《The Other Side of the Bed - Half-Stuck in a Fantasy World》19. Once More With Feeling
On Wednesday morning, Zach awoke in New Albion. He stood up in his inn room, confirmed that his valuables were all still present and sighed in relief, then noticed a note at the foot of the bed. As he reached for it, he realized there was a strip of leather still tied to his hand. The other end hung loose. It had been carefully untied.
He picked up the note and sat back down on the bed to read it. In small and neat letters, it said, I think it's sweet that you just wanted someone to be near you, but it was odd that you ran away. If you want another night like that, or one more adventurous, you know where to find me. - Harmony
He sighed and thought, I think she got up in the night to use the restroom or something, and I disappeared. I wish she'd taken my request that we stay tied together more seriously…
Then he got changed and went downstairs for breakfast. He was hoping for scrambled eggs and skirlie mash, if they were on the day's menu. After that, he would have a little time to solidify his festival plans, then he could head to the castle at ten. That was the meeting time the Princess seemed to prefer, and a maid had always been waiting for him at the servant entrance at that time, even on days the Princess wasn't available.
He really hoped Princess Evelyn would be available, so he could talk to her about the technique to stay in one world, and his failed attempt.
Oh right, I've got Tiesha's message to relay, too, Zach thought. That will probably get the Princess in a good mood.
Bethany was waiting at the servant entrance again, her bright strawberry blonde hair visible from all the way at the start of the alley.
"Hello again, Bethany," Zach called out as he approached. Out of the Princess's many maids, he'd interacted with Bethany the most and he liked her the most too. She had a stern side to her, but once you got past that, she was kind and helpful and reliable.
The other maids he met were lacking in one or more of those traits. There was the Head Maid Alexia, who could certainly act kind, but seemed to hate and/or distrust Zach. There was Beebee, the hyperactive younger maid who the Princess adored despite her sometimes tiring personality and inability to sit still. He'd also briefly met a black-haired maid named Eloise, but she seemed disgusted by his mere presence, so he didn't foresee that relationship developing much in the future.
"Hello, Zach," Bethany said with a little curtsey. "Sorry about the other day, but the Princess will indeed be able to meet with you today."
"Excellent. Is she available right now?" he asked while they started into the massive castle.
"Yes, but soon I won't be. I have to help the kitchens prepare a finicky recipe for the royal lunch, so I was hoping you could see yourself up to the Princess's room. Do you remember the way?"
Zach nodded, but he was having trouble believing what he'd heard. "It's really alright to let me wander the hallways unattended? I get the feeling that Alexia would never allow it."
Bethany smiled. "Well she doesn't get a say in the matter, because she's out of town on a mission."
Ah, there's a tug-of-war going on between Bethany and Alexia for command over the Princess's maids. I hope I don't become a pawn in that conflict, Zach thought. Then he said, "Uh, and what do I say if anyone asks what I'm doing in here?"
"Just tell the truth: you were ordered to meet the Princess in her quarters. Actually, no. Don't say it like that or we'll get more rumors circulating." She furrowed her brow in thought for a moment, then said, "Okay, just say you're supposed to meet Riley. She'll be waiting for you in the Princess's room."
"Riley? Another maid?" Zach asked.
Bethany nodded. "Yes, and you'll like her. Or she'll like you, at least. Good luck!" And with that, Bethany turned down a long stone hallway that presumably led to the kitchens.
On his own, Zach traveled through the undecorated staff hallways that wound their way through the castle, like the circulatory system of a massive beast. In that metaphor, is the Princess the castle's brain? Its heart?
Zach's mind continued to wander pointlessly until he reached the red wood door at the top of the tower. He took a deep breath and knocked once.
Almost immediately, the door opened. A maid stood there with vivid red hair, long and straight. She smiled and said, "Ooh, he's a handsome one!"
Behind her, the Princess was seated at her small table, sipping from a teacup. She set the cup down and said, "Riley, please treat our guest properly."
"Of course, sorry, Princess." Riley stepped back from the door and beckoned Zach inside. "Please join the Princess for morning tea and discussion."
Zach was still reeling from the 'handsome' remark. Did she really think that, or was she just messing with him? Bethany seemed to think that Riley would like him, so maybe he was her type?
Still unsure, he stepped into the room and approached the table. He'd barely sat down when Evelyn spoke.
