《Raylia》Chapter 11
Chapter 11
I start making my way back to the camp fires. As I get closer, I see Wick pacing back and forth, kicking loose pebbles as he goes. Muttering to himself and gesticulating to emphasize his mutterings, “I’m going for a walk he says, just going to go sit and think about things he says, no worries ill be back just need some time he says….” Everyone sat and started at Wick equal parts concern and amusement at his antics.
Walking up I clear my throat and say, “Alright everyone have a few bits of news…”
“OH! DON’T YOU GIVE US A “FEW BITS OF NEWS CRAP!!” WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!” Wick jabbing his tiny finger into my chest. “While we’re at it let me see the tattoo!” trying to lift my shirt and worm it way to look at my chest, I keep slapping his hands till I just had enough. I tell him, “FINE, Hold on!” Lifting up my shirt everyone looks at my tattoo emblazoned on my chest, not just the awe of seeing the city as it once was but also that massive golden dragon on the mountain.
Pointing at the dragon Wick looks at me and in very chirped words, “What. The. Hell. Is. This?!”
Looking at Wick then everyone else, pulling my shirt down, I started. “Well like I said there are a few bits of new…” Looking at Wick to see if he was going to interrupt me again. All he did was narrowed his eyes waiting for me to continue. “First bit of news the city has been fully integrated and claimed.” Lifting my fists slight in a half hearted Ya. Everyone looked at me with a bit of a smile expecting me to continue. “Oooook, with that we have a majordomo.” Horkom appeared at my side and gave a slight bow. Everyones jaws drops, none more than the dwarves.
Balram slowly got up and made his way over to us. Never taking his eyes off Horkom. Reverently he spoke stating less than asking, “Ya be khorduuarven…”
With a smile Horkom responded, “Ahhhhh, you be a dwarf, I can see khorduuarven blood in ya. Aye I be the last of the khor duuarven. We seem ta have gotten a wee bit smaller.” He chuckled
Snapping out of it a bit, Balram nodded, “Aye Nogrod gravity be stronger dan da gravity here.” With a wide grin splitting his face he continued, “smaller bu’ stronger!”
Wick looked at Horkom, gave a bit of a head bob said, “Great to meet ya. Welcome to the team. City is a giant turd right now, looking forward to making it great again.”
Oh god I just pictured him wearing a stupid red hat.
Looking back at me Wick starts jabbing me with his finger, “The whole city thing is great, congrats. Now what the hell hell is that giant fracking DRAGON!”
Scratching the back of my head I start, “Well the System gave me a free building, with the whole claiming thing. Then I got a free set of platinum blue prints for the Auction House..”
“Wait you got set of PLATINUM blue prints?!” Wick dumbfoundedly asked. Balram and a few of the dwarves mouths dropped a bit and leave it to Wes to give a drawn out whistle. Wick looked at me a little more closely, “Exactly why did you get the free blueprints?”
I continues, “Oh I got them for the star gate…”
As I was about to go on, Wick held up his hand to stop me. “What the hell is a star gate?”
Looking around at everyone, no one moved only sound was from the fires crackling. Getting a little self-conscious I went on. “Well a star gate allows for interplanetary travel to almost any planet using the…power…of..the..leylines..” As I was speaking mouths dropped open. Balram shakingly grabbed my arms. “Lad, dis be knowledge lot ta time. No ones be knowin’ about it. If ownin’ Kham Faldir before was gonna have ya bein’ hunted till da end of time. Dis will make ya hunted in death too!”
I knowingly nodded, “Ya, I figured. It’s unique to here anyway. Later I’m sure Horkom will be more than happy to show everyone the star gate, but can I finish?”
Letting his hands drop and nodding Balram went and sat down again.
“Ok, so when I was trying to pick our free building I thought I could get lightening in a bottle twice sort of say by picking another building unique to Kham Faldir.”
Realization started to dawn on the dwarves as their expressions started to change to fear and a bit of anger.
“So looking through the list I saw something called the Dragon Forge..”
With that all of the dwarves erupted, some shouting “We’re doomed”, to “What were ya thinkin’!”, “Gob smacked human!”
“WHOA! Wait a minute!” Looking around I had my hands up waiting for all of the furvor to die down. “As I was saying when I found out how its made, I tried to stop it, the system then let me speak with the dragon. We were able to change the Dragon Forge to allow the dragon to maintain its freedom as a kind of majordomo of the forge. He will dictate it’s uses”
The dwarves were even more shocked, and some were even grumbling that they would never be allowed to use it.
Seeing the dwarves reaction Horkom spoke up, “Aye, Thoren be speaking the truth. The dragon, Odior will be like me. Since we be connected he says he will treat all races equally, be they dwarves or human or any other.” That seemed to placate the dwarves as they smiled and nodded to each other.
Wick gave me one more look then asked, “Ok so what is the whole “evolving” bit?”
Shrugging, I really didn’t have an answer. “I honestly don’t know, right before I departed he poked himself and then me with a bit of blood and healed us both. After that I saw my sheet had the evolving bit. So, your guess is as good as mine. Don’t think its anything bad we need to worry about for now. Right now we need to take care of the hobs and I think I have an idea on how to do that.”
Leadership lvl 2 reached
Looking around I started to go over my plan laying it out step by step. As it s pretty simple but daring (or stupid) plan I finish up and look at everyone.
Balram is the first to speak, “So out a everyone, ye be takin’ jus’ da goblin and kobold?”
