《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 2: The Demi-God
They were on alert? My eyes were puzzled at this. Why would my knights be on alert? Was there going to be an attack!? My body is ready to react to whatever danger was coming. Both the leader and my maids taught me to be vigilant if there was a sudden shift in one’s behavior. This was obvious to spot because my guards would NEVER react in these banquets. We all eye at the door.
“MY LORD!” the cry came out.
The sudden cry made everyone turn to the entrance.
“Who is this?” Those words made my face turn pale. I was ready to ask the leader for a sword.
This was usually a bad sign of something wrong.
I felt that my body is ready to face a sudden change in my life.
The black knights were already ready.
“Oh. It's you.” Those words escape my father’s voice were calm.
I sigh. I just lean against the wall as my knights did the same thing.
“We have more guests!” My father’s voice rang out.
I just slap my head stupidly. I shake it side to side, letting out a pathetic chuckle.
“And I thought some demon came through those doors. I feel silly for conjuring up such a vision.” I laugh to myself in sheer pity.
The leader said, “I guess that awkward presence disappeared.”
The leader said something strange. An awkward presence? Being able to feel one presence can highlight one’s rank and strength. The fact that I could not feel this strange presence means that this being is very strong.
How can a strong presence be sensed by my knights? I eyed towards him.
Even though the others let down their guards, their pose changed. They would have their arms crossed, but this time, they were at attention.
They were waiting for something.
I am shocked by this. I know that my guards were never in this pose before. This is not a good sign.
I sit in a red cushioned chair nearby, holding the wine glass in my right hand still. I twirl the wine inside of it, eyeing at the boring boys who are arguing over me still. I just close my eyes and sip the glass.
I found it boring.
Boring to be locked up and stuck in this rich life.
I sighed very loudly once again. The leader eyes at me. I need more excitement before I go crazy.
I place the glass down on a nearby table, “Change of plans. We are going to leave early.” The leader did not say anything.
“Well, the sooner, the better.” The knights did not refuse to this. Without a single word, the eight of us just went to one of the rooms in the back. With all the noise in the background, I finally let out another heavy sigh, but of relief.
I said to them, “Let’s go to the field. I feel like fighting now. I doubt anyone will head to that area. I seriously need to vent out this frustration before father calls me back or something.”
I let out a smile. A bright smile that I barely showed in public or around any I was not familiar with. The knights definitely loved this side of me. They want me to smile all the time. They would do anything to make me smile. Even if it means being stupid in front of me (which they have done hilarious moments to please me when I was down).
The leader just chuckle, “I like this side better.” I know that the leader cared about my well being since I made him my knights. We walked into the garden. It is a peaceful place where I usually run away to.
No other guards are in sight and most of the maids are quiet about my affairs and let us do whatever. I just walk past the bushes and rows of planted flowers, twirling myself around the fountain. I let the bottom of my outfit twirl with me, spinning merrily like a saucer of some sort.
“This princess is better than the others.” One of the black knights said, the other one slapping him against the back as they all chuckle. They all know this from the ill treatment from the other princesses and princes, or they were complimenting me on how beautiful I was compared to my siblings. I spin myself around the fountain. I was enjoying the slight wind against my face and the flowery scent in the air. I have my eyes closed, cherishing this smell of freedom. I bump into something rough though. What...
“Milady?” The knights all eyed at the person I bump into.
“Oh, I am very sorry,” I said hastily, peering up to person I bump into.
Wait a second, this person… I have never seen this person!
My eyes widened at this stranger.
This person is a warrior! The person is not a resident of the mansion, and this person is not a noble.
This is someone I cannot recognize!
The knights quickly rush to my side, not drawing their weapon though.
The person had… Wait.
This person who I thought was a man did not have a huge figure. The physic of this person is a female. The long straight haired blonde turns toward me. She blinks several times, staring at me from head to toe.
“Who are you!?” I ask, unable to keep my cool. I know this might be an intruder or most likely an assassin, at worse.
Or something else, but I did not expect someone to be in the garden at this time.
This made me baffle and wild.
“Oh?” the girl bows to me, saying, “I am sorry I have not introduced myself. I am Brynhild.”
Lifting her head, she lets out a giggle saying, “I did not expect to bump into Princess Aisha when I was trying to avoid the massive crowd of people from the banquet.”
I inspect the girl before me. She has deep-set eyes as well. Blue colors her pupils. It seems like her arms, legs, feet, waist, and chest are covered in armor plating with some chain mail underneath the heavy armor. Despite the fact that she is a war maiden, her physic is like my own body. She is definitely a beauty, not relying on make up. Her somewhat sharp facial structures make her look like a model. I rub the back of my neck.
She is too beautiful. I suddenly lost all confidence for some reason. I cannot explain why, but this woman was definitely… something.
With the minutes that passed, it was awkward for me to have stared at her for that long.
“Forgive me for staring,” I said, chuckling lightly as I gaze at her once more, “I-I…”
I am stuttering?
I was puzzled at myself. Why was I stuttering?
