《Arrogant Master In The City》[ 1 ] Art Piece
Re-Chapter One
[ Art Piece ]
Year 2XXX America
Sfx Knock! Knock!
“Come in..” A rough and raspy voice rang out from behind the door.
Sfx Ka-Chik!
A burly man with a visible scar running down vertically down the left side of his face entered the room. Clad totally in a black tight fitting outfit, he blended in with the surroundings of the room he just entered.
When he walked into the room, no sounds could be heard from his footsteps and in a blink of an eye, he covered a shocking distance of five meters.
If it wasn’t for the fact that a conspicuous white bundle hung down from the scarred man’s hand, one would easily brush aside the fact that a suspicious burly man clad in an ultra suspicious black outfit was actually in the presence of everyone within the room.
The scarred man stood respectfully before the large wooden desk before him, not uttering a single sound, he placed his hands by the side and looked towards the ground.
He waited patiently for the person sitting behind the desk to turn around.
Five minutes.. Ten minutes.. Twenty minutes..
The scarred man did not flare up in regards to the rude person behind the desk, as to why he didn’t. It was because since young, he had the “Etiquette Lessons” forcefully shoved down the throats of both himself and his peers.
Years after years of the “Etiquette Lessons” they had underwent, rules were involuntarily etched into their brains and these were the results.
No matter how strong willed or rebellious a person is, after undergoing the “Etiquette Lessons”, even the wildest of lions would turn into cute and obedient little lambs.
Sfx Creakk~
The black leather chair spun around, revealing the person who sat on it but due to the scarred man looking downwards, he only managed to see the torso of the person while the rest was obstructed.
“Hmm?..” A questioning sound escaped the person’s mouth as he noticed the bundle the scarred man brought with him.
“My lord.. This is something I found while making my way back after finishing one of my task..” Noticing the questioning tone, the scarred man hurriedly explained.
“I see.. Hand it over..” The person stretched out his hands and said in a cold manner that would not allow for any refusal.
A pale and bony hand stretched out from the long black sleeves towards the scarred man.
Horrifying black veins can be seen protruding from beneath the surface of the pale and bony hand, giving anyone who laid their eyes on it an extremely uncomfortable feeling.
“Yes my lord..” The scarred man handed over the bundle carefully and stood to the side.
After taking over the bundle, the first thing the person noticed was the warmth the bundle gave out as soon as he touched it.
Unwrapping the sullied white cloth, it revealed an infant less than a month old.
The person opened his mouth in surprise not because of that infant but because of the locket worn around the infant’s neck.
Placing the infant down carefully onto the wooden desk, he inspected the locket carefully.
It was made of pure silver while the shape of a cross was engraved right in the middle of the locket.
While the back of the locket was engraved with a few alphabetical letters.
It seemed like it was hiding something from within but no matter how he tried, he couldn’t pry open the locket.
He remained silent for a second and spoke.
“Tell me everything from when you found the child.” He spoke while looking down at the infant.
“It was like this. . .” The scarred man began explaining.
Two minutes later...
“I see... Tell me scarface, have you looked at the locket?” The man asked coldly while releasing his killing intent.
“N-No m-my l-llord.. I w-wouldn’t dare.. Haa.. Haa..” Scarface replied hastily as the a suffocating pressure loomed over him.
Sfx Thump!
Unable to resist the overwhelming killing intent, he fell to the ground and gasped heavily for air.
“Hmph! Even if you ate the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard[ 1 ], I doubt you would have the courage to lie to me..” He glanced at the scarred man with disdain.
“Haa..Haa.. Y-yes my lord..” Not feeling the overwhelming killing intent that loomed over him, Scarface picked himself up and hurriedly turned towards the door.
As he closed the door behind him, a hint of hatred flashed within his eyes.
Due to the man being too preoccupied with thoughts, he failed to notice any changes that went on with his subordinate.
Right after Scarface left, the man lifted the hood that hung over his head as he faced the window before him.
The reflection in the window showed a man that seemed to still be in his early twenties, his skin was sickly pale but he can be considered to be handsome.
His blond wavy hair was parted to the sides and stopped right before his narrow shoulders.
A portion of his lower neck however, was ridden with horrifying black veins that reached down into his undershirt.
“Waa..” The infant started to awake and started to move about.
Attracted by the noise, the man walked towards the infant and carried him.
His cold blue eyes locked gazes with the infant’s beautiful golden eyes.
“..Kiryu Vladimir..” He muttered softly as a trace of excitement flashed within his cold eyes.
Five years later
Year 2XXX America
Several light bulbs hung down from the ceiling, their occasional flickering lights served as lighting for the entire room.
Twenty children of mixed genders and races stood side by side in two straight lines, ten in front and ten at the back.
All of them wore identical clothing, a plain white shirt, pair of white shorts with no shoes on.
The shirts looked like a one piece on their small frames but none of them seemed to care.
Their sights were fixed on the various firearms on the metal table before them.
One would mistake this for a firearm shop as there were many different kinds of firearms, rifles, pistols and etc.
The dim lights bounced off their beautiful and elegant metallic sheens.
All of the children stood before the table motionless as if awaiting instructions, their expressionless faces mirrored their eyes.
Eyes resembling those of a dead fish, dull and void of any spark of life, just like a zombie.
Standing at the front of the room, was a tall man clad in black. Similar to the children, he wore no expression but a trace of cruelty can be seen within his cold eyes.
He gave out a really intimidating and powerful aura while his tight fitting attire outlined his powerful muscles.
The children call people like him that instructs them as “Instructors”.
“Start.” The instructor commanded.
Almost instantly, the children started moving on instinct and reflex.
Disassembling the firearms that was placed on the table, their actions were fluid with no trace of hesitation just like a fish swimming in the ocean.
At a closer look, calluses can be seen on some of the children’s small hands. With this, you would know that they have done this an innumerable amount of time as calluses are toughened skin by repeated friction.
After the group of children finished disassembling, they then started to reassemble them altogether again and the cycle repeated over and over again.
As time passed, grim expressions replaced the previous cold expressions of the children. Beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads as they continued with their re-assembling.
This is understandable as the children had to be really focused on their task, other factors such as the dim lighting and the constant watch of the adult contributed to the stress.
The present task of assembling and disassembling not only relied on your ambidexterity, hand eye coordination and also your concentration.
Sfx Clink! Clank! Crash!
One of the child slipped up and dropped a magazine on the ground and in a moment of panic, he knocked down even more parts.
Looking up fearfully at the instructor, he ran to a corner of the spacious room and crouched down trembling. If a normal person saw this pitiful sight, their hearts would ache but the instructor in question simply glanced at him coldly.
The rest of the children simply ignored the commotion and carried on with their dismantling like it was none of their businesses.
After finishing their tasks, they stood upright and motionless like a statue.
The instructor examined all of the firearms and nodded, switching his attention to the trembling child.
“Piece of shit.. Do not make me go there, you know the consequences of making me walk to you don’t you?” The instructor hissed.
The child trembled even more intensely at his threats.
“N-no more p-please.. I-ii am sorry!” He muttered repeatedly like a broken record as the tears flowed down his face.
The instructor frowned at his words.
Sfx Swish! Pow!
From out of nowhere, a whip appeared in the hands of the man and swiped it towards the boy.
The man skillfully controlled the whip like it was an extension of his limb, it bounced off the wall and wrapped around the boy’s fragile looking neck and pulled him back.
Sfx Shua~
Unable to withstand the force, the boy flew several meters across the room towards the man like a broken kite.
He fell face first into the ground before the man and simply groveled at his feet for forgiveness, his blonde hair was sullied with blood and dirt while tears flowed down uncontrollably.
The small frame of the boy was like an ant before the instructor’s two meter height and hulking figure.
Extending his powerful looking arms, he gripped the blonde boy by his neck and held him up at face level.
The boy struggled in mid-air with his legs dangling about a meter above the ground.
No matter how he struggled, he couldn’t escape the seemingly unbreakable grasp.
“Punishments will be multiplied by two fold since you disobeyed orders..Hehehihi..” The instructor chuckled cruelly.
The boy stopped struggling and simply dangled motionless like it was the end of the world.
“This is the punishment for those who do not obey. Your life is given to you by the Black Snake and if we can give your life, we can take it away easily. If we tell you to live, you live and if we tell you to die, you die no questions asked.” The instructor declared while looking towards the rest of them.
“Now, put on your blindfolds and wait for the next instructor while I drag this garbage out.”
The rest of the children obediently put on their blindfolds as they were instructed. The man simply dragged the child like a rag doll by his ankles and another man clad in black replaced him.
Screams can be heard from the small hole at the top corner of the room as it was connected by a series of tunnels that eventually leads to a room in which all children fear the most.
It was given many names, the playroom, torture chamber, torture room, room of agony, restricted room but the eventually decided on “Naughty Corner” as it was where the naughty kids go.
The new instructor then instructed the remaining kids to repeat the same process of assembling and disassembling the firearms while blind folded.
While the children were doing as they were instructed, the blonde child was being dragged to the Naughty Room.
In the Naughty Room
Light bulbs hung down from the ceiling of the hallway in a straight row, providing a somewhat decent lighting.
“Mnghhh mmmm!”
Muffled screams and laughter can be heard from the numerous metal doors that was located by the sides of the hallway.
The instructor dragged the blonde child right to the along the hallway.
The boy struggled to break free after he heard the muffled screams but was stopped after he got kicked in the gut.
The boy spewed out a large amount of blood and left a blood trail behind as he was dragged.
Stopping in his tracks, the instructor stood at the end of the hallway before a simple wooden door.
Sfx Knock! Knock!
Knocking two times at the door, the instructor left the unconscious child at the front of the door and walked away.
Sfx Tap! Tap! Tap! Ka-Chik!
Hurried footsteps could be heard from behind the door and the rusty door knob turned.
As the door opened, a heavy stench of blood rushed out of the room and if one took a closer look between the large gap left by the door opening.
One would be able to see countless jars placed atop the shelves by the side, the shocking part of that was the jars had organs in them. Hearts, livers, brains etc.
The partial part of a reddish table can be seen and above the table was a pair thin legs with blood running down the sides.
A man in a red coat came out from the room, his coat gave out a really distinct metallic smell.
Adjusting his round spectacles, a creepy smile crept up his face while he ran his hands through his unkempt black hair.
Eye bags and dark circles can be seen from under his large harry potter like spectacles.
“A new specimen..Kakaka~!!” A high pitched cackle escaped his mouth as a trace of excitement flashed within his black eyes.
He then dragged the unconscious blonde child into the room and shut the door behind him.
A few days later
In a large and brightly lit room.
The remaining children from the previous firearm assembling had all four limbs strapped to a chair.
A metal device was used to forcefully pry open their eyelids so that they would not be able to close them.
Before them was a spectacled man clad in a white surgical gown and a large number of naked men and women in giant cages by the sides.
They range from probably twenty to thirty judging by their appearances.
A naked woman was currently laying down above the surgical table before the spectacled man.
The man spun around, looking at the children who were strapped in their chairs and spoke.
“I am your instructor for today, many know me as the “Surgeon Of The Underworld” but you may call me doctor or doc, either way is fine.” Doctor adjusted his big rounded spectacles as he spoke.
“The lesson shall begin so please pay attention kaka!” He wore the shower cap [ 2 ]over his unkempt black hair and cackled.
Strapped to the cold surgical table, the young woman cried and struggled as she glared at Doctor.
Her cries for help were completely ignored by the stone faced men that guarded the children.
Doctor simply smiled as he walked over to the surgical table, tracing his gloved fingers along the woman’s bare body.
He extended his hands over to the trolley and pulled it closer to him.
“Eeny, miny, meeny, mo. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny, miny, meeny, mo.” The doctor hummed as he decided on which instrument he would use.
