《Modern Deity》Chapter 12: New Impressions
After reaching the door and walking inside, Kyte looked around and noticed that only one light was on. Looking to his left he saw the large table, and he could see Akina seated at the head of it.
"Where'd you run off to?"
"I just had to check some things, that's all."
"Then how come your aura has grown by about two times?"
"My aura?..."
"Yea, your aura. It's a natural immaterial energy that a person emits. The stronger that person is, the more powerful their aura is. There are ways to control it, but you definitely don't know how. Before I left, your aura was like a flimsy sheet of copper. Now it's like an iron wall."
"Tell me. What exactly did you do?"
"......Haaaaa. You don't have to worry about anything. I just went out to get some fresh air. Meanwhile, I had a sudden burst of enlightenment. Then this happened."
"I see. Well, if your definition of enlightenment is exterminating a twenty-man team of AHAD 'smugglers', then I can believe you."
A guilty expression unexpectedly appeared on Kyte's face when he realized that he had been caught.
"Don't look at me like that. I can understand why you would go out and slaughter them. I watched you the entire time. I think I understand your power a bit now."
"What do you mean by that?"
Akina only faintly smiled.
"Well, the mission to exterminate those AHAD smugglers was supposed to be Shadow's job, but I guess he doesn't have to do that anymore. Plus, I wonder why no Guardians appeared at that time..."
Oh yea...now that I think back to it, there were no...'Guardians'.
"Is that weird?"
"Of course. Usually AHAD has a few Guardians stationed near by..."
"What if they followed me back?"
"That's impossible. I didn't find any Guardians in the vicinity."
"Then I guess it's just one of those lucky times."
".....I'm gonna have to ask Dan to keep a closer eye on things around here."
"Right, so what about these 'missions'?"
"Oh! Yes, I was going to tell you after I returned. But, since you left, I didn't get a chance to."
"Well, here I am."
Kyte walked over and sat on the other end of the table.
"Why are you sitting so far away?"
"...Does it matter?"
"Of course it does! We're going to be living together so you better get used to being close with everyone, especially me!"
What is with these weird people...
"Come on, sit right here."
An invisible force pushed the chair out next to Akina. Sighing, Kyte got and sat down next to Akina.
"Alright, now that that is done, time to inform you on what GG is doing. Currently, there are forty sectors in this country. Each sector has an AHAD headquarters, and each sector is situated around each headquarter. These headquarters are usually located in remote parts of the country. Some of them are even disguised as normal companies, which makes it even harder for us in GG to take them out."
"So, let me just ask this now. What exactly is the relationship between GG and AHAD?"
"Well, it's quite simple really. For many years we have been at war with each other. It's only gotten worse with the advances in technology, and GG has no idea how Guardians are created. Gifted have been in existence since about two thousand years ago, but at those times they were not hindered. Except, those Gifted back then had only very small amounts of power compared to now. So most of them were called devils and demons, forcing the others to stay quiet about their abilities. Some Gifted were even thrown out by their families..."
"Yea yea, horrible stuff. Enough backstory already, I want to know what's happening now. Not what happened a couple thousand years ago."
"Haaaa, you're not interested in what happened before the war started?"
"I guess it's somewhat interesting, but it doesn't really help me. That can be saved for another time, can't it?"
"I guess you're right. Alright, getting back to the main topic. There is a war between GG and AHAD. Although it's called a war, it's more of GG defending themselves while AHAD hunts us down. The normal Guardians are just there to attack any Gifted that was caught using their power. The higher ranked Guardians, like rank B and above, are for assassination-type missions. S rank Guardians are for taking out the leaders of Leagues or a Gifted with a similar amount of power. The last League leader that was attacked by a Guardian was about ten years ago.
GG sends out some of their Gifted on missions to take out AHAD traders and suppliers. Sometimes, when large groups of Guardians are for some reason traveling across a distance, a group of Gifted will be sent out to destroy them. Then finally are the sieges. That's when GG goes all out to destroy an AHAD headquarter. There are been several sieges in the past, but only two of them have been successful. Right now, GG is weakening due to the younger Gifted being killed off before they have the chance to grow and develop their powers."
"Hmmm, I think I understand a bit more. Heh, so it was like that! No wonder you guys are like this. But, that makes even less sense that there were no Guardians at that AHAD smugglers location..."
"Yes, that matter is a little troubling. However, I've seen some similar events happen in the past and all of them weren't serious matters. We just have to be more cautious right now."
"Yea, I think that's the best thing to do."
"By the way."
"What is it?"
