covered cage, "Is a rareeeeeee treat! You know the famous elves right? Those pointy ear delights- man or female- they captivate one's eyes? Well, guess what my bidders, we have a very special one underneath this cloth! This elf is a mage!" Folding my arm, I feel like there was something else to this. Having an elf mage was certainly expensive. Elves, in general, will cost a lot depending on their rank and beauty. Standing there, I listen to this devilish auctioneer.
"A sole survivor of her clan, this elf has been saved by our entrepreneur! This blonde hair delight can captivate any man's heart. She is skilled in light magic, but sadly, she is a rank one mage." The crowd starts to fire up a series of disbelief.
"Whoa, whoa, an elf that's a rank one. You shitting me?"
"I am not wasting money on this bitch."
"How you know its a girl?"
"He just said she idiot."
"Hm, she better be pretty then."
"Man, it is rare to see any sort of elves around here. I'ma spend all of my gold."
"If you can beat them nobles."
"Now, now," the auctioneer says, "Just wait before you miss your chance for this lovely little girl!" Pulling the rag off of her, a majority of the crowd awes at her features. Awing with the crowd, I just stare at her slight beauty. To be honest, I would call her cute more than some pretty elf. Hell, it seems like she has purity written all over her.
The elf wears a regular white gown and flats, chains cuffed around her wrists. Her big round eyes tremble at the huge crowd before her. Her hair shines against the sunlight sending off a strange sparkling blonde color to reflect in our eyes. She seems short. Standing in the back, I cannot tell if she was really short, or the distance was playing with my eyes. Her pale skin makes her seem like an angel that was taken away from the heavens. Eyeing at her chest though... With a small like body, how the fuck are her breasts that big? Hell, she has a cute appearance to her, but her chest is big. Her chest?! Wait, wait, I am staring at my own... The fuck. Am I jealous? Or am I thinking about something else.
Ugh, I cannot waste my time here! Eyeing at the elf once more, I pray for her safety. "The bid starts at one hundred thousand gold!" That destroyed the entire crowd. I can hear the people mutter and whisper ,"Are you shitting me?!"
"Fuck, I ain't getting that cutie today."
"This elf is just a rank one, who will pay a fucking hundred thousand for that!? I'm out."
"If only I had a bit more..."
"One hundred and fifty thousand." A high pitch voice rang in the air. Everyone turns to stare at some noble sitting down in his own chair. Being endorsed by several girls already, the fat noble strokes his mustache, chuckling at the prize on stage. My eye twitched violently at the sight of him. It was a noble from my country. Of course, he wouldn't notice me, but I saw him plenty of times buying some of my bad maids. How I want to kill this asshole. Endure... Right.
Hope, there is someone in the crowd who is better than this guy.
"Two hundred." A man exclaims. Hoping to god it was someone better, I turn to find my face burning with rage.
"Hey, you knight, you should let ME get this elf." the man says, licking his lips as he stares at the trapped elf. The armored knight just scoffs. An Imperial knight. He must be bored and have a ton of money to waste.
"Fuck you fat ass," he said, opening his helmet for a while to swallow a goblet of wine, "Me and my boys need someone to fuck with. She is the perfect one- her face is screaming for her virginity to get lost." The elf's face turns utterly pale. Clicking my teeth together, I doubt I can save her. These two fucking individuals are a thorn side to begin with. Due to this tension, a bunch of Imperial knights start to toss multiple prices into the bid.
"One hundred seventy!"
"One hundred eighty!"
"Two hundred, fuck you all!"
"Ha, that's all, two hundred and twenty!"
"Two hundred and fifty!" the fat man exclaims, the knights debating about raising the price or not.
"Child's play, three hundred." The original Imperial knight says, motioning his hand up in the air. This was insane. The reason why most of the people were quiet about this was the sole fact that this elf mage was weak. Even if she is an elf, you can get like a rank five slave mage at two hundred gold. Most of the people in the crowd understood this, watching the idiots who were staking their money for this one elf. Then again, some of these people will never see an elf again.
"Three hundred and twenty." the fat noble exclaims, almost jumping from his seat.
"Whoa, whoa, the numbers are sky rocketing. Are you two the only competitors in this bid? Shame, everyone else must be a chicken to get this cutie."
"Four hundred and fifty." That price shuts everyone up. The Imperial knight and the noble were dumbfounded at the high jump. A woman's voice exclaims this price, everyone turning to her. The auctioneer was surprised along with the elf. I was surprised to hear a woman raising the price.
This girl was wrapped in a strange hood. I was unable to see her facial features, but I can tell that this person was someone super strong. Her armor that covers her body tells it all. It was like she was some Death Knight. The armor has an embodiment of a skull on her chest and her shoulders. A greatsword was lying against her back. This heavily armed woman did not seem like any regular adventurer. Well, this elf will be saved by this person. Eyeing at her, I just wished her the best of-
Why is she staring at me? Out of a thousand people in this crowd, she is looking right at me! NO! Blushing at the elf's round eyes, it seems like wants me to buy her. She stares at me for a long time, her eyes did not turn away. The auctioneer looks around, wanting to hear the price go any higher. The noble has accepted defeat and the knight just shrugs at the man. "Going once..." Turning my head away from the elf, I tried to walk away. Her eyes are still locked onto me. Opening my closed eyes, I turn to stare at her again. Those round puppy like eyes are begging me to help her! WHY ME!?
"Going twice..." Her sudden action of standing close to the cage and staring at me was not noticed by the thousand of people. It seems like she got up in shock at the woman who will eventually buy her. In reality, that girl was stabbing me with those eyes.
"Last call...." the auctioneer lets the word call roll off his tongue. Goddamn it.
Will I do it?
"Four hundred and sixty!" I exclaim loudly. People dart their gaze at me. They were surprised that someone decided to raise the price again. Cursing at myself for making a scene, I walk forward and state my price, "Four hundred and sixty."