"Were you able to get my message to Tiesha?"
"Yes, I was. She's very nice and clearly cares for you, Evelyn. I told her that you were safe at home, and that you missed her. Then she said she missed you too, and she had been worried about you after the last time you disappeared."
While he'd been speaking, Riley poured him a cup of tea, then stepped away again.
Evelyn nodded solemnly. "That couldn't be helped, sadly. I really am so thankful that you were able to get a message to her, Zach."
"Oh, of course. It wasn't a problem." Zach still wasn't used to interacting so closely with a real princess, and the fact that she was basically just a regular girl his age didn't make it any easier. He switched back to the topic at hand. "I talked with her for a few minutes. and then she texted me a long message to relay to you. Let's see if I can recall her exact words."
He paused for a second, then said, "You're a real piece of work, Evy, you know that? You scared me enough that first night when you disappeared, and I when I finally get used to your reappearing thing, you disappear for good! I was terrified that you'd died, eaten by some dragon or abducted by an elf! What the hell, girl?"
Zach stopped for breath before continuing to recount Tiesha's words, but he heard a faint sound coming from his left, and the Princess had a strange look on her face.
"Uh, is something wrong?" he asked.
"No, nothing's wrong. That sounds exactly like what Tiesha would say, and I deserve those harsh words."
"Then what's with that expression?" he asked, cautiously.
"I'm deciding what to do about Riley…" She glanced over at her maid.
Zach followed her gaze. Riley was standing by the wall, but she was barely standing up. She was folded at the waist with a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle what seemed to be full-out laughter.
"Riley, what is it you find so funny that you'd interrupt my meeting with Zach?"
The redhead finally stopped laughing long enough to say, "I've just never seen anyone talk to royalty like that! You said you lived as a regular girl in another world, and now I believe it. Zach too! No way he could say those things, even as a messenger, unless he wasn't from around here, that's for sure! You must have quite the pair on you, Zach."
And with that, Riley burst into giggles again.
"Yes, yes, it's all very amusing, Riley. Now, please let us continue our conversation."
Riley straightened up and gave a serious nod. "Of course, Princess. I am sorry."
"Uh, where was I…" Zach said, then, "Evy, take care of yourself, and be true to yourself. I know it may be hard to do that there, harder than it was here, but you can't truly live until you embrace who you are. Shine on."
Then he shrugged and said, "That's it. That's how she ended the message."
Evelyn was silent for a moment, then she said, "First, I'm very impressed that you remembered that whole thing."
Zach blushed lightly. "I have a really good memory…"
Evelyn smiled. "And thank you. I feel so much better now."
Zach raised one hand. "Uh, sorry for intruding, but what did that last part of her message mean?"
Evelyn hesitated. "Well, it's rather personal, but she was all about being true to yourself and…" She trailed off, unable to continue.
Zach cut in. "Oh no, sorry, I just meant the 'shine on' part."
Evelyn looked relieved. "Oh. That's just Tiesha's thing, her way of saying goodbye. She's… unique. And wonderful."
With that, the conversation died. Zach wanted to bring up his attempt at staying the night in this world, but he didn't want to change the topic if Evelyn still wanted to talk about Tiesha.
After nearly 30 seconds of silence, he figured that topic was done. He said, "Um, I tried to stay in this world the night before last, using the trick you suggested."
Evelyn sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Ah, and I guess it didn't work?"
Zach nodded. "But that doesn't mean that your approach won't work for me. I think the woman I paid just left in the night. We tied our hands together, but I think she untied them to go the restroom."
Evelyn nodded. "That could be. I do hope that my technique will work for you, but maybe it won't. I wish I had more answers for you."
"Don't apologize. It might still work. I can try again tonight, I guess." He said that, but he wasn't keen on risking another 20 Harts on it. Not to mention the awkward conversation he'd have to go through…
"Excuse me?" It was Riley, standing demurely by the wall.
"What is it?" Evelyn responded.
"Uh, if I understood correctly, Zach paid a Companion to stay the night with him to keep him from going to the other world, like what you do with us maids, but the woman flaked on him?"
Zach nodded and Evelyn cast a glare at Riley that clearly meant, 'You'd better have a point.'
Riley quickly said, "Then I volunteer. I will go with him to his inn, and I can be trusted to stay all night long."
