《Hero Delivery》chapter 26


On a small blue marble, third from the sun, the news is breaking all over the world. On every station, the newscasters are all reporting the same thing. Monsters

“Breaking news all across the world the bodies of strange creatures have been found.” The lead anchor of the nation's top news team says, Then repeated in languages all around the globe. “There have been no indications of how these creatures have died, or if this is some form of mutation that kills the creature.” An image of a creature appears at the top of the screen. The creature appeared to be a mix of dog, and lizard and what looked like vestigial tentacles, or tentacles worming their way out of the skin of the creature. It gave everyone who viewed it the same feeling of wrongness.

“Right now the CDC is investigating these creatures, to ensure this is not some unknown disease or bacteria. Please be advised if you stumble upon one of these creatures dead or alive please notify the authorities and do not touch it.” The anchor would plead, then show the creature again. The report echoed around the world, a sense of fear seeping into the collective consciousness of the world.


Somewhere on that small blue marble, two people feel a shiver up their spine as they watch the report while getting ready.

“What in the elder horrors is that?” One of the men asked putting on a coat.

“That is a monster.” Said the other man in flannel.

“Yup looks like one,” The coat-wearing man said, turning off the TV, “Bet it's just a mutated dog with rabies or something.”

“They found hundreds of them all over the world.” The flannel man commented.

“Some kind of plague that only affects dogs?”

“Who knows?”

The two are getting ready to go meet their friends. They had been looking forward to this day at the park for the past week, and this weird monster story wasn't going to stop them. They needed a good day off to recharge.


The day was a nice sunny day, that was the perfect temperature, neither too hot nor cold. They both thought this was such a nice day they talked about it all the way to the park. It was inane and repetitive but both men didn’t care about them, it was nice.

Reaching the park they pulled up near the pavilion they all had decided to chip on to rent for the day. Some might think it was a little strange for a bunch of adults to rent a pavilion to hang out, but they thought it would be fun, and it would be guaranteed the place all to themselves. The men stepped out of their car waving to their friend and began walking to the pavilion, only to find themselves falling. Hitting some kind of soft hill rolling down it to a hard metal surface.

“Ow! What was that?” The man in the coat yelled looking trying to figure out where he was.

“I think we fell through a hole.” The flannel man said starting to stand and only to fall over something.

“The fuck is a hole... doing...here.” The coat where man's voice faded. The men finally saw what was around them. Hundreds of bodies unconscious, or dead. The men could see just a giant pile of bodies all around them, but not a single drop of blood anywhere.

“Come one!” A man's voice sounded in the room frustrated, “Close!”

The sound of a woman's voice could be heard deeper in the darkness, “I found another one!” The woman sounded panicked when she shouted again, “What is going on!?!!”

“I don't know! Just keep finding holes, and I'll patch them.” The man shouted looking around eyes locking on the two men, “Fuck. We have two more.”

The coated man pointed to himself.

“Yes, you.” The man confirmed, “Just sit there. I'm busy fixing the world.”


The woman shouted again, “Another!”

“Goddammit.” The man cursed

The man in the coat watched as the strange man was running around the cabin with all the people, when he suddenly felt himself getting heavy, and right before his eyes shut he saw someone else fall into the room and another loud curse.


In a trailer, somewhere in the between a man rushes around patching holes. The man spends hours, or days running from place to place closing up tares in the between all over the Earth. The entire time the man found people constantly falling through the cracks until he finally finished.

The people fell through until the trailer was completely full. This had never happened to the man, he never thought his trailer could be filled but today he found out that it could be filled with a hundred thousand people.

“This is not good.” The man looked into the back of his trailer with an anxious look, before turning to an equally exhausted woman, “Any more?”

The woman looked off into the distance for a moment, “No looks like you got them all. What do we do now?”

“Deliver them somewhere but there are so many.” The man looked over his cargo trying to figure out where he could possibly send so many.

“What caused that?”

“I don't know.” The man said trying to figure out what happened, “Unless a bunch of worlds suddenly summoned from the Earth, I don’t know.” The man shook his head closing the trailer.

“What would have happened if those holes stayed open?”

“More people would fall through. Eventually, it would stabilize on its own, maybe after a few million people.”


“Yeah, that's not even the worst part.”

The woman tore her eyes away from the trailer, “What?”

“It would have turned earth into a portal world.”

“What's that?”

The man smiled, “I'll have to show you.”

“What does it mean for Earth I mean a hundred thousand people just disappeared they won't miss that.” The woman pointed out.

“No, they won't.”


On the planet known as earth, in a newsroom, a newscaster is reporting. “Breaking news we are receiving confirmed reports from all over the world, of the disappearance of thousands of individuals. All these people vanish from seemingly nowhere. This all comes right on the heels of the, recently discovered creatures. It is unknown if the two are currently linked but we will keep you updated. I am just receiving the news we have some footage of the recent disappearances. Let's go to the clip.”

A clip began to play showing a still shot of the entrance to an amusement park, after a few minutes of nothing a group of people walk out and then seemingly disappear into thin air. The people around them were confused looking around for the people lost. The screen cuts back to the reporter who looks shaken as she continues. “ We have received reports of hundreds of other tapes, showing the same thing. We have no reports on what is causing this, the only thing we know is that it appears to be occurring in amusement parks, tourist attractions, and other busy places.” The news anchor leaned forward looking more intense, “We are currently advising people to limit gathering to less than ten people and to stay safe.”

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