"Oh?" the woman that made the huge price gets up and smiles at me wickedly. She walks up to me, the two of us staring at one another. Like Len, I could not see her face that much with her hood covering her face. Worse, I could feel her heavy footsteps as she approach me. That death like armor literally sent shivers down my spine. Staring closely at it, there was a fire burning out from the mouth, the blue flame slowly shooting out from her chest.
"If you were for on sale, I wouldn't mind spending a good five million on you." Those words shock a bunch of people. If I blush right now, I would lose face to this mysterious woman, "Four hundred sixty-five!" That strong voice of hers echoes in the air. Despite her damn armor, I have to stand fast. Challenging this girl, I have to win. Strength alone will not win battles. Taking a gulp, I decide to smart talk against this woman.
"Oh? Am I that pretty? A bunch of people already want me, I should raise my price to thirty million then... Four hundred and seventy!" Gasps and chatter erupt throughout the crowd. Most of the people with brains in this crowd can easily tell that I was going up against someone above the thirteen rank. A Demi-God rank warrior or worse.
"Well, I know you will lose. What can you do to stop me from buying this elf? Four hundred and eighty!" Shit, she has a point. She can spend like one million gold if she wanted to. Even if I did not know this woman, it was obvious that she won't back down... Unless.... Should I do it?
"You stop bidding, and I'll give you something good right here and now." I declared. The nearby listeners were shocked at my proposition. A deal against a high rank warrior? A deal that was better than the elf on stage? Even if I was a rank one? That was suicide and stupid. Everyone knows that a rank one warrior could not offer anything good. However, the girl was amused at my sudden offer.
"Oh? What do you plan to give me right now..." Before she finish her words, I decided to go for it. Hell, all I will hear is the stupid rank one that kissed a girl.
And that's what I literally did. In public, I pressed my lips against the woman. Having one arm wrap around this female, I press our bodies slightly against one another, my tongue moving deep into her mouth. Surprised by this, I did not let her push me back or fight back, utterly seducing her. Pray to god that some of these perks can kick in. Female Seducer.
Everyone in the crowd was shocked at my daring move. The auctioneer, the elf, the noble, the knight, everyone was speechless at my action. Forcing the girl back, I shouted out four hundred and ninety!" The auctioneer eyes at the other bidder. Dumbfounded at what happened, a few minutes pass as the auctioneer shrugged.
"Going once.... Twice.... Last call...... SOLD to that daring succubus!" Succubus?! My mind was going to kill that auctioneer for calling me that out loud! Not wanting to eye at the mysterious woman, I decide to leave her be and run to the back of the stage. I don't know if she is mad that she lost this elf, or if she'll rage at me for making an embarrassing scene.
Startled by my own gamble, my cheeks blushed so brightly. Oh god, how many people will spread this around? Some rank one kissed a Demi-God warrior. Oh god, Gallant and Golem will hear this eventually. I royally screwed myself over! Grabbing my head, I felt like slamming it against the wall. The auctioneer was observing my inner struggles. Calming myself, ignoring the fact that this masked asshole called me a succubus, I turn to the two.
Beside him, the blonde hair elf was free from her shackles. Obviously, this auctioneer wanted the money I bid. Sighing, I let my ring spit out four hundred ninety thousand gold coins. "Wait here for a moment, let me make sure it is exactly four hundred and ninety coins." He holds a gold card that maxes out at five hundred thousand coins. Watching the card swallow all the money magically, the price is labeled on the card. I gave him the exact amount I bid for. Bowing down to me and taking off his top hat, he says, "I hope we can do business again you succubus woman..."
"I AM NO SUCCUBUS!" the man darted out of my sight, leaving me with an elf girl.
"T-thank you for purchasing me." She says. My god, her voice is too soft and shy. Grasping my chest, I try to argue with her... Or point out how she guilt trip me to spend most of my gold on her. I swear....
"You were staring at me with those eyes of yours?"
"W-Whatever do you mean?" she asks innocently. My body trembles in some slight anger.
"You know what I mean..."
"Oh... S-Sorry about that. It's just... you were the only one who I can trust out of everyone in the crowd."
"The woman I was bidding against seemed like she wouldn't harm you."
"Not exactly." I felt like my body experienced a chill rushing up my spine. Nope, it was worse, "I was going to keep her for my own harem back in the Underworld, but it seems like SOMEONE caught me off guard. Well, I got to admit... That sensation and kiss was way too good to pass up on. It was totally worth the lost of an elf, yet I want you now." She has her index finger tap me right at my chest. Apparently she was right behind me the entire time. No doubt about it, she was stronger than a Demi-God. Shoving her hand away, I said, "Whoa, I am no slave and I won't get caught easily."
"You're the one Valarie cursed. I am surprised you haven't fallen yet. Then again, it only confirms that you won't go insane from such a cheap curse. It seems like you don't mind playing and flirting with other females..." That fucking name. Stating such a name, that means this woman is actually a significant figure from the Underworld.
"Hey, I don't want to hear that girl's name and I don't make people fall in love with me by force." I stared at her coldly. Despite all of Valarie's reputation, I could just spit on her for tainting the definition of true love. Hell, her methods and her sadistic side of her pisses me off. If it wasn't for her...
"Don't worry, I hate her too. EVERYONE hates her." She lets out a laugh, "Well, if you do visit. I wouldn't mind having a blast with me and you." I shook my head, "You think I can even enter the Underworld with my rank. I couldn't beat Charlotte like this."
"Oh?" the woman twirls around before she leans against the wooden stage, "Well. From what I heard, you survived Charlotte's ten percent test. Not only that, Valarie has a scar on her now, and Brynhild has given you her famous ability." The girl motion her hand in front of her, checking her nails (even though it was covered by a glove), "Not only that, you impressed the King of Zezrious- the infamous Hero of Bullets. You are building your reputation even though you are rank one.... Aisha." Making sure no one else heard that, I said, "What is your goal? I thought Fiends and other evil rank are stuck in the Underworld."
"Oh, you haven't learned about the point of the good and evil factions yet?" Thinking about it, no one informed me about this. Scratching my head, I asked her, "What do you mean?"