Wanting to make sure he understands my reasoning. I went over a few points. “Yes, they are very easily over looked and can easily blend in so their risk is low, hell I overlooked them and there are only about twenty of us here. This is all about stealth and a big group id incredibly difficult to hide. If we take in to account that almost everyone here is severely undernourished practically starving mistakes can be made. Finally, I may have extra lives so if I die I may come back, hopefully here, but who knows. If that happens, I want to make sure that if the hobs come straight here Horkom can open the gates so everyone can escape. That’s a last resort as we have no idea what’s out there and if we can stay hidden here for longer, hopefully we can rebuild a bit more. I’m not going to risk any more lives than I have to, and I think this has a chance…” Looking over at Wick.
He shrugs his shoulders a bit, “this is a stupid plan with very little chance to work. Though so was your plan to shoot the troll in the twig and berries.” As every guy there grimaced a bit. “You are stronger than you were, you’re stronger than you were before so technically it could work.”
Leadership lvl 3 reached
Nodding with a bit of a smile, I say, “getting there shouldn’t be a problem as we have the scroll, just hope they have a scroll back.”
Horkom cleared his throat, “No need, you be soul bound. Unless blocked ya be able ta open a portal back to the city.”
Bit surprised, I follow up, “Just on Raylia or anywhere?”
“Well damn that is a pleasant surprise! Makes things much easier. Will DEFINITELY need to go over the star gates abilities more when this is over and done with.” Clabbing my hands and rubbing my together I went on. “Ok let’s get this party started. They’re probably figuring the city was claimed by now so time is probably getting of the essence.” Picking up the portal scroll I look at it for a minute, then ask, “Any idea where the portal opens up that may be a big issue.”
Everyone started to look at each other shrugging their shoulders, well crap. Looking to Horkom I ask, “Can the star gate send me somewhere close to the village?”
He nods, “Yes as long as you know the coordinates.”
With that a human clears his throat and speaks up, “I can help with that, I’m a cartographer and know the village coordinates I can get you in or around the village.”
Taking a quick look, I get the ping.
Harry Bharat
Lvl 19 Human
I look at him and smile, ”Thanks Harry! Appreciate the help!”
He nods and looks around not used to the attention.
“Ok, well no time like the present. Horkom lead the way to the star gate. Harry if you can please give him the coordinates let’s say a mile out, to hopefully keep from getting spotted. Just tell me what direction I need to head to reach the village.” Looking around I ask, “where are Brick and Noxi?”
Staying a bit out of the fire light they both step closer, Noxi still clutching the stein. I look at them a little closer hoping they didn’t go over board when I said they could have a drink as having two drunk members of the team would put this whole mission in jeopardy. Eyeing them a bit more carefully to make sure they didn’t over indulge. They seemed nervous but thankfully sober. The alcohol may have actually helped in calming there nerves a bit. Looking at them I waved them over, “Ok boys let’s go.”
Following Horkom we walk to the center of what must have been something of a town square. Holding some torches we really don’t see anything until we look down. A large perfect circle of black stone (at least fifteen feet in diameter) was in the dead center of the square. There were thin silver and gold lines woven on the outer foot of the circle and again three feet in. In between these bands were intricate symbols carved into the stone. Harry gave Horkom the coordinates and the symbols flared to life in varying colors of the ley lines. Two thick bands of energy rose up from either side of the circle and rose up fifteen feet into an arch, as soon as the bands came together the space in the arch turned midnight blue and rippled like a ponds surface after a stone in dropped in.
Honestly Wes had said it best and he let out a drawn out, “Daaaaaaamn.”
Looking around, I patted Noxi and Brick on the shoulders and said,”ok boys once more into the breach.” Everyone looked at me confuse, so I just shook my head and said, “nevermind.”
Pushing Noxi and Brick into the gate, Wick followed right behind them. I gave everyone a bit of a nod, “well wish us luck.”
With that Belram, said, “be safe lad, good luck.” Everyone else nodded and said similar things and I walked through the gate.
Coming out of the gate was a little disorienting. Have been in a cave for practically two days straight, the sun and the fresh air was absolutely refreshing even if it took a few moments to get used to. Luckily, we were in a little peaceful glade. Looked like a perfect camping spot and my guess Harry must have given Horkom the location of their last camp site before Bowland Fells. Looking behind me I saw the star gate, which looked like a mirror image of what we had stepped through, an energy arch with a dark rippling pool within.
The forest around the glade contained some massive trees. Many different species and not one that I would be able to name. There were a few trees that seems somewhat similar to great oaks and maples as well as giant sequoia. There were tress with dark rich rough purple trunks and lavender leaves and small yellow trees with green striped leaves. There were a few unknown birds flying, chasing chirping and buzzing insects and what looked like a white bunny with a spiraled horn on its head. I just had to know so I stared a bit intently, *ding*
Lvl 3
HP - 14
Bunnicorns look cute and cuddly but can be fairly vicious if provoked. There is a reason there is a saying about procreating like bunnicorns, where you find one there are many more about. Caution do not attempt to kick or punt a bunnicorn as that could lead to a swarm.
Yaaaaaaaa, ok lets just leave that alone for now. Looking up in the sky I could see Raylia’s twin moons and some soft clouds. The sun seemed to be low in the horizon or just coming up. Not sure which it is. “Hey Wick, do you know if the sun is just coming up or going down?”
With an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes he walks over to the purple tree and points to the bluish moss growing on the side. “The moss on a bumuga tree always grows on the north side so the sun is setting.”
“Alright fine, thanks Wick. Ok, we’re about a mile out from Bowland, lets get close enough that we can get a look at it.” With that I start heading off toward town.
Wick clears his voice and says, “That’s the wrong way jack ass.”
Stopping, a little embarrassed I turn around and start walking the other direction.
“HA! Just kidding, just screwing with you.” With laughed
“You’re such a dick Wick.”
Brick and Noxi just looked at each other not knowing what to say and filed in behind us as we started hiking our way to town. We ended up seeing all sorts of different animals and plants. Was tempted to try any inspect them all but figured we were a bit on the clock, and I could almost hear the incessant complaining that Wick would have done if I had.
Slowing our pace, we started to carefully make our way to the edge of the forest. From there the walls no more that two to three hundred meters away. The gate was wide open, well with the giant hole ripped in the side of the walls made some sense. Why close the gates when there is that giant hole? Not that they were expecting a fight anyway. Hobs were milling about inside and out. A bit of tension in the air as they seemed to be waiting for something. My guess is the confirmation that the city was taken.
Crouching low I huddled the four of us together. “Ok, so we all know the plan. We’ll wait for the sun to set then Noxi you and Brick sneak into town. You know where the water barrels are take the stein and as quickly and quietly as you can turn all of the water in the strongest alcohol you can think of that the hobs really enjoy. This is important, look at me and pay attention, DO. NOT. GET. CAUGHT. Do you understand? One of you will turn the water to alcohol while the other keeps watch. If you see a hob coming hide and wait for it to be all clear before continuing. Do you understand?”
Both of them were staring at me and nodding vigorously.
“Great! As soon as you’re done hide and keep an eye out. Hopefully they all will start to drink when its known all the water is now alcohol, and drink heavily. As soon as you’re sure they are all passed out drunk from the alcohol. Do not leave your hiding spot until you are sure they are all drunk and asleep, ok?” More nodding. “Ok then you sneak out and come back here to find Wick and me. You will stay here after that until I call you. Ok? Tell me what you are to do.”
Looking at each other Noxi said, “we’s to go in town, makes alcoholz froms waters wit’ magic cup. Then hide and waits for hob to drinks alcoholz till falls down sleep. Then come finds you and Wick.” They both looked up to make sure that was right.
“You two got it right! Ok, relax a bit we have some time till the sun sets.”
I decided to try and meditate for a bit. Might as well try to level up a bit while I’m waiting so I sat against the tree pulling my cloak of concealment around me and started to take slow deep breaths. I work my wat to my core and sense my mana swirling inside me. I go deeper and start to notice some differences in my mana; it’s all different shades of color all similar to the affinities that I have. The more concentrate the more I can differentiate the different types of mana. *ding*
You have discovered the Skill Mana Sense. Lvl 1.
Not all mana is created. Taking your time and focusing in and around you, you notice that mana is not just a single substance but contains all the elements and affinities of the universe.
Congratulations! Your mind is a muscles, exercise it +1 Intelligence
Congratulations! Thinking deeper than a koi pond +1 Wisdom
Meditation lvl 6,7 reached
Well that was a nice use of my time! A big grin spreading across my face. Wick looked over at me and said, “Figured out mana sense now did ya?”
Looking at him, I ask, “Ya, why didn’t you teach me this back in the cave?”
“Well, it’s much easier when yo have multiple affinities, and when you finally got them we didn’t exactly have the time to sit down and grind out your skills now did we?”
Ya, I have to give it to him that’s a good point I smirk a little and say, “True, as soon as this hobs thing is taken care of we need to get stronger and work on my skills. I have a feeling I’m going to need to build up fast.”
“Oh kid, you have no idea the heap of crap you’ve landed us into. Let’s finish this first then figure out our next plan.”
Night finally set, we waited a bit longer after the sun set just to let things settle down a bit. I got Noxi and Bricks attention as they’ve been sleeping on the forest floor for the last couple of hours. “Ok guys, now’s the time. Do you remember what to do?” Both of them vigorously nodded again. “Ok, off ya go. We’ll wait here, and most of all BE CAREFUL!”
Wick and I watched Noxi and brick sneak their way into the city. Then it just became a waiting game. Wick looks at me and says, “you realize this is a crazy entirely idiotic plan, right?”
“Hey, come on you know that’s the only plans I can come up with.” I say with a sly grin.
“Alright as long as you know it. Ok being that you’re over level five I can teach you fireball, now this isn’t your run of the mill fireball either. Being soul bound to me you’re getting the improved and special “Hell Fire” addition, you’re welcome; now hold onto your boot straps this is gonna hurt a little.” Wick grabbed my head and I could start to feel that I knew how to create fire and then fire it. Knowing that I knew that all while it felt my brain was grating over a cheese grater, was less than fun. *ding*
You have discovered the Skill
Draconian Hell Fire: Fireball. Lvl 1.
This is not your momma’s fire ball nor your little imps hell fire, fireball. You have Draconian Hell Fire, fireball. What does that exactly mean? Your guess as good as mine, no one has ever combined the magical destructive fires of the dragons and of hell before, GO YOU! Cost: 15 Mana. Increased skill level decreases mana cost and increases speed. Damage dependent on Intelligence and lvl of skill.
Congratulations! Check your foot to see if it s a rabbits, +1 Luck
“Ummmmmm Wick?”
“Ya ya ya I know I’m awesome you’re very welcome, hell fire is pretty freaking awesome right?!”
“Ooooh, ya for sure! But I got something called “Draconian Hell Fire”, what the hell does that mean?”
“WHAT?! You fracking OP…. Let me see, open up your window.” I did and let him view. “Well damn, ya that is something new. Must have something to do with that whole “evolving” thing he did to you. We’re going to have to have a talk with that dragon. Should be interesting to see, I mean if you don’t go and blow your arm off or something.”
After an hour or so we start to hear some commotion going on in town and gets into full swing for more than a few hours. Then slowly things start to die down and eventually an almost perfect quietness blankets the town. What seemed like fifteen to twenty minutes later we see two little figures scampering away from the walls towards us.
Both out of breathe noxi hands me back the steain and says, “alls..meanz hobs…sleepz”
“Whoa catch your breathe guys, you did great! Did all of the mean hobs get drunk and fall asleep?” The two of them couldn’t nod their heads more if they tried. “Really amazing job guys! You did your end, now its our turn. No matter what you stay here, do you understand? If something happens and I die and come back I am going to come back here to get you. Do NOT try to come help us if you think something has gone wrong. Do you both understand?”
Again, they both nodded vigorously.
Wick showed me how to turn off my notifications, no way was I going to let those get in the way and distract me until this is finished. I pulled my cloak tight around me and we set off and carefully as we could toward the hole in the wall.
Steeling our nerves, wick looks at me again and wispers, “I fracking hate you and these ideas.”
I smile and whisper back, “oh I know.”
We sneak into town and look for our main objective, though we found two. One was the giant church looking building and another was what I was told was the Adventurers guild hall. Deciding what I was planning to do would be bad to do to a church to actual gods, I decided to go with the guild hall. We quickly and quietly made our way over to the front door and let our selves in. The building looked absolutely ransacked, didn’t matter to us for what we were using it for. We started to move all the furniture, and anything made of wood and heavily blocked all the windows. clearing a huge space in the center of the hall.
Now this is where things either went really well or shit started to hit the fan. We started to creep around town looking for all the hobs, trying to keep track of where they were as well as the slaves and “non-meanz hobs” as Noxi likes to call them. We located the shamans halfway into our search. Ironically enough they were inside the church. There were four of them inside, and they all looked younger and more junior to the one we had fought before. We decided to start with the one that was the furthest away from the rest and work out way in. There was no way we wanted to go against all the hobs if we didn’t have to and killing these four should help keep that from happening.
We crept our way to the far end of the church where the hob was sprawled out on his back on a stone bench. These creatures are just plain rank. They smelled go awful, covered in dirt and grime, his breathe was absolute disgusting, he was mouth breathing tongue lolled out. He had as many sharp teeth as he had broken and missing ones, and to top it off he had a snot bubble going in and out of his long-pointed nose with every breathe.
I pulled out my dagger and straddled the hob in case he fought back and gave Wick a nod. Wick took out a piece of leather and clamped it over its mouth while I heavily slid the knife across the hobs neck. The hob jerked awake, struggling with blood pouring from his neck, sitting down on him I quickly slammed my knife into his chest. I received a *ding* bit ignored it, as we were looking at the other hobs seeing if there was any reaction. When there wasn’t any, we continued on to the next closest hob and repeated the process over and over. When all four were dead, Wick looked at me and said, “Ya this way is highly impractical, still think your plan is crazy and stupid but it’s better than this.”
Looking at my little friend I smiled, “oh you love this crazy shit, don’t deny it.”
Chuckling, Wick shakes his head, “You sure know how to bring out the stupid in me.”
Now covered in blood we continued our search through the town, though we haven’t been able to find the chief yet. Seeing as we’re burning through time I make a snap decision and head over to the slaves. We crawl over to the cage and I quickly inspect the closest slave to the cage wall.
Liz Anderson
Lvl 24 Human
I whisper as loudly as I dare, “Hey, Liz…” nothing. I try again, “Liz, Liz Anderson…” still just barely a movement. Finally I just pick up a small stone and lob it at her, hitting her in the cheek. She finally comes out of her daze and looks around. She see’s us and then I remember I’m covered in blood. Her eyes go wide she’s about to scream, I quickly hold my finger to my lips and try my best to shush her. Understanding slams into her like a lightning bolt and she clamps her hands over her mouth, afraid to make a peep. She crawls over to us and with pleading eyes, softly begs “oh my god, you have to free us please you need to save us”.
I nod to her, “that’s the plan but we can’t find the chief and after killing the shaman we count 94 hobs besides the ones huddling over on the other side of you cage.”
“Those be the hob Dalits, they’re treated no better than us except they’re not caged. They should be harmless. The chief and six of his best warriors are in the mayor’s old house, just north of the town square. If you’re the one that got them all drunk just know the chief isn’t stupid, he may be drunk but there is no way he let all six of those warrior’s drink if any of them. Usually he keeps two posted outside the door, but with all the loud drinking those two went inside, probably frustrated they weren’t allowed to drink.”
“Well shit ok, thanks for the info, we’ll get you all out as soon as we can, going to try and take care of this as best we can first.” She was about to argue but I held up my hand, “look we don’t have a key and trying to break this open will definitely cause a racket, we’re running out of time, I promise we’ll do our best.” Biting her lip she nodded, and added, “ok, good luck.”
Well now is the time to really get to work. We head back the guild hall as quickly and quietly as we can, carefully opening the doors as wide as we could. Then we sneak up to the first hob and see if this is going to work. I gently reach under its arms and Wick grabs his feet and we pick him up and carefully carry him into the hall placing him at the back end, lowering him gently. He didn’t even flinch and his snob bubble merrily went in and ot the entire time. Shrugging to each other and taking a deep breathe we got to work, hauling hob and hob into the hall. Being careful not to wake them and being as gentle as we possibly can.
Hours later we almost drag in the last hob. What was one of the mose vile and revolting experience of my life. The hobs were covered in vomit and urine and what was definitely not chocolate. Some of it theirs and some of it others. The sheer stench alone made me almost throw up no less than three times with only sheer force of will forcing it back down. Our staminas almost completely drained. We practically fall to the ground. We take a few steadying breathes hands on our knees and we make our way to the back and pulling huge stones out of my bag of holding we block the back door. Going back to the front I pile up more giant pieces of stone, leaving a very small hole at the top just enough for a hand or two. Looking at Wick I say, “well still have a few pieces of the stone left, any ideas?”
He looks at me for a minute and a big smile spreads across his face and then quickly sours, “damn it now you have me thinking stupid shit now! Ya, I have an idea. May work you never work, give me the bag and about ten minutes and then light ‘er up.
Anxiously waiting by the door, after what seems like ten minutes, I climb the stones in front of the door and look inside. All the hobs are still completely passed out drunk. Looking around, I’m a little relieved there aren’t any other buildings close to the hall. As the adventures seemed to like the space around the hall to practice their trade. One last look and I stik my hand into the hole and say, “well lets see what draconian hell fire looks like.”
I call forth the fire and a ball of flame the size of a softball comes to life on the palm of my hand. I start to pour more mana into the flame and the flames dance and writhe in all sorts of deep reds blues and whites. The fire churns and swirls faster and angrier as I dump more and more mana into it. Now the size of a beach ball, the heat radiating from the ball is unbearable. The hobs are starting to stir a bit as the heat and light radiate from the flames. Unable to hold it any longer I shoot the ball into the center of the hall and see the hobs there explode outward into the large rough-hewn log walls. The fire quickly spreads throughout the hall. The hobs are now awake and fighting toward the doors finding the stone blocks barring their exit. Their oily armor and dry wood furniture send the hall up into a blaze. I back away from the hall a few dozen meters and start to vomit as the smell, and screams assault me.
Bearing down a bit I head towards the mayor house, there are still at least 7 hobs left and only Wick is there to deal with them. The noise and light from the flaming hall reach the house as I round the corner. I hear a roar from within the house as a large warrior steps out of the front door, *BAMM*. A giant stone slams on his head. Another warrior confused slowly comes out and looks up, *BAMM*, he too gets a giant stone slamming into his head. I look up and see Wick on the Peak of the roof holding the bag of holding out over the roof, looking down waiting for any other hobs that may come out.
A minute or two later, five hobs come racing out the back door. Completely and thoroughly enrages, racing down to the guild hall, which is a raging bonfire now. With all the dings that I got I know there aren’t any hobs left alive. I run to the town square and climb up to the roof of one of the buildings. I know there isn’t any way in hell I’m going toe to toe with any of those hobs let alone the chief, I’m going to have to shoot at them from range and hope we have enough mana to burn the rest of them down with fire balls.
The five hobs make their way back anger rolling off them as four of them are screaming and point at each other and the chief is raging against all of them, pushing hit and kicking them as they made their way back to the mayors house. I watch as fireballs start raining down on them from the roof. Three of them get lit up and they all start to hide from the hell fire. With a wry little grin I see that their backs are to me, wishing they had grouped up a bit more I start to pour mana in my fireball, with their backs to me and their attention on the mayors roof they didn’t notice the growing fire behind them. There are three that are sort of close together, the ones that had been on fire before, so I aimed at the center one and let it fly.
The center hob was killed instantly while the other two went flying. One ended up getting impaled on a wrought iron fence while the other got slammed head first into the stone wall of a nearby building breaking its neck. Screaming at the remaining hob he pushed him toward the mayors house while the chief turned and roared at me then started to jog towards me.
“Oooooooh shit, oh shit, oh shit……”, I start firing off fireball after fireball into the chief. His armor starts to burn and his skin blackens but he still comes on, raging with his muscles bulging and roar pouring from his mouth. He pulls out a long life hurls it at me. I’m able to move a bit out of its way, instead of slamming dead in my chest it hits my shoulder. The knife is buried to the hilt in my shoulder with it point sticking out of my back, the force of the throw knocks me tumbling down the roof and then slamming into the ground breaking a leg.
Pain is radiating through my body as I nearly black out. I force myself up on my good leg and start hobbling across the square. I see the what’s left of the water barrels and make my way for them as I get closer, I can smell the alcohol five of the barrels are empty but there are still 3 filled with something that smells of rum. I fall into them and push them over and continue to hobble to the other end of the square.
The chief comes around the corner hatred burning through him as he sees me stumble into the barrels. Is mocking laugh hits me, “Stupid puny human. I am going to enjoy killing you slowly. You’ve killed my warriors but no matter I have the Dalits to rebuild me more. Your skull will make a fine cup.
I rush/hobble to the other side, tripping at the last moment slamming my pierced shoulder against the stone wall of a building, I scream and crumple my back against the wall. I look at the chief as he slowly makes his way towards me. Halfway across the square he pulls out his sword and hurls it end over end at me. It slams into my other shoulder piercing the stone behind me pinning me to the wall. He stops and laughs again. “Oh how someone so weak has caused me such trouble, I should have the other slaves see you like this before I slowly kill you in front of them.”
My fear starts to ebb as my anger starts to flow. I slowly slide my foot back raising my knee and painfully reach my wrist onto my knee and look at the chief, I give a hoarse chuckle as I spit out a bit of blood, “Hey asshole, next time you want to give a shit speech watch what you’re standing in.” Confused, he looks down and see’s the giant puddle he’s standing in. With that I lift up my hand and shoot a fireball into the puddle.
The alcohol ignites into an inferno. The chiefs screams are blood curdling. Out of the flames I see him slogging out. His skin no longer blackening more melting off his body. This mix of alcohol and draconian hell fire is melting and lighting the fat under his skin on fire. He continues forward, An eye burst and his lips sagging, he says, “ssssstuuuipppp huuuuuaaaannn.”
Absolutely dumbfounded I yell, “Oh come on! Why won’t you just fucking die!” I pour the rest of my mana into a mana bolt. It starts to writhe in my hand *and I’m a bishocked to see it’s a rich dark purple. “why the hell is it purple?” Not a second thought as the chief is less than a meter a way, I scream in pain, anger and fear. Lift up my hand and fire the bolt straight into the burst eye socket. His head snaps back and he falls to his knees. I get a *ding* as he falls to his side.
I scream at the dead hob, “YA, FUCK YOU!!” I drop my hand to my side and let my head fall back against the stone wall.
A few minutes later Wick walks up to me, he looks down and says, “damn you look like shit.”
“Thanks dick, now can you pull THE FUCKING SWORD OUT OF MY SHOULDER!”
“Geez, don’t get your panties in a twist hold on.”
Wick pulls the sword and then the dagger out of me, (ya I cried). I look at him, “so what happened with the last warrior?”
“Oh, HA! The stupid hob threw every but his sword at me then came up to the house screaming at me to fight him. I was out of mana, so I just looked down at him and then emptied the rest of the stones on top of him.”
Shaking my head, “You know you’re just stealing my moves man.”
“Ya, don’t get me started. Anyway, what’s your health at?
Taking a quick look I was at 73 health, “I’m at 73, I’ll survive”, looking at my broken leg I go on, “though my leg looks terrible we should set it and splint it, go find a couple pieces of wood and rope.”
“You got it boss.” Wick jogged off to see what he could find.
I still had a ton of notifications piled up but I was definitely not going to handle them now, too much to do first. Wick hurried back with what looked like two slats from a fence and couple pieced of thin corded rope. “Ok, grab my foot, and when I say pull it and snap it back into place.”
Wick looking at me a bit dubiously, “You, sure about this?”
“Yes, I’m suuuu” *SNAP* Wick gave a quick firm tug and snapped my bone back into place. I screamed “God, damn it Wick! I didn’t say go yet!”
“And I thought it better if I did it quick, less to worry or think about.”
“Ughh you’re such a dick!!” We quickly placed the boards on my leg and tied them up. *ding* Still too tired to care I ignored it. “Help me up will ya?”
Wick pulled me to my feet and helped me on the side with the broken leg. We hobbled over to the chief’s crispy body. There was only one notification I was interested in and let it pop up.
Congratulations! For killing Hobgoblin Chief Ukrat Dardrong
You receive all of Ukrat Dardrong System owned items:
You have received 49 slaves!
You have received Bowland Fells town core!
You have received 97 hobgoblins!
Make hobgoblins slaves?
(YES / NO)
Well damn what the hell am I going to do with them? I’ll figure that out in a bit. I bend down and pick up the town’s core. It’s smaller than the city core about the size of a softball with the similar glowing blue tint to it.
Bowland Fells town core
The town of Bowland Fells has survive in the wilds for over a century. There is no lacking of struggle. Will you take up the struggle?
Do you wish to claim Bowland Fells?
Claims completed in 12 hours.
Well of course I’m going to claim it. I’ll probably just take the town and move it close to Kham Faldihr or somethings, maybe see if I can add it to the city somehow. Again a problem for later.
Congratulations on owning Bowland Fells!
Claim completion 12 hours.
With that taken care of. I have Wick search the body; he should have the key to the slave cages. He gives me a dirty look and complains that he always gets the dirty work. Wick pulls out the key, seven rings a necklace and an earing. All of which I could careless about right now and just grab the key and say, “Thanks buddy, I do appreciate you taking care of the crap.”
Wick give me a bit of a nod and says “Alright lets go free the rest of YOUR slaves.”
I cringe as he adds the emphasis on the “Your”. I say, “You seriously know I hate that I own them right?”
He nods, keeps walking, saying “Yup and I know it bothers the hell out of you so I make it a point to keep reminding you.”
I’m about to argue but instead a small smile creeps across my face as I hobble after him to the slave cages.
We get to the cages and Wick goes and stars to unlock all the doors. I call out to Liz and she makes her way over to us.
She stops a couple feet away from me and gives me a look, “Looks like you’re our new slave master…”
Too tired to go down this road again I hold up my hands, “Hold on, I already went through with this with the other group of slaves in the city, You can all ask them about it, hell I even made an oath to the gods that I want you all free and will set you free as soon as I can.”
Everyone that over hears us starts to talk amongst themselves pointing and then all start asking a ton of questions. Again, there is NOOOO way I’m dealing with this now. “Look! I know you have questions and concerns but honestly, I’m too tired, and in too much pain to deal with them. I claimed the town and when the timer pops I’m going to take it and raze it and move the town, anyone have an idea what happens if I do that?”
An older gentleman comes forwards claiming he does. I get the ping as I inspect him.
Walter Simmons
Lvl 31 Human
Well alright, I have a librarian and now a historian, a whole lot of uselessness unless I get some books for them. I gave him a nod, “Ok, Walter tell me, what happens to the town?”
Looking around a bit he then focusses on me. “All of the consumables are lost and there is a penalty of half the constructed buildings, you have fifteen minutes to decide which buildings you are keeping when you use the core again in a new location otherwise the System will pick for you. Those buildings will all be empty and the town as well.”