The blonde blinks several times and let out a hearty chuckle. It seems like she could not contain herself. Brynhild has her body roll inwards, her left hand raised towards her mouth to try and contain her chuckle that turns into a snicker. My face begins to burn up.
“W-what are you laughing at?!” Why was I acting strange? I could not figure out why. This embarrassed me. I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks. My eyes wanted to let out some pitiful tears due to this strange interaction. Is this girl mocking me?!
“For a princess to apologize to a commoner,” Brynhild let her chuckles die out. Her body shaking lightly as she raised her body from her lowered position, “I, for one, must apologize for the troubles I stirred.” I shook my head.
“Stop apologizing, these are just simple acts. Talking with you is far better than being stuck in that heap of annoyances. I mean, I rather live in a volcano then chat with those nobles in the banquet right now." Brynhild seem astounded by my comment. Her eyes went wide for a moment.
“Aren’t you going a bit over the top with that? I mean a volcano? Who would dare to go in there?”
“Exactly,” I said, “No one except me, maybe.” I let out a laugh as the blonde followed up with hers.
I stopped and said, “Well, I am going to guess this, but are you enjoying the scenery? Well, I would like to tell you about it, but I must take my leave. If my father discovers my early departure, I will be forced back to that damn banquet.” Brynhild nods her head.
As I walked off to the secret area past the garden, we did not notice Brynhild following along right behind us.
The six black guards are puzzled at something. They walked beside and behind me, one of the guards speaking out for the rest of them, “Who is that girl?”
“I do not know, you idiot, do not ask me? Do you know her milady?” Another guard responded and asked. The leader is awfully quiet. He had one of his hands against his helmet head.
I shook my head no. “If I knew this woman, I would have addressed her properly. At the very least, I know she is not a regular. I would know every face. You guys should know as well since you have been with me for these stupid banquets.” They nod in agreement.
When we enter our secret area, it was a bit far from the mansion, but this prevented any other guards and my family to see my fights and my aura. I was hiding my aura as best as I can. Heading out here, I was able to reveal my true power and actually fight.
The leader said, “Why have you followed us here Brynhild?”
The six guards and I turn around to eye at the blonde hair warrior.
She chuckles, her eyes closed and waving to us.
“Why did you follow us!?” I repeat the question, my face utterly stunned. I did not expect this guest was going to follow us here! If my father learns about this,
I am screwed.
My face is pale and sweat starts to bead down my face. I am going to lose my cool.
I find a sudden shift in the air, a gust blowing beside me. Eyeing at the blonde, the black knight leader has already appeared beside her with his sword out. A sudden clash of metal echoes in the air. My eyes widened at the blonde hair girl having her sword drawn out to stop the leader from slicing her in two.
I also realized… The black knight leader’s true rank! A slightly tremendous aura is pressuring me to feel some fright. The leader is a ranked thirteen warrior!?
What?! He hid his aura!?
I am astounded by the immense strength the black knight showed. Three warriors of mine also engaged Brynhild. The other three decide to stay their hand and observe. The warrior maiden was able to disappear before the three attacking guards try to land their swords on her. I felt a sharp sword against my neck. In a second, the by standing knight near me quickly hammers his own weapon against the sword against my knight. I was dragged by the woman though, the two of us disappearing away from all seven of them. The girl draws the sword against my neck again.
“Milady!” the knights cried in unison.
“Jeeez,” Brynhild said, “I just want to see why you guys were heading out here. It is not like I was here to do business with your father. He is such an insignificant figure to this giant world. You, leader, I know you can sense me. You know what my rank is right. It is not a number.”
The leader lowered his stance saying, “As I figured. You were at the entrance of the mansion when we felt it. I did not expect you could mask your aura though, but giving away who you are, it explains everything now. At least you are not a demon or something. That would have made a huge disaster. Let go of the lady though.”
Brynhild said, “Will I be troubled by the king and queen…”
Before she finishes her statement, I took the chance to slam my elbow into her stomach. Despite the armor, I was able to use chi to enhance my elbow to ram against her protection. The impact forced her away from me. I praised the training my knights gave me.
The blonde hair girl eyes at me, surprised.
I quickly unleash several small sparks of lightning from the tips of my fingers, channeling the mana in my body to fire at her. The girl quickly evades the attack, whistling at what I was able to do. The ground has revealed straight lines that lashed against the ground when the lightning attack was flying towards her. The maids taught me how to use magic. Several maids use to be a rank seven mage of fire, thunder, and earth. Within the years of training with my knights, I also trained myself in magic. It was not rigorous compared to the physical training I went through with the knights. The training the maids gave me were reading and using spells once or twice on something for practice.
I snap myself out of my memory to watch the black knight leader teleporting to the girl.
The girl is attacked by the leader. She was going to teleport, but it was useless evade my men. She took the attack head on, but what surprised me was how she quickly kicked the two guards who teleport to slash her from her sides. The last guard tries to hit her from behind, but she purposely use force from the leader’s blade to fly towards the ground. The fellow knight did not halt his attack. That attack was heading straight at the leader. The leader quickly grabs the sword with his ally, tossing the armored knight downward to chase after her. The knight still holds onto his sword as he used the momentum to pursue the girl. Brynhild did not crash heavily against the ground. She stopped herself, her foot lightly tapping against the ground. She backs away from that spot. Without a warning, a flat edge pillar flies toward the pursuing guard. The guard quickly rams his sword against the pillar, splitting into two.