"U-Uh..." The elf decides to chime in, "The light and dark side can be viewed like a religion. T-These sides can use faith energy. U-Unlike mana and chi, this energy is used by these two sides after people worship them. T-The basis of faith energy derives from the people. D-Depending on which settlements worship which side, the faith energy is either high or low. There are heretics or prophets that spread how great their sides are to spread their culture and beliefs to many neutral factions."
"The cutie explains most of it. The reason why I am here is because of official business. This small event was sort of a time passer. There has been a Crusade to capture this city. You know what a Crusade is, right?"
"A Crusade is where the light side targets a certain city that should be under their control. Directing several armies and marching to their target, they hope to take the lands from the heretics. Although this city is neutral when it comes to religion right?"
"Yes. Zezrious is neutral, but apparently, the forces of light wants to capture this city. Due to the fact that we captured the entire country below this one, the light forces want to gain an equal footing against us. Deciding to use force, they aim to take this city. Our Crusade for us dark beings, we call it Hell Wraths. Ah, do you know why faith energy is important?" I shook my head no. "Faith energy is stronger than mana or chi. The energy can unleash catastrophic damage and spells that no man wants to see." Knowing I should be surprised by this, my body couldn't let out a shock of any sort. Why is that? Maybe I figured out faith energy was that important? I could have read it in a book...
"What is your name?" I should ask this every time I bump into someone new. This will save me the trouble of forgetting their names. If I say certain names, it might save my life in the long run.
"Morrin." She states, "Morrin Evony. Well, I have to go now. Be careful, those Imperial knights think they can take your slave away from you. Well, a bunch of people are planning to rob you. Try not to get killed." Waving her hand, she disappears into the crowd of people. Ugh, more problems appear one after another. Poking my side, the elf looks up at me cutely. Eh, cutely is the wrong word. Sighing loudly, I feel like her eyes will get me into a lot of trouble. Just using those round big eyes just engulfs me with an urge to do whatever she wants. I have to admit, she might be worth it.
If I travel around with Gallent and Golem, everyone will be scared of me, but I will be heavily protected. I love my knights, don't get me wrong, but I need experience. I need to know how to take care of myself. These knights are my fathers, of course, my family, but I cannot let them babysit me forever. Getting this elf, she might tag along with me from now on, and I can actually level with her. It was getting a bit difficult to level up by myself.
Well, was it? No, the feeling of loneliness was getting to me. Dragging Gallant and Gale to level up with me will surely bore them. Well, it might scare everything in this forest if they bump into these two. Either way...Thinking deep in my head, the elf continues to nudge and poke me, trying to get my attention. A few more minutes pass, the elf finally slams her head against me. Snapping me out of my thoughts, I eye at the girl. She has both her hands covering her head, rubbing the pain away. Chuckling lightly, I pet her on the head. "Sorry about that." Wait, why am I petting her?
"D-Don't treat me like a child." She pushes my hand gently away from her. She puffs her cheeks and looks at me. Despite her attempt to get mad, her round face could not form a truly menacing face. Trying my best, I did not laugh.
"Ah... What is it?" The elf looks down and motion her foot against the ground. She has her hands behind her now, trying to avoid my gaze.
"T-Thank you for saving me. I-I promise to make it up to you..." Did I want a slave? A memory painfully enters my head. My brothers were mean to the house maids. After my incident with my father, a bunch of maid always ran up to me and told me their problems. Due to my hatred to my own family, I listened to them and comfort them. They always ran to me when something came up. The only problem I couldn't stop- the abuse. I watch my brothers beat and bully these maids behind my parent's back. Hell, one of my brothers rape some of the maids. The guards literally joined in as well.
A pain surge in my heart. I don't think I want to keep this girl as my slave. Staring at me due to my silence, she was going to poke me or something. Taking out some gold from my ring, I handed it to her.
"I can give you a few gold coins so you can protect yourself. You can start your own life now. I do not want to trouble you with a contract to me. I hate having slaves. Go back to your forest." Turning around, I can feel the elf grabbing my wrist.
"D-Don't...!" Raising my eyebrow, I asked her, "Are you scared?"
"I... have no where to go. My family was killed in front of me. I have no powers to fight for myself, and I am scared to be alone." She literally hugs me now, telling her sad story. "I... don't know who to trust. Humans told me that I would be safe with them, but I was captured... I... Don't know what to do." The shakiness in her voice and sadness stabs my heart deeply. Grinding my teeth together, I curse to myself. Here I am, trying to give her freedom, but I am blind enough to ignore this girl's struggles.
The pain. The agony. The misery.
Sounds like.... me. My body feels a strange warmth again. Eyeing at the elf, I grasp her in my arms. She was silently crying against my armor. Allowing her to cry, I just stood there with my arms around her. After she stops crying, she apologizes to me.
"I-I cried all over you. I-I am sorry master..."
"Please, don't worry about it. And do not call me master." Even though she seems like a kid, I feel like she is older than me. "Are you sure you don't want to be free? If you travel with me, danger will appear at every corner." The elf was surprised at my words. I thought she was going to think it over, but her mouth ushers a strong, but shy, answer.
"I will accompany you Master Aisha..." Covering her mouth, I hastily peer around the area. "Do not use that name!"
"I-I-I am soooo sorry... P-Please punish me...!" Eh? Thinking about it, I could...
No, no. "Don't sweat it. Just call me Anne when we are in public. My true name must not be revealed. Huh, why are you so short? Aren't you suppose to be taller?" Finding this as an insult, the elf, puffs her cheeks and kick me.
"I-I am still growing." She says, glaring at me. My god, those eyes might kill me. Testing to see if she'll feel regret for kicking me, I pretend I was in some slight pain. The elf quickly panics, rushing to me and apologizing. "S-sorry... I-I didn't mean to..." She closes her eyes when I stretch my hand out to her.
"God, can't you be a bit more...Huh, I don't know. Yourself?"
"B-But I am.."
"How old are you?"
"No, you kidding me. You CAN'T be forty-eight." My eyes show disbelief at the girl's statement. Forty-eight!? With this teenager like body!? Hell, her height makes her feel like some kid. I mean, her height is around my stomach. Slightly above my stomach.