I take a minute to digest this for a minute, then make up my mind. “Here’s the plan, I want everything that’s not nailed down piled up in the square. I don’t want to lose a scrap of food or a loose nail. Every book, tool, piece of furniture; it’s all coming with us. We have a city to rebuild.”
A bit dumbfounded, the all start to get worked up, but Walter is the first to spit the words out. “The city is real, and you’ve truly claimed it?”
Wick almost totally out of patience, pipes us, “Yes you dolts! We know you’re tired but hurry up we’re wasting time! The sooner you’re done the faster we can get the hell out of here before something else shows us!”
That was enough to motivate them all, scared that something else would be coming next, they set out, going from building to building neatly clearing everything out and piling it in the town square, though as emaciate at they were was going to take a long time. I still had one more thing to deal with and that may help fix this problem too.
With Wick at my side we hobbled over to what is hopefully our last problem for the day. We reach the tent strewn paddock where the last of the hob stood huddled together, with unabashed fear in their eyes. They were all dirty, half starved and wore tattered clothing. But what was interesting over half were female, these were the first females that I have seen, and while they were all definitely dirty and unwashed, they didn’t have that urine/shit smell that the warriors had. One female choked down her fear and slowly approached us. Curious I did a quick inspect.
Vansa Nurda
Lvl 6 Hobgoblin
She stops a few feet away arms wrapped around herself. Her head was lowered, and she was visibly shaking with fear, but she was able to choke out a few words. “You come to kill us?”
I don’t think anything could have hurt more at that moment. I had been stabbed, thrown, leg broken, battered and yet those five little words hurt more than the rest. If she wasn’t so dirty and malnourished, she would have looked pretty actually. These hobs seemed far different than the others. Their looks were less sharp, far more proportional, had more of a quasi-green elf look going (though no way in HELL was I ever going to say that to an elf). I looked at her a moment longer and scanned over the rest. What I hadn’t noticed before were the children. There were several hiding behind what I assume were their parents.
I looked back at Vansa and asked, “Why are you so different than the others?.
Unsure of herself or the question, she raised her head a bit. “We are Dalits, we are the low. They be strong fighters and magic users. We used for breeding and work when no slaves. Even then slaves sell for gold we no worth gold. There are no slave hobs, people kills hobs.”
I brought up my notification of the hobs again “Make hobgoblins slaves, ( YES/NO)” flashing before my eyes. I was curious about a few things first. “Do you earn stats when you level?”
Confused, she answered, “Yes, but don’t level much just do work and breed. Warriors level fast put all points to strength and agility. Only strong hobs are good hobs”
I follow up with, “Can you learn to do things; farm, sew, hunt?”
Looking around more and getting more nervous, she says “yes can do all what are told, we are low.”
With that I made my decision, I clicked the “Yes” button and watched as all the hobs looked around not knowing what was going on.
Vansa’s head snapped up “You make us slaves?! Why you do so, why not kills us?”
Wick was a bit shocked I had done it as well, even elbowing me and saying, “uhhhh, you sure about this?”
I shrugged a bit and looked up to Vansa, “even hobs see the value in taking slaves. Even though I don’t want slaves I see you have value even if your own didn’t see it. You are no longer Dalits and not really hobs. You’re going to be part of a city. A growing family. It won’t be easy as there will be some mistrust from the others after what your brethren as done to them. You’ll be pushed to follow and work the paths as everyone else. You’re allowed to add one point to strength every four levels but may work to increase your strength through hard work. You’ll all learn to do things such as hunt, mine, sew; whatever you want but you will take up a trade and skills. You’ll be treated as equals and will strictly follow the same rules as everyone else. Like everyone else you’ll be set free from being slaves but as this is something new I’m going to add that you can earn that only after five years and have proven yourself to be honorable. Lastly if someone wants to be a warrior, they will have to plead their case with me. I don’t want warriors like the onese that were here, if you are to be one you will be an honorable one fighting FOR the poor and the city NOT for yourself. Those are the conditions to being me slaves, will not be easy but the choice is yours to make now.”
Stunned they all looked around then fell to their bowed their heads and said “yes master!”
With that I got another *ding* and Wick raised his arms up in the air in exasperation lauding, “you have GOT to be kidding me?! Stop inflating his ego!”
Looking around I told them to all get up and stop with the master bit just to call me Thoren. Then I quickly had them all run and help the other slaves empty out the city.
Wick and I started our slow hobbling walk back to the square where we saw lots of side glances from the towns people to the hobs as the cleared out the town. I saw Liz drop off a few chairs and I called her over.
“Hey Liz, ok well I made these hobs slaves, is that going to be a problem with everyone?”
Taking a moment to look at the hobs helping to empty out the town into the square, she looked back at me and shook her head and said, “No, actually more of us would have been a bit upset if you had killed them all. They used to sneak us extra food when they could even though you can see they are just as underfed as we are. The shaman are the ones that used to make them fight to the death, its an awful spell but from what they told us only works on the Dalits bound to the clan, you don’t need to worry about a rogue shaman turning them against us. This could work, and I know most of us are willing to give it a try.”
Nodding, “Ok, then. How much longer do you think it will take to get everything pulled together?”
She looked around a bit seeing which buildings were left to clear out and rubbed the back of her head. “Probably another hour or so. After we clear everything out we should probably have Wick and a few others search the empty buildings incase there are any hidden little treasure troves. So say two to three hours?”
“Alright, I’m going to go lay my back against that building over there, let me know when everyone is good to go.”