“Woah,” Brynhild said, “I did not expect you to just chop it into two. Hell, if I stood where I was, your strong attack would have killed me from those energy waves coming from that blast.”
The girl is beside me again when she stated this. I was going to fend her off, but she tossed me off by doing something. I was witnessing the awesome might of my guards, shocked at their true rank. I was ready when she would try to get me. I tried to unleash several close combat techniques on her. I had several attacks land on her. She just stood there.
“That is just a Doppler ganger I made.” Brynhild said from behind me. Before I had a chance to defend myself, I was… giggling? My face quickly turns red. My body starts to tingle and my concentration was disturbed by this sensation. Tickling?! She was tickling me in such a fight?! I tried to hit her, but she just tackles me onto the ground. She digs her hands deeper into my sides.
She frowns, “I cannot believe that you have a corset on you. Are you trying to become a Goddess? Why do you need this stupid contraption when you are already beautiful as you are?”
Before she could do any more moves on me, the leader and the other guards tries to ram their swords onto her. She holds them all with one hand. Her hand did not bleed or shake from the four rank thirteen warriors. The leader says this after the awkward silence, “Disengage. She does not mean any harm. If she truly found us as a threat, she would have teleported and killed our master.”
Brynhild looks at the leader. “You are quite observant.”
I took the chance to push her off of me, the girl letting out a “Wahhhhh” sound.
I cannot believe she threw me off because of that! I did not want to believe that!
I get up, my face slightly red, “I… What is your reputation!?”
The six knights stare at one another. They, too, were curious about her rank. The leader, however, had a lead on who she was. “If I am right, Brynhild is a Deity. She is a Demi-God.”
I blink several times and then my mouth asks this.
“Demi-God? What is that?” I could only guess, these are the ranks that are after rank thirteen?”
Before the leader explains, Brynhild decides to chime in, “Yep. Demi-God is one of the three ranks you can become after you hit pasts rank thirteen; you will be able to choose if you want to be a Saint, Fiend, or Demi-God. Depending on your entire life, those aligned with justice and good intentions will become a Saint. Fiend can be aligned by doing evil stuff, and Demi-Gods can be anyone. There are other rules to being a Fallen Saint or a Pure Fiend. There is also a chance to be a Fiend Demi-God and et cetera. I can go describe all of these different ranks, but maybe another time. The fact your knights can sense me slightly is due to their high level. If they were like rank twelve or lower, they would not be able to sense me or find me dangerous at all unless I decide to show my powers. It is hard to hide your aura to others of the same rank as you. For me to do it though is easy since Demi-Gods have such a good benefit compared to the other three, but then again, it all depends on the training and individual”
Hearing this, I gain an insight on the higher ranks.
I am fascinated by such tales and ranks that I would try to become one day. I absorb this information like a sponge, taking every word into account.
A strong feeling engulfs me. I want to reach those ranks. I want to go out and explore this world.
Brynhild just sat there and said, “I stopped by because I had to escort one of the nobles here. I am guessing that brunette man is your father Princess Aisha?”
I nod my head, “He immediately knew how important I was. Without a doubt I know he will want to get me to join his kingdom.” The girl shrugs, “And I am just impressed that besides him, there are at least seven other rank thirteen warriors and a princess who has a good amount of skills. Not only that, she is a rank nine warrior herself. Although to be honest, a woman like you to have skills in martial arts and magic also amazed me. Who taught you all of this?”
Brynhild seems to be fascinated by me. I was startled. In my confusion, her sparkling eyes and her attitude towards me scares me. I have mixed feelings about this girl. I did bump into her, but now she just stalked me to my own private area. Not only that, she forced us to reveal our true forms.
“Brynhild,” the black knight leader started, “Even though you are a Demi-God and you clearly finish your mission, why are you still present? You could have left some hours ago after you escorted that noble here.”
Brynhild just eyes at me for some reason. Her somewhat casually expression changed. It made me feel funny. She said in a serious manner, “When I entered, I felt your presence. I can sense certain determination from people. I felt a cry of help. Most of the people I helped…”
She wanted to finish her sentence, but the words did not come out of her mouth. Instead, she continued on, “Well. I just had a feeling after I went through that doors I would have found something interesting if I went to the back of the mansion. So I did and this is what I found!” That last sentence made her go back to her somewhat cheerful self.
Was she really cheerful? Something was off. I know that sort of face. I was going to state something, but a maid interrupt us in our secret area.
“Aisha, your father is trying to find you. He wants you to go back and attend the banquet.”
I groan madly into the air, slapping my face with my own right hand.
I let my hand run down my face, “Why the hell am I forced to attend these damn banquets all the time!? I am getting sick of them!”
I told the maid in a very dull and boring response, “I will be coming in a bit. Tell that to my idiot.”