"I-I am..." she looks away from me, her voice hinting a sense of frustration at my disbelief. Of course, I actually believe her... But yeah.
"Don't worry, I believe you." I said, "We should get going. Make sure you stay close to me. We will be followed once we head into the crowd."
"E-Eh, why?"
"I am a rank one, you know that right." She nods her head. "So?"
"You are truly innocent." I sighed, dragging her with me. Entering the crowd of people, the Imperial knights start to tail after us. It seems like they want the elf still... I have to find a way to get them all off my back. These Imperial knights are not the only ones who want this girl. Jeez, I don't think I can handle them all if we leave the city. I mean, I can handle myself, yeah, but I don't know if I can protect this girl. Fuck. I did not even ask this elf for her name. Think me! Isn't there a way to get rid of all of these damn stalkers?!
"An. Elf." Golem's voice rang in the air. Snapping out of my thoughts once again, I stare at my two knights. All of the figures following us quickly abandoned their attempts. Seeing these two knights, they thought I bought the elf for them or that I was ordered to buy the elf for them. Well, they are wrong about their conclusions, but I was satisfied that they left. Gallant notice these parties abandoning their pursuit on us.
"..." Gallant gave me that 'look'. The look that wants an explanation of my actions. Taking all of us into the room, I explain what transpired after our partings. The two knights fold their arms. Waiting for a moments, the two knights did not scold me for buying this elf. They were troubled at something else. After the encounter with Morrin, I told my knights about the Crusade on this city.
"This city is going to experience one hell of a ride. We should get ready to leave."
"Leave?" Shocked at those words, I almost got up from the chair. We couldn't leave. I needed to use the king's library, how would I inform myself about this world. I mean, I can always buy a book, but if I have the privilege to enter the king's library for free- it'll save me money and allows me to read an extensive amount of books.
"Well, it is your call Aisha." Gallant says, "But I will tell you this. Crusades should not be taken lightly. usually an Angel leads the attack. If what you said is true, we will be hearing news of armies on the outskirts of this city going all out. Due to the fact that Emperor Titus has aligned himself with evil, he will surely help out. His armies are here, so they will surely take the chance to fight to gain some levels and ranks."
"Troubled. Question. Defense. City." Golem said. The elf eyes at the knight, confused at his way of speaking.
"W-What does he mean?"
"He is asking about the defense this city has," I translated, "Well... I guess I can tell you two, but don't tell anyone else." The two knights tilt their head at the secret I was to reveal, "Oh, keep this a secret too." The elf nods at my command. "It seems like Len actually has a new invention that can literally turn the tide of battle. He is mass producing these High-Tech armor. These High-Tech armor can literally withstand and ignore the effects of a Pressure Realm." Gallant understands what I was getting at, finishing the rest of my explanation.
"With such an armor and deadly projectiles, there will be no way for any Saint, Fiend, or Demi-God to actually frighten his soldiers. Even if those ranks can teleport, charging into an army full of gunners will be suicide. Only a few can dare to do so. Len is too dangerous for an enemy."
"Back. To. Main. Subject."
"Enough about our worries on the Crusades. We should let the Fiends and Len take care of it. We have found one of your sisters Aisha. The seventh princess of the Graham family, Louise Graham the Shield General. Rank thirteen, she is camped somewhere near the Underworld Gate. The reason why she chose that location is to have a good footing in her environment. If she was spotted, the enemies have no choice to fight her head on. There is a large mountain range that extends to the left of her established camp. On the right, Charlotte guards her land. The enemies have to attack her head on."
"I see... Tell me, is she fighting anyone already?"
"It seems like she has crushed two armies already and two orc armies. I do not know about right now. When we saw her camp, another Imperial army engaged her." Rubbing my chin, I guess we can go to her camp right now. Even though it is not noon, the faster I take care of these little things, the more time I can use to train.
"Let's go." Gallant and Golem already got up. Halfway towards the door, they stopped.
"Before we go, you should give her a new outfit milady." The two eye at the elf. Motioning to his storage ring, Gallant takes out a lot of female outfits.
"Choose something to change into, we will be waiting outside." Closing the door behind them, I eye at the array of dresses, skirts, shirts, and other clothing Gallant pulled out from his ring. Why the hell did he have so many clothes in his ring?! And they were for females?! Not going to pry into his business, I watch the elf hesitate.
"I-Is this really okay?" Sighing, I just push her towards her selection, "Don't be shy. Choose something..."
"B-But... I-I don't know what will look good on me..." She answers shyly. I don't know why, but I can feel a smile cross over my face.
"Oh? Well, let's play dress up on you then." As I have my hand enter her shirt, the elf lets out a cute yelp. Oh god, this will be too good. "What is your name?" I ask, my body already against her.
"Well... I'll make sure you will look so adorable, the Golem will be in awe." And the screams start to echo in the air.
The two knight stand outside, hearing the muffled chatting and screaming. Gallant folds his arms and wait patiently. Golem, however, was worried. He eyes at the door, saying, "They. Okay."
"Of course they are fine... Oh wait, I forget to tell you about her curse and a shocking truth behind our princess." Golem tilt his head.
"Shocking. Truth."
"Yeah. I did not tell you about the curse Valarie placed on her. She should be fine now since she has that elf with her. The curse forces the princess to bite or drink the blood of a beloved, and it has to be female. After what transpired with Brynhild, I bet the princess is excited that she can actually gain experience now."
"In. Sex. You. Pervert."
"Hey, hey! I am thinking of the princess' well-being. We are her mentors and her fathers. Isn't it good to see our young master become a woman?" Golem just scoffs, shaking his head.
"Not. Woman. Too. Inexperienced." Gallant did not argue with that. "Nero really went to that place? That only means one thing... That Aisha is..."
"Quiet. Girls. Done."
Finally, after stripping this elf so many times, we finally got an outfit that would make her adorably cute and fearsome! Well, mostly cute. Yes, I bet Golem will say cute to this elf. It is rare for him to say that word anyways. The blonde hair of the elf still flows behind her, but the outfit she wears can easily give her the clear image of a mage.
