《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 1: A Boring Day
I cannot believe, a woman, like me, would be forced to marry arrogant, snobby, greedy, lustful, and stupid men! There is no man worthy of being with me. Every time I try to find a worthy gentlemen, I am only troubled with annoying candidates approved by my parents. My mother tries to voice my interests and tries to find the right man I would like, but I feel like she is ignorant to what I really want. She is allowing my father to select all of these strangers instead of people I should be familiar with back when I was a child.
With this, my father is grabbing candidates left and right to gain more reputation and wealth. I despise this. At the bottom of my heart, I miss the times my parents pampered me and allowed me to be happy.
Of course a family consisting of twenty-seven children might have killed such happiness. It does not mean that I should be treated like a caged bird though. I am only seen as another way to extend the family to wealth and fortune. Right now, I feel miserable. Of course I did not voice my concerns against my own father. How can I? This world still views women as tools. My father, no, most males I encountered sees me as an object.
I just sigh heavily as the maids continue to prepare my outfit and hair. I am a princess. I can dress myself, but the maids insist on dressing me and they attend to most of my needs. I only wish my parents were still the same like back then. With my long silver hair is turned into a bun, I just gaze at the mirror in front of me.
To be honest, it was not neat. The bun uses a good portion of my hair from the back of my head. A good amount of my hair is not part of the loose bun. Few strands of hair flows out from the side of my head and along the front. In the front, the strands run down the middle of my face while the rest is curved to the side. My pale skin complexion shines from the dazzling sun passing through the transparent windows of my room as the maids continue to dress me. Even though my figure is slim and beautiful, for the criteria most princesses should have, I still wore a stupid corset underneath my gown.
The maids tighten the strings behind me. They made sure it was not too tight. They listen attentively to my breathing and watch closely for any signs that my body would undergo from a stiff corset. After the final adjustments to the corset, they nod in approval as they obtained the gown I am to wear for today's event. I made a scoff or something when they finished fixing the corset. They hastily changed me out of my clothes when they lift off my arms. They slide my shirt off of me. I hate this pamper life. I should be able to put my own clothes on. I should be able to clean after myself and attend to my own well-being. I just close my eyes as I hear the maid explain the usually ordeals I will have to deal with.
Banquets. These annoying banquets display my parent’s wealth. Not only that, for political and social interests, they want to improve their relationships with other lords and hope to find a possible candidate to become my fiance. I clutch my hands tightly into a ball. These infuriating gluttonous young men always prey on me. They are relentless in their attacks and always approach me. Why can't these idiots leave me alone?!
I am okay with a normal guy hitting on me. By normal, I mean personality wise. My old friends who played with me were utterly normal. They were not snobby. They were not rich. They were not arrogant and prideful. They treated me normally. They played with me and we both got dirty when we ran around and fall onto the ground. We treated each other equally and... Uh. My time with all of these nobles make me want to kill myself.
The first few dates I had were the worst. I remember the guys trying to come onto me. They tried to place their hands on my breasts. They tried to fuck me. Plain and simple fucking intentions that made me sick. Luckily, I was saved by my own knights and these maids. I tried a couple more under surveillance with my knights. I was hoping some of these candidates could entertain me with some knowledge of the world or something entertaining to chat about. None of them could do that. They all came up with the same fucking excuse to why I should choose him. They also talked about how they will treat me like a princess (even though I am a princess already, idiots).
None of them even showed a serious face throughout these conversations. They all had smug looks written on their faces. They think too highly of themselves and just wanted me because I am beautiful. THE ONLY REASON WHY THEY WANT ME! I just ask them why they want me. They all said the same answers. I just want to kill my father right now for sending me idiots one after one. I would have killed all of them too.
My eyes lit a hateful fire in my pupils. The fact my body was trembling angrily indicated how frustrated I am with these events. One of the maids beside me said, “Please, refrain and endure milady.”