I eye towards the leader, the black knight nodding to my gesture. We start to head the way we came in. I feel a hand running against my back. I turn around to face Brynhild.
“There were strands of grass on your back. I decide to clean it off of you.” The black knights lock their sights onto Brynhild as she tags along with us. I did not know if she was going to tag along with me to this banquet. I did not ask. She was doing whatever.
When I arrive the way I came out from the banquet, my father was waiting for me.
I saw a glimpse of anger when I walk past the wooden door.
His face changed when he saw Brynhild. That frown turned into a smile. I raise my eyebrows at this.
He dashes past me to shake hands with Brynhild. “Dear Demi-God, what do I have the honors of seeing you again? I thought you were leaving?”
Brynhild chuckle lightly. I watch how the random and stalking Brynhild is showing a different side of her.
When we first met and had that fight outside, she was carefree and blunt. She was also random. Although before me, I am witnessing a different personality. A strong matured woman shaking hands with my father. I notice her strong aura kicking in that displays both her fierce demeanor and graceful presence. Even if she was not wearing a ball gown, she is captivating. Even my father seemed to be in awe, listening and heeding words coming from the Demi-God. I halt these thoughts though.
Why was I observing Brynhild’s personality in the first place? I could not help but ponder what this girl does other than doing dangerous mission or nonstop training. From what I heard, people can become “undying” when they reach a certain level. I think it was Demi-God, Saint, and Fiend level that one could be “unable to age and die from old age.”
The problem for an average person would take at least few thousand years to get to those ranks. If they failed able to reach said rank after those two thousand years, the next thousand of years is their last chance to get to such a position. If they do not reach it, most of the time they die from old age. I wonder how old Brynhild is.
What surprised me the most was the fact my father was trying to convince her to marry one of my brothers.
“…and he is quite a fine prince. He is heir you know. Why don’t you stay here and live a life with him?”
Brynhild shows a very stern face.
This puzzled me.
She chuckles lightly, her eyes closing and having a very sly like smile, saying, “I am truly sorry, but for me to be restrained by such things at my age and at my progress will be a waste. I just saw something that caught my interests. Who knows what will happen to your arrogance for setting up blind dates with me.”
Of course my father laughs this off, trying to persist still. I eye at the young gentlemen approaching me once again. They start to introduce themselves to me. However, my eyes look past them, watching the dancing behind them as my mind is preoccupied on other things. This is happening to me again. The consant flirting and the irritating males always flock to me.
I did not expect someone to intervene though.
“Excuse me, Princess Aisha,” Brynhild’s voice is right next to me. I turn to her. I blink at her sudden appearance. That Demi-God I thought was a pest stands right before me. My body trembles slightly and my heart sped up a bit. I find myself unable to eye at this farce or very diligent Demi-God. I could not help but say, “Is there something that you want?” The male that was talking to me, stops, and leaves me so the two of us can talk.
Brynhild picks up a glass of wine and twirls it around. As she does this, Brynhild glance at me, leaning against the wall as she face me. “Do you know how the ranking system works? It feels like you only know a bit about the ranks above ten though…”
I thought about it, reaching deep into my head about the ranking in specific details.
It goes like this. Everyone is a rank or level one warrior or mage. In particular, mages can be branched off to their level in element. There are rare cases where mages can be dual wielding element users or other things like being a necromancer. None the less, by learning and training (depending on how much insight you get in some laws or just overall usage of your element) can you advance to a higher rank. Also, some individuals can be both a warrior and a mage. Although it is easy for most people to advance from rank one to rank five, it becomes exceedingly hard to become level six.
When one reaches level six, they have the opportunity to specialize into the weapon they use. This is only applicable to warriors. Mages can do the same sorts, but most of the time mages highlight on the element they use. There are a few exceptions to what people can become at level six. There are certain classes people can branch into like becoming a lesser paladin or starting up the assassin or theif exploits. After specializing in their weapon or choosing a certain skill or class, one will work hard to become even higher in levels.
Most people who hit rank nine are called Grandmaster or Great Master. This emphasizes on the fact that they have placed time and effort to training in what they know. When one reaches rank ten, however, they can become a king. My father was a king when he hit rank ten. A good amount of experts can become a king, if they are given such an opportunity. People must gain the loyalty of someone who is an emperor ranking. Usually most rank eleven or twelve warriors or mages are emperors. Emperors have a vast amount of wealth and land. They will need subjects to control the large amount of lands. The emperors hand out serfs to rank ten warriors or mages. Rank thirteen warriors or/and mages are elders. They are well renowned figures who are not looked down upon by emperors or kings. Most of the time, kings and emperors treat elders as important individuals who they want to befriend. The reason for the urge to create a strong friendly relationship is power. Enemies will not fight you if you have a lot of strong allies.