Wearing a light blue outfit, light buckle shoes covers her soles. Underneath these shoes, her stockings runs up her leg stopping a bit above the knee. Her skirt stops below her knee as a white ribbon wraps around the girl's waist with the tie sticking out on her back. Covering over her light blue tight button sweater, a cape coats over her shoulder and a bit of her back. Finishing it off, the girl has her white gloves covering her hands while her head has a little light blue witch hat over her. Well, her weapon also is an ice staff to top it off. Her powers shoot out light based attacks, but for now, this is a get up for her appearance. Esta grabs the edge of her skirt.
"T-This is..." Staring into a mirror, she was blushing violently at her get up. Grinning wildly, I rest my head on her shoulder. "I think it suits you very well."
"I-I don't know... I feel silly..."
"COME BACK IN YOU TWO!" I exclaim, the elf shaking and trying to say, "N-No...! D-Don't..." When they enter, Gallant lets out a whistle as Golem mutter these words. "Too. Adorable." Laughing in the air, I said, "HA! I was totally right... Wait, adorable? Damn, I guess I overdid it." Eyeing at Esta, she was trying to cover herself. I can see why Golem said adorable now.
"You can keep these clothes." He told me. All the clothes on the bed were consumed by my storage ring. "Let us head out."
Exiting the tavern, we were going to go through the exit. Apparently, Len was there pointing all over the walls. "...Make sure you put the damn cannons in a good position. I want to make sure they can cover a wide amount of range without having any turning issues. If one cannot alter their weapons to adapt, then defeat can be imminent." His gaze turns to me, chuckling lightly.
"Hey Anne." I was going to bow along with my companions, but he stopped me, "Hey, hey, don't be all formal now. After yesterday, I doubt we can stay formal. People are spreading rumors about me falling in love with you." That blunt declaration made Gallant and Golem stare at one another in disbelief. I saw this coming, but I couldn't help my cheeks blush from embarrassment. Laughing, the king says, "They aren't wrong." Another surge of shocks the knights, but I had a hunch this king had a crush on me. He never told me what he meant by if I was taken.
"Well. It seems like I have to work my way though. Rumor has it that you kissed Abaddon Morrin and purchased an elf. You're a lesbian right?" I looked away from the king, blushing a bit heavier now, "Hey, she was going to win if I didn't do something."
"Fair enough. Tell me, do I have a chance still or will you reject me? No hard feelings if you say otherwise." This... was a first. This guy literally, and bluntly, admits his love on me. Thinking back to all the guys I dated, they were all obsess with my beauty and my wealth. Of course, Len does not know my reputation, but I think he wouldn't give a damn about it. This guy approached me for my intelligence. He could be going for my looks as well because who wouldn't want a smart beauty?
"I... cannot answer you properly. In my past,I have experience a ton of guy problems so... It will be a while before I can truly give you an honest answer." Len sighs in a mix of joy and sadness.
"Alright... Who are these two? Usually they are suppose to be leading, why are they following you?" He was eyeing at my knights, "And who are they exactly? Don't tell me they are your slaves too."
Without any hesitation, I stated, "They are my fathers." Len was in utter shock by this. The two knights were speechless.
"Wait. You have gay fathers?" Wait, huh? Was this wrong? I mean, my knights are like a fathers to me. Gallant and Golem are behind me, so I have two fathers. Did I use the right word? Leaning forward, Gallant whispers, "You made it sound like we were lover. Damn it girl...! I'll let you know that I love women."
Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I just said something that awkward.
"I-I meant fathers as in a if-they-were-my father sort of way! T-they aren't gay or anything..." The shakiness in my voice seems like I was trying to hide the fact that they were gay. Both of my knights couldn't believe I mess up their appearance by saying this. Thankfully, Len awe at this.
"Ah, got ya. I swear, if they were gay, it would explain your sexuality and interests, but then again, I blame those previous assholes who try to do stuff against you." One of his purple knights ran up to him, telling him of some supplies that arrived. "Oh? It's here already. Perfect. Well, I will see you around Anne. Come visit, I don't mind sparring with you again." Fuck that, I don't think I am ready to fight you again.
Leaving the king, we left the entrance.
"Never. Again." Golem said coldly.
"M-my bad..." I chuckled, "I didn't think it was awkward to call you guys my fathers."
"Well, do it in private. The king doesn't need to know that. Jeez, I question if your head is working princess." Looking over my shoulders, I can see Esta being utterly quiet. The other two knights took note of this.
"Are you alright Esta?"
"O-Oh! Y-Yes, I am..." She was hugging the staff closely to her. This was a bit awkward. Gallant, Golem, and I are already close. Having Esta here, I bet she feels out of place. Gallant decides to tell Esta all about me though. Letting him tell my tale, I can hear Esta let out some ah and oh. Golem chimes in too to make a few remarks. Hearing my own life story, I couldn't help but smile at them slightly. I was innocent in that cage. Despite all I did, I was not prepared for this world. Esta starts to talk with the two knights, slowly opening herself up to them.
As we head to our destination, I know that I might have to drink her blood. That perk, Female Seducer, can overwhelm any girl to lust over me. If I am unable to control my actions due to this curse, I can easily tell Esta to let me bite her. Grinding my teeth together, I feel awful. This elf has gone through a lot, yet she might get harmed in the process. I don't know... "Wow..." Esta says. Gallant finishes the story with what we are doing now.
"Master Aisha is amazing..."
"D-Don't call me master." I said in a very shaky tone, hiding my discomfort. For now, I guess I can shove these thoughts aside. I mean, a few more days before I have to drink blood. Arriving at the Gate to the Underworld, we blink at the open door.
"You came back. I thought you would never show up. Oh, it seems like you found Golem." Charlotte appears right in front of us.
"Hi." He says. Charlotte eyes at Esta, awing at the sight of an elf.
"Oh? An elf. Oh, Aisha, you devilish..."
"Hush." I said, trying to hide my irritation. "Why is the gate open?"
"Well, our army has to prepare against the light army, so its better to have them here before it's too late. Mobilization and speed can win wars. Now, why are you guys here?"