Her sincere and calm voice echoes into my ears. The anger in me died… slightly. A fierce hate ignited in me. I would be lying about how much it pains me to attend these stupid things. I am getting tired to even call it a ‘rare event’ because it is becoming a daily thing, becoming a common natural event for a banquet to be hosted every damn week or so. Well, it is becoming a norm for the right terminology.
My parents could easily avoid all of this if they spent their money wisely. Spending money on all of these banquets only lessens our heaps of gold stashed away somewhere.
“I know.” I only said it with a sincere tone as well, trying my best to hide my anger and disappointment. These maids always stayed by my side. When I was struck down by my father for rebelling against him when I was young, these maids nurture me and taught me about patience and other important values. My father and mother did not train me to become strong.
These maids are my teachers and mentors. I trained myself in the arts, hiding them away. I pretend to be weak and fragile, but I can actually hold my own against an experienced warrior. I could also cook, clean, sew, barter, and use other skills. I sigh, once again, as I slip into the white heels. I can feel a slight pain coming from my nylon right foot. These damn shoes hurt me every time I go to these banquet.
My gaze shifts towards another mirror from the corner of my right eye. When I turn to it, I was in that same white laced outfit. This gown has an exquisite pattern design along the collarbone region that runs down the middle till it stops at the waist. My white gloves covers my arms till it reaches the elbows as my shoulders are covered by the slightly round puffs of my gown. I hate wearing make up. It ruins my natural beauty.
My mother is beautiful without make up, but she wears it to impress everyone else. I could care less about popularity and reputation. My green eyes lock onto my figure. Standing at 5 feet 5 inches tall (163-164 centimeters), my deep-set green eyes stares at my curvy, slim figure covered in this white dress. The dress emphasizes on every aspect of my womanly parts (except the lower parts of my body) displaying all the beauties I exemplify.
Although… this is nothing but showing off. I know this outfit costs a huge fortune. This entire outfit can make anyone stand out. I wish I could wear a regular outfit. It would be gorgeous on me. Using this rich dress only makes me hate my wealth. I hear an approving comment to my left, “You look very nice milady.”
“Please,” I said with a pathetic smile and gaze, turning to the maid, “I have been wearing the same thing to every damn banquet. Can you just say it is boring?” The maids just chuckle at my bluntness. I could wear something else, but the other outfits are too much for me to handle. This is close to simple. I walk out of my own room.
A black knight looks towards me. He and six other knights bow before me. This man is a strange fellow. He is considered the weakest of the entire military force we have. He has six other individuals with him who are at the same rank as him. I did not want to grab any knights that my father and mother knew. The reason I chose these knights because my parent’s candidates will try to woo me and try to engage my hand in marriage. No matter what, my parents are scheming a method to get me to marry their candidates.
I know that this black knight leader has no outstanding reputation. He has no history of being a noble. He is not even well-known. He was employed by my family long ago. He was going to leave. I do not know the details to why, but I used my powers to make him become my loyal bodyguard along with his companions. I did this so my parents would not place someone they want beside me.
I plan to leave this damn place or do something against my parents eventually, so having someone constantly watch me is bad. These knights are strangers, so I wanted to have a person I can develop a relationship with to execute any future plans. The group could have denied this and walked away. They did not though. The group agreed to serve me and thanked me, but it is hard to describe his thoughts.
He is mysterious due to his silence, and the fact he is never seen without his armor. This goes for the other six as well. The group of black knights were waiting for me to exit the room. I said to them with an authoritative voice, “Rise, and follow me.” I had to use an authoritative voice. There were guards nearby. I had to assert my dominance as a princess. To be honest, I hate commanding people in such a brute manner. I silently mutter at myself for doing such a thing.
The sound of their armor moving echoes in my ear. They immediately arrive beside me and behind me. These seven (including the leader) are known as the weakest for one reason. They are rank six throughout the entire kingdom of mine. The ranks start from one to thirteen. After you hit the rank thirteen, one can move to a higher rank. I am not aware of the ranks after rank thirteen.