Despite the black knight leader, Nero, and my head maid teaching me this, that is all I know about the rank from level one to thirteen. From what I observed, most women in my area have never gone past rank three. The reason being is because of the slavery and sexism. Most of the men around this area view women as tools. I am viewed as such due to my nobility. My mom is a rank three warrior and mage, but that is it. My father was a rank ten warrior before I was alive. He became king upon marrying my mother after he proved his worth to the emperor. Emperor Titus (whom I never seen) should be up there in the Demi-God rank. My father could become an Emperor, but to do such a task would deplete our wealth quickly and will create disorder and mutiny. Without creating a strong foundation and a stable nation after declaring independence from Emperor Titus, not only will we be enemies with him, but other nations nearby will try to seize the opportunity to get our lands and exterminate us.
Creating a nation is a serious matter. Depending on us, the children of the family, he hopes to create strong, nation. He also wants strong ties and alliances that will allow him to become an Emperor successfully… and gain more wealth nonetheless. He is always occupying himself with money. I do question what Brynhild is scheming though.
A Demi-God should not be around here so casually.
Most people can sense what rank others are just by being near them.
If someone of a rank one fights against a person of a rank three level, the presence is actually masked. The stronger rank can sense those who are equal to or less while those who are weaker to the stronger rank cannot sense their presence at all. The only way for them to notice is if the higher rank releases a strong presence.
I, being a rank nine, cannot sense Brynhild, but felt a faint presence of her. Nero and his black knights, on the other hand, could sense Brynhild. This blonde before me casually sips her wine and starts to explain stuff to me, eyeing around me and the knights. Nero seems to be back in his usually stance as he stands up against the pillar. His arms are crossed against his chest with his head staring towards the crowd.
“I already explained how the three paths one can choose after they exceed the rank thirteen. Although it will take countless and years of training, there are some other ways to level up one’s rank. Most rank thirteen, warriors or mages, will have a bottleneck of the laws they are trying to learn in or stuck thinking about some elements and skills that are aligned to their fighting style. Understanding the basics will help improve on one’s move sets and capability to enhance their understanding and practical use in combat. I can assume since your father is rank thirteen, you know a bit up to that point. I could tell you how to get to Demi-God, Saint, and Fiend ranks, but you are way too low. If you were able to skip ranks from nine to Demi-God, I would enlighten you, but that is impossible.”
She stops talking to take another sip from the glass. Her eyes lock onto me, saying, “Most of the women around here do not impress me. I have seen stronger and higher rank women around the world. Although this is just me stating the obvious to someone like you who has been living here her entire life, I can tell you several methods that can help you rank up compared to the years of boring training. The ranking system only states the rank most people see you as. These black knights, for example, are displaying a power of a rank six. To be honest, hiding one’s rank is rare. People are rank by how far they improve and how other people see them as. Most of these nobles and knights see your guards are rank six because your men only display such inferior skills. Due to this, that is why people have ranks. People want to distinguish themselves or prove themselves that they are powerful. In this world, people are lead by the strong. Although due to such blindness and dangers of this, your guards can easily overpower your father’s entire army if they wanted to.”
By saying this, the knights quickly turn their heads toward Brynhild. No one else heard this, but that statement alone made the knights eye at her. Even Nero has got out of his usually pose to gaze at her smudge self. She has a smirk and a dark look in her eyes. She eyes at Nero saying, “You know this is true.”
“We are masking our presence for a reason. You have no right to state such a stupid allegation and act high and mighty. Even Demi-Gods would be no match for me if I were to become serious.” I look at Nero, motioning my hand towards him. That meant to stay calm and to silence him from speaking any further. I was surprised to know he and his men are rank thirteen warriors, but if they continue talking, someone might end up hearing the truth. If others heard this, what trouble will they be in for hiding their strength?
My father loathes people who are dishonest. When these knights swear upon serving me, he allowed this because they were weak. If he was told the truth that they were not weak, trouble will arise. Brynhild shrugs and continues on, “That is why the rank system is flawed. Another method of ranking up is using some Dark Arts like devouring the soul. If one can do this, they can devour a good amount of a rank person and level up. For example, if someone of a rank six has this Dark Art and devours ten six rank warriors or mages, they will eventually rise up to rank seven. Although, another way for someone with this specific Dark Art to level up is if the person was to devour three to five souls of a rank seven, then they can become rank seven as well. This is an inhumane and unorthodox method. People frown upon this because it is not a ‘reasonable’ kill. Know that if you use this method, being spotted or being caught in the act, there will be a bounty on you by the people or the Saints.” I try to imagine the horrific scenes of someone ‘devouring a soul’. My brain could not imagine how one could do this though. Or more like, I was imagining a bunch of images. For example, one could be stabbing their hands into a body and pulling out a soul and eating it. Another image would have the devourer somehow making their victim turn into a will-o-wasp and then devouring their ball like spirit, but I raised my hand to rub the side of my head a bit. From my puzzled look, Brynhild chuckle at my motion.
“Most people cannot do such Dark Arts. However, due to this big world we live in, certain creatures and beings can use this Dark Art of devouring the soul. What you can imagine is a couple ways to get a soul, but by doing that, anything that will involve harming the body will most likely give you half the insight and… I guess you can call experience that will help level one up to the next rank. Imagine it like this; imagine that you struck a vein of gold. Know if you were to mine it, you would only mine it in chucks and separate it from the vein that it was originally in. Technically using that Dark Art is the same as taking a little bit of the soul one needs to fully level up. By killing the person violently, it will only give half of the requirement to level up. Taking the example of the rank six devouring ten six rank warriors or mages. If the person using Dark Arts kills them in a violent manner, they will only receive half of it. Killing them in such a manner only increases the requirement to twenty six rank warriors or mages to advance. Most demonic beings kill a lot of people to level up. Well, creatures do the same thing, but they do not need to use said Dark Arts. It is in their nature that they level up from killing. Now, the way for people to actually gain a soul whole is to willingly allow the devourer to eat them.”
I raise my eyebrow at Brynhild. What does she mean allow the person to eat them? Who would want their soul to be devoured?! “What!?” I said aloud. I felt a cold chill run down my spine as she explains.
“You know about Incubus and Succubus, yes?” Brynhild partake the red wine to her lips, continuing on “These creatures are able to manipulate someone to become submission so easily. Not only them, but if one has such a Dark Art and force one to submit to allowing their soul to be devoured, they can easily absorb the person. Now, how would one achieve this? It will depend on what sort of pleasure and lust they can force an individual into. Sex can be used for this matter or some other sort of method like bondage or hardcore sex I guess. Imagine, if you at your climax, but you were denied of such pleasures. The person teases you and taunts you as they continue this for hours or days, making you lust for it, and forcing you to the state that you will do anything to get that orgasm.”
I heard those words, my face glowing red. I have never thought of such indecency! No, I never even had sex! Brynhild was lost in her own mind from such words. She was eyeing at her glass spinning the liquid inside as her hand twirls the glass around. She snaps out of her explanation to stare at me. She could not help but give a look of astonishment. She laughs at the priceless look on me face. The knights seem to laugh a bit as well.
They all know, full well, that I am a virgin.
“My bad for saying such naughty things to you princess,” she calms herself, looking at me, “I will stop talking about this method now since it will be quite uncomfortable for you to even comprehend what I am saying.” Those words were an insult to me.
“Do not think that I am such a virgin! I know about such acts. How do you think my parents were able to give birth to so many daughters and sons? I-It is not like I…”
I shut up.
My mind starts to bring up unpleasant and surprising moments when I actually heard my parents having sex. My god, that word sounds so uncivilized. Or more like, it just sounds dirty- the word has no elegance in it at all. Fuck! The thought of those two having intercourse sickened me! I find my face turning pale at the very thought of it. Brynhild continues her talk.
“I can continue on with the various methods to level. There are life and death situations, specialization, intense training, intense knowledge, and et cetera. The method I suggest you do might be like a cheat if you can use it right.” I could not help but frown at this.
A cheat? Is there such a thing?
There has to be some hard work involved with it.
Before I was able to ask about it, several young nobles approach us.
“Say, milady, what is your name? We could not help but stare at you two fine beauties from afar. Alas, can we ask you two for a dance?” My right eye twitches at the leder who approached us.
It was this selfish, heartless, indencent prince to Emperor Titus. He is renowned as the youngest prince to the almighty Emperor whom my father serves. He is a spoiled brat, but the worse part about this seventeen years old kid is his behavior. The fact that he bullies the villagers and even some merchants to get what he wants sickens me. He uses his power to extort money and rare valuables from others.
If I was a villager, he would have forced my family behind bars and make me his fiancée. Luckily, I am not in that position. Although, he pursued me for many years, his eyes are on Brynhild this time. I can tell that his underlings want to get me to dance with them, but for this stupid prince to go for Brynhild was asking for trouble.
Nero quickly says to the nobles, “You should be careful with her.”
“Shut up weakling,” Prince Amos says, “I want to dance with this dazzling woman next to Princess Aisha. I would ask my hand with Aisha, but she has denied me too many times. Staring at you two, side by side, you, stranger, have the radiance of a Goddess! Someone of exceptional ungodly beauty cannot be ignored! Please, dance with me!”
I was angered at the remark directed to Nero. I want to puke. I mean, I know Brynhild was extremely beautiful. Hell, she does look like a Goddess. Even if she changed her personality from that random person chasing me outside, right now, she has an aurora of a queen. Even in her battle armor, she was stands tall and diligent. Her facial expressions and attitude is graceful (although I think she is irritated at this prince asking her hand).. She shows an alluring gaze. With such a strong look, no one would pass the chance to see if they can get her. It was like the celestial beings are blessing her with such looks. Wait. Why the hell was I describing another girl like this?
I have been staring at her for some seconds, but I feel like it was like three minutes. I was just standing there gawking at her right now. Like, I felt like some pervert staring at every inch of her body just now. I diverted my eyes to Nero, hoping that Brynhild did not catch my gaze on her. That would be awkward.
“You… I do not know who you are, but you will dance with me!” He reaches his hand towards her wrist that holds the wine glass. There was an inch of space before his hand grasp her wrist.
In that moment, a terrifying gust and pressure hits the air. In those mere seconds, Nero gets in front of me, hugging me as my guards were blown away by such a move. Arnos and his underlings were blown away, no, everything in the hall felt this heavy atmosphere. Slight screams and gasps were heard. Some other guards were on their knees or were blown away by Brynhild’s sudden action.