Finally setting his sights on one, he picked up a scalpel from the tray that rested on the trolley.
“*Inhale* *Exhale*… This is the one~” The doctor lifted the scalpel up to his nose and sniffed it.
The Doctor’s bizarre actions earned him disgusted gazes of almost everyone in the room.
Paying no heed to the glares that were shot in his direction, he went ahead and licked the scalpel’s sharp edge.
“Now kids.. Look closely while I get started with my art piece alright?~”
Lifting the hand with the scalpel, he began to slice off a thin layer from the surface of the woman’s skin.
Slowly, he made his way from the top to the bottom while the woman screamed at the top of her lungs.
Initially, she threatened the Doctor but her threats failed to affect the Doctor in anyway so she began to negotiate.
Negotiating eventually turned into begging but the Doctor simply brushed it aside.
Cries of despair echoed throughout the white room but it only served to fuel the Doctor even more.
While the woman felt despair, the doctor got more and more excited in the process of creating his “Art Piece”.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head several times and his legs were rubbing against each other during the screams.
After an hour of non-stop torture, it finally stopped after he was done scraping off the surface of her skin.
She resembled an anatomy doll as the children could clearly see her exposed muscles,
It was a miracle as to how the woman was still alive after all of that, the metallic smell that wafted through the entire room got thicker over time.
“Do you want to die?” Doctor asked the “thing” on the surgical table.
The woman tried to nod but the excruciating pain stopped her from doing so. Her muscles hurts to even be exposed to the air.
“Well, I apologize since I am still not done with my art piece Kakaka~” Replying in a cruel tone, he picked up a syringe and injected it into her.
Sfx Clank!
“This will allow you to stay conscious during the whole session until I am finished.” He cackled as he threw the empty syringe into the tray.
The woman simply laid there motionless, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to move but that she couldn’t move.
She knew that no one will save her, the god she sincerely prayed to every single day, the heroes she read in the fairy tale books, all of it was a lie.
She cursed her luck, she cursed the gods, she cursed everything.
Knowing the fact that no matter how she pleaded, she would not be given a quick death only made it worse.
This was the first time she felt true despair, since no one can help her, all she can do now is to grit her teeth until this devil is done so she glared daggers at the Doctor.
“Let’s begin~”
Cries of agony once again filled the entire room, only after two hours did the screams finally died down.
The woman wasn’t even a woman anymore, it is simply a really thin, human shaped thing.
Blood dyed the surroundings in a dark red color while organs were laid down nicely before the children’s eyes.
During the “Art Piece” session, the children had tried closing their eyes countless of times but they simply couldn’t.
Unable to break out of the straps and the metal devices, they were forced to watch and listen to the entire torture session.
Tears fall uncontrollably as they sat there helplessly for an entire three hours.
They sat there dazed while their eyes were slightly dull. Their minds was slowly but surely getting warped and this was the exact effect the “Black Snake Organization” wanted.
“It is your turn now kids~” The Doctor declared while blood covered his entire body, only his pearly white teeth were exposed on the outside.
Author’s Note
Click >Fluffy Space
Well this is the first re-written chapter of A.M.T.I.C, Chapter was way longer than i had expected it to be but its a good thing i guess? If the layout bothers you then please let me know, i'll change it. I don't know why but i like the layout like this.. Hehe
Ima stick with this layout for now urghh then make a poll on which is better.
I am now working on my new fiction which will probably be uploaded for approval soon?
Feel free to post your suggestions and criticisms HERE It would be a big help to me in the long run.
" Waffle " Speech/Dialogue
' Waffle ' Thoughts
* Waffle * Actions
Sfx Sound Effects
[ 1 ]
Eating the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard – A Chinese saying that roughly translates to plucking up courage.
In this case it’s just a metaphor by borrowing courage from a bear and a leopard by eating their heart and gall.
[ 2 ]
Was trying to find the proper name of the plastic thingy surgeons wear but when looked online and they said that surgeons wear shower caps over their head to prevent germs but damn it just sounds weird.
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