I was absolutely spent, I laid down and fell right to sleep. The fear and unknown of dealing with the hobs melted out of me and drained the last bit of strength I had left. Before I knew It I had a foot lightly kicking my side. Wick stood over me with his hands on his hips saying, “wake up sleeping beauty they’re ready to go.”
Tapping my leg it feels healed up and checking my health bar I’m more than three quarters healed up. So, I untie my splint and gingerly get to my feel and stretch. I look to Wick and then the mass of people and everything mounded in the square, dreading the logistical nightmare ahead. Looking back at Wick I get a little grin, “Hey I have an idea..”
“Damn it Thoren! Stop with your ideas!”
“No no no no, I think you’ll REALLY like this one…” I tell him the idea and he truly gets an Impish grin.
I walk over the end of the square and have everyone load up all the carts and sleds available, people picked up as much as they could, and I threw the rest into my bag. I thought of the city and called up the star gate which rose up from the ground. Everyone was a bit shocked but I got them moving through in a somewhat organized fashion. I pulled Liz aside as everyone continued on, I gave Wick my bag and he zipped through the gate.
“Liz, I need to stay here to finish the claim of the town, raze it then come back to the city. Horkom is the majordomo, and I want you to tell him to organize everyone and all the supplies. Find some cooks and get everyone fed as best as we can and that I’ll be back tomorrow to see how it’s going.”
Her mouth dropped open a bit and then shut, she said “Oh he is sooooo going to hate you when he hears this, and you are totally putting me in the line of fire.” As her eyes narrowed.
Giving her a pat on the shoulder, I grinned and said. “Oh he definitely going to be and I promise to make it up to you!”
With a heavy sigh she nodded her head, “Ya you bet your ass you will, I may be your slave and all but come on.”
Wick came jogging back out of the gate and Liz was the last one through. With that I close the gate and we started to make our way to the mayor’s house.
The house was completely empty, devoid of everything but the walls floors and roof. Locking the door after us we went upstairs locked the bedroom door and laid down with our hands laced behind our heads.
Wick looked over and said, “You should have seen everyones faces as everything got marched through the gate, then when the hobs came in, HAHAHA, even more of a kerfuffle. The townspeople laid it all out and people calmed down a bit, there’s mistrust there but in time who knows could be a something….Oh! Horkom was bellowing your name looking for you! Cursing your name trying to find out and make heads and tails about the mess.”
“HAHAHA, oh he’s got to be mad, well I think…” Pulling up the notification.
Time Remaining:
Bowland Fells
Claim Completion : 6 hour 19 minutes
“He should probably be cooled off in 6 hours….hopefully; or at least too busy to yell TOO much.”
Wick and I both fell asleep and was only awoken from the distinct *ding*
Congratulations on owning Bowland Fells!
Congratulations! Claim Completed!
Would you like to continue with town over view?
(YES / NO)
Clicking “NO”. Figuring this might be best done right outside of the town we got up and strolled our way out the front gate. Turning around to face the town I pulled up the interface on town options. Finding the option to raze the city. I clicked “YES”, which brought up the “Are you sure?” option which I clicked “YES” again. With that The town was enveloped in a bright white light and started to shirt in on itself. Shrinking faster and faster until it was a single point of light and winked out. A little nervous, I check my page again and noticed the town interface was still there, with a few options. Less than curious about those options and more curious to know what’s going on back at home. I opened up the gate.
Holding my arm out I looked at Wick and bowed a little, “After you, my friend...”
“Oh whatever”, and we walked through the gate. Taking a moment to look around at where the town used to reside there was just a sprawling patch of brown dirt. I looked up and the blue sky and the white clouds and breathed in the fresh cool air. I nodded to myself, looked at the gate and said to no one, “here we go”, and walked through the gate.
- In Serial33 Chapters
Gaijin means outsider or foreigner. That goes doubly so for David Wyatt after he found himself in a world being chased by something that looked eerily like a stereotypical Japanese Oni. Now, he has to figure out how he can find his place in a world where most people dislike him on principle. At least everything is also out to eat him in some way… wait, that’s a not a positive. This is a Eastern Fantasy GameLit story. It is primarily told from the main character's perspective with the very common trope of an isekai. There will be my own spin on things, so facts I pull from eastern mythology and legends will be drastically different in some aspects. In the end, this story is just for your and my enjoyment. There will be guaranteed chapters every Friday at 15:00 CST, and I will randomly post chapters at other times when I get in the mood for writing or when I like a particular scene.
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Im Just a Normal Character
A university student who have arrived at home, and was about to start read a new novel he found, but was reincarnated.
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Give me a word I'll make a world
I can't make a synopsis as the novel will totally depends of you, the reader.TThis novel will evolve around several keywords per chapter, chosen by you.The goal is to manage to have a lot of links between the keywords, while avoiding as much as possible every single paradox. The novel resets every arc, so each new arc is a totally different story than the previous! Discord where you can post the keywords: discord.gg/9GMFzWZ
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"I never wanted to be this kind of warrior. A soulless one." Nia's journey continues, except now she is among Skaikru. But can she still stand by them despite all their decision makings. Or will this bring out the warrior inside her.
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Yeji Imagines (gxg)
Requested 🍬Female Reader Imagines with Yeji of Itzy 💐 Message me for any requests you have 💗Started: 6-30-20Completed:Highest Rankings:♡ #1 in yejixreader ♡♡ #1 in itzy ♡♡ #1 in fluffyimagines ♡♡ #1 in Imaginesandpreferences ♡♡ #1 in yejiitzy ♡♡ #1 in itzyimagines ♡
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