《Raylia》Chapter 10
Chapter 10
I really started to feel like I was getting some semblance of a plan together. Looking down at Brick and Noxi I handed them the stein and told them “Guys seriously you earned yourselves a drink, really appreciate your help! Here take the stein and get whatever you want. Get used to using the stein a bit.” Both of them looked up at me partly confused and altogether proud of themselves. Noxi reached up to carefully grab the stein, then they both turned and half jogged to the fires, laughing and boasting to each other who helped more, but mostly about who was going to get the first drink and what it was going to be. Taking a moment to lean back a bit and try to formulate a strategy another ding and notification popped up.
Congratulations on owning Kham Faldihr!
Congratulations! Claim and Integration Completed!
Would you like to continue with city over view?
(YES / NO)
Bonus of one building now available.
With that a small ring appeared on the floor and semi-transparent form rose up from the floor. It was undeniable that the being was khor-duuarven. He stood just shy of five and a half feet. Dressed in a compilation of black and silver armor, leather straps and belts crossed his chest and waist holding a few knives and pouches and attached to his puldrons was a long red cloak with a large hammer strapped to his back. Holding a long pip in his hand he slowly turned around and looked throughout the cave and at the end of his turn his shoulders slumped a bit with a sigh. Turning back around and pointing at me with a pipe he finally said, “You be the new Master.”
It wasn’t a question, but I was able to look him in the eyes and see a bit of a challenge there. His face had time worn features, his sky blue eyes held me trying to weigh me as a man and a possible leader. His silver hair was brushed neatly back and fell past his shoulder and his long multi-braided beard hung to his waist. Clearing my throat, “Well let’s skip the Master thing a bit. I am the owner of the city. The other residents are up around the camp fires.”
“You mean your slaves are around the camp fires.” Giving me a bit of a challenging look.
“Well ya, they are my slaves and no not by choice. I would do anything to free them now if I could. Got them by killing hobgoblins which is a major issue that I’ve been trying to figure out while sitting over here. Wait how did you know that they’re slaves and that they’re mine?”
With a bit of a softer look he started. “Easy lad we be connected now. Plus, they are all saves ‘cept you an’ that would make ya a slave master. Glad it be not by choice though lad, we of the khor-duuarven disliked slavery. I see ye be human, you sure have a motley crew of slaves ta be sure. Not sure what a dwarf be but the rest I’ve heard of. Had been hopin’ that a khor-duuarven would come reclaim our home but was not meant to be.” He said with a sigh and a shake of his head.
With a bit of a chuckle I said, “Well a dwarf is your descendant, I’m sure they will be more than happy to tell you the history.”
With that he smiled a bit, “That would be great lad. This system be new, gives me a few abilities and ways I can help ya run an’ manage the city (looking around a bit) or what be left of her.”
“Do you have a name? Screaming hey majordomo, would get old fast”
Chuckling, “Aye lad me name be Horkom Graymantle, I was the adviser to the King Margraugg Brightstriker when this city was created. I chose to bind me soul here to guide me people, just didn’t think I’d be the last one. Well, aren’t ye gonna check it out?”
Bit confused, I asked, “Check what out?”
“Yer new tattoo lad.” As he use his pip to point at my upper chest.
Opening up my shirt and using the soft light from the moss I was able to see the tattoo covering the top of my chest over my heart. It was of large mountains with a valley. The entrance to the valley was walled off with two large square towers carved into the mountains on either end. At the back of the valley carved into the mountain were two large gates, with towers and plateaus, parks and gardens carved out from the mountain. It was absolutely stunning. It had a beautiful indominable feel to it. I also noticed on one of the towers a certain little imp lounging and smiling, well impishly.
Seeing my reaction Horkom chuckled. “Aye she was a beautiful city once. Was one of the jewels of the empire. She was also our last hold out due to her having the star gate. Hopefully ye can bring her back to her splendor.” He spoke the last looking wistfully at the old city.
Looking back up at Horkom I pointed at Wick and asked, “What the hell is he doing there?” Then noticing a multicolored celtic knot wrapped around my upper bicep the colors almost seeing to flow, I pointed to that as well and said, “And what the hell is this tattoo? Don’t get me wrong looks pretty awesome but no idea where I got it.”
