《Beastly - A lullabyte story》Beastly Chapter 9 – Questionable Youth (1/2) {Janavar}
Beastly Chapter 9 – Questionable Youth (1/2)
The first thing I noticed when waking from my slumber was the steps coming closer. A curious rumbling growl began forming in my throat. ‘Just who is so reckless or tired of life to intrude on a mighty drake’s lair!? Maybe it's a pretty knight here to slay me… I'll just have him lay me instead! Should I eat him afterwards? Hmm, maybe if he sucks at the sex I will, but first I should make myself presentable!’ I turned around a bit on the pile of soft pillows and mattresses, sadly my current lair was very much lacking in gold or treasures but one had to take what was offered after all. For a moment I thought of maybe changing to my humanoid form but I dismissed that notion. My true form was by far more glorious! ‘Ah, he is coming! Good little human come closer!’
“Dr. Foster? I got the stuff from your apartment. Where the heck are you… and why is my bedroom door open?” ‘Wait, that doesn't really sound like a knight! But I was so happy to see my first suitor!’
“Okay, Doctor this isn't funny get out o-... Holy mother of God! Big fucking lizard!!!”
‘Huh. Nope, not a knight at all! No shiny armour, no pretty gleaming weapon, not even a cloak!’ Also, I was pretty sure that the human before me was female. What is the damned point of a female knight!? How would she even give me eggs!? I honestly was at a loss of words, here I had expected to encounter my first knight in this world and it turned out to be a woman dressed in cargo pants. Actually didn't I know that human? I think she helped out my human guise if I remember correctly! At least she has the bearing of a soldier so I will hear her out.
“Okay. Large lizard monstrosity lying on my absolutely destroyed bed. That is… fine. You still in there Janavar?”
‘Hmm, she is reaching for something isn't she but she called me by my name so I should trust her for now.’ I was curious though, was she reaching for a gun? It would be interesting to find out if they could pierce my scales. I stretched myself to get more comfortable and put my head down on one of the pillows. I liked these pillows they were even big enough to fit my snout on them comfortably. They weren't all that useful for intimidation though as I had found out quickly. At least if her reaction was any indication it had the exact opposite effect.
“So, you're not gonna eat me right? Okay, so I brought your stuff. Like clothes, documentation, uhm your plushies?”
‘Plushies!’ In an instant my eyes opened up wide, I loved my pile of pillows but plushies were even better, indeed in my human guise’s apartment I had stashed a lot of stuffed animals! Some people said that having plushies at my age was disgraceful but screw them, I wasn't even one hundred so it was totally fine for me to have them. Also, they had been my only friends for quite some time. I simply needed them in my life! But which ones did she bring? ‘Show me already!’
“Okay, that got your attention… so I wasn't sure which ones you wanted so I just took the ones in your bed that looked the most used. Some kind of off-center grey pig, one… pink lump with spikes, and this one.”
‘Mr. Fluffy-Butt! He is even still wearing my smelly shirt!’ I was almost about to tackle her to the ground but before I could do that I realized my predicament. I could possibly damage Mr. Fluffy-Butt in this form! Now I was torn on one hand I wanted my plushies and on the other hand, I didn't want to leave my true form so quickly, I don't think my human guise liked being a drake all that much. ‘Ah screw it, plushies!’ Not a second later I shifted my body's form and tackled Marie to the ground of her bedroom.
“Gimme that!” ‘Wait did she grow? Nah, must be my imagination.’
“Okay, okay. Here… you… go…” ‘Okay, she is staring at me with disbelief something is definitely wrong.’
Before I could even get another word out I was cut off by an ear-shattering squeal from Marie. All that I managed to do was clutch to the bear wearing Kassandra’s shirt in confusion before I was already tackled to the ground in return. ‘What the heck is happening!? Is she… hugging me?’ While the position wasn't as uncomfortable once the initial shock was over, I still had no desire to be touched so intimately by one of my colleagues; Kassandra didn’t count... obviously!
“Would you mind getting the fuck off of me? This is highly inappropriate Miss Fisher!”
“Oh! Ah, I am sorry! I just couldn't hold myself back when I saw you, you just look so darn cute like this~! Say, actually why do you look like that?”
“Look like what? I hope you didn't forget everything that happened yesterday?”
“What? No! I am asking why you look like a teenager!”
“What do you mean what!? I thought you did it on purpose!”
“Did what on purpose?”
“Regress your damn age!”
“You might actually want to go look in a mirror.”