"Did you sense a nearby army?"
"Maybe. Why do you need to know?"
"That is my sister's army."
"Oh... I got a question, can I drink the blood of your sister?"
"What?" The vampire spins her scythe around her, "Just kidding. I think. Well, they are not in my turf, so I cannot kill them. I know that they are using my location as a part of their encampment. However, I can smell blood coming from there right now. It seems like the Imperial army they sent has routed, but a new force is engaging your sister's army right now."
"Huh? Who would attack them?"
"Skullclaw." My eyes burst open. Wait a second, those orcs are attacking them?! My body felt a chill developing over me. This was VERY bad. "Golem, Gallant with me! Charlotte, please watch over Esta- AND DO NOT SUCK HER BLOOD!"
Charlotte says, "Okay,okay....Bored out of my mind."
"C-Careful." Esta said, confused at my startled tone. Gallant and Golem were as well, but they did not ask me what was wrong. They knew that we had to move out quickly. Leading the way, I was already across the giant desolated field. Golem and Gallant followed right behind me.
The lowest rank warrior for these Skullclaw orcs is ten... I doubt that my sister can survive.
At the camp...
The Graham family's insignia of a yellow dragon wrapped around a sword flows in the air. The sound of battle echoes in the air. The princess leading this army, Louise, watches the hard fighting her army was delivering. They were trapped between two armies. After they force the Imperial soldiers back, a group of demons took their chance to attack the weakened army. Any army commanded by Louise never showed sign of weakness. They fought with everything even if they have no stamina. The fighting was in their favor until these vicious orcs appeared from behind. Even though their sides are covered, Louise never expected these savage orcs to attack them. Taking precaution, she had studied up on the races and events going on within the lands she rested in.
Skullclaw orcs are notorious within Eswaria. Dogfan, Nighteater, and Skullclaw orcs are the major factions that rule this country. Of course, there are major demon factions, elves, and other races, but these orcs are spotted most of the time. Knowing about the war the Skullclaws are having with the other two factions, Louise tries to figure out why these damn orcs are attacking her. Well, orcs are a savage race. Biting her lower lip, she watch as her fighting force was split into two. Her army is known for their notorious defense. There was no way for most of her enemies to get past her soldiers.
"The Shield Princess" and her "Turtle Army." Through years of training, this princess has trained every soldier in her army to use a shield. Even if they were inexperienced, she taught them personally. Her elite shield sisters are spread across the field to supervise the formations and protect any sort of weakness in each formation the soldiers executed upon certain circumstances.
It was important to pound certain drills into these men. If one falls, they all fall. Even though this seems harsh, all of her soldiers studied hard and practiced everyday. These formations are not to be taken lightly. Depending on the size and shape of her opponents, they will adjust accordingly. The demons have a few elite warriors. They are rank eight or nine. Bearing no wings, these creatures have to charge on foot with their lesser forms. The line holding these demons were wiping away the hundreds of charging imps and two legged fiends. Smiling, the formation was quite simple. They are all lined up with their tall shields against one another together. With these shields glued together, there was no gap in this shield wall. Charging into a rock, the demons could not push through these monstrous shields. They could not even hit the user. A small gap reveals itself for a spear to poke through and stab the enemies. Even if the demons cut the spear, they will find a new sharp spear appearing out of the hole. The rank seven and eight warriors hold their ground against the ferocious horde of demons. Only two rank eleven shield sisters supervised them.
To kill the massive horde of demons, the archers behind the warriors arch their bows over the shield soldiers. Arrows seen rain down on their enemies from above. One of the high rank demons start to hammer his spiked mace against the shield wall. The wall did not move, the warriors stand fast. Noticing the elite, one of her shield sisters rush to the scene. Spiriting towards the scene, a soldier toss her a javelin. Reaching the area with this elite demon, she jumps into the air. Locking her sights on the moderately taller demon, she violently toss the spear right into the elite. Impaling his head, the nearby demons start to lose morale.
Satisfied with this side, Louise only avert her gaze to the harsh fighting the soldiers are waging with the orcs.
Various formations are formed to deal with a single orc. All of their soldiers are rank somewhere from ten to thirteen. Their leader is a Demi-God. He wants Louise to come onto the field. The leader does not lower himself to fight against such weaklings, he wants a fight between leaders. Louise grinds her teeth at her men dying against these... abominations.
They defy what a usually orc would have. The Dogfan and Nighteaters wouldn't be a huge threat if they attacked her. They do not bear heavy armor and they will run if they are outnumbered. These orcs, however, did not have fear in their books. Even if a Demi-God appears in front of them, they will fight. Rumor has it a rank ten Skullclaw warrior can easily crush five thirteen rank warriors. This was before they gain this new armor they dawn.
With this armor, they have killed Demi-Gods.
Using that wall formations against these creatures will only delay them. What surprised the soldiers when they tried their formation was the orcs stupidly abnormal strength. They can charge through their wall formation with tremendous brute force. Placing their large shields on their backs, the warriors pulled out their medium shields and swords. Despite the armor and a shield to guard their backs, these savage orcs can kill one of her Louise's soldier in three minutes. Both warriors have an advantage in defense, but the orcs have better weapons. Piercing and blunt weapons start to crumble against Louise's tough soldiers. These armored orcs were different in size too.
If a human stands in front of one of them, the orc's body towers over a human. A Skullclaw orc is also two times wider than a human. They look like miniature golems. Cringing at the bitter fighting her soldiers are doing, Louise can only watch her valiant soldiers die due to the enemies firepower. The armor the orcs wear terrifies her foot soldiers. It was understandable. Bearing a dark metal color, one can see the blood stains perfectly against their armored bodies. These orcs look like a robot more than anything with all that armor covering them. Are they orcs? They seem more like an embodiment of technology devouring them.
