《Beastly - A lullabyte story》Moonlight Dreams (Luna’s Chapter 1)
Moonlight dreams
When the alarm clock woke me up it was almost a shock. When had been the last time that I hadn't woken before the bell? I honestly don't think I could remember. Actually I had always prided myself for my tendency to be an early bird, waking up at straight 7 pm at least 30 minutes before the clock rang. After all, it just wouldn't do for a student-committee president like me to come late. That would have given the little bitches always surrounding me just an excuse to gossip about. A low happy growl escaped my throat as I thought about that last idea, what an amusing word, bitches. At least they had me to show them the way; they'd be utterly lost otherwise.
My thoughts were interrupted when once more that annoying alarm started blaring. ‘How dare it decide when I have to get up!’ Before I even realized what my body was doing I had already smashed the offending device against the next closest wall. ‘Wha- What have I done!?’ While part of me was quickly starting to panic, another much more delightful part rationalized that I could now just continue sleeping. I had been so active last night after all, so I could just sleep until the afternoon. With a content, cute little growl I wrapped my fluffy tail around me and started drifting back to sleep. Only to instantly catapult my now fully awake self out of the bed!
“What. The. Fuck?” I blinked in confusion after speaking out loud ‘Where did that sexy dark voice come from!? Wait, far more important…’ Not really believing it possible, I looked downwards and upon the weirdest thing ever. Right there right between my small breasts rested the tip of a fluffy white tail! As if following instinct it clenched tighter to my body the more confused I grew. I was so confused by the sight that only several seconds later I realized that it wasn't the only off thing. Underneath the tail my gaze fell on to my feet only they weren't feet anymore, instead what I could make out in my confusion looked more like fuzzy canine paws, clad in the same white fur as the now trembling tail.
“What the actual fuck?” My voice was definitely much darker than normal, what the heck was going on?
“Okay. Oooookay, maybe I just got drunk last night and agreed to one of Brian's weird sex games? Ha, right, this is obviously just a costume! A terrifyingly well-made costume that reacts to my emotions. Hahaha!” I could once more feel the damned tail wiggle around against my skin as if trying to calm myself, but honestly, this only made it worse.
By now I was in full-on panic and denial mode. I mean there was no way this was actually happening, right!? Much to my terror, I came even worse when I laid my hands over my eyes and felt not skin but fur. Not only that, but I was intently aware of the ten sharp, rough claws digging into my skin. ‘Okay, that is it! I need a damn mirror right now!!!’ The problem with that idea was that the mirror of my room was a small vanity. So now I had two choices, try and figure this out in my room, or sneak across the floor to the bathroom and hope that my elder sister wasn't awake yet.
“No, I need to see whatever this is in full. Here's hoping that I don't jinx myself with this. But fuck I sound hot; I could just listen to myself talk forever! Damn it Lu focus! Get to the bathroom now!”
As I made my way to the door I had to cringe slightly at the sound of claws clicking on the hardwood floor. Just what had happened this night? Thinking about it harder I didn't even remember when or how I had come home. I would have to think about this later after I had dealt with the current problem. Trying to be as quiet as humanly possible I opened the door but held in for a second when I heard a slight creak. Instantly my heart started beating hard enough that I almost feared it to just implode. ‘This is far too stressful and undignified!’ Once I had calmed down again I tiptoed the few meters to the bathroom door and repeated the process.
Finally, inside I only calmed down once I clicked the lock into place, better be safe than sorry. What I noticed first was the surprisingly good vision I had despite the bathroom window facing north. There was next to no light shining in but my eyes seemed to care little.
“Okay, I am less and less believing this is just a costume. First things first…”
Even if I could miraculously see just fine, I still wanted a bit more light for this. I flicked on the lamps and immediately regretted it. ‘Ah! Bright! What the fuck!’ At least I had managed to keep myself from crying out loud, eliminating the chance to be discovered for the moment. Blinking my eyes several times to get rid of the nasty after images I turned to the mirror. This time I couldn't hold in my voice.