Letting out a big guffaw Horkom started, “BWAHAHA, He be soul bound to ye so ya carry his mark. Anything soul bound leaves its mark.” Pointing at Wick he says, “See he be holdin’ your bag and stein too. They all get added to make a story of ye. As for the other tattoo those be yer affinities of magic. The red be for fire from Wick I assume, the blacker than black be for Death, the midnight blue for Dark, the rich brown for Earth, the light blue for Air, the star speckled black for Space and the rich purple for Arcane. Havin’ the city ye gain the affinities she has.”
Tracing my finger along the different lines I let out a “huh”. Snapping my eyes up, I look at Horkom and blurt out, “Did you say star gate?!”
With a wry grin he says, “Aye was wonderin’ if ye heard that. Tis the only way we were able to reach other planets. Kham Faldir was the only city we had that could build the star gate and then reach into the stars. We believe that Arcane is the key ley line that allows the star gate with the mixture of the other four ley lines, just not sure which ones are needed. Kham Faldir is the only place where five ley lines converge with the rare Arcane.”
Not being able to wait I quickly pop open my new settlement interface to see what I had.
Kham Faldir
Owner – Thoren Parker
Majordomo – Horkom Graymantle
Credits – 1,000
Platinum – 10
Gold – 0
Silver – 0
Copper – 0
Population – 24
Morale – 21
Core Size – City 1
Settlement level – Isolate dwelling
Linked locations – 0
Ley lines – Earth, Air, Dark, Space, Arcane
Mana – 100 (10/day)
Fortifications – 10,000
Tier 1 – NONE
Tier 2 – NONE
Tier 3 – NONE
Tier 4 – NONE
Unique – Star Gate (interplanetary)
Food Consuption – 48/day
Food Production – 0
Resources – 0
Resource Production – 0
Main magic stone gates
Requirements for expansion to: HAMLET
10 buildings; 20 population
Looking at the portal more information pops up.
– Star Gate – (Legendary)
There are many portals in the universe that allow for interplanetary travel. There are few portal spells and scrolls that allow for very short closely connected planetary jumps; as well as static portals or gates that allow for longer distance travel requiring vast amounts of mana or technological power (electrical – plasma – fusion – matter/antimatter – singularity – zero point energy – core tap – black hole – gravity wave). The distance to travel defined the amount of energy needed. The combination of ley lines in conjunction of the rare Arcane energy allows for near infinite distance travel with known coordinates.
Congratulations on owning a Star Gate!
As the owner of the only know star gate in existence you own the full and complete set of architectural plans and blueprints. For adding new high level knowledge to The System you are rewarded with a free set of blueprints for the platinum addition of the “Auction House” as well as 1,000 credits and 10 Platinum.
Looking that over I had to contain myself from doing a little happy dance. I remembered that I had one free building I could build. I automatically ignored anything under tier four or unique. No way was I wasting this build on something as stupid as a long house or a marketplace. I briefly thought about using it for the auction house but I thought I already have the free plans would be a waste to not use them. Curious I thought I’d look and see what the plans would normally cost.
Auction House (tier 4)
(Platinum edition)
These plans give the full and complete blueprints for the Auction House from level 1-10. Each level of contruction adds a 1% discount on purchases as well as other benefits.
100,000 Credits / 1,000 Platinum
Well shit… That was one hell of a bonus! At the same time I’m thinking that the city is going to be a complete money sink buying blueprints and building. I just have to keep telling myself its an “investment”. Going through the endless list of options my eyes start to go crossed. There really needs to be a better way of deciding what to pick. Not that I want to have a skyscraper or landing pad. A lot of these would be absolutely pointless given the detriment to technology here as well as to the level of the city. Seriously the only things we have here are a star gate (which is awesome!), magical gates (again pretty awesome) and a few campfires. I really need a better perspective on this.
I narrowed the list to buildings that were original to Kham Faldihr. I figure if the star gate was as amazing and unique to the system maybe I can luck out and get another unique building with another reward. Still the list is too long. Screw it let me see only what is unique. Besides the star gate which is already greyed out, I assume since I already have one there is only one other building, a Dragon Forge. Well damn that sounds fracking awesome! Who the hell wouldn’t want a dragon forge?! Let me take a look at the description.