Swords, spears, javelins, nothing could penetrate their dense armor. Three soldiers fight against one of their warriors, watching how the orc can easily fend off all three of them. Glancing at a soldier, he was fighting one-on-one with an orc. When they clash against each other, the orc tries to hit the man, but he was quick to evade his mace. The man slashes past him, hitting him twice before the orc swings his mace backwards. The man evades the attack, charging once again. The orc swings his ax, watching the man move under his swing. Not falling for the same trick, the orc knees the man. The human moves his shield in the way, flying into the air. Landing on his feet, he toss his javelin that rested on his back. The orc rams his head against the weapon, breaking it. Agitated by that javelin, he charges violently at the man. Raising his shield, the man was forced back by the brute. Turning his body sideways, his large shield on his back saves him from the incoming attack from the mace. Using his free hand, the orc swings it at the man. He uses the shield in his right to hold his hand at bay.
It was one-sided if Louise's soldiers had no weapons to pierce their tough armor. These orcs are too ferocious.
A sudden cry from one of her shield sister exclaims, "Don't let them go there!"
Three heavily armored orcs were rushing across the field to the shield wall holding the demons. A chill was sent down her spine. Eyeing at the orc leader, she can feel the warrior gazing at her. He wants her to take action. If no one stops these three, what will happen to her army? Several rank twelve warriors were beside Louise.
"Let us go milady!" they exclaim, getting ready to charge.
"We will all go together." the princess says, her short green hair flows in the wind. Wearing a circular hat on top with a black veil running down on the left, her purple eyes glare at the three wild orcs. Wearing light purple sabatons, the woman sprints hastily to the field. Wearing an open purple exquisite long coat over her light armor underneath her, the metal skirt motions against her legs as she slides down the slope of the cliff she was observing the field from. Her sword sisters follow suite.
Turning her attention to the leader, he starts to move. Walking slowly to her, she will have time to deal with these three orcs charging at her wall formation. Pulling out her sword, she jumps high in the air. It looks like she was flying, most of her enemies turn to watch this princess dash through the air. She had cover a great amount of distance just to stop these three orcs. Empowering her sword, she throws it at one of the orcs. Not planning to dodge it, the one orc just stood there. When the sword touched him, he realizes the mistake that cost him his life. The sword pierced through him as it stabs itself into the ground. The other two orcs eye at their dead companions, a shadow descending on them.
The princess lands a empowered kick to the head of one of the orcs. Upon impact, the body flies into the earth. A crater formed due to the body's impact, the remaining orc sliding right towards the princess. Still in the air, the princess empower her hands with chi, slapping the back of her hand against his head. Spinning several times before the head flies off the body, the three orcs were annihilated by Louise.
Walking out of the crater, she stares at the orc leader walking to her still. It will take a good while before he stands before her. She can wait, folding her arms for the orc to appear in front of her. No one in her army has martial arts or a high destructive spell they can use. If there was someone with those skills, they were already dead. With a good hundred orcs that attack her thousand soldiers, at least four hundred of her men died. The orcs only lost twenty. Fighting against this orc leader will be a challenge. She can tell that he knows how to use martial arts and he has a Pressure Realm he can activate. Being a rank thirteen warrior, Louise knows she's at a disadvantage.
Something was off. The orc leader lets out a terrifying roar that attacked... his own soldiers. Watching the scene unfold, Louise found a shocking realization about these orcs. They did not use their full powers. Chi can be seen off of their bodies after the leader sent out that roar. All of her soldiers that delayed their death were being killed. It was a slaughter. Chi is dangerous because it is sheer strength embodied into piercing energy. Combine with the orc's armor, their empowered armored fists can easily tear through her soldier's metal. Armor, shields, nothing can stop their empowered attacks. Chi armor or mana shield can counter against those strong moves, but her soldiers cannot produce them.
Guilt and shame surge through the princess. She lowers her head and balls her hands in a fist. They were going easy on them from the start. She has five hundred soldiers against these eighty orcs that can use martial arts. They walk towards Louise and her shield sisters.
"Ma'am," a shield sister runs up to Louise, "We have pushed the demons back. It seems like they retreated."
"I can see why." Louise calmly said. Her voice was cold and she knows that this will be another massacre. "We will fight to the end milady." The remaining soldiers that form the shield wall appeared behind Louise. What the hell is going on? Louise sighs at all the confusing events. She is wanted dead by Emperor Titus, her family is placed on the bounty list, and now she has these overpowered orcs targeting her. Will this day get any better? Two of her shield maiden's equip Louise's shields tightly around her arms.
Charging first, the princess leads her troopers against these chi powered orcs. Holding two shields, the princess literally rams through five orcs. Surprised at the strength this princess has, the orcs try to kill her. Punching the ground, the earth underneath them shatters. Stepping off the ground, the princess empowers her legs, ramming her knee against an orc's face. Being stopped in midair, the princess swings herself to have her shield slam against that orc she kneed. Flying from the impact, the orc slams into his fellow four other orcs. Landing on the floor, Louise eyes at her soldiers ganging up on these orcs. Raising her shields, she stop two giant maces from crushing her body.
"Huh," the leader says, "Fighting with shields and martial arts. Not bad. Reason why you're the shield princess."
"Why are you attacking us?"
"Cause we fucking can." The orc leader rams the ground, making an earthquake similar to Louise's attack from earlier. Jumping into the air, she watch the orc leader teleport behind her. This creature is of a Demi-God rank after all. Turning around, she blocks both of his maces. Knowing that she was a shield princess, the orc had no idea what else this princess can do.
Without anyone knowing, she trained herself in some magic. Knowing a ton of wind spells, she decides to show her trump card.
The orc leader relied too much on teleport, appearing right behind, above, all over Louise. He did not want to let her retaliate. What the orc did not notice was the wind blowing around both of them. Annoyed at Louise's defense, he tries to appear above her. Planning to execute a swift downward attack, he should have slam her head into bits.
His mace rams into nothing. Turning around, the princess sends several shield bashes right into his stomach. What was that? It was not a teleporting move. Disappearing, he tries to land a hit on her. Unable to comprehend what was going on, the princess wasn't where she was. It was impossible for a rank thirteen warrior to teleport or read his movements!