“Holy- I look like a fucking furry!” The very moment I called out my thoughts I clasped my hands tightly across my mouth. ‘Okay, it isn’t as bad. I still have a human face… -ish.’ Far worse in my opinion than the fur covering large parts of my body, were the obviously canine-like ears on my head. No clue how that worked but I had large dog- or I guess wolf ears, on the side of my head, and my human ones were nowhere to be found. Just like I had noticed the tail reacting to my emotions, so did those ears apparently, right now they were pulled flat back. I looked just like a scared little dog, that… that was so not okay!
“Even if I have fur sprouting from all over my body, I will not look like some scared little fuck puppy! Oh, I should be quieter really.”
When I listened for any signs of my sister waking up, the ears in question actually perked up. This for sure looked better.
“Ha, a Fenrir being scared of her own body! Like hell, I'll let that happen.” I did a double-take at my own words, what the fuck was a Fenrir? “Actually don't I kinda just look like a werewolf?”
With the initial scare over, I started inspecting my own body a bit more. So, yeah my ears were very wolf-like but curiously I still had my earrings in them. Only that thanks to the new position they were really more like piercings now. When I looked down I would have almost taken a step back upon actually looking at my eyes. They were huge! And a piercing blue they definitely hadn't been before! It made me look fierce, I liked it. Without wanting to I released another happy rumbling growl. ‘How and why do I keep making these?’ A bit lost for an answer I opened my mouth as if that would help. It didn't, it really didn't.
Not only did it draw my attention to the wet gleaming underside of my nose, but it also gave me a first-class view of what could only be described as massive fangs. Apparently my teeth had gotten a major upgrade, especially my, well, canines. The biggest ones were probably around two to three centimetre long! And I said biggest because there was an entirely new set where my outer incisors used to be. Also, I could have sworn that my tongue was flatter.
“Wow! Ghis ‘ooks jusht ‘ike a gog’s. Why am I speaking with my hand in my mouth? Maybe whatever happened also made me an idiot...”
Swallowing my once more rising anxiety, I let my eyes wander below my collarbone. The first thing coming over me as I looked at my body was confusion. For some reason, I was both terrified and disgusted by what I saw and at the same time, I marvelled at how well-defined muscles I had and what luxurious fur was covering them. It was almost as if I had two sets of thoughts in me. I was still Lu Myang but at the same time, I was more. ‘Maybe I should call myself Luna now?’ Once more the disparity overcame me, I had always like that name, except that I hadn't, I hated people named after things! The same was with my body. I both hated and loved the way it looked now. The fur covering my limbs and back, the claws and squishy paw pads and especially the tail. By now it hung down limply perfectly conveying my puzzled state.
As I stood there not knowing what to do, I noticed something that I hadn't even realized until now. Except for my eyes, I looked grey. Actually a lot of things looked grey. But worse actually, my face and naked front we're covered in large splashes of far darker, almost blackish, grey. ‘Just what is this?’ Curious I rubbed my finger across it and with a bit of resistance it flaked off my skin. I didn't even have to bring it to my nose to realize what it was, my slowly wetting mouth told me enough.
“This- This can't be! No, I would remember right…” Only that I actually did remember. It had been clawing at the back of my mind the entire time trying to get to the front. What I had done was such a dark deed that I had tried forgetting it. But there was no forgetting it, not his face, not his screams, not my delight and especially not the taste of warm blood and flesh on my tongue. Brian, my love and my curse, it couldn't have been true, right?
‘Life didn't work that way, it couldn't, it shouldn't work this way! But it was good wasn't it? Had he not been abusing me? Had he not tried to make me nothing more than his fuck pet? Had I not told him over and over that I would leave him? Wasn't that the very reason why I had chosen myself? I had been like an angry animal in a cage scared of being beaten for I had lacked the power to fight back. But now I had power, and so much of it.’
With the flick of a finger, I called upon the power which made me and the air around me cooled down drastically. I raised my paws in front of my face, marