《Modern Deity》Chapter 18: Way to One's Heart
I had to re-write this chapter 2 times until I was at least satisfied with it. Please, enjoy. ;)
Kyte deeply exhaled before activating Bloody Acceleration once again. The bad thing about Blood Accel is that, if he uses it consecutively without rest, Kyte's loses his energy for a certain amount of time. He used Iron Body while integrating Spirit energy with every skill that he was currently using. After he was fully covered in a dense cloak of crimson energy, Kyte poured all of his power into Heavy Air and his other energy sword. Then, he leaped into the incoming group of Guardians.
Kyte waved his swords crazily, slicing apart Guardians that tried to attack him. A few slashes smashed against his energy cloak, but the cloak was only dented and the attacks didn't cut through it. However, the force behind each attack transferred through the cloak, pushing Kyte slightly off balance with each strike.
Kyte already changed his energy sword into a long whip that reached out several meters around him. He would lash out with the whip and slice rows of Guardians in half while blasting out Sonic blades with Heavy Air. He even used his legs to smash against some of the Guardians, which only knocked them back long enough to allow him to take a single breath.
Kyte began to feel his Internal energy supply nearing its end as he swept out another Sonic blade. There were about ten more Guardians left, and just as Kyte was going to lash out with the energy whip, he felt his left arm go numb from exhaustion. He clenched down on his teeth and bared through the pain and forcefully raised his arms to defend against the Guardians.
It's been only a few minutes but all of the remaining machines have been thoroughly destroyed by Kyte. Since Shadow had already destroyed most of them, Kyte didn't have to worry about them too much. He mostly focused on destroying the remaining Guardians before the S rank Guardian appeared. Although, with his pace, Kyte fears that he won't make it.
While dodging an attack from a Guardian, Kyte accidentally tripped over some mechanical parts lying on the floor. He rolled on the ground before raising Heavy Air to clash against a solid blade. The force of the collision made Kyte smash against the ground and slide for several feet before bumping into a pile of debris. Another blade came rushing toward his head, to which Kyte quickly used all of his remaining strength to block.
Kyte looked up to see several Guardians jumping toward him.
"Well...I don't have to worry about my surroundings this time...Heheheh...take this!"
A giant ball of black light appeared within Kyte's palm. He extended his hand forward, and just as the Guardians were going to strike his body, the black light exploded into a ferocious tsunami of light-blue flame which also created a gigantic shock-wave that cracked the ground as it pushed outward. The waves of fire forcefully pushed the Guardians back while completely melting them into pools of liquid metal. Everything that the blue fire touched was instantly melted.
Kyte's body fully relaxed after the remaining Guardians were destroyed. His Internal energy was completely depleted and he felt large amounts of pain in his muscles. It felt like he was being ripped apart there was so much pain coursing throughout his body. He swallowed a pill and felt that he was slowly recovering his energy. He also used the remaining amounts of his energy to unleash the power of the black light, and even though the quantity of black light is limited, he can just condense more world energy to create more black light.
Propping himself up, Kyte leaned back on a pile of rubble and closed his eyes. He kept his Spirit energy spread out just in-case. He was so tired that moving toward the elevator would seem like a marathon.
After a full minute had passed, Kyte still didn't find anything unusual.
Shouldn't the S ranker have appeared by now?...
Feeling a little better, Kyte stood up and began to walk toward the elevator. Strangely enough, everything was quiet. Kyte peacefully called the elevator down and got inside. After he arrived back inside the store, he traveled to the entrance doors. Once he walked out, he saw the giant parking lot.
However, there were signs of a huge battle that took place. Large pieces of the ground looked to have been forcefully ripped up, the light poles were all gone, there were large indents in the ground every where, and long cuts in the ground were also present. Kyte looked around but he couldn't find anything or anyone around.
Kyte spread his Spirit energy out to its maximum range but still found nothing.
"...I should go back first. I'll keep my Spirit energy spread out just in case."
Kyte began to travel back to the apartment, although it was very slow at first. After about half an hour, Kyte finally got the strength back to use Windwalker well enough to travel across houses and other buildings. Kyte also felt that his Internal energy was a little stronger this time, which is definitely from exhausting himself.
It took Kyte almost two hours to arrive back at the apartment. He took out a spare key and opened the door. When he walked in, Kyte noticed all the lights were turned off except for the last room on the right. He saw a figure poke their head out from the room.
"Kyte's back!"
Kyte heard several foot steps coming to the door of the room and immediately a few more figures appeared. One of them quickly ran toward Kyte and hugged him right on the spot. Kyte immediately knew who it was and a tired smile appeared on his face.
"Kyte, what happened?"
"Before that, shouldn't you tell me what happened first?"
"...Right. Follow me, I'll show you."
Rose got off of Kyte to let him follow Dan into the room, and what he saw shocked him. Akina was lying on bed in the middle of the room and there was a faint white aura surrounding her. Her face was deathly pale and her lips had a hint of blue.
"What happened?"
"The S rank Guardian showed up just like you said."
"But isn't Akina only a Gold A rank?"
"Yea, even I don't know how she survived. And actually, she destroyed the Guardian."
"Yea. Right when she was about to be decapitated, a weird white aura exploded from her body. She then completely destroyed the Guardian. Afterwards, she collapsed on the ground. She was already unconscious by the time we got to her."
"...I see. So, how long do you think she'll be like this?"
"I don't know. A week, a month, a year? I've never seen her like this, so I really don't know."
"Alright then. I guess it's better to just leave her be for now. There's nothing we can do, anyway."
Kyte left the room and went into his bedroom. He plopped onto his bed and steadily closed his eyes from exhaustion.
Kyte felt a soft sensation on his body. He opened his eyes and saw a half-naked body clinging on to his side. Red hair flowed down her sides and a faint womanly scent wafted around her. However, the strangest thing was that Kyte felt like she was sucking energy out from inside him. The amount of energy wasn't significant and it didn't impact his quality of energy either, so even if he did lose some it would be the same as using energy in a battle and he would just have to rest a while to gain it back.
Regardless of that, it seemed like Rose was doing it completely subconsciously because she was currently asleep. Her chest moved and pressed against the side of Kyte's chest as she softly breathed in air. Kyte could also see a very faint red glow around both of their bodies.
The way my energy is being drained is similar to a type of absorption. Is Rose really a regular Gifted?
Without knowing why, Kyte began to feel a mysterious air around Rose. It wasn't a bad premonition but rather a small spark of interest into Rose's real power. Besides, Rose wasn't a bad woman in general. Neither is her body...
Kyte mentally sighed and just rested his head back down on his pillow. He didn't know how or when but Rose had managed to sneak into his bed and even got him to wrap his arm around her. It was most likely due to his exhaustion that he felt before he fell asleep.
Kyte grew a little curious as to what the effects may be if he intentionally gave her more energy. He increased the amount of energy around his body and Rose automatically began to absorb it. Kyte increased the amount of energy little by little, and the more energy Rose absorbed, the more restless she got. She tightly wrapped her legs around Kyte's left leg while pressing her upper body even more tightly against Kyte's. Her breathing got faintly quicker along with a small blush that appeared on her face.
Rose slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head to meet Kyte's.
After realizing what was happening, Rose quickly let go of Kyte and tried to swiftly leave his bed. However, Kyte smoothly gripped the front of her bra with his index finger and pulled her back. This time her entire body was on top of him.
"Why are you trying to leave?"
"Why are you bring me back? I thought you didn't like it."
"Hm? When did I say that? Besides, I've gotten used to your games after a while. Plus, I wanted to ask you something."
"...What?" Rose's face turned slightly guarded after hearing Kyte.
"Well, it's nothing much, really. I just wanted to ask you why you're able to absorb my energy is all."
"I-I have no idea what-"
"Don't lie to me. You were absorbing my energy on your own even when your unconscious. Tell me, are you really a regular Gifted?" Kyte looked deep into Rose's eyes while wrapping his right arm around her back.
"....No." Rose looked like she was struggling to say that one word, but it eventually came out. Mostly because of her great interest in Kyte, as well as the fact that he was still giving her energy while she also still absorbed it. And one other reason as well.
"I see. So the way you increase your power is by draining the energy of someone else, correct?"
Kyte could see the faint despair in her eyes as he correctly answered the obvious question. He faintly furrowed his brows and thought for a full second before asking:
"What happened?"
"...I can't say."
"Hmph, I'm guessing it has something to do with your ability to drain energy, right? I think you might be missing something here. First of all, my energy is different from a normal human's. I also have a very large amount of energy. Nothing bad will happen to me."
Rose's expression slightly lessened, but then a single tear rolled down her cheek.
"When I was younger..."
"When I was younger, I had a family. It was only me and parents, but we were still a family. At that time I had no idea that I was a Gifted. Actually, my powers awakened when I was seven years old. Before that, my family was a normal family. After that...things turned bad. Plants would suddenly die after being around me for too long, my family dog died a month after my seventh birthday. It was at that time that my parents began to notice something might be wrong, but they chose to ignore it at that time, because who would suspect a seven year old girl of killing everything around her?
A year later, both my parents were admitted to the same hospital. Their health steadily declined the more I saw them, and by that time, my parents were completely scared of me. They definitely knew I was the cause of everything but they didn't know why. Everyone that would meet me would suddenly feel tired, and the ones that met with me the most ended up like my parents. And, sure enough, a year after that, both my parents died. By then I already knew that I was the cause of everything. I knew I had killed my parents and the other people that were admitted to the hospital died a few months after my parents. Everyone that came into contact with me long enough met the same fate. The few lucky people survived but they were always sick. I knew after all of these events that I was cursed and that I was born to feed misfortune to the people around me.
However, that's when I met Akina. She looked the same back then as she does now. She wasn't afraid of me at all, and for some reason, I felt that she was different from everyone else. She was definitely different. No matter how much energy I took from her, she never grew tired. Her energy recovered the next day, and it was even stronger than day before. It was at that point that she slowly told me about the real world. What was happening out there between AHAD and the Gifted. She also helped me control my power, and thankfully I was able to overcome that hurdle.
However, even with all that, it still wasn't enough. Akina never told me anything about herself. I don't know if she has family, I don't know where she came from, and I don't know what her power is. I was longing for someone to be close with. Someone to share my experiences with. Akina wasn't that person. I'm still very thankful to have her, because if I didn't, I would have most likely been killed by AHAD or starved on the street.
When we left the store to look for Akina last night and we found her on the ground in her current state, I suddenly felt lost. The person that saved me from my demise looked like she was dying and there's nothing I can do about it. I felt so alone when I looked at her and I can't help but think that she might leave me forever."
"...I see. That must have been tough. Thankfully you and Akina found each other and she was able to help you. Also, Rose....we're practically the same."
"Huh? The...same?"
"Since you told me your past, it's only fair I share mine, right?...It was a summer day and my parents wanted to take me to the amusement park in Lailer City. We were driving on the freeway, and my dad was in the driver's seat. I was busy going through my phone until I found something really interesting. It made me laugh a lot, so I showed it to my mom, making her laugh too. I then called to my dad to make him look at it as well, but right when he looked away from the road...
A truck driver fell asleep at the wheel. It was ruled that the position he was in made the truck drive into the opposite lanes on the left. My dad looked up to see the truck coming straight for our car, but...it was too late. It was a head-on collision, and worse yet, there was another truck behind us. The truck that collided head-on made my car shoot backward and spin just enough for the truck behind us to rip the car apart. Both of my parents were killed on impact, but somehow I managed to survive with only a broken collarbone and leg. It was a miracle that I survived, since I was supposed to have died either on impact with the first truck or when the car was ripped apart by the second.
I was still conscious after the crash, and all I really remember is both of my parents' dead bodies lying in-front of me. Their bodies were horribly disfigured, and the expression on their faces have haunted me ever since."
Rose stared wide-eyed at Kyte. Tears just strolled down her cheeks, but her expression showed happiness rather than sadness. Kyte was confused when he saw that, much Rose opened her mouth to speak:
"When I first saw you, I was surprised. You popped up out of nowhere. You gained power so fast that it was unbelievable. After you joined us, I looked inside your body and saw something very similar to Akina's power. When I discovered that, I was immediately excited that I was barely able to hold myself together. I wanted to get close to you no matter what. And before, when you told me about how your parents had died, a sudden spark appeared in my mind. Your circumstances, even though for different reasons, were the same. I'm able to share what I've felt and what I've done with you, not because you like me or I like you, but because you are able to understand what I've done and what I've felt. Not only that, but you're not effected by having your energy absorbed. It quickly regenerates itself and becomes stronger. I feet like I have finally found the person I've been looking for since I was a little girl. I...finally found you..."
Tears began to stream down Rose's cheeks as she buried her face in Kyte's chest. Kyte was completely shocked at what Rose had just told him. Thinking back on Rose's story, he expected her power to be unfortunate but not to that extent. When he thought about it, he concluded that it was definitely logical. Having a power that absorbed a thing's energy when that thing can't regenerate it back would have devastating consequences, which Rose experienced personally. Kyte felt that he was at fault for killing his parents, to which made Kyte make unfortunate decisions afterward, but when he compared that to Rose's experience, when she unwillingly killed not only her parents but also the people around her, Kyte felt quite ignorant. He thought that he experienced the worst experience someone could go through. Kyte felt like slapping himself in the face one hundred times for thinking like that.
Kyte also reciprocated Rose's feelings toward understanding each other. He never thought that he would meet someone that knew it was their fault their own parents died, leaving them with no family. Even more so than that, Kyte would have never expected, if he did meet someone like that, that person to be a beautiful woman that apparently likes him. She's older than Kyte by a few years but she's still in her prime.
Kyte softly stroked Rose's red hair while hugging her more tightly against his body.
"Well...I'm not really good at these things, but...I understand what you've said. We both inadvertently killed our parents, leaving us with no family. Although, I rejected my remaining family. In your case, everyone died. I can't fully understand the true extent of what you felt back then, but I can understand your underlying feelings. And even that is enough for me. I've always felt like I deserved to be alone for what I did so I always rejected anyone that wanted to get close to or help me. I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't really reject you. At first I tried to, of course, but over time I just went with the flow. And now that I've learned that you've gone through a similar situation as me, and that you understand me, makes me feel like I've gained something that I lost. For that, Rose, I have to thank-you."
Silence filled the room after Kyte finished talking. Kyte could feel the strong heat and attraction force around their two bodies, which caused Kyte to wrap his arms around Rose more tightly than before. He never stopped feeding her energy throughout the talk. Not only that, but something down under had been pressed against Rose the entire time...
Only after realizing that did Kyte curse morning wood. Added to that was Rose's apparel which consisted of a bra and panties. Her soft, well-rounded breasts which were pressed against his chest were displayed in full view. A faint scent was being emitted from her body that invaded Kyte's nose and slightly intoxicated him. Maybe it was due to their simple connection with energy, but Kyte felt a huge urge to press her down. It was most likely because he was giving energy to her that made him want to give her more than just that. Besides, he could feel her absorbing his energy which felt like a small suction force on his body.
To his surprise, a small tear landed on his chest. It was cold when it touched his skin, but after looking at Rose's face, he was instead filled with a slight warmth. Rose's face wasn't one of sadness but rather one of happiness.
Rose's warm breath was softly landing on Kyte's neck and mouth. Her breath didn't smell bad at all, and it had a rather refreshing scent to it for some reason. That enticing heat along with Rose's beautiful smiling face and enticing figure completely caught Kyte. Even if Kyte may be more mature, or maybe less mature, than other guys his age, due to all of the events that have happened to him, he is still a guy that only recently graduated high school. Being with an older woman like this, especially in the given situation, re-emerged Kyte's desire to be with someone, even if it was a small re-emergence.
Kyte quickly grabbed onto Rose's soft, fleshy butt and pressed down as he lifted his head and kissed her. Rose let out a small sound of surprise, but she didn't back away. She actually pressed against Kyte's lips more as she gripped Kyte's shoulders. Kyte squeezed his hands while sometimes pressing down harder. As he felt that soft sensation in his hands, as well as Rose's body being pressed against his lower body, Kyte began to breathe more roughly.
Kyte slipped his tongue inside Rose's mouth. He could feel her small, soft tongue as he twirled his with hers. He noticed a sweet taste in her mouth that made him want even more. The heat coming from Rose's body merged with Kyte's, mostly because of the slight increase in energy that Kyte was giving Rose to absorb.
Their lips separated and Rose pushed Kyte down. She lifted her upper body up and her breasts bounced upward in-front of Kyte's face. Just as he moved his hands from Rose's butt to her chest, Rose stopped him.
"I..want you to touch them directly..."
Those few words made the excitement in Kyte reach an even higher level. He watched Rose as she slowly reached behind her and unclipped her bra. With a click, the bra slowly fell off of her twin peaks and fell onto Kyte's chest. In-front of Kyte were two perfect mounds with beautiful pointed pink tips. He glided his hands across Rose's skin from her waist up to those two mounds and softly squeezed them in his hands. Rose softly bit her lower lip as a small sound escaped her mouth. For some reason, seeing Rose bite the corner of her lip with a little excitement in her expression made the flame inside Kyte grow a little more.
Kyte gripped them more tightly as he pressed them upwards, fully feeling the soft elasticity in his hands. Rose slightly arched her back and heavily breathed out. She put her hands over Kyte's and and moved them around on her breasts, and Kyte could feel Rose's waist slightly press down and forward. Kyte could clearly feel her movements over the bump in his sweats which created spark-like reactions travel through his body. Feeling this, Kyte could no longer hold it in.
He quickly let his hands go and gripped Rose's right shoulder and the left side of her waist to spin her onto her back underneath him. Before Rose could even react, Kyte quickly deeply kissed Rose while gripping both of her twin peaks once again. He lightly played with the pink tips on-top of her two soft mounds while slipping his tongue inside her mouth. Kyte could feel her warm breath every time he parted from her lips. She quickly pressed Kyte's head back down with her hand because she too could no longer hold herself back.
While her left hand was running through Kyte's hair, her right hand reached down into Kyte's pants and tightly gripped his thing. An electrifying feeling shot through his body as he felt Rose's soft, warm hand tightly grip it. She began to move her hand down and up while she sucked on his tongue with her warm, wet lips. Kyte felt like he was going to go crazy from all the stimuli he was currently feeling. Kyte was barely holding in the pent up feelings that he had been supressing this entire time, and he parted from Rose's lips and whispered in her ear:
"I want to fuck you so hard right now."
Rose's grip slightly tightened after having those words said to her. She let go of it and, while suppressing a light laugh, said:
"We can't do 'that' yet, but I'll let you do something else. Take off your pants."
Kyte was a little surprised at first, but then quickly complied. After Kyte took his clothing off, Rose pushed him down onto his back. She laid down on-top of Kyte, however, what Kyte didn't expect was that Rose put his thing in-between her breasts. Immediately, Kyte was able to feel the satisfyingly soft texture and heat from her breast being transmitted, and Rose could feel Kyte's thick warmth transferring from his hard flesh. Kyte had a perfect view of Rose's big breasts holding his thing, to which the head was sticking out at the top of her two mounds.
Rose lightly licked the tip, making Kyte suck in air as he felt even more electric feelings go through his body. Rose began to move her breasts up and down and left to right as she continually played with the tip with her tongue. She tightly pressed her two soft breasts around Kyte's thing and thoroughly massaged it. Kyte felt as if he was in heaven as he felt the elasticity pressing onto his thing while rubbing it all over, along with Rose's small tongue wrapping around the head. It wasn't long until a thick white fluid escaped that thing and sprayed all over Rose's face. Some of it even got into her mouth as she was lightly sucking on the tip.
"...And here I though it was going to taste horrible..."
What? But I haven't been eating pineapples lately...
Kyte was breathing heavily and he relaxed on his back. His thing was still trapped between Rose's twin peaks and it was still standing tall. He lifted his head to see Rose lick the left over fluid off of her breasts. When she saw Kyte's thing not resting, a small smile grew on her face.
She removed it from her breasts, but then she quickly moved her mouth toward it...
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