I closed my eyes at the sudden feeling. I look past Nero shoulders to stare at a deadly Brynhild. Her graceful presence has a dark purple aura around her. Her alluring eyes turn into vicious blood lust eyes. That wine glass in her hand shattered. In that moment… What move did she use?
“That move is not even an attacking move,” Nero explains to me, “It is just a simple Pressure Realm. This is a lesser version of a God’s Realm. Demi-Gods use this to unleash their power and to fight the enemies in a heavy atmosphere. This is useful against anyone of a Demi-God level or lesser. A God’s Realm is two times stronger than this. We are just pretending that we are knocked out, so be careful of moving princess. You should stay still.” Nero pretends he was under the pressure of this move, but he is faking it. Since he is a rank thirteen warrior, it should not affect him this heavily. I, on the other hand, struggle to even lift my head. I only glance at the enraged Brynhild. I find myself struggling to lift my body, the pressure forcing me against the carpet floor. Not only that, my sight is hazy and my thoughts are distorted. This feels like a heavy brick wall crushing me slowly. Just unleashing their presence made me fall into such a state?!
I trembled at how astonishing Demi-Gods are. Arnos is still in training. His rank is a rank eight warrior. I tried my best to gaze at his condition. My head struggling to even look. I can feel sweat bead down my head as I turn my head slightly to look at how Arnos is. He is pinned down. His body was squished against the ground. He cannot speak.
My father and his royal guards turn towards Brynhild. They are still standing, but I can see that they, too, cannot withstand such pressure.
“Demi-God!” My father cries out, quickly walking towards Brynhild, “W-why are you mad? I-I will quickly resolve this matter so please, lift up the Realm! Most of the people in the room cannot handle your presence! I-I am sure that I can compensate for whatever happened!”
Brynhild’s cold gaze lands onto the trembling Arnos.
She says to my father, “I will be staying the night at your place. Make sure that you train your guests better. If they treat me like some commoner like that prince did over there. I will surely kill them with no hesitation. No, let me correct myself, he did not treat me like a commoner, but if I ever see such impure thoughts again, I will kill him.”
“T-that’s a bit too strict Demi-God Brynhild, you know that young men at his age…” Brynhild face turns into a killing intent.
She crushes the already destroyed goblet in her hand, the glass shattering and disappearing to nothingness in mere seconds, “I am a Demi-God. Do you think I have time to fuck about with ignorant and selfish nobles? You know my purpose and you know I have no intention of marrying any princes. If you cannot train these boys to treat me properly, I will surely kill them like the idiots they are!”
My father’s face is pale. It was obvious that Arnos is a very important figure for his ties with the Emperor. If he was to die at this banquet, stupidly, then our family would be on the line.
“I-I will have him leave today’s banquet. I hope you can excuse his behavior and show him the utmost mercy my lord!” There is tension in the air as my father negotiates for the prince’s life. If it was me, I would have him killed for being stupid against her, but ties with other nobles are important. Besides, the Emperor himself should be a Demi-God as well. It would be easy for him to stop Brynhild, but who knows, Brynhild might be stronger.
The blonde hair warrior stands there and then lifts up her Realm. The entire atmosphere is back to normal. Nero, wasting no time, quickly picks me up, bridal style, and carries me out through the back quietly. The other guards follow Nero. With the commotion and the scene that happened, no one notice our departure.
It was obvious that Arnos was kicked out in a humiliating manner.
When we were in the back rooms, I let out a nice laugh. “I cannot believe that he was so stupid to flirt with Brynhild! Such arrogance and confidence! That will be his downfall later on in his life.” Nero lets out a weak laugh, saying, “My lady, I think that can finally get us out of this stupid banquet. We have already spent hours doing nothing in there. With this commotion, at the very least, we can attend to your training.”
I was going to follow them, but I stopped. I said to them, “You guys can train without me. I want to go practice on my sewing.”
Nero eyes at me with concern, but he stops.
He lets out a chuckle, “Alright. Be well Princess Aisha.”
As they left, I try to walk up the stairs. My body trembles violently. I was glad Nero picked me up away from that stupid party, but now my body feels exhausted. Who would have thought Brynhild was this strong! I was breathing heavily. I had to put up a strong farce in front of them. I did not want to view me as weak.
No, that was not it.
I had to deal with the sudden exhaustion that swept throughout my body and the slight pain. I could not breathe in that Realm! Brynhild is terrifying. As the first Demi-God to show her presence in front of me, just doing that simple motion caused such havoc in the air. I would love to have that power, but to withstand it, I cannot! I am still weak! How can I ever fight against my father or escape this stupid life of mine! I want to know more about this world, I want to explore and have adventures! How can I be holed up and treated like a tool!? I continue to walk up the stairs that lead to the next floor. I am struggling with each step. This stupid corset I have underneath me is not constricting me. If I cannot get up these stairs and do these challenges and hardships myself, how can I even free myself!? I am just a pathetic doll being stuffed in a giant mansion of other dolls.
