《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 15: Scent


I am currently writing a letter for my parents. I don't know how long I'll be staying with Verrona but something is telling me it will be for a long while.

I carefully select my words. I don't want them to worry. The letter must be deliver quick or else they might look for me when it starts turning dark.

The content of the Letter is the following:

_ _ _ _ _ _

Dear Mother and Father,

I decided to visit the elven Kingdom and I am now currently in one of their villages. Don't worry everyone is nice to me. Unfortunately I can't come home for a while. I don't know how long I will be away.

Normally I would have come home but there is something holding me here. I met a stunning beauty. For the first time in my life I developed feelings for a woman. She might be out of my league but I want to take the risk.

I don't want to go home yet. If I do, then I will regret it for the rest of my life. Sometimes men have to sacrifice something to gain something. In this case it will be the time I am spending with you. Don't be sad, I still love you with all my heart and nothing can change that. Not even a woman. You gave me life, I will always cherish you guys no matter what.

I can understand you wanting me to come back home. I know I am being unreasonable and selfish. Just this once forgive me for being stubborn.

I am trying to conquer my possible future wife. Believe me she is worth it. When you see her you'll understand. The woman I fell for is the elder by the way.

Don't worry I'll come visit you once in a while.

Love ya all

Thorus your stupid son.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Now that's great. I think with this they will understand.

"So young and able to write."

Verrona came in.She seems to have finished her work. I am currently at her house. It is spacious but pretty plain.

"Of course, I am a genius after all."

"Huuh. A genius you say. Show me what you wrote. I'll correct your mistakes if you made some."

Holy shit if she reads it will all be over. I would be humiliated for the rest of my life.


"You can not. It is private."

"Hooh? Now I want to see it even more."

"Never, only over my dead body."

She came closer to take away the letter. As a last resort I was about to burn the letter. Verrona however noticed my attempt and casted a binding spell. Her lips moved at a fast rate. It was like she whispered the chant.

How the fuck could she cast it so fast ? Damn I can't break free what kind of magic is this.

"Please don't-"

She took the letter and unfolded it.

"What are you scared for?"

"Please just kill me."

"You are overreacting."

She started to read the letter.

"Hooh? You fell in love, who is it. Is it perhaps Sheera?"

"Please stop"

While reading she had a mischievous grin.

"Don't read any further."

"Sometimes men have to sacrifice something to gain something. Hahahaha what a great line coming from a kid."

"You enjoy it don't you? Picking on the feelings of a five years old. You old hag."

"O-old hag? I am only 453 years old boy. I wanted to stop reading but now I won't"

Me and my loose mouth.

"Now lets see if you mentioned the girl you fell in love with."

She continuous reading

I became silent and accepted my unavoidable fate.

Her eyes widen in surprise. She must be at the part where I say the girl I fell in love with is the elder.

"W-what you fell in love with mee? Eeehhhhh?"

She had a face of confusion then a big smile formed on her lips. It was a wryly smile with ill intentions.

"Boy you are much to young. Go find yourself a young girl."

She released me from her binding spell.

"The other girls won't do. I want you. Age doesn't matter. In love everything goes."

"What can a young boy possibly know about love?"

"I know plenty about love"

"Then tell me what is love."

"That's easy. Love is a survival mechanism, we are beings with empathy. The empathy allows us to form communities making survival easier. When a male sees a woman who seems fit for reproduction the brain of the male releases chemicals. These chemicals are responsible for the longing for the opposite sex. Love is necessary to secure offsprings so that the race won't go extinct. When I saw you my brain analyzed your worth in regards to give me offsprings. Your symmetrical face indicates a healthy woman that's why I am attracted to you. Further more you have a wide hip ideal for giving birth. You are worthy of being my mating partner."


She stood there dumbstruck with a reddened face.

"That's so nonromantic... Wait did you call me fat?" she looked angry.

"I wouldn't call you fat nor chubby. You just have these nice curves. I love it when women have a bit of extra meat. Not like most of you elves who have barley any ass and legs that are as thin as paper."

Her face was as red as a full ripe tomato, I swear.

"You flatter me but you are too young."

"We all the time in the world."

"We'll see when you have become older."

I made a victory pose raising my fist into the air. She is considering it nice.

"What are you doing, you look so stupid."

"Women won't understand. Anyway can you sent this as fast as possible? My parents live in the village near the border. Their names are Roland and Sophie Stoneheart. The letter needs to arrive before it turns dark. Sent your fastest man"

She nodded and took the letter and left.

"Puh. That was nerve wrecking."

Waiting for her, I decided to look around the house.

It was really nothing special just some furniture a few paintings. Arriving at her bedroom I became excited.

There was a big bed for to and a shelf with drawers. Could this be where the treasure lies?

I opened the drawer and was faced with various panties and bras. The color black dominated.

"Verroooona I didn't knew you were this kind of girl. Such erotic under wear"

I fought the urge to put her panties on my head. No I mustn't, I must respect her. But she didn't respect my privacy when she read my letter. I mustn't, when she sees me like that I might be killed. I shuddered at that thought and closed the drawer. Yes, I am a monk in the path of salvation.

So this her bed. I jumped on it and broke the bed due to my weight. I forgot now that I enhanced myself I weight much more. Well I can repair it with my power.

I buried my face into her pillow. What great smell I can't get enough it. It smells even better than blood and guts.

"What are you doing there Thorus?"


"Just enjoying your smell. You need something?"

"Yes I- Wait why the hell are you smelling my pillow."

"Because it smells nice?"

"Stop it you pervert."

"I can't I am addicted, if you separate me from the pillow I might die from withdrawal."

"Stop it" she tried to drag me from her bed holding me at my collar.

"Why the hell are you this heavy." her try to drag me was futile she didn't even move me inch.

"I get it, I get it, you ungrateful old hag"

I stood up from her bed and was standing in front of her


"You took my freedom which I consider to be the most important thing for me. I made an exception because you are a little sexy. And look how you threat me, denying me your scent."

"This has nothing to do with me being ungrateful. Anyone would complain if a pervert were to smell your bedclothes."

"Don't lie to yourself. You most likely were happy weren't you. After all judging by your panties you must be a pervert yourself. Don't hide it, show it with pride an join a world full of bliss."

"You saw my panties? "

She was fuming from anger and wanted to slap me

"You jerk"

Before her slap connected I grabbed her hand.

"Don't be mad. It doesn't fit you. I am sorry I didn't know you would be this angry. I didn't mean anything bad. I just have a habit of opening drawers. I didn't mean to look at your panties or to put them on my face."

"Where is the mature woman who was full of dignity. The woman who wouldn't lose her composure. I asked her

"*sigh* You are right I am sorry for behaving so immature. As an elder I always need to keep an act, so I won't shame my village."

Verrona turned to her normal self.

"You don't need to act in front of me. Just be your self."

"Thank you Thorus I appreciate it but keep it a secret"

You will, I make you loose your self and give in to the temptation of pure joy and ecstasy.

"Of course. Anyway did you send my letter?"

"I did I gave it to one of the head scouts your letter will arrive in no time."

"Good girl." I was on my tiptoes giving her a pat on her head.

"Humph you are 100 years to early to pat my head."

"Am I hahahah"

Seeing the laughing me Verrona also laughed


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