The maids have no knowledge about these ranks. I have not asked the knights about said ranks though. I know my rank should be one as a noble woman. Most noble women are rank one. Due to the years of training, I am rank nine. I hide my powers because it will be my last card to use if anything goes wrong.
If I wanted to leave from my father, I would have to be ready to face against his rank eleven elites, then his rank twelve guards. After that, my father is on the highest level as a level thirteen warrior. Well, king, technically speaking. He is terrifying to face against. He and several other nobles are in that rank. I sigh to myself, the leader hearing me sigh. He asks, “What is wrong milady?” I gather up my thoughts, realizing that the knight heard my unpleasant sigh.
“It’s nothing.” I replied. I concealed my startled tone. I simply waved my hand to his gaze. He watches me with concern as we continue our stroll. “You always wear the same dress milady. Are you trying to woo anyone or is my intuition telling me the usually?” I chuckle slightly, placing a vile smile across my face.
“Do you really think that? They are all the same.” When I said this, I was surprised to hear a slight chuckle from the leader. His words, following after his scoff, made me feel warmth surging throughout my body, “None of those guys are worthy for you. You are out of their league for these idiots. They should not even stand in your presence.” I want to ask him something, but I was eyeing at his armor.
The armor has a simple design. It covers him from head to toe. The difference between him and the other six are the dark red outline around the plates of his armor. Most of these designs could be found around his knees, elbows, hands, chests, and his helmet. His helmet is an armet. The top part is longer than the bottom part. This armet has been modified to fit the leader compared to the others. Not only that, the leader’s appearance of his dark red cape is tattered. One can see the many holes all over the cloak.
The others did not have a torn up cape, hell, the armor this leader wears has many dents and scratches. There is a giant scratch where his eyes would be, but his vision seems fine. The armor he and the other wears contain greaves, gauntlets, large pauldrons, faulds, heavy leg plates, and the slightly large chest plate. The armor did not make them look wider, but their front and back gave them an upside triangle look if you stare at them from the side.
I know that these warriors fought a lot before entering my family’s services, but the leader is the only one covered in scratches. It seems like the other six did not have any scratches, but the leader is showing off all of those war marks on his armor. Why is that? The moving armor could be heard all around me, clanking against each other as they escort me.
“Oh, it’s those knights.” A voice rang from the silver armored knights. These heavily armored knights wear an armet on their head with a yellow feather sticking out on the top. Some of them had their helmets on, others did not revealing their young or old faces. The one who spoke out was a middle age man with brown hair. He nudges his other pals as we walk by them. These knights are rank seven or eight, giggling and mocking the rank six all around me. Although they are insulting the knights around me, most of them are jealous that they are MY personal guards. “Those weaklings, I swear if it was not for the princess, they would be dead already.”
“Those black dirt idiots should not even be here.” Another guard said this rather loudly. This guard made a sickening sound, pretending he was puking.
“Idiot,” a guard quickly slapped him across the head, “They are the princess’ bodyguards. Do not think that she will let them loose on you…” I think this was more of an insult than a threat because that man starts to laugh wildly. This was stupid. I frown, not even hiding it. They continue to insult my knights. My loyal men who helped me train and taught me about fighting.
It was aggravating. I eye at the leader, a memory enters my mind. I have asked this man, the leader, to spare against me in secret. His six companions and my maids watch our private match. When we fought, he was able to stand up to me really well. Even with the strongest moves I had. He blocked most of them fruitlessly and with no problem. This surprised my maid teachers. I was not able to land a hit on him. The leader was fast and he was relentless as well. He barely fought back. He literally used his armored bare hands against me. He was amused that I was able to do so much.
Many princesses could not do what I do. I know that my knights had a secret to their weak rank. I am questioning if they really are weak. Their leader has so many battle scars, that I doubt he is a rank six. He is hiding something, but I will not pry into one’s past without their consent. I have huge respect for these guys though. Despite the fact they are strangers, they have become my allies… and my family that I always wanted.
