《Last Grace: The Apex of Another World》Chapter 6 - The Hunt Continues


Lucifer came across another thing to kill quickly, it was another rabbit. He didn't have any preferences when it came to inflicting death, only that when he killed whatever it was that Lucifer did deem his prey was unable to talk back.

He sighed as he looked at the light gray rabbit. This rabbit was different than it had appeared. Multiple types of rabbits are not an impossibility as far as Lucifer was concerned. Variation was a common thing to see back home on Earth. He should not be too surprised to see that the fur of this rabbit was lighter when compared to the other rabbit-thing that he had seen before.

That also reminded him of a suggestion he should give when he is done relieving himself of this stress.

His jog towards the rabbit shifted into a full on dash. This rabbit clearly was on the same wavelength as Lucifer. Saves him a ton of trouble of figuring out its next move.

During this encounter Lucifer had to begin differently then swaggering forth and delivering a haphazard punch. He needed to trick the rabbit, when one is alert and all in sorts so it would be hard to do.

While thinking of what Lucifer should do next the rabbit pounced on his chest, as it flew back Lucifer zagged to the side after the immense recoil of the monsters attack and grabbed it by one of its feet while it jumped away. This bastard had to die now!

He threw the rabbit monster to the ground, poked out his elbow and faced it towards his prey. All before he launched himself towards with crazed momentum before the rabbit could get away.


He spotted the screen as soon as he sat up from the now dead rabbit.

You have leveled up, +5 SP!


“What should I do now? I am no longer hungry - who am I kidding I am always hungry. Should I spend the SP?” Lucifer chirped questioningly as he dragged the corpse of the rabbit over to the fire and heated it up.

Lucifer decided that he would hunt one for one more rabbit before he would begin to construct a shelter. He looked around, and found neither another rabbit or any buildings. This territory was completely void of any type of civilization.

No settlements of any type. He would guess that this had to be an island, or something along the same line of thought.

Taking this chance early to do so before anyone finds out about wherever he was would be best. He contemplated his choices as he sat near the mediocre fire. His body was warmed, his ideas were not fostered even if they were near the very same warmth that roasted a former living breathing thing.

He grabbed it a second later throwing his hand into the flame. He couldn't eat burnt rabbit.

“Food is secured” Lucifer noted as he began to chew the rabbit meat. “Next would be… the suggestion that I had, better suggest it early, then get disappointed and mad when it is rejected later.” Lucifer softly muttered to himself.

His body tingled as he realized his workload. Lucifer had to take care of so much before he could find out his mother's identity. He had however to focus on one thing at a time if he was going to be successful.

He opened his status to find out that he had access to a new stat. His eyes narrowed as he thought of its implications.

His gaze strengthened as he read the new stat aloud.


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