“Yeah, I think I will do that…”
I must have looked just as confused as I felt right now because I couldn't have sworn that Marie was trying to not laugh out loud at the moment. Throwing her a pointed glared to make my displeasure clear I left the room and her to her childish behaviour. ‘What did she even mean with regressed in age? I think I would have noticed if I was younger all of a sudden!’ But even while I told myself that it was impossible the steps carrying me to the bathroom became quicker and quicker. Something was definitely odd, I felt shorter! Not by a lot but it was definitely noticeable. Ripping the bathroom door open and slamming it closed behind me was all that I could do to try and quell the rising panic.
‘Okay, calm down Jana there is no way that I actually became younger, right? Oh, but I also hadn't thought magic to be real two days ago, so it wouldn't be out of he ordinary. Still, there is only one way to actually find out. Get your shit together and look in that fucking mirror!’ I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and slowly looked upwards.
“Huh. I honestly should have known shouldn't I? So okay, this was actually far less surprising than I had thought. I mean technically my drake half had already known that I was only a juvenile at my age. It still is weird to see it in person like this. But seriously scratch getting egged, me, we’re not even allowed to buy alcohol any longer.”
So, yes I was definitely younger. Right now I looked less than half my actual human age. I was at most somewhere around sixteen or seventeen years old if you'd look at me without knowing. I was a bit at a loss as to how I should actually react to this revelation. At least it also made sense now as to why Nim had been so surprised when I told her that I had a doctorate. I must have been regressing in age since the change had happened. Slowly my body’s cells had rebuild and renewed themselves over time, going on to a point where I was back in my teenage years. Logical it should have to stop now, considering there was no biological mechanism actually able to turn someone into a baby. But if magic was as unpredictable as it had seemed so far… I shuddered at the thought of what might be possible, if from excitement or fear I honestly couldn't tell.
“No matter I have plans for today and looking like a teenager is not going to stop me! Well, to be fair the recognition from the scientific world I can kiss goodbye for now. Those turds most likely wouldn't believe a word I said, with me looking like this. Haaaa, at least I have more time on my clock now. If I'm a juvenile with almost forty, I wonder how long it will take to be an adult again.”
Not that my drake half was really any help with figuring this out, that little cunt was as dumb as a brick. Literally all my instincts screamed at me were feed and get laid; I was actually a bit surprised that the beast wanted to procreate so soon. The human drive to get children was far more subdued and I myself had never thought about it before. I would have to check my hormone levels at some point too. I was still in my thoughts when I went back into Marie's bedroom.
I didn't see her but a quick check gave me a pulse from the kitchen, maybe she was so nice and was making breakfast? Then again considering the state her bed was in I began to doubt that. I had done a serious number on the thing. The entire frame was shattered and the mattress was lying on the ground partially torn to shreds. I don't think I should change into my beastly form all too often, I had acted like well… a beast. Also if I remember correctly part of me had thought about eating a knight!? The questionable devouring of other humanoid beings aside, where by the mighty turd Lord would I find a fucking knight? I doubted that there were all that many still running around. Wait, the British Queen can give someone a knighthood. But I don't think some elder scientists or actor was going to provide me with a fight decent enough to get my blood flowing.
This was when my gaze fell onto Mr. Fluffybutt on the ground. Without another thought, I grabbed the teddy bear and buried my face in it. Almost like it was programmed into me I took a long deep sniff, basking in the musk of the sport shirt he was wearing. Kassandra had been running and practicing martial arts since her childhood.
I had a very… intimate knowledge of just how fit and toned her body was and additionally she had the skill to back it up. One time when some jealous husband had come to her favourite BDSM club and made a massive scene, she had floored the guy almost twice her weight in the blink of an eye. I knew how they said that most corporation operatives were just weak paper pushers, but Kassandra, she could be straight-up terrifying if she had to.
‘Hmm, considering the muscle density I have gained with the change I might be actually able to take her on!’ This actually seemed like a perfect idea, not only could I test myself but I would be able to figure out if Kassy was still a good mate! With a happy grin on my face I practically skipped out of the room still clutching the plushie to my chest. As I had expected Marie was in her kitchen eating breakfast and there was none for me. ‘Bummer.’
“So, dearest most amazing colleague that I ever had, there is not by any chance any food for me to eat?” I had put on my most charming smile and clutched the teddy to me in an attempt to make good of the cuteness of my new found youth. But alas, it was of no use this time around.
Marie didn't even bother looking up from the tablet she was reading in when she finally deigned to answer me. “Firstly. Screw yourself, you destroyed my only bed. Secondly, there is more than enough money on the encoded chits in your stuff to buy food. And lastly, when you go outside put on some fucking clothes already.”
“Wait, you want me to go outside and buy my own food? What is with how I look!?”
This time Marie actually looked up and I could swear her eyes were trailing my sparsely hidden form. “Honestly aside from the nipple chains you now look more cute than scary. And I expect this will stay this way until you grow up again, girly.” ‘Did I sense a little bit of jealousy there? Nah, must have been my imagination.’
“Well, fine! If you don't want to give me food I will get it myself! And don't expect me to come back anytime soon today, I'm going to find Kassandra and get her help!”
I didn't wait for her to reply before I stomped out of the room only to stop in my tracks a second later. ‘Why had I just reacted like this? Marie had most likely saved my life yesterday more than one time, and I had acted like a spoiled little brat just because she refused to feed a magical lizard that in her true form apparently weighed several hundred kilograms! I already suspected that the up keep of my body was, even with magic in the equation, much higher than before my change so it only made sense that she wasn't going to pay for it. I will have to apologise once I'm clothed.’ On the way back to her bedroom and to the duffle bag with my stuff, I noticed a larger mirror in the hallway and stopped for another inspection.
‘Huh will you look at that, she is right, with the younger face my bodily changes do look more like impressive mods or cosplay. Especially when I cling to the plush bear like this I look about as threatening as a pet mouse.’ Indulging in my young looks a bit I tried out several poses ranging from cutesy to sexy. After a minute or two of fooling around, I could hear Marie getting up and quickly dashed away with my face heating up in a very telling blush. Once more I hadn't been able to stop myself from acting like some brat! By now I almost feared that my mental age too had regressed. I should seriously stop acting like a damned high school girl, this was not very dignified for someone of my age.
Shaking my head over the implications this might have, I started sorting through my stuff. For some arbitrary reason, Marie had actually packed in several pants. After giving them a look over and remembering how uncomfortable the hot pants from yesterday had been, I gave them a single toxic look and tossed them over to the remnants of my dear host’s bed. Finally rid of the cursed clothing items, I dug out a comfy oversized hoody and pulled it over. A knee-length skirt and some low riding leggings later I deemed the outfit acceptable. I may not have been dressed very stylish, but at least like this people wouldn't find me as weird on a cursory glance. I couldn't really wear shoes anymore and my face was still blue, but if I just acted like nothing was wrong most people would simply think it a weird choice of body mods. For the tail… well I'd just say it was a very convincing prosthetic if someone asked. Taking my bear with me I went back to the kitchen.
“Hey, Marie.”
“I'm sorry for how I just acted, you saved my life and even if I didn't show it yet I am very grateful. I… I think this body is messing with my mind and made me act far more childish than is acceptable for my age.” I even dipped my head in a nod to convey how serious I was about this.
Yet it all came crashing down when I looked into the smirking face of Marie. “Mhm, I know. I was testing you kiddo.”
“K- Kiddo!? How- How dare you! I am older than you! Screw you stupid hag!” Grabbing my plushie and one of the duffle bags I had emptied I ran towards the exit. When I left, I slammed the door close with as much power as I could and jumped down the steps to the pavement. ‘Fuck that condescending little bitch! All she did the entire time was taunt me or treat me like a child! I'm gonna find Kassandra and then I'll have her show that stupid cow some manners. And no, I am NOT pouting!’
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"What did you say?", he asked with quite surprise and amusement in his tone."I love you aadi",i said feebly and weakly."WHAT!!!",this time he nearly shouted..with a bit of anger in his voice ."I SAID I LOVE YOU AADI !! I.....LOVE...YOU(this time i shouted)!Did you here it properly now?", i said.Suddenly,he started lauging like a maniac..."Did u ever look at your face in the mirror....ohh i forgot! Is your family even able to afford a mirror?how did u even dare to confess to me...if possible dont ever show me ur tramp face again",he said!"Please...please just...!",i start to plead."Leave...NOW!",he shouted and i was in tears!-------It started raining,aadi pinned my hands above my head against the car. He had trapped me, his scent overwhelming my senses. I closed my eyes as he got closer and turned my head away. His lips connected with my jawbone instead, he made the most of it and trailed tiny butterfly kisses down my neck and collarbone. He smiled faintly at my gasp of reaction, he lowered the other one to my face and gently pulled my face to face him. He skillfully closed the gap between us devouring my lips and stealing all my ability to think. Without giving a second thought to what I was doing I arched my body into his and kissed him back.He let go of my trapped hands so his could go other places n i pulled him closer."I love you my angel",he said in between the kiss...."what !" ,i asked!.."I SAID I LOVE YOU ANGEL",he replied.I pushed him with all my force..."Angel Please...just please",he said weakly......"Leave Aadi , NOW", i shouted and turned back..through the side window i could see he had tears in his eyes!!*********#32 in general fiction on 10-11-15
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