《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 16: Dinner for two


AN: Sorry guys this chapter is a bit short. It could be a lot better but right now I can't think of anything good. I probably need to go on a journey to charge my fantasy battery. Anyway thanks for your comments thus far. If you want, you can rate and leave a review. I don't know if I am going into the right direction, so a bit of feedback would be appreciated. I try to be as consistent as I can but it is really difficult to maintain the quality. This is my first fiction ever and I have never written so much in my whole life. As I am not a native speaker I can't express myself as freely as I'd like to. I hope I'll get better one day so I can make my readers more happy. Thanks for reading.

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"Now what shall we do?" asked Verrona.

"I don't know. I thought I was your toy. So you should know how you want to play with me. I am open to anything."

"If you say it like that... Then massage my shoulders. This one is very stiff."

Am I her slave now or what. I'll pay her back.

"Sit down" she had a victorious smile.

"What are you looking at me like that turn around"

"Yes, yes" she chuckled.

I put my hand on her shoulder and start massaging.

"Hmm, that feels good." She moans a bit.

Shit this makes me aroused.


"Are you sure?"

"Just do it jeez"

"You spoiled child"

I complie and use much more force.

"Ah ah.. it hurts be gentle."

"You are never pleased aren't you"

Her neck is exposed due her hair being tied to a knot. I stared at her neck all the time imagining what I would do to her.


My lust overcame me and I can't bear it anymore. I began smelling her neck.

"T-Thorus what are you doing?"

"Enjoying your scent. I knew it."


"You smell better in person."

"Stop smelling me"

She tried to stand up but I hindered her by pushing her into the chair.

"Let me go"

"No, you need to be punished for ordering me around."

I lick her neck way up to her ear.

"Kyaa" she screaming a high pitch.

"Hahahaha you sound like a little girl."

"You can stop now. You had enough fun."

"The fun starts now."

I whispered in her ear.

"You nasty woman, are you enjoying this?"

This made her shudder and her whole body trembled.

"I am not nasty, I am not." she threw a tantrum.

I let go of her and she immediately stood up.

She watched me with teary eyes. Did I went to far, nah I don't see why. To conquer such girl you need to take out the big guns. With me being still a kid I need extra effort.

"What are you looking at me with such teary eyes. You make me feel guilty."

"*slup * You should, you tainted me."

"Really? Aren't you like over 400 years old. With your age you bond to have some experiance.It's not like you are self conscious inexperienced virg-"

"Don't say it"

"No way. You, a virgin?"

"Nooooooooo" she runs out crying and locking her self in her bedroom.

"What the hell, where is my milf that had the vibe of a goddess. Where is the woman that seemed unfazed by anything." I said to my self.

I knocked on the door where Verrona shut her self in.

"I am sorry, come out please."

"No you are a meanie"

I sighed. I guess when she calms down she'll come out on her own.


While waiting, someone knocked on the door.

I put on my helmet and opened the door. I was Sheera.

"Where is elder Verrona?" she looked and me with spite and envy.

"She locked herself up. I don't know what happened."

"You beast what did you do to her?" she unsheathed her sword and pointed it at me.

"Before you cut me down, go talk to her. Then you can see it for you self if I deserve to be slain."

"You better didn't make her cry or els-"

"Yes, yes go talk to her. She won't listen to me."

Sheera knocked on the door.

"Elder Verrona. It is me Sheera are you alright?"


Suddenly some rumble noises could be heard.

She opened the door as nothing happened at all. Verrona acted like her role as an elder.

"Oh, Sheera something happened?"

"Are you alright?"

"Yes why shouldn't I be?"

"You eyes are red, did you cry?"

"No, I am just a little bit tired , that is all."

"I see."

"Do you need something?"

"Ah, yes. The elder of the neighboring village came regarding the monsters that roam around in the Forrest."

"Oh, I almost forgot let's go"

"I come with you"

"No you stay here, you are not to leave. I will talk with you later." She gave me a cold stare.

"Yes ma'am"

_ _ _

I am currently sitting on the sofa. I think I made her angry. Well can't be helped. I need a plan to make up with her. If she looked at me like that again I might die.

What can I do to make her happy again. Think Thorus think. Yes that's it. I make her a big surprise when she'll come back.

I go out to gather some materials. The people seeing me leaving the elders house where looking at me with eyes of envy and were full of killing intend. I ignored them and went to the Forrest.

I looked around and killed a few animals. I turned them in to mana crystals. Taking the mana crystals back with me, I think of how I am going to surprise her.

Hmm. Yes I need roses a lot of them and candles. I need to make me a suit and for her a stunning dress. I made a black dress and for me a normal black suit. I don't know if it looks any good. I am a madman not a tailor.

I decorated the room with red roses and lit candels everywhere.

I want to prepare diner for her for that I open the fridge. There a lot of ingredients.

For the appetizer I make a delicious pea soup.

For the entree I fry some steak and potatoes with a red wine reduction sauce.

For desert I make some Ice cream, for that I need to convert some ingredients as there is no vanilla in this world. Oh, I want to see her face when she tries it.

I cooked everything and kept it warm with magic.

What's left? Right music. With the last mana crystal I created a music player and some romantic music.

I played some music and sang along to get into the mood.

♫ "Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time

I feel alive and the world I'll turn it inside out - yeah

And floating around in ecstasy

So don't stop me now don't stop me

'Cause I'm having a good time having a good time"♫

I danced around in pants and changed into my suit.

After changing into my suit I turned off the music and sat at the table waiting for my beloved.

This plan is fool proof.

Just you wait Verrona I am gonna make you mine.

With that thought the door opened.

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