These knights helped me learn how to use martial arts. It is something completely different from learning how to use a sword or a weapon. Well, a gauntlet is an exception to this. Martial arts uses an inner energy called chi. Chi is like mana, but the two are still different in its own way. One can use chi and mana, but chi saps one's physical strength. Mana saps the other sort of energy in one's body, but your physical strength is intact. Both of these energies can knock you out if you run out of it, but if one runs out of chi, they might be exposed to death.
Chi is like your life energy that is used to enhance oneself. You can use chi like mana when it comes to empowering weapons and protecting oneself. When it comes to chanting spells, chi cannot do this. Compared to mana, chi can easily be replenished through meditating. Mana can be replenished through potions though. Chi cannot be replenished through any sort of potions. When it comes to controlling these two energy, chi can be tampered with. Spells use a certain amount of mana to unleash. Chi can be tampered with at the very start.
One can train themselves in controlling how much chi is use to protect themselves or empower their fist. They can extend how much chi they can store in themselves. When it comes to doing the same thing with mana, they have to be at a high rank to control these changes. The training I went through was rigorous. I pushed myself to fulfill most of their requirements. They helped me increase my physical strength and stamina. They taught me various techniques and attacks that I can use with martial arts. It took me three years to get myself to their level. In those three years, I got to know each of these knights.
Each knight tried to teach me their weapons they used. I was able to get a feel of what strength they had and what skills they can use. I could not wield one of their greatsword. The greatsword was at my height! Hell, I was terrified that I might break my back trying to heave the giant weapon. The maids had let me wield a bunch of weapons, but I question what weapon I should use. I asked them. I wanted them to teach me at their fullest. They discussed among themselves for a while.
In the end, the leader decided to teach me how to dual-wield two swords. Along with the martial arts training, it took me four years to get myself fully endorsed into these swords. Five of these knights supervised and taught me the various forms and the fighting styles I could do with them. I learned several skills and abilities that would have taken some warriors ten years to learn. Impressed by my fast pace learning, the leader taught me some advanced techniques.
The maids taught me how to wield most weapons, but the leader has enrich me with his knowledge and strength that made me want more. I also cherished all of their teachings, loving every moment of it. I found a living enjoyment bursting from me as I test out these skills and continue my intense training just to fine tune and polish them.
The last thing they taught me was how to wear heavy armor. Well, wearing it is simple. Training under it and running around, a whole different story. I collapsed forty-two times when fighting in this armor. The first months of receiving this armor, I had to get comfortable in it. Walking around in armor for ten minutes was nothing. Running in this armor for an hour was a living hell. I can remember the day when it was sunny, and I was tasked to pick up some boxes of sword from one area to another. In an hour, I fainted from exhaustion.
I complained about it, but in truth, I was excited. Despite the hours of heat and muscle cramps, I pushed myself. In two months, I increased my familiarity with the armor. I was able to wield both swords easily and I ran in the armor for at least three miles. Now, the harsh part of the training was the task to use martial arts while wielding both swords and wearing this heavy armor. I got knocked out when I just released a bit of my chi just to empower my weapons.
The weight of the armor literally pushed itself onto me. The swords I grasped immediately fell out of my hands. I was amazed at how weak I was when I activated my chi with this armor on. The leader explained to me that I will have to control my physical strength and expand on my chi. To have my body withstand such heavy pressure, I need to have a good amount of chi or just physical strength alone to even stand. This was how I worked on controlling with chi as well.
Without this suit of armor, I had no way of controlling it. I only controlled it by channeling how much chi I had to use to do empower myself or protect myself. I had no insight on how to actually manipulate chi until I dawn on this armor. Hell, if this armor weighs this much,
I know that my knights were very strong compared to the usually guards. I just continue to train. It takes me a few months to actually slash around with my empowered chi weapons dawning this heavy armor. After a few more months, I finally found myself standing and fighting with empowered weapons.
I even held a fight against the leader who was utterly impressed by the rate I was learning.
They literally stick by me no matter what happens.
They treated me like their own daughter and always treated me nicely. They always showed concern when I was troubled by something. They protected me from any dangers and even took some dangers head on to prevent any issues that would come to me.
