《Last Grace: The Apex of Another World》Chapter 24 - Duel


The chieftain stared at Lucifer, hovering over his right hand was an orb of swirling water. It only idly hovered, it seemed to bend to the elder's will. Magic seemed rather appealing, no doubt the chieftain focused on magic - plus it was likely the intellect stat that provided the ability to utilize magic.

Though it's not something that needed to think about at this moment. He only needed to act and Lucifer would be able to win and gain the title of King.

King of the village anyways… which did not really fit his aspirations.

He would become king, not now but it remained a certainty in Lucifer's heart.

Compared to the measly title of elder of the village, this was more than useful. If he needed to strut his stuff Lucifer would strut his stuff.

With this duel, getting the title was too easy.

And like that the duel between the two leaders began. The goblin chieftain ran towards him, as he had an arched back it would take a while for the goblin to get to Lucifer. What a simple strategy, he would not get hit by such a thing. pathetic...

At the last moment Lucifer weaved to the side, the elder's sharp sight noticed this and mimicked the way at which Lucifer went - launching the magic water ball.

No! Lucifer went the other way to get out of the trajectory of the arriving ball of water. The ball exploded and drained itself into the dry earth immediately. He almost got hit, who knows if he would have survived… bah! He would have.

Now Lucifer would begin to counter the sly old goblin. His pace skyrocketed when his goal became clear. One solid hit and he would bring a world of pain to the goblin.

Lucifer ran with a slight limp due to his ongoing injury, he needed to and could finish this bout quickly.


He needed to win, healing was his first priority, which could only be solved once he had won. So Lucifer needed to win.

‘Goblin Chieftains POV’

The old goblin watched, anticipating any action that would require him to strategize to counter. What surprised him was that there was no such thing. No strategies except to simply charge…

Would this humanoid actually protect their kin, can a stranger manage that? Especially one without wit?

“Damn!” The elder goblin spat seeing the humanoid on the move again, ignoring what would happen to him if he insulted the physically superior humanoid that dwarfed him in size.

The goblin elder shoved those thoughts into the recess of his mind as he started to cast another magic water ball. He needed to win too!

‘Lucifers POV’

Lucifer could only appreciate his own ongoing focus, otherwise, he would not have seen the elders oncoming attack.

He needed to prepare, then take down the elder in this duel with one move.

‘Goblin Chieftains POV’

Lucifer was an inch away, when the elder goblin jumped to the side, and the elder's eyes grew wide from shock…

That humanoid moved too quick!

“When did the humanoid get so close? I did not see him, or rather I was too focused managing my mana to see.” Observed the goblin elder. Augh, if only he had better control of his mana.

Right when he was about to stare into his eyes to confirm the beings intentions he lost track of him.

“Hello.” the humanoid grinned appearing behind him, the elder could only stop casting his mana and cross his arms in response to the swift moving humanoid.

His heart was beating much too fast. It was bad for his health.

If only he were in his prime this bout would have been in his favor… that may not be true though, he did not know about mana when he was younger it was only recently discovered.


He was too late he could not protect the next generation. With the knowledge of his ancestors, he failed, they all failed.

Oh well… it was…

He felt his arm get squeezed by the humanoid. Too much pressure, he felt that his arm would pop!

Luckily he was thrown, compared to his arm getting popped by the strong-armed humanoid he really was.

He felt his body get thrown a distance away, cursing along the way. The dirt scuffing his ceremonial clothing. His old body could handle little even with his few points in physical based stats.

That charge cajoled every muscle that he still had.

‘Damn. Damn. Damn!’ His frustrations were better placed as a burden on his mind then as words that utilized more of his already insufficient energy.

He really wondered if he should have stood on ceremony here. He felt regret, and that was not something he felt for years since… his wife fell ill.

His regrets showed in his eyes, he had a great many allies. He had… many things...

The elder's thoughts were interrupted by the strong voice of the humanoid.

“Good fight, now tell me your name goblin.” It asked.

Snapping open the elder's eyes showed once more the will that was once seen at the start of the fight. It would seem that the gods favored him, what an odd humanoid. He felt weak, he was weak. He had, however, remain strong until he passed the torch.

“Humanoid your size is the only reason you won, that and my age.” He claimed out loud towards the humanoid.

“The names Habs Fowr, might I know your name even if I lost?” Questioned the elder goblin reaching out his hand.

“Nope. I still have my pride, I don't give out my name so needlessly. Earn my respect then sure one day you may know my name.” The humanoid replied, walking away. Ignoring his outstretched hand, what a strange one.

Turning around the humanoid began to speak again, sending a slight chill down his neck.

“Until then you shall be working your ass off making this village better than any other, and I will be there to help you should any pests arrive.”

“What, does that mean… you're leaving?” The elder hopefully asked.

“All it means that I need a place to stay, and it better be quick”

“Or I really will get rid of you all.” The humanoid declared, walking away back towards the village.

When the elder heard that threat he thought for a second that he was listening to someone that was evil. This sent a powerful chill down his spine this time around.

He did spare him, so how evil could he be, even with that strength every sapient had a wee bit of responsibility. He just wondered how much the humanoid had.

And what manner of sapient he was, he was so pale. He looked akin to snow when he got a free chance he would ask him.

He hurried along, glancing a soft glance at his fallen son.

Hab was not in a much better position to speak, even as the village strongest goblin he lost.

Oh, how Hab desired to be young. Not naive like his son.

Against overwhelming strength, all you can do is beg.

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