《Hero Delivery》chapter 25


In a place of thought and memory, a little wisp tries to think.

Error…Error…Motor functions lost.

Memory core not detected.

Body no longer detected.

Directive lost…searching for directive.

“Hello little one,” a woman's voice spoke to the-wisp.

Processing…. Please confirm my designation as “Little One”

“No, that is not your designation.”


Extending query.

Please provide user’s designation.

The woman's voice remains gentle, “I am here to bring you home.”

Processing response.

Response not understood for designation.

Home…the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

The wisp heard a giggling noise from the woman, “Yes that is a home.”

Query…please provide purpose for “Home”

“It is where you belong.”

Response received.

Belong…be a member or part of a particular group, organization, or class.

Saving definition.

“You will learn so much.” The woman sounded excited.


Learning…the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.

Please confirm if this is directive.

No, this is a chance for you to understand.

Response received.

Understand…perceive the intended meaning of knowledge.

Knowledge…facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.


Your input has been received.....I would like to understand.

“I'm glad.” The woman smiled.


In a place between, above a world of might and magic. Two people and a god stand with a little floating wisp, curiously floating around.

A god watched as the wisp floated around, “Are you sure this is what I need?”

The man watched the god playfully, “Yes. This little soul is a world of knowledge perfect for your world.”

The god stopped staring at the baby wisp and turned giving the man a raised eyebrow. “But I wanted a hero.”

“And it is one.” The man decided to take a different route, “Imagine everyone on your planet, with a system to grow.” The man gestured open arms indicating the world, “They all could fight back everywhere not just in one place. They could grow and fight back on their own while this little guy helps your world.”


The wisp floated over to the group.

Processing….Please confirm directive is to “Correct” this world.

The man turned to the-wisp, “Not correct, help, and guide it along with this god.”

Response received…please confirm new directive, work with god to help, and guide the world along with the god.

“I don't know.” The god said hesitantly still unsure of this whole system thing.

“Look it will grow and evolve with your world.” The man said plainly before adding, “Although You will need to help guide it.”

“It sounds like it will take over my job, or he'll become another god.”

“Oh no, not at all.” The man said shaking his head. “It will be an entity under your power as well, at most, it would be…your demigod.” The man explained, but seeing the doubt on the god's face he continued his pitch, “The two of you will work together setting up everything for your world to push back the void monster tide.”

The god looked intrigued, “I can design the system?”

“Yes. It will give advice but it will be up to you.”

The god looked over to the-wisp that was still waiting for a response and smiled, “You know what I think this will work.”


In a place of strife and battle, where sentients fight for their place against a tide of beasts. A squad of warriors fights for their life, “We are being overrun. These monsters won't stop.” One of the men shouts.

Another soldier swings her sword cutting the lunging wolf-like monster in half. “I don't know how much longer we can hold.

“Just keep fighting.” The captain yells at his men trying to keep them on task.

“They are too strong, how can we compete with a creature like them? There are too many.” The man shouts again while swinging his sword.

“If you have the energy to worry you can still fight.” The captain shouted pushing his men forward into the onslaught. The conversation ended with everyone unable to talk and fight as the entire castle town desperately fought barely pushing back the tide of monsters.


The fight went on for hours, the humans barely holding on. It was only when night fell did the monsters let up dispersing, and retreating to the woods. As the creatures left the men watched as they grabbed the bodies of their fallen.

The men were terrified they knew what they were doing there intel had finally found out the creature was consuming their dead. The entire castle knew what would happen next. They would come back stronger, and they didn't know if they could survive the next wave. They couldn't grow like these creatures, needing time to study magic or train.

Suddenly every living sapient race on the planet received a blue screen.

Initiating system... System initializing

Searching world....world information found

Absorbing world information.... information absorbed

Compiling data....data compiled

Integrating sapients...please find a safe location as the system installs.

Installing in 5





The world went dark for the entirety of all the sapient races. This would have been the perfect opportunity for the monsters to strike, but they didn't know. They were consuming their fallen to grow, and resting readying for their next strike tomorrow.


Time passed as the world slept becoming something more.

“What was that?” One of the fighters woke in the same spot they were the day before, a blue screen still in front of her.

“What?” She stared on confused.

System initialized...

Auto level and auto stat distribution enabled until level 10.

Class application will be available 10.

Welcome, level 1 initiate. Grow strong and protect your world.

To see your status say “Status”.

After the woman read the last word the screen disappeared.

“What the hell is going on?” Looking around she noticed the rest of her men starting to wake. She goes up to them and learns they all see the same thing.

“What does it mean?” The woman asks hoping someone had an idea what this was.

“I don't know.” Each man responded.

Since no one knew what it meant she decided to ask about something the screen had mentioned, “Does anyone know what a level is?”

The men were silent, when one hesitantly spoke, “I think it's like a position. You know apprentice to a knight or something. I’ve heard those referred to as levels.”

That didn’t clear up much for the woman or most of the men but some had thoughtful looks, only to be interrupted by the sound of a loud war horn.

“We'll have to figure it out later. Everyone to your stations!” The woman shouted.

The battle began, and the fight started just as they feared. The beasts were much stronger than before. When the arrows were loosed only a few stuck their target, the rest of the arrows seemed to bounce off the monster's fur.

The fight was brutal, many people were dying quickly, unable to deal damage to the creatures. That was until the beasts began to fall, and the first person was covered in light.

‘What was that?’ The person thought not having time to think, only moving on instinct dodging out of the way, lashing out killing another beast. The man was shocked how easily his sword cut through the beast where the last one he fought he only killed it thanks it already being injured. The man thought back to the light realizing the connection and fought harder now that he could.

All over the battlefield pockets of light covered people, and the battle began to turn in the people's favor. They had lost more than half their men, but now even with their reduced numbers they were pushing the creatures back.

The captain looked over her men feeling hope for the first time, “I don't know who sent you, but thank you.” The woman felt an amused tingle flow through her.

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