"Is it alright if I go out whenever I want? My practice requires me to have a...wide area to move around in."
"...That will be a little troublesome. Now that you've slaughtered a small group of AHAD smugglers and destroyed a group of Guardians, it will a lot more dangerous for you to go outside and use your power."
"You don't have to worry about that. Every single time I gain more power, I get a lot stronger. And now that I made a major breakthrough, I need some time to adjust to my new power. Of course, I have new skills in mind to use as well. I'm gonna need a while to be able to use them well."
"Hmmm, you do seem powerful enough to be Bronze B rank now. Alright, I'll allow you to go out. However, you can't stay out for too long. You will have to go out on mandatory missions every once in a while so I can't have you missing out on them-"
"It's fine, it's fine! Besides, I'll try not to do anything rash while I'm out there. I'm only going into Lakewood Forest to practice some things, that's all."
"Lakewood? You do know that Guardians are quite likely to be stationed there?"
"Of course! Besides, what can measly D rank Guardians do to me?"
"No, C rank Guardians are likely to be stationed there as well. Each Guardian rank can usually carry over one rank stage. So, D rank Guardians can usually battle against Bronze C rank Gifted. C rank Guardians can battle against Bronze B rank Gifted, and they are also known to put up a fight against Silver B rank Gifted."
"What? These ranks are getting confusing..."
"Not all Guardians are like that, only some. There are few out there that can battle outside of their rank. Of course, if you encounter a B rank Guardian, you need to leave as quickly as possible."
"Can you tell me the appearance of a B rank Guardian?"
"I might as well. You know well that D rank Guardians are taller than humans while having a shiny metallic surface. C ranks are usually a bit shorter with a darker shade. B ranks are about the same size as C ranks, but they are completely black. B ranks also have the ability to camouflage and hide into the background. They were obviously first created for stealth. However, they give off a certain energy pulse. If you're able to detect that pulse, then you need to leave immediately."
"What's that pulse like?"
"It's difficult to explain, but you'll know when you feel it. It's noticeably different from what you've felt so far."
"Sounds simple enough. Well, I'm gonna go to bed...wait."
"Where's the shower in this place?"
"It's the door at the end of the hall."
"Alright, I'm gonna go take a shower first."
"Ok. Also! You won't be able to hear the shower from outside the door, so make sure to knock first."
"That's a little scary. Isn't there a lock on the door?"
"......Why isn't there a lock?"
"No reason..."
"I see. So why isn't there a lock again?"
Kyte stared at Akina, who for some reason avoided eye contact.
"What, are you a bunch of perverts or something?"
"No...it's just..."
"Just what?"
"We're...too...um....too lazy to put a lock on the door so the person inside usually uses one of the drawers to block the door."
Kyte only softly face-palmed as he walked away.
I feel like this is going to be quite annoying...
Kyte suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked back and Akina before saying:
"So, the bathroom never had a lock in the first place?"
"...No, it didn't. I got this place for cheap from a married couple...All I can really say is that, even though they didn't go the gym, they were quite active..."
"I see. And you were too lazy to put a lock on."
"You know, this is why locks were invented in the FIRST PLACE! Ugh, even my leader is a good for nothing."
"Yea, that's right, you better stay silent. Sheese...too lazy...whatever.."
Kyte mumbled to himself as he walked down the hall. Akina only sat there with a blank expression, as if she did not expect that kind of response. Well, she really didn't.
Upon arriving at the bathroom door, Kyte knocked quite loudly on it. He received no answer so when he opened the door he didn't expect to firstly, notice that there was in-fact no drawer blocking the door, but there was even someone using the shower.
The bathroom was unexpectedly large. The shower space looked big enough to hold five people easily. The toilet was located on the opposite wall, and there were three sinks with a mirror placed above them. The floor was a milky white and the walls were soft to the touch. However, moisture didn't accumulate on them for some reason.
Kyte stood there, frozen. The person in the shower poked their head out from behind the foggy glass door, and that person happened to be Rose.
"Oh, Kyte, hello there. Do you want to join me?"
She stepped half of her body out from inside the shower, revealing skin soft and smooth like silk. Small amounts of light shone off of the water on her body, making her slightly-tanned skin have a luring brightness. Her drenched red hair flowed down across her shoulders and to her narrow waist. The left side of her body was entirely exposed, including her left breast which showed a masterful shape. It wasn't too big but it wasn't too small either, and the soft pink tip that rested on it was in full view of Kyte. She locked her eyes with his and faint red glow surrounded her body that made it so much more enticing...