They have been my loyal shields and swords. We laugh together. We fought together. We had so many good moments together. Even though
I have a pampered life, these men were like a father to me. Hearing these idiotic knights talk down to my knights increased my wrath. I glance at my own men. They were silent and staring straight ahead.
I cannot accept this.
I open my mouth.
“Do not cover for us milady,” the leader whispered, knowing full well that I was going to speak, “These knights are nothing.” I was going to argue with him, but I stopped myself. I just clicked my tongue. I will make sure my men will not have such ill treatment ever again once I escape. Two rank ten warriors eye at me. It seems like we reached our destination. These two warriors move towards the heavy golden doors. The two men push the doors open and they went past the open doors to walk down the corridor.
They arrive at the end of the corridor where stairs travel down into a bright room. His voice rang with his words, “Princess Aisha has arrived!” Those words echo throughout the air. The loud noises I could hear from the bottom of the stairs were silenced. The leader says, “As usually, the same old routine.”
The knights lined up to the right of me, knowing full well that everyone will want to get their eyes on me. I just shook my head slight. I steeled myself to have thousand of eyes stare at me.
Walking to where the two rank ten warriors were at, they bowed away from the numerous eyes that dawn on me. I have grown accustomed to the ten thousand gazing eyes.
I just walked forward.
I did not turn towards the audience yet.
Another memory flash in my head as I slowly walk down the stairs past the two ranked ten warriors. This memory revolves around the maids and my knights helping me maintain balance and posture when I make a grand entrance. At that time, I remembered how the maids played with me and how the knights mocked me when I tripped on my dress or stumbled stupidly down the stairs. Some of the knights even poked and joked around making me laugh.
When two days went by, I was able to gracefully walk down these stairs.
My mind returns to reality.
I swear, I smiled a bit before I snap myself back into a bored and neutral expression.
I grab the front of my dress, lifting it slightly. While my right hand has done this, my other hand runs against the railings. My knights are on the right of me pacing themselves with my own speed. I turn my entire body towards the audience when I reach the last flight of stairs. I had a emotionless expression written all over my face.
It was an expression showing a strong and calm presence as well as graceful composure as I walk down these stairs. I did not have my hands grab my dress, slowly and carefully going down these remaining steps. The huge chandelier hanging at the very ceiling has colored the first floor with lights. There are some lamps against the pillars along the edge of the huge hall. The entire first floor is packed with nobles.
Every man and woman dressed to their best. Everyone staring at me. My black knight leader has split from his line formation when they reach the junction where I turned. They are in two columns now, following behind me from the left and right.
“My beautiful daughter!” Those words that echo within the hall are coming from my father. I eye at my father. I had a fake smile spread across my face. Inside, I loathed him. My body heat increased to the point I can feel some sweat tinkering down my back. I can feel my hands wanting to grab a nearby weapon to behead him right now.
Th sole reason why I hate my father is because there was an old friend I liked. Back then, nobility and wealth meant nothing to my family the Grahams, but when we joined this faction, my parents start to change their values and their beliefs. I liked this commoner who served under us. We chat in the gardens a lot. I would have played with him, but he was very interesting. He talks a lot about philosophies and ideologies for a kid. He even talked about his goals and dreams to become some awesome warrior that would reach the cosmos. I chuckled at his goals, but that was what made me liked him. My father and mother were outside with us, overhearing our conversation one day. The young boy I chatted with said a harmless joke about marrying me when I grow up.
I was going to giggle at his silly comment until my father threatens the boy to leave. No, he did not threaten him. He kicked his family out of our mansion. I demanded to know why he did such a thing. My father explained to me that I am to marry someone of wealth and strength. I was outraged by my father’s sudden actions and this stupid declaration. This was my own life! I was- I am still- aware of what I can do with my own life, but my father slapped me across the face.
He fiercely and bluntly told me that I will not marry anyone weak or unworthy. After that day, he appoints numerous males to try and woo me. At the least, he is giving me a chance to see if I like his candidates or not. Yet none of them show the traits or personality I would want in my ideal man. The fact that I was denied my own free will and denied any freedom to leave this mansion made me loathe my father and my mother.
