《God Blade (Hiatus)》Intermission: Saving The princess


It was right after Theo killed Hjal. His severed neck still pouring out blood like a fountain and spraying it all over the place. Theo walked toward the opened carriage after he collected all the coins from Hjal's men. The carriage was big and extravagant, and it was covered with decoration. Too bad the carriage was damaged during the chase. Inside, a beautiful young woman in an ornate dress, fitting of a royalty, was sitting in the corner. Her body and hand shivered, but her brown eyes that stared back at him was fiery and full of spirit. "Princess." He entered the carriage with a charming smile on his face. "W-Who are you?" She asked with a trembling voice. He could see the scared woman behind her strong facade, but he admired such courage. He kneeled sword in front of him. "My princess. I'm Theo, an adventurer. When I heard about your kidnapping, I rushed to find you." "And where is your proof? How can I know if you're not another accomplice of the people who kidnapped me? How can you find me when even the best knight in the kingdom haven't saved me yet?" She was smarter and braver than he thought. "I..... Don't have any proof other than the six dead bodies outside, Your Highness." "S-Show me then." She stuttered a bit, unsure if she wanted to saw it. "Your Highness, you shouldn't-" He tried to stop her. "As your princess, I order you to move out of the way!" She ordered him. He had no choice but to follow her order and moved from the door. Her eyes widen as she stepped outside to see the dead bodies lying around on the ground. It was evident that she was disgusted and shaken by the dead bodies. Her hand was trembling. "I have, no other proof, Your highness." He said while lowering his head. She turned toward him. "Theo isn't it?" "Yes, My Princess." "Take me back to the capital. Father will surely reward you for saving me." "PRINCESS!" Someone shouted. The shout and horses hooves interrupted them. A huge black mare arrived at the location. A knight with a black steel plate armor and golden pauldron rode it. A sigil of two black wings decorated his breastplate. Two swords with glittering golden hilt rest on his side. He dismounted from his horse and walked to the princess. Theo recognized the golden pauldron and the sigil the moment he saw it. Sir Roderyk Blackwing of the Royal Guard. The Royal Guards, like the name suggested, was the guards of the royal family. They consisted of five of the best knight in the kingdom. Their battle prowess and achievements were legendary. One such person was in front of him. Not only that, Sir Roderyk in particular, was famous for winning numerous tourney all over the continent. While he might not be the best when it come to real combat. When it come to duel and jousting, no one in the kingdom could match him. Sir Roderyk kneeled in front of the princess while Theo watched from the side. "My deepest apologies princess!" He raised his head to look at Theo. "And my deepest gratitude adventurer." "It's fine Sir Roderyk. Stand up." She ordered him and he stood up. She turned to face Theo. "Theo. I'm sorry, but I will go with Sir Roderyk. Come to the capital and I will assure that you are properly rewarded by my father." Well damn, Roderyk's timing couldn't be any worse. Theo lost his chance to escort the princess to the capital personally. Not only that, he lost the chance to get to know her along the way. Theo nodded his head. "Thank you, My Princess." Theo looked as the princess walked toward Sir Roderyk who waited next to his horse. Theo's heart beat hard all a sudden. It was his instinct, he had experienced this a few times in his life. When his instinct realized that something was wrong but not his brain, his heart would beat hard and crazy. There was one skill Theo took pride more than his swordsmanship or his ability at making love, his danger detecting abilities. A danger was close by, but for reason unknown, he wasn't able to detect it. 'Ah!' He realized. The sun. The sun was in the wrong position. No, he knew the sun position couldn't be wrong. It was Sir Roderyk that came from the wrong direction. He came from the north, from the bandit pass.

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