Without out a word, Kyte slowly backed out while closing the door. After he left and closed the door, he got down on one knee...
Holy crap I thought I was gonna die! Don't girls usually ruthlessly attack people when that happens?!....Oh, right. Rose is different. BUT STILL! What the heck am I gonna do?! She definitely wants to slap me, or kick me, or punch me...wait. Did she say what I think she said?
/"...Do you want to join me?"/
..............what? But, I've only just got here! What about the first date, then the...the...
Slowly standing up, Kyte walked to his bedroom and sat down on his bed.
I should just go out and kill some people to calm down. Yea, that's a great idea...wait, wouldn't that be bad? What if I keep thinking about it while I'm killing people...wouldn't I get aroused by killing? That would be weird.
Huh? Why am I brooding over something like this? But then again this is a first...but I've seen female bodies so many times...wow, it's really different in real life.
At that moment, Akina walked into the room. Seeing Kyte with his face in his hands, she only sighed.
"I assume you walked in on someone?"
"Was it Rose?"
"What'd she do?"
"She asked me if I wanted to join her."
"Why didn't you?"
"Why would I!"
"Why wouldn't you?"
"Wha-...weren't you the one smacking Rose around because she was acting weird?!"
"That's only because Dan and the younger ones were there. Dan is pretty scary when it gets to serious stuff."
"...huh? What does that mean?"
"Heh, don't worry! Rose has never lost her purity before, so you can be her first. Besides, she's infertile. So there's no way any mistak-"
"I get it already! Holy shit you changed a lot since Dan left."
"Hmph, that's only because Dan created those rules. I could care less."
"Your stronger than Dan though, so why do you follow those rules?"
"Well...Dan gets....angry when someone doesn't follow his rules. Really, it's quite scary."
Kyte was just absolutely dumbfounded.
Is everyone here like this when Dan leaves?
"If you're wondering if everyone is like this when Dan leaves, then that's a yes. We eat a lot of ice cream in this household, so don't hold back."
"I...I'm going to sleep."
"Mm, good night then. I'll cya in the morning."
Kyte, without care, went under his covers and tried to go to sleep. However, he heard footsteps coming closer to his bed...
"Don't crawl into my bed!"
The footsteps stopped and suddenly he heard them moving to the other side of the room.
Damn, this is annoying. I'll probably get used to it eventually but right now...gosh this is slightly too much.
The next morning, Kyte found a half naked Akina next to him in his bed. Nothing happened aside from Kyte literally punching Akina out from his bed which woke her up immediately.
"Can you not get into my bed?!"
"Ehhh? I didn't even realize I did.."
"Uh huh, sure..."
Looking at her beautiful complexion, Kyte couldn't help but stare. Akina's black bra and panties in full view for him to look at, complete with her snow-like hair that reflected the sun brightly. Her white, smooth skin complimented her hair, and her thin waist was approved by her medium sized voluptuous breasts. And then her well proportioned face and her thin lips that.....had drool dripping from it....
Kyte sighed at this scene and got out from his bed. Stepping over Akina like she was some piece of road-kill, Kyte quickly changed his clothes to clean ones from his storage necklace.
"I'm going out to Lakewood Forest. There's no need to send me off."
Like that, Kyte disappeared from the apartment building before anyone else could meet him.
About an hour later Kyte appeared outside a giant forest. It was almost as big as the city itself. Inside the forest were three great lakes that were lined up next to each other. Many people would come through and hike inside Lakewood Forest to enjoy nature. Sometimes, elementary and middle schools would send students on field trips into the outer areas of the forest.
Not only that, but there are also small hiking companies situated around Lakewood Forest, so if someone or a group of people did not have the necessary supplies, they could buy them at those small stores. They could also hire a professional to take them through the forest, but most people just bought compasses and maps.
The majority of people did not go too deep into the forest, especially during the heart of summer or winter. Getting lost inside Lakewood Forest could be deadly because the size of the forest was so large. However, the chances of that happening are a little low since there are many hiking trails that are present throughout the forest.
To Kyte, these public trails and areas around the lakes weren't to his favor. However, there are definitely large enough areas where people have not really explored, or some areas are just not interesting enough. There are many areas like that in the forest, and it's quite difficult to find people in the deepest areas.
As he was traveling through the trees in the forest, Kyte would see various people on trails. Laughing and chatting with each other as if oblivious to their surroundings. Family and close friends would often go through the forest together.
Kyte felt a small spark of loneliness appear in his heart, but he didn't hover on that feeling too long. Moving his eyes from the groups of people, Kyte continued deeper into the forest.
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