My mother does not help me and she does not comfort me.
She does whatever my father tells her to do. My mother is the very meaning of being a tool. And now I am staring at my father again. I force myself to hide my disgusted face. I have to endure! I did not hug him, bowing to him. I grip the edge of my dress, picking it up slightly and tilting my body forward. “Dear Father,” I said grinding my teeth together, hating my fake mask I have to place on, “How is the banquet?”
“Wonderful!” the messy brunette hair man said. He was wide. Despite the fine robes covering him with exquisite patterns, he was well toned underneath those clothes. His figure was quite wide as well. As a rank thirteen warrior, he is feared by most of the people in this mansion. His oval-shaped eyes glance all around the room saying, “Let us continue our party!"
His face was did not display as much wrinkles to when he is enraged. I watch the jolly man turn around and head back to the nobles he was conversing with. Numerous conversations erupt back to life. I just sigh at the peering eyes that lust for me. I have my men accompany me to the side.
My eyes shift their attention to the outside, eyeing at the cloudless sky where the sun shines so brightly.
I decide to get a wine glass from the table and indulge myself in this delicacy.
The wine is alright. The taste is not too sweet but not to bitter. To be precise, the wine has a medium-bodied weight to it. The aroma is fairly weak though. Since this is red wine, it was not that crisp. The wine is somewhat dry. The flavor’s intensity is not much, the finishing impact it leaves on my throat was not strong, but it did leave a fruity impression in my mouth. It was also soft. And I know for sure, the wine was not stored for a long amount of years.
This was opened recently, so it did not have a strong positive oaky feeling to it. Either way, this wine has been served at this banquet all the time. I have grown accustomed to it. How many times have I fancied myself in a delicacy that I always drink and then...
“Milady, how are you today?” In my mind, I curse at myself. It was the same damn routine. These young princes and nobles are trying to seduce me. I hide the anger in my entire body, saying, “Oh, who might you be?”
“I am Harold…” My thoughts just curse in my head as my outside appearance just gazing at him and smiled. I wonder when I can finally escape this cycle of stupidity with these worthless and annoying men. The black knight leader eyes at me with his folded arms. The other knights were vigilant. The leader had this same posture every banquet. He knows that this is being repeated like last time. What surprised me was a slight argument between these men.
They argue over who would talk to me first. Harold was pulled from me when the other rivals in love want to chat with me. Harold had a bright red face. He was enraged at the competitors for pulling him away from me. I can hear the stupid remarks about how foolish and ill-felt they were to be even in m presence. They literally brought up how greedy and snobby they are.
Ironically, I recall Harold telling me that he would buy me so many things with all the money he had.
I turn around to let out a laugh.
A satisfied laugh came from my mouth as I watch this scene unfold. The damn hypocrisy I witness was priceless. It did not move me to like this guy, but it was enough to make me laugh at it.
I feel a tad evil at laughing at the pain coming from them all. Although I still laugh at how they will never get me. Or just the fact these guys are still fighting over me.
Am I that beautiful? Surely, there are hundred other women in this banquet. Surely, they are approachable and easier to talk to. The leader and the other guards also laugh with me. “Glad to see something got out of place.” One of the knights chuckled.
Another knight nods in agreement.
It was another boring day at the Graham's mansion. Same old me attending the same old banquets. The same old attempts of getting guys to marry me and the same rejections I give out to all. I just sip this same old red that every banquet use. And here I am, standing with my family of knights.
The knights' laughter are cut off in mere seconds. In a quick motion, all of them got out of their stiff pose. They were on alert.