Evelyn rolled her eyes, but she didn't say anything against the plan. Instead, she turned to Zach and said, "I'm fine with that. If you want this ridiculous flirt's help, it's yours."
When Zach looked totally overwhelmed by the offer, Evelyn leaned forward and whispered, "By the way, she's all bark and no bite…"
He nodded slowly, already wondering if he'd regret the decision. Another part of him was excited; there was no denying that Riley was attractive, and she even thought the same of him… Not that he wanted to act on that.
The Princess stood up. "Alright, Riley. Report to the Hard Fought Rest in street clothes tonight. What time works for you, Zach?"
"Uh, ten, I suppose."
"Good. Now I have to go to some fancy lunch with a kobold diplomat. Riley, can you see Zach to the exit?"
"Um, I can see myself out."
Evelyn shook her head. "No, you should use this time to get to know what you're in for."
The instant the Princess was out of the room, Riley was at Zach's side. "I hope my offer wasn't unwelcome, Zach. I just really wanted to help you out."
"Uh, no, it's quite welcome," he stammered. She had grabbed his arm and was holding it against her chest, pressed against the lace of her dress. He could barely think straight.
"You have such an expressive face, did you know?"
"R-really?" Zach actually found comfort in that. If Riley had already realized that he overreacted to flirting, and if she got enjoyment out of teasing him like Erin did, then maybe she was just teasing him. He knew how to deal with that.
"Oh, yes. It makes me want to see the faces you'd make in all sorts of situations. Do your eyes go twice as wide when you see a woman's bare breast? Do your ears flush bright red when she presses her skin against yours?"
"Uh, should we start heading out? I have lots of work to do for the festival, after all." It was a miracle that he'd even managed to blurt out that much. His heart was racing, and he couldn't stop it. He wasn't even that worried about Riley's flirting, since the Princess had said she was all bark and no bite, but he couldn't do anything about his natural reactions.
"Oh, the equinox festival?" she said as she started for the door, still holding his arm tight. "I heard you're a merchant. Will you be selling anything fun?"
He swallowed hard. "Uh, I'm planning to sell coffee actually, prepared a way I like from back home."
"And which way is that?" she asked, her voice honey-sweet and unnecessarily flirty.
"Chilled, with milk and sugar. I've secured the ingredients, but I still need to find a mage to keep it cold."
Riley shook her head and peered up at Zach with vibrant green eyes. "Oh, you don't need a mage for that. A mage in training, a conjurer, would be plenty. You'd be drastically overpaying if you hired a full mage."
"Oh, thank you, then. That's really helpful to know."
Then Riley grasped his hand between both of hers and held it up. "It just so happens, I'm a conjurer."
As she spoke, Zach felt the hand she was clutching grow cold, as if it had been dunked in ice water. He half expected frost to form on his skin from the magical chill. Then it grew warm again and Riley cast him a confident smile.
"Just something to think about. I heard you already invited Beebee to join you at the festival…"
Zach supposed he had indeed done that. Maybe he could formally hire Riley and Beebee? A lively barista like Beebee could help draw in business. And having another maid there might help keep Riley's flirtation in check.
"Thank you for the offer, Riley. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning?" They were quickly approaching the castle's staff entrance, and Zach would soon be free of Riley's overwhelming, if not entirely unpleasant, flirting.
"Sure!" she said. Then when they reached the exit, Riley said, "See you tonight, Zach. I'm looking forward to it."
Zach was sure that the two guards positioned at the entrance had heard, but they didn't seem to react. What he would give to have their stoicism…
Zach was waiting in the sparsely populated common room when Riley entered. She was wearing a knee-length tan dress with short black sleeves. A line of large buttons ran up the front, and two pockets adorned the chest. The pockets didn't look very useful, however, because the chest area was already pretty full. Unlike her frilly maid outfit, this dress revealed that she was quite well endowed.
Zach tried not to stare as Riley approached. It was easy enough to focus on her freckled face and striking green eyes.
Riley strode forward but when she was a few feet away, she got distracted by something. In the corner of the room, a woman was leaning over the table to whisper to a man, and her already short skirt had pulled up several inches to reveal long, slender legs.
Riley stared at the woman for a couple seconds, then turned back to see that Zach had been staring too. "Ah, you like legs too? I like a man with good taste."
Needless to say, Zach was confused. Was Riley attracted to everyone, regardless of type, or even gender? Or did she just act like she was. And if so, why?