This life of mine is boring.
I can feel the sweat slowly sliding down my face. I pushed myself when I was under Brynhild’s Pressure Realm. The fact that the air was forcing me down on the ground was terrifying enough. I was stubborn. I wanted to test how bad it was to be in such conditions. Nero’s gaze was locked onto my head, but he did not see that I was trying to move my lower body and arms.
Who would have thought that it felt like my arm would tear in two for fighting against such a heavy pressure. It felt like my bones would snap apart as I forced my body to move against the heavy air pushing me down. I chuckle pathetically as my weak body struggles up these stairs. I bite down on my lower lip, yearning for that strength to come to me.
I am still weak. I can feel pain from my stupidity. I lost my footing, my body trembling forward. I decide to turn my body so I did not land hard on my front.
I slam my head against one of the stairs and sliding down against the carpet covering them. I slid down three to five steps, my body slouching against the staircase.
I sighed to myself at the throbbing pain I can feel throughout my body now.
I want to grab the back of my head, but my conscious is slipping away.
I just closed my eyes at how I want this cycle to end.
I am not dead, I know that, but inside I feel like I was.
I am only delaying the boring cycle I am doomed to repeat.
- In Serial392 Chapters
Transdimensional Marketing
I am merely a reviewer, albeit the products I review are slightly different. For example, I review quantum computers, artificial intelligence, anti-gravity mech armor, planetary engines, sublight colonial ships, stellar detonators, etc… Chen Yu: “The technological product I bring to everyone for today’s episode is—a dual-vector foil! W-Wait! Everyone, please calm down! Let me explain…”
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The Ambling Sapient
Everyman lead is abducted by aliens and forced into a deadly intragalactic gameshow.
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Unprecedented: The Life of Enheduanna, the First-Known Writer
The earliest writer known to history by name was a woman. Her name was Enheduanna, and this is her story. Set in Mesopotamia in the 23rd century BCE, Unprecedented is told in Enheduanna’s own voice as she looks back on her life in a private reminiscence to Inanna, her patron goddess. After her father forces the young princess to leave home to be High Priestess in a strange city, she gradually comes to excel in the role, guided by supporters and anchored by faith. Over the next twenty-five years, Enheduanna survives plots, vendettas and rebellions and lives to see her two brothers and nephew become kings. When the stability of her family’s empire is threatened, she develops an ambitious and unique project, using poetry to unite the people of Mesopotamia. But her greatest work is produced in the darkest hour of her life, when an enemy takes away everything she has.
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Danganronpa: Retirement Plan
Ultimates work hard for their talents. They practice their talent to the point where they're declared the best. That is, until someone better comes along and takes their glory and title.Felix, along with 15 other Ex Ultimates, find themselves playing a game to get their titles back. The catch is it's a killing game and they're all desperate to get their beloved talents back. * * *This story will contain mature topics such as, death, gore, blood, suicide, murder, eating disorders and various other triggering topics. Triggers will be *probably* be tagged, but I'm warning you regardless.I don't own Danganronpa. This is a fan work made for other fans to enjoy. * * *CURRENTLY WORKING ON: [ Chapter 1: Goodbye Life Savings ]
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We'll Protect You (Slappy X Reader X Chucky) {COMPLETED}
Y/n is 17, her parents do not care about her very much and decide to go out on a business trip to make her become more independent. Y/n likes rock music and is referred to as an emo, due to her alternative style. With her parents away and bullies prevail, will she find safe or comfort in the junk bros squad? Or will something/Someone find safe and comfort being with her? As evil rises what will happen as she goes into an adventure of a lifetime...First Fanfic and First Story!Will have a Happy ending!(I do not own any characters from Goosebumps or Childs play only the actual story with them. )Warnings: -cuss words-Slight gore-Heavy smut -Lemons (smut) and Limes (Heavy teasing/Flirting)Also, angelariadnaf13 will be uploading a Spanish Translation! :)
8 303 - In Serial84 Chapters
⛔️NOT MINE⛔️ALL CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHOR AND THE TRANSLATOR❗️❗️❗️I've just put it up for offline reading. If your the author or translator feel free to send me a message if your not comfortable with your work being put up. I'll take it down at once. 🔺 Author: 風流書呆; Feng Liu Shu Dai🔺Translator: Frozenmirage🔺Editor: Noks, Qiuxue🔺 Release schedule: Sporadic🔺 Original publisher: jjwxc🔻Author's page: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4161777🔻Translator's page: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/psych/Synopsis: Have you heard? There's a certain kind of person in this world, who, even without any substantial contact, and with just a flash of thought, can discern a lot.Their eyes have the ability to penetrate through to the past, to clarify the present and to break the veil of the future. They can see what you see through your eyes, smell what you smell through your nose, taste what you taste through your tongue, and can even perceive what you think through your heart.This kind of a person is called-a psychic.A story about the awakening of a 'guabi', who is merely plodding through life, from his deep slumber. (*guabi, a slang term, meaning 'dead idiot' = people who are penniless and jobless)
8 173