《The Tail of a Dragon》The Council 1


Trigua City, a city built on the foundations of nobility and justice, turned foul by the men who run it now. A few men in decorated robes walk from the streets and up the stairs toward the capitol building. Some horse carriages arrive just in time for the gathering, and the sun beams down on the city like a blazing phoenix.

“Klein, be kind enough to take care of the horses. This shall be a swift endeavor from your’s truly.” A brown-headed knight with curls said, dismounting the carriage and popping his neck. He raised his white robes above his brown sandals as he walked. This was a sign of nobility, and people were to acknowledge his status in this world if he made this gesture.

Klein didn’t hesitate, throwing himself to a knee and bowing his head, “As you command, it shall be done. Good fortune to you sir.”

He giggled in a queer voice, “Oh, don’t flatter me. I’m sure Duke Rebech has summoned us for non-delicate matters as usual.”

“As always Sir Bokane, I offer you my good fortune despite reality.” Klein smiled, his armor made some clunky noises as he stood to take care of the horses.

Klein was a muscled fellow, not to mention that his flat black hair made him attractive to all of the widows in town. He was the real deal, and the rumors weren’t far off about Sir Bokane having a thing for him. Klein, often tried to ignore the rumors though. He enjoyed serving under his lord.

Lord Bokane walked up the hundred step path toward the front entrance of the Citadel. While it wasn’t a fortress, it was the main focal point of Trigua City. The long, white columns gave it a power-asserting control over the city. It had intricate designs carved into the walls. Most of them were lion crests, representing the ferocity of their forefathers.

Bokane opened the two doors inward, their heavy, stone-like nature was pushed aside by his unimaginable strength. His green eyes were enchanted by the uproar in the capital. “--You call this a meeting?!” A man in full-armor punched the sockets out of a nobleman. Duke Rebech sat in his chair silently as the men argued across the table. Many of the noble families were here to witness the council meeting between the lords.

Rebech had pastel white hair. His age was growing on him fast, and he was as ill and frustrated as ever. Although he was known for his patience and honor-bound throughout the kingdom. “Silence! Lord Bokane has arrived, please noble families rise to the count.” He said. The nobles rose, and the common soldiers bowed to the ground. The lords cut their chattering arguments and waited in silence for Lord Bokane.

He walked in a hushed posture, taking this moment for himself as he always would. Lord Bokane was always the kind of mane to enrich himself within the confinements of self-glory. He couldn’t help but smile when the floor was given to him. It felt as if a culling of power was shifting in his favor.

He slid the chair out and sat down, minding his robe as he scooted the wooden chair inwards. Facing directly opposite of the Duke himself, “Well, let’s not sit tight-lipped anymore, shall we? Let us get on with this summoning. What have you called upon us for Great Duke Rebech?” He dipped a feather in some ink and began writing some things down on paper.


“This is fucking preposterous!” The armored man stood. He’d hit the other noble earlier. “Why should we send out that amount of money for a baby dragon?! You’re telling me he’s worth fifty gold? The city can barely afford to pay the garrison with the recent bandit influx, and you want to spend a great deal of it on a bounty?” The man screamed, slamming his hand against the table and making the Duke’s chalice vibrate.

A vein formed in the greying old man’s forehead. “Commander Tygrone, I’d ask that you settle your disputes somewhere else. This is not the place for your unwarranted shouting. Are you taking light of my authority?” He said, a stern voice echoed throughout the hall and everyone grew silent. Commander Tygrone’s black and grey hairs shot up as he shivered in fear. The Duke was not one to play hot potato with. He would inevitably win.

“Yes sir, I understand. My actions today have been out of line. I apologize to the Council and the nobles for my indecency.” He bowed, sitting down in his seat and restraining himself from speaking again. Another word might just result in the guillotine at the town center. The last thing Tygrone wanted was for everyone to see his damned head roll.

“Despite Commander Tygrone’s misconduct, what is the reason for this counseling Duke Rebech? He mentions a bounty for a baby dragon as well. I feel I’ve been left in the dark on this one, unfortunately.” Lord Bokane asked as he plucked at his curly brown hairs.

The other noble who had the dispute with the commander looked toward the Duke. The tired duke nodded, giving him the approval to speak. “I, Lord Varamount, shall speak.” He pushed up his glasses, his black hair was tied up in a ponytail. “By recent reports, the sightings of a red dragon on the loose have been confirmed. Not only this, but a rapid increase in murder, mutilation, and arson, have resulted in the areas around Trigua City. In fact, we have a witness here now who will explain this dragon to us.” Lord Varamount sat down in a dignified manner.

A figure that had been lurking in the shadows this entire time came forward. Shackled by chains, a familiar face appeared. His blonde hair, brown tunic, and muscled body were a key determining factor in his identity. “Speak commoner.” The Duke ordered.

“Yes, sir.” He swallowed, “My name is Draiguk, and I’ve been a wanted bandit for the last two years. I was caught not too long ago after turning myself in. Why you may ask? Well--that damn dragon stabbed a hole through my dick!” He angrily shouted in the hall, standing on a raised platform behind two spearmen.

The nobles gasped, “Oh my! The audacity of commoners!”

“Execute his foul stench!” Another shouted.

“--I’m not done! At least let me have this one moment you talking dogs! I doubt I’ll live to see another day as it is…” Tears befell the man’s cheeks. He knew the solemn truth of the world. No noble would give mercy to a bandit. “--I had a group of men. I’m pretty sure they are all dead because of this dragon. It isn’t a normal one either. The thing grew in size and strength! When it gets angry, it strikes like a lion!” His shackles made noise, as he finished his breathtaking sentence. The hall erupted in shouts once more.


The nobles were fighting amongst themselves. How could the situation get any worse? A few homicides and this was the state of the capitol? “Order!” The Duke smashed his fist against the table, breaking it. Everyone became hushed and honored the Duke’s might. He would not allow the bickering of such a small topic to break his lands apart.

“We will let the adventurer’s guild handle the dragon problem! I hereby assert a ten gold bounty upon the head of the dragon! Whoever shall bring me its head will be masked in glory and gold.” He stood up, raising his fist to the air. Everyone cheered at the Duke’s wisdom. Not that he was any wiser than other nobles, but he had the courage to make a decision when it counted the most. After all, he was the duke.

Lord Bokane smiled. “And here I thought this was a war meeting on the topic of the Omegurs.” He chuckled, drawing a circle with the inked feather. The room shifted its gaze upon the count. Even the Duke became serious when Bokane mentioned the Omegurs.

“That is the main discussion of today’s meeting in the capital. Lord Bokane.” he sighed, sitting back down in his chair. The table now rested against the floor. The spearman took Draiguk away as the nobles began to discuss the more important issue at hand.

“The Omegurs…” Lord Varamount crinkled his nose. “What a troublesome people. They walk on two feet, look like apes, and speak like the civilized man. Their surging power in the Northern territory is all due to their most recent technological advancement. Not only do they stray away from formation tactics, but they use a special concealment agent that prevents our dogs from sniffing them out. It was already hard enough to spot them before, but now…” He sighed.

“Do not fret Count Varamount, we must stay strong in our times of struggle.” Duke Rebech assured Varamount of his position. He stroked his beard before glancing at Commander Tygrone. “When will they attack? You’re the strategist, you should know how they think the most out of us here today.”

“Sir, I’m afraid I don’t know. I will send a scout team to constantly keep an eye out for the Omegur Horde. For now, though, I ask that we fund the garrison here in Trigua City some more. An unexpected attack from the North would be detrimental not only to your position of authority but would significantly weaken the king’s power in the southern war.” He said, looking down at a map.

“Lord Bokane interjects,” he smiled and raised his hand, “if we’re talking about surprise attacks, I am willing to deploy half of my force here in Trigua since I’m pretty much safe from all sides thanks to Count Varamount.”

“That is true,” Varamount said.

“Then that is what we shall do for the time being. I hereby dismiss the Council for meeting in this Capitol assembly. Everyone please return to your daily routines, and prepare for the coming changes. The last thing I want to deal with is more dragons and Omegurs!” He said.

Everyone was about to return to normal when the doors busted on. A gasping man crumpled to the floor, “Sir!” He said, crawling toward the Duke in urgency. Rebech stood up and rounded the table to the man.

“By all means speak messenger! Have you lost your marbles, come out with it before Mount Holshire erupts!” The Duke said, which was a common reference to a super-volcano.

“--Ye-Yes Sir….Umm. The Orion Order has been completely wiped, my lord! The city messenger stayed in this fetal bow, waiting for a response from the Duke. The Orion Order was one of his private knighthood sects. He had to have been shocked at this development.

The Duke was furious. His hands were tightly bound together, “What is the cause of such an indecent thing?!” His voice echoed throughout the hall, his anger boiling. The messenger could cry about now.

“D-Dragon! A dragon my lord! Some travelers found the bodies in a forest a few days from Trigua City, and the forest was scorched like a dragon had been through there!”

“I see. Thank you, messenger. Be on your way now.”

“Yes, sir!” He bowed before leaving the capitol and stepping down the steps. Duke Rebech turned around to face everyone. “Raise the bounty to twenty gold--for any dragon head. Apparently, we have an epidemic that can wipe out entire knight companies…”

“Yes, sir!” The nobles began changing the document last minute, and the other lords followed in suit behind Duke Rebach. He pulled the stone doors open and revealed the light of the sun as it beamed in.

“We have a dragon to catch and a war to win! Let us move forward on this day of communion. To a greater Trigua!” He screamed out into the street, the people supporting him behind his enthusiasm. Although it was mostly the guy behind the cabbage stand.

“Duke Rebech, I suppose this means you are ready to take on the Omegur Horde?” Lord Bokane chuckled.

“No. The news of Orion’s passing makes my heart ache. All I can do is move forward and hope that I am making the right decisions. That’s about the opposite of what Orion believed, but his commitment to the job was unprecedented. A true hero for the books. I’m just a boy, he was a man.” A tear rolled down Rebech’s cheek.

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