《Hero Delivery》chapter 24


On a world filled with battle, and death. A place where heroes are stolen only to be enslaved. In a castle filled entirely with heroes, and royals. The place where it all began for many of the heroes.

In this place, in the throne room, a boy and a girl stand above a king with a sword to his throat.

Surrounding the scene are the stern angry eyes of a thousand heroes watching the scene play out, all following the order of the king.

“Protect the kingdom.” The king had shouted when the two burst into the hall, it was that order that damned him. The man truly believed he was the kingdom and didn’t even think the heroes wouldn’t protect him. How else could they interpret the order? The king didn’t even notice that not a single person moved, they all stood watching and waiting. Every single hero believed killing the king would protect the kingdom from him, the only reason they did not move themselves, was the bands holding them back.

When the king finally notices the no one is moving the boy and girl were already at his throat. The king stares in disbelief up at the two.

“You can't do this. It will destroy the kingdom.” The King yells.

The two sneer as the girl speaks, “You are just a slaver, not a king.”

The king looking into their eyes sees his death, “Kill” his words cut off along with his head. The boy and girl had learned how to free everyone, the king had created a failsafe in all of the band, the king had ultimate authority over the slave bands. It was to ensure he would have control. But how did it know who the king was, of course, the crown.

The boy placed the crown on his brow, the central gem recognizing the hero's authority. The two had discussed this before unsure if it would recognize a female asking. The boy argued it was just semantics, but the girl knew that mattered with magic, so they worked together carefully constructing one command. “By the crown, and my authority I hereby declare slavery illegal, and all slaves to be freed. From now on no man shall bow to another against their will.”

All across the kingdom black bands fall away from people's wrists. It was a day of chaos and blood as former heroes, turned slaves railed at their captors and kidnappers.

The throne room was not spared nor anyone residing in the castle, as all the heroes were now free, and all the mercy was burned away a long time ago. The capital burned and all the nobles died replaced by the heroes to restore order. Some left trying to find a way home, others became farmers, but the rest tried to live up to their titles bringing in a new age of technology and prosperity for this world that was once their hell.


In a cave lost to time, a boy and a girl who saved a kingdom, and freed a world stand with an old man they found raving about a chained god.

He was one of the many freed, everyone thought the man was mad until two people heard of him, and both of them knew. They remembered the one who guided them through the world when they were both just scared and cold wearing nothing but swimsuits.


The old man is frail but happy as he guides the two down deep into the cave the chained god is held. They all moved in reverent silence, too much had happened in the last four years for them to truly get their hopes up. The boy and girl had come to rely on each other, finding they could only rely on each other in this place. For the first few years, their relationship blossomed only for them to drift apart learning they were better friends. Always staying close supporting each other.

Now though still young they were no longer children hardened by their journey, but now they felt like those scared children again, not knowing what was to come next. They had long given up going home. They knew the priests had lied to all the heroes, but could the god send them home?

‘Would their parents even recognize them?’ Thoughts like these constantly flow through their minds with every step. They were filled with anxiety as they reached a door filled with intricate carvings chained by magic and metal

The two laughed seeing the symbol on the door, it was a symbol the churched declared was pure evil. “What a way to hide a god.” The girl commented.

The man pulled his sword cutting cleanly through the door while the girl removed any remaining wards.

Inside the two saw a god chained to the floor, he looked up surprised, and at seeing who it was smiled gently. Then a fuller smile appeared on his face, as he saw the old man who ran ahead falling to his knees.

“I tried. I tried. I'm so sorry. You were my friend and they used me to take everything from you.” The old man said begging for forgiveness.

The god gave a gentle smile, “It is alright little one I forgave you a long time ago.”

The old man cried.

“Did you have a good life?” The god asked hesitantly.

The old man got himself under control to look at the good happily, “Actually yeah. They slapped a slave band on me and forced me to forget you. I even have a few grandkids now.”

“I am glad they didn't just execute you.”

“It was close.”

The two sat as friends for a moment just enjoying each other's company once more.

“Welcome hero's, are you here to free me or to continue my imprisonment?”

Surprised by the god's question the girl raised an eyebrow and asked, “Should we?”

“I would like that very much.” The god replied calmly.

The boy and girl looked at each other, then nodded agreeing, “Ok.” The girl said.

The two moved to examine the wards and chains holding the god down.

“Just like that?” The god asked surprised.

“Yeah.” The boy said trying to hide a smile.

“But but...it's so easy.”

“And why should it be hard.” The girl asked locating the nexus holding the god down.

The god shook his head, trying to understand, “Wouldn't you agonize over using my power for yourselves, to send you home, or rule the Kingdom.”