Zach coughed and stood from his table. "Um, let's head upstairs. I'd like to get to sleep ASAP."
"Ay-sap? What's that?"
"Oh, sorry. It's short for 'as soon as possible'. I keep slipping up and using terms from back home. My bad."
Riley hurried to his side. "Ooh, got any fun ones for me? Naughty phrases, maybe?"
Zach steeled himself. Riley was really beating that flirtatious drum hard, but she was also saving him 20 Harts. And her antics were somewhat fun. At least a little.
"I do know a lot of dirty slang, but I'd rather get some actual sleep tonight, okay?"
Riley pouted. "Fine. I suppose there's always tomorrow, after we've grown even closer."
She kept up the innuendo even after they were in the inn room. She looked at the small bed and said, "We'll be nice and snug tonight, won't we?"
"Uh-huh." Zach took off his shoes and hung his jacket on a peg on the wall.
"Just nestled so tightly together, skin against skin."
"Yep." Zach took off his pants, standing in his boxers, or at least this world's equivalent, and a white undershirt. Then he removed the undershirt, his face burning at the thought of showing Riley so much skin.
Riley took notice of his body, but kept talking. "I must warn you, I'm a little grabby in bed."
"That's fine. We want to stay in contact all night, after all." It took everything he had to keep his voice calm and level. Then he pulled on a light blue sleep shirt and matching pants.
"Aww, you're covering up?" Riley whined. She sounded sad, but she actually looked relieved.
Zach, then stepped over to the bed and pulled back the covers, then looked up at Riley. "And you're still fully clothed. Are you going to sleep like that?" Then he finished climbing into bed.
"N-no. I just, uh, wanted to give you a show. So now that you're settled, um, please, uh, watch…"
Zach watched and waited as Riley attempted the slowest and most awkward undressing he'd ever seen. The Princess had been spot on when she'd said that Riley was all bark and no bite. She'd talked a big game, and now that she actually needed to undress in front of a man, she was literally quaking with nervousness.
And now Zach knew what he looked like when people surprised him: all nerves and no grace. She hadn't even removed a single article of clothing and he couldn't bear to watch her suffer any more.
He said, "You're beautiful, Riley, and you're confident and fun, but I can tell you're pushing yourself on this. You can change in the dark, or wear everything to bed, I don't care. But I do need to get to sleep eventually."
Then he rolled over so he was facing the wall. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. For now I'll look away."
A small voice replied, "Thanks."
Half a minute later, the light went out and the mattress shifted as Riley joined him. She bumped into his back and immediately pulled away, then slowly inched her way back into contact with the back of his shirt.
"Give me your hand," she whispered, sounding only slightly more sure of herself. "I'll tie our hands together the way we do with the Princess. We found a good way that is comfortable, yet reliable, at least as long as you use a good material. I've got a silk handkerchief here, which is part of the maid uniform so I carry it with me everywh—"
"You're rambling, Riley."
"I am. Sorry." Then she was quiet while she tied their hands together.
"Would it help if you talked about why? Why you flirt so much?"
"It's just how I am, I don't know why. I flirt with the other maids, the male staff too, I can't help it."
"But you never go this far with it?" he guessed.
"No, I do. I've gone much further, even. With women. Never with a man. I mean, I like men just fine, the broad shoulders and hard muscles and strong jawlines." Her voice wavered with a hint of desire. Then it went flat and she added, "I just don't have any, you know, experience."
"Then this will be a little bit of experience for you."
"Y-yeah, I guess so. I'm in bed with a guy. That's a step in the right direction. And you're sure it's okay that I'm not, you know, following through on the things I implied earlier?"
"It's fine. I mean, just the other night, I paid a Companion to not have sex with me. I never wanted those things. Err, well, I'm not not interested in them, but not right now. Not like this." Zach realized that he was the one rambling now. "You get what I mean."
"I do. One last thing, then we'll sleep."
"I slipped up and made a huge mistake. I revealed that I've… done things… with women. Aren't you bothered by that?"
"Nope. I wasn't raised to worry about what gender other people find attractive, or what consenting adults do in private. Does same-gender attraction cause problems here?" Zach avoided using words like homosexuality that probably weren't known in New Albion.
"It does. But we can talk about that later. I'll let you sleep."
"Okay. Goodnight, Riley."
"Goodnight, Zach."
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