- In Serial18 Chapters
This is a fan fic set in the brilliantly crafted world of Chrysalis, which RinoZ has generously given permission for me to post. Our hero is no transmigrated human, but a genuine monster, spawned from the rich mana veins running beneath a fungal expanse. Unlike other Claw Centipedes, this hatchling is special, gifted with sapience and cunning. Both of which are useful tools to hunt and kill and eat with. Maybe even more useful than claws and stinger. (Probably not). Please join them as they seek answers to life's big questions: Is that edible? If so, how do I kill it? And can I get my kin to do most of the work? Cover image credit to MAF Plant Health and & Enviromental Laboratory under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.
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The Sword And The Butterfly
Virtuous Masters, terrible Demons.Mortal armies fighting for mortal Kings.Sages reaching for immortality. In such a world, filled with wonder and slaughter, two precocious children try to join a mighty Sectand the ranks of the fabled Cultivators. This is their story.
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Adventures of one dude with an afro
...East-Blue, West-Blue, South-Blue, and North-Blue are the four seas that constitute most of the whole planet. Humanity is thriving on the small patches of land which poke out of the four seas. These four seas are separated horizontally by a humongous mountain which encircles the whole planet, called Red Line, and vertically by, the most dangerous sea known to man, Grand-Line. Both sides of Grand-Line are flanked by strips of the windless sea called Calm Belt. The eternally windless strips of sea are impossible to cross with only wind-powered ships. It might be calm over the water, but the water hides nasty beings called sea kings, not to be disturbed as the name suggests. People in this world can train themselves past any and all physical limits, only their mentality is the problem. A strong mind makes the body strong. Everyone in this world possesses this almost magical power in them called haki. There are three types of haki, two available to everyone and the last one is seen only once in seven million people. Different haki can be used to strengthen the body to even affect logia users, to predict and to foresee attacks, sense others’ prowess and even exert your will upon others. Fruits of the sea devil. Otherwise know as devil fruits, give miraculous powers to those who eat them, but robs them of their power to swim and makes them vulnerable to anything from normal seawater to the crystallized power of the sea, sea stone. Devil fruit powers are categorized into three different categories: Zoan type fruits allow their users to transform into an animal of a sort and gain their abilities. There are also human and mythical type zoans so they should actually be called transformation powers but those ones are extremely rare to the point of none existent that most just associate zoan transformations into animals. Logia fruits make their eaters become the element that the fruit was. For example, the one who eats the fire logia fruit is able to use fire in their attacks, become fire to avoid physical attacks and much else. Last but not least are the Paramecia fruits, these fruits are undoubtedly the weirdest and most random of the bunch. There are some that let you attract metal, make you slim and slippery, make your body able to split your body into many pieces, makes your body rubber, lets you control vibrations, light, pressure almost anything you can imagine. Lastly, there are two opposing factions in this world. The marines and the pirates, most strong people are part of either one. Both have their ups and downs. Pirates are free people who do whatever they want. Good or Bad. Marines are the upholders of justice in this world yet no justice system is without corruption. I closed the introductory book while frowning. "Isn't this a summary to the one piece world...?" The cover isn't mine and I am willing to take it down.
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Everlasting ღ Newt TMR¹
❛I know we're not everlasting, We're a train wreck waiting to happen.❜ Lori wakes up inside a grave, along with a body. Finally a boy helps her escape, and he takes her to the Glade, an encampment in the middle of a Maze. Lori has no idea where she is, who she is or how the hell she got into the middle of a Maze. All she knows is that she has to find a way out.!!!WARNING!!!- There will be spoilers for the books and movies (duh) - This was my first proper fanfic, and it's cheesy af Enjoy *+*COMPLETE*+**UNEDITED* I hope you all enjoy my new story. I only own Lori and whoever else you don't recognize from the books! xoxo - WrathfulDeity And please don't copyright, even if the story sucks, I rather it stays mine. COPYRIGHT 2014 ©WrathfulDeity Published 4/11/2014
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Kehidupan Sempurna
Simpang siur kehidupan dan mencari erti kasih sayang yang sebenar. Ada kalanya cinta itu hadir tanpa dipaksa dan ada kalanya datang kerana dipaksa. Dan cinta yang sempurna akan datang dan tidak akan pergi dan itu juga sebaliknya.
8 155