Dragon Forge (unique)
The Dragon Forge is a legendary level forge that produced mythical and legendary weapons for the Khor Duuarven. Only five know weapons are known to exist and are in possession. The weapons are forged in the magical mana rich fires of dragon fire.
HELLS YA!! I need me some of that! How the hell can I not pick it with a description like that?! With a mental click I pick the Dragon Forge.
“NOOOOOOOO!” Horkom grabs me by the shoulders his face pale (well pale for him), eyes wide with a frantic look in the. “Lad whada do?! Do ya have any idea what ya have done?! The Dragon Forge is what cause the war with the dragons. It takes a dragons heart and soul and binds it ta da forge, enslaves it chainin’ and buryin’ da soul deep with in da forge. When da forge was destroyed the soul was so warped and twisted dat only da final destructive magic was able ta give end it tortured spirit. Only way to get a heart and soul still viable it to kill a live dragon and my guess The System is going to do just that.”
“OH FUUUUUUUCK! SHIT SHIT SHIT…. System please cancel my order I don’t want it, don’t want to kill a dragon for the forge!”
Dragon Forge
Time Remaining:
Building Completion : 47 hours 58 minutes
Missing components – 1 dragon heart, 1 dragon soul,
forced collection cancelled, requesting components…… components found.
“WHAT?! What do you mean found?! Damn it! I wish I could talk to the soul!”
Dragon Forge
Time Remaining:
Building Completion : 47 hours 57 minutes
Undesired change in parameters….
Requesting soul communication….
Request Granted.
With a flash I was transported to a white space. To call it a room wouldn’t put it into context. Everything was white the floor and everything in infinite directions. Except straight in front of me sat an enormous, ancient golden dragon. To say he was enormous is to put it mildly he was the size of a football field and that’s with his wings folded and his tail curled around him. He sat there staring at me, his anger and loathing radiated from him in waves. I felt like a tiny canoe out in the ocean during a storm the waves battering and buffeting me. I definitely peed a bit.
His roar was absolutely terrifying. “Meat sack where did you learn such a vile and heinous building as the dragon forge?! How is it a human as come into such knowledge?! Where is the short vile Khor Duuarven that has taught you such a design?!”
His head inched closer as he raged, I could feel the heat radiating with his words and breathe. I stammered trying to get words out. “I..I…I’m sorry. The Khor Duuarven are no more all that is left is one major domo and he was as distraught as you are when he found out I had chosen the dragon forge. I just thought a dragon forge would be amazing…”
I had no idea if he could kill me here and if he could I truly thought he would. Holding my hands up and falling to my knees I shouted, “NOOOOO! It’s not like that. I was given a boon of a free building from the System when I took ownership of Kham Faldihr. I wanted something special and unique. I saw the forge and I thought the description was amazing. Where I come from the idea of dragons are amazing wonderful magical creatures. The idea of having a forge with that seemed truly epic. I had NO idea it required a heart and soul. I would never have chosen it if I had known!”
The dragon sat there seething. His eyes studying me seemingly piercing my soul. After a few minutes (which seemed like hours) he lowered his head. His hatred gone, his anger there but contained and sadness, oh the sadness showed deep in his eyes.
His voice a deep resonating bass came forth. Not in the bellowing anger of before but more of a grandfatherly tone to a child who has done something epically stupid. “Boy, I can sense no lie within you. You spoke from the heart even to the wonder you have of us dragons. You had no malice of heart in this decision.”
Looking at him I stepped closer, trying to find my courage and voice. “I swear I did try to cancel the build as soon as I knew. How is it The System got your heart and soul?”
Looking into my yes his golden slit eyes teared a bit, “I thought if The System was going to take one of our hearts and souls it was better that it took mine instead of one of the younger dragons. I am ancient of my race with only a few hundred more years left. I’m getting tired of hiding from other races. Even if they don’t know how to bind our souls they still hunt us for other reasons. To try and take us for mounts or for our scales and bones. We are hunted non stop. We were once a mighty race that numbered in the tens upon tens of thousands. Now there are but a few scant hundreds of us left. I am the last that remembers our home world. None know where it is. After the war with the Khor Duuarven we were scattered among a few worlds. Continuing to hide and fight as we watch our numbers tumble further toward extinction.”
Holding out my hand I touch the side of his golden head. “ I will destroy the forge brick by brick, stone by stone by hand if I have to. I won’t let you be enslaved as your brethren had been. I wish I could just make you like the majordomo of the forge and have you bound but not enslaved.”
Dragon Forge
Time Remaining:
Building Completion : 47 hours 57 minutes
Change in directive….
Change approved…
With shock both the dragon and I stared at each other with the change. Looking back at the dragon I asked, “Is that something you would want? Would you want to be bound to the city and forge but free within those constraints?”
For a few minutes the dragon sat there quietly thinking and staring at me weighing me. Until he finally responded. “What would you have of me? I see you already have slaves, I have no interest in being a slave.”
I told him about the slaves and how I wished them to be free and would free them as soon as I could. He continued to stare and ponder his decision.
“I see no lie within your words or any kind of attempt of deceit. If I accept, I ask three boons. First, I make the decisions as to the forge who may or may not work there, what can be forged and out of what materials. There will be no weapons made for the purpose of killing dragons, and there will be nothing made from dragons that was not freely given. We do shed some scales and have given blood, if given or found in an honest way they may be used. Second, I see you have a star gate I want you to try and find my brethren and bring them to Raylia. Save as many as you can and give them a new home. Finally, I want you to do your best in finding my home world. I want to know what has become if it.”
Without a breath or blinking I quickly said, “ABSOLUTELY! I so swear!”
Fybemis, god of Justice; takes notice of your oath.
Reward for completion : Dragon Forge
Failure to honor oath : Souls retribution…
Ya…. That is one promise I am DEFINITELY going to keep. I REALLY need to stop making oaths. The consequences are terrifying!
With the oath made the dragon gave a lil nod. Looking at him I thought I’d try to inspect..
Ancient Golden Dragon
Lvl ???
One of the most ancient of races. Their magic and intelligence is the pinnacle of sentient races. Their grace and speed is on par with their pure brute strength and power. Don’t pick a fight without a few hundred of your friends to back you up and even at that you may just be a snack.
You have discovered the skill Bravery Lvl 1,…,11
You’ve shown that you could stand toe to toe with the pinnacle of a sentient force of nature (only peeing a little). Only question is were you being brave or stupid…
Inspect lvl 3 reached
Well damn that was useful! Though terrifying seeing what the dragon is capable of. Well damn I really need start asking for names… “Since we’re going to hopefully be together for a while, I think it might be helpful to know you’re name.”
Chucking in a kettle drum sort of way, the dragon smiled a bit and said, “My name would be impossible for you to say…” With a twitch to his eye he continued, “for now. Call me Odoir”
With a smile I nodded, “It’s an honor to meet you Odoir. Looking forward to building something wondrous with you.”
A small delay Odoir took his claw and slightly pierced his scales drawing a bit of blood, then just as quickly used the same claw and pierced my chest. He quickly sent a healing wave that healed our injuries all in the span of a blink or two. Dumbfounded I just started at him and with a with a small smile and a nod of his head he said. “It’s an honor to meet you as well. Will see you in two days.”
With that a flash brought me back to where I had been standing. Blinking, I still felt Horkom holding my shoulders. Looking at him I see his face change from absolute horror to a small grin. I look at him and ask, “How long have I been gone?”
Looking a bit closer he said, “did naught even know ye left. Though it seems like there’s been a big change.” With an even bigger smile he said, “A dragon and a Khor Duuarven livin’ and workin’ together, who woulda ever thought!” Looking down and pointing at my tattoo, I saw a massive golden dragon straddling the tallest mountain peak with its wings unfurled and a jet of flame erupting from his maw. With that I get a notification.
Thoren Parker
Race change:
Human (Earth End Protection) (Evolving)
Well what the hell does that mean…. All of a sudden, I hear a yell coming from the fires.
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