Something in the god's words visibly shook the two, the boy tried to focus and answered “No we don't want to rule, but can you even send us home?” The boy couldn’t help but pull on the lingering thread of hope.


The god looked at the two sadly shaking his head, “I could send one of you home.”

“Oh...” Just like that any hope in their eyes fled knowing neither would leave alone, “did not expect that to be possible.”

“It is but there is a cost.” The god added

“What would we have to pay?” The girl asked curiously.

“Nothing form you, it is I who would pay the cost, and you have earned the right if you would take it.”

The 2 looked towards each other, a long-lost hope now rekindled, but so much fear. Now knowing they would not go, but tortured by the fact they knew the option was there. How long could they last before one of them gives in?

“I don't think we could go home.” The boy reasoned.

“Why?” The god asked curiously.

“We are much older, and have been through too much,” The girl said shaking her head holding back tears, “Our families think us dead.”

“Are you sure? It has only been a few days there.”

“What?” The two asked at the same time.

“Time moves differently, from the earth. It’s why it is so popular, so many people we know what to expect.”

“Why do you tempt us like this?” The boy screams.

“Because it is what you must know.”

“Arrggghhh” The two shout angrily freeing the god from his chains.

The god for the first time in decades if not centuries freely moved, “I'm free.” The god was in complete disbelief losing himself in hysterical laughter, “Hahahahahahahaha”

“Hmm sounds a little ominous.” The girl said.

The boy agreed, “Almost evil.”

“Nah, just crazy with freedom.”

The two heroes jumped at the new person suddenly behind them. When they looked they saw a man leaning over and a woman waving. But what made both their eyes widen the most was the semi-truck behind them.

"Who what are you?” The girl stutters out. The two had instinctively readied their weapons but were completely dumbfounded at this sudden appearance. Suddenly, like a lightning bolt, a memory shot to the forefront of their minds, one they had lost.

“You!” The boy yelled angrily, “You are the one who took us.”

The boy and girl point their weapons at the man a hairs breath from striking out.

“No. You two fell through a hole in reality.” The man corrected.

“...” The two blinked shaking their head now starting to fully remember that day. “We were at a water park and...She disappeared. I chased after.”

“Then you jumped into a hole.” The man finished.

“...” The two were stunned and confused.

“That was a hole in the universe.” The man explained.

“Hahaha,” the laughter continued from the god as they spoke.

“Wonder how long before he stops?” The woman standing behind the man asked.

The girl seemed to get her mind in order to ask, “Again who are you?”

“I'm a delivery man.” The man said smiling.

“You brought us here?”


“Then are you here to bring us back?” She asked with tentative hope.

“Up to him.” The man pointed to the laughing god.

The girl looked and grimaced seeing the god, “Well he's gone crazy so take us home.”

“There is a price to be paid, and he will need to pay it.” The man said seriously.

“He said he would.” The boy chimed.

The man looked sadly at the two, “But only one can go.”

“Are you going to force them to choose who goes?” The woman behind the man demanded.

“Hey, maybe one doesn't want to.” The man defended himself.

“Look at them. They have just been given hope and for one it will be stripped away.”

“He already told them this. Don't blame me, like it's my fault.”

The woman looked to the two remembering to scared children laying in the back of the truck, “I'm taking them.” The woman declared, knowing she would do it no matter what.

“What?” The two asked surprised.

“Um,” The woman blushed shocked by her own declaration but not going to take back her words, “Taking you both home. If you want.”

The man turned on the woman and angrily, “You think you a hitchhiker can pay the price for two heroes?”

The woman stared the man in the eyes, “I would! And I would take every hero home if I could.” The woman said defiantly.


On a small blue marble two teens with eyes older than they should be stepping out of the water park, with only swimsuits. Cold and confused the two don't remember what happened only knowing it was a lot. They could feel the memories deep in their mind held back, if only they just reached for them. Every time they reached for it there minds casting an overwhelming fear keeping them from remembering.

The two teens find a phone and call their parents who were currently working with the police to find them. Everyone was shocked to find they were at the water park where they had disappeared.

They asked the teens questions trying to figure out what had happened, but when they learned neither of them could remember anything, they were horrified. Thinking the worst possible scenarios had happened. They rushed the children to the hospital to run all kinds of tests. The tests lasted a few days and each one came back negative, finding the two in the peak of health. Finding nothing, giving the parents and children both relief and confusion, unable to understand.

Their days ahead passed normally, but every so often though the teens would see something out of the corner of their eye, and move to pull something from their side finding nothing there. They lived their lives close as close could be as friends, but something was lost between them in those lost days, and never dated again. In times of quiet, they would reach for the memories, only to be pushed back by the fear, but lately, the fear was starting to fade, and a new choice would soon present itself to them.

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