Due to the lack of intelligence for most orcs, Louise was able to use her wind magic to her greatest advantage. Having several buffs and benefits, the woman kicks the orc against his head. He flies to the ground, dumbfounded at Louise's speed. Sadly, Louise's speed never increased. Her wind magic, however, provided that speed she needed to move when the orc disappeared.
The shield princess never lost her cool against higher rank enemies even if she was on the verge of defeat.
Unable to understand what made Louise move so quickly, he used Pressure Realm throughout the entire field.
Louise frowns. Knowing full well, her army will not survive with this Realm being active. Not only is her speed in magic and movement decreased, her army can barely fight back on even grounds.
There was no way to save them, and there was no way to win now.
When Louise fought against enemies higher than her, she would have killed them by now.
The problem was that she could not kill this orc leader that quickly. Due to his actually metal armor and chi armor, the shields would not be able to break past those defenses. Not only that, his level in armor should be able to withstand Louise's skills. Her shields did dent the orc's armor, but she could not stab into his flesh.
Motioning seven of her shield sisters, they know that they needed to stall the enemy leader.
"Retreat!" Louise exclaims. She felt shame for saying that word, but it has to be done. She wants whatever soldiers she has remaining to live another day. "We will hold them off as you guys run!" Louise dash to her seven sisters who plan to hold against the orc leader, if possible.
Flying past five orcs, the princess has bash the edge of her shields against their metal heads. Tearing right through them, she sends several tremors into the ground. Spikes imbued with chi and mana impale three nearby orcs. Two orcs charge at her from behind, but the princess just toss her shields at them. They fly clean through their bodies, the shields empowered by chi and magic. The light green and white energy mixing with one another. Flying back to her, Louise eyes at the field. There are a ton of orcs still. Why are her soldiers not retreating. Eyeing at them, she knows that they can't even fight properly under this Pressure Realm.
"We will die with you!"
"I don't want that! You guys run now- it's an order!" Louise yells. She holds two orcs' weapons at bay. A third orc tries to smash her, but Louise uses the wind to make her dash around and past all three, slicing them into three.
"This orc leader has not..."
"BASH THEIR SKULLS IN!" the leader exclaims. Darting her eyes to the orc leader, he has already won his fight against the seven sisters who tried to hold him off. Louise's face turns pale as the other orcs were emitting a red aura.
This was really bad.
The orcs are heavily outnumbered. Due to Louise's martial arts, she has wiped a good chuck of them. Now, the worst case scenario has happened.
Their Divine Art has kicked in.
A Divine Art is used for certain classes or certain races. Orcs have these Arts. Most of them are not that terrifying, but the Skullclaws are different. If they are outnumbered, the orcs' ranks will turn into the highest rank among them.
Sixty-nine Demi-Gods.
Pressure Realms laps over one another, the soldiers falling onto the ground. There was no way to resist the intense pressure. Louise had to use a substantial amount of mana and chi to just stay standing up, the girl grunting at the atmosphere.
Louise's forces were being slaughtered. Dropping their weapons, the orcs literally stomp or claw the head's of each soldier. Male or female, it didn't matter.
They were laughing at their victory.
A sour taste runs in Louise's mouth. Sweat runs down her head now. Her mana and chi will soon be gone, and she, too, will be on the floor. The leader walks up to her, laughing.
"Even if you thought you could outmaneuver me, look at you now! We had victory from the very beginning."
Louise just let out a bitter laugh.
"Yeah. At least I had a good fight before dying." There was no way for her soldiers to fight against this stupid atmosphere and against these Demi-God orcs. Even if they won the initial confrontation, they would have lost nonetheless. This is why the Skullclaws are known for being too monstrous. Their Divine Art and their new armor makes them crazy fighting fanatics lusting crave for bloodshed.
Sighing, the princess gets ready to do her last battle.
"That's good. At least you will die with pride!" The orc leader reveals his bloody armored hands, planning to slam his hands against Louise's head. Louise's vision on the orc was too blurry. Wait, it wasn't that blurry anymore. Also, the air wasn't that tense- she can move in it. What was going on?
The leader that terrified Louise and her armor had his head explode.
Holding two giant arm shields, a dark knight appeared out of nowhere standing right beside the orc leader's body.
Louise's face realize who these knights are. This giant dark knight were to be the weakest of her kingdom. They were mocked and harassed by a lot of guards back at her estate. There was only one person who own these knights.
Princess Aisha.
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8 179 - In Serial30 Chapters
I, Paladin (an urban fantasy novel)
I was born and raised in Guthrie, Oklahoma—a town with 10,000 people. Mama runs a vintage diner inherited from family and the farthest I’ve been from home is a thirty-minute car ride to Oklahoma City. It's been a traditional middle-America upbringing. Until I have to defend myself from a vampire at sixteen. Suddenly, life is fight training, classes about monsters, and possessing a power I don’t understand or know the origin of—all made more complicated by a crush on my instructor, Agent Thirteen. I don’t want any of this, but The Agency promises to pay Mama’s medical bills and making sure she’s taken care of always comes first. It’s only been the two of us for years. Becoming a paladin means sacrifice.
8 168 - In Serial10 Chapters
Nagito X Reader Oneshots
Just because everyone loves this Bagel loving Psycho.°I do not own the art used in this book nor the cover picture I just simply edited it °I also don't own danganronpa or komaeda
8 95 - In Serial41 Chapters
ARRANGED LOVE ✅ (Hinglish)
!!! NOT EDITED!!! Two individuals Advik and Mishka totally different from each other get tied to each other in a sacred relation called marriage.Meet ADVIK MATHUR - A 28 year old, graduate from Yale. Ceo of Mathur Industries. A egoistic serious kind of man. He is a kind of guy who does not believe in settling with one girl for lifetime. But still for the sake of his family he agrees to get married.Meet MISHKA RATHORE- A 27 year old, gynecologist by profession. Being the youngest and only girl of the family, she is pampered to core. She has her own fundas of life, which seem totally crazy to the world. A girl who is hell bent on having arranged marriage.What happens when a guy with seriousness meets a girl with craziness?Will the guy fall in love with the girl?Will the girl be able to change the guy from serious to fun loving?To know more keep reading.
8 102