《Star Wars: The Untold Stories》1: Padawan Sar Landala


It was night time and the lights of the great Galactic City of Coruscant had been lit.

Inside of the Jedi tower stood a young man or boy really, considering the fact that he looked like he hadn't turned 13 yet, looking out over the city. Observing the buildings and hover-cars from a window.

The boy's name was Sar Landala a Jedi initiate or that would have been the case a few hours ago as the young Sar had just become a padawan, and to a Jedi master of the High Council no less. This was a huge honor and one that Sar would always strive to do justice.

Though the pressure that came from such an honor could be seen on Sar as he was standing a little stiffly and his hands were cold and clammy. He was also nervously fiddling with the lightsaber that hung at the waist of his Jedi robes.

Sar was trying to collect himself, it was not proper for a Jedi to let emotions dictate them it would only lead them to the path of ruin, and on the path to ruin lays the Dark Side. Sar closed his eyes reciting a part of the Jedi code in his mind: "There is no emotion, there is peace", before entering a light meditation.

Feeling the force around him always eased him and he quickly reflected over the past few years of his life at the temple.

He had been very young when he had come from the temple he had no memory of his parents nor of which planet he had come from, and he never really cared the order was his family and the temple his home.

He remembered the first time he used the force lifting a small cup from one of the other initiates who had found his bright red hair the source of great amusement.

He remembered journeying into the crystal cave on Ilum and finding his Kyber crystal and bonding with it. He could still feel the feeling of accomplishment having finished his lightsaber. Looking over every detail from the black cloth grip to the silvery part where the lightsaber would exit, to the intricately carved bronze rectangular button that activated it.


There was a certain feeling of closeness to the weapon as if even with galaxies between them he would still be able to find it. This feeling only further solidified when he activated it and beheld the sapphire blue blade that sprung from the hilt. The humming sound that the saber omitted would always be in his mind.

Then a sudden jolt in the force woke him from his quiet meditation, but there was no malice to be felt, it was more like someone announcing their presence and Sar knew who it was.

He quickly turned away from the window and looked behind him.

There stood the Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Wearing the traditional brown Jedi robe which greatly contrasted her blazing red skin, white markings, and the white, and blue striped lekku. She was beautiful even among her fellow Togruta, but the presence she gave out reminded one that she was a warrior before anything else. It wasn't domineering or pressuring it merely showed one that the person it belonged to was a master of the force.

Sar kept his cool while calmly apologizing to his master.

"My apologies master I was lost in my meditation and did not sense your arrival" Sar quickly followed the words up with a small bow.

Shaak Ti waved her hand in a dismissive manner while responding.

"There is no need to apologize young padawan" She let out a soft smile before continuing "Many young Jedi forget the importance of meditation. It makes me happy to see that its importance is not lost on you, young one"

Sar felt happy for receiving the praise but felt he did not deserve it since he had never really meditated much and the reason for him meditating was only because of the rare circumstances, but before he could get a chance to explain it.

Master Ti put her hands into the sleeves of the Jedi robes before heading for the door on the far end of the hallway. When she noticed Sar wasn't following she looked over her shoulder.

"Come young Sar, I wish to begin your training immediately"

Sar quickly responded "yes Master!" before quickly catching up to her and following her over to the training hall.



The training hall that Sar was led to was different than what he had become used to during his time as an initiate. First of all, it was much smaller, which he probably should have expected considering these halls were designed to house only the master and his or her padawan.

The second thing that surprised him was how artistic the hall seemed. The hall itself was constructed like a circle in the middle of the circle it deepened as if a crater had opened up in the middle of the hall. This would be where he could train his lightsaber skills. Inside of the circle where five statues depicting the five lightsaber forms.

The statue that depicted the first form Shii-Cho was in an upright position having his stone body turned slightly to the right with his lightsaber in the left hand holding it at an angle over his chest.

The statue that depicted the second form Makashi was in a slightly crouched position with the lightsaber pointed vertically as if the statue was preparing to stab someone through the heart.

The statue that depicted the third form Soresu was standing with the knees bent slightly and the lightsaber horizontal as if it was preparing to block something. If you looked closely you could also see slight ripples on the stone saber as if something had hit it.

The fourth statue that also depicted the fourth form Ataru, the style that Sar had used almost all his time trying to master, was constructed so that it looked as if the statue was mid-jump with his legs bent under him, his lightsaber held in a two-handed grip above his head preparing to strike down is imaginary foe.

The last statue that also depicted the fifth form Shien stood even straighter than the first. Holding it's saber in a two-handed grip lifting it above its right shoulder preparing a powerful strike.

The statue all filled Sar with a sense of awe and respect for the different forms. He could have stared at the statues for much longer but was pulled out of his thoughts by his master.

"Impressive aren't they? No matter how many times I see them I must still admit to being impressed at the workmanship" She removes her hands from the sleeves before pointing at the fourth statue.

"The fourth form Ataru thought to be the most agile of the forms here speed and flexibility matter most though it is not very useful when fighting many enemies or blocking blaster fire" She glances at Sar who is standing to her right looking up at her. "I hear from your instructors that you excelled quite a bit in this form"

Hearing the question that didn't really sound like a question Sar quickly responded.

"Yes, Master. I did indeed focus most on this form. Though I would say that I am proficient enough in the third form for it to cover the weakness that is present in the fourth form" Sar was talking calmly doing his all to quash the feelings of nervousness and pride that were slowly surfacing.

Shaak Ti let out a soft chuckle.

"Young padawan I can sense your nervousness. There is no need to be on edge" Sar relaxed slightly at her words replying with a soft "yes Master" before Shaak Ti continued.

"I do not feel like we need to start training you further in lightsaber combat at the moment and should instead turn our attention to deepening your connection to the force"

With that said she jumped into the small crater in the hall before sitting with her legs crossed in the middle of it. Sar quickly followed suit sitting before his master. Excited to learn the ways of the force from her.

Shaak Ti's mastery over force telekinesis and other force powers was legendary and Sar hoped to glean all he could from his Master's teachings.

As such started the teaching of a young padawan which name would resound throughout the entire galaxy. Though whether that name would bring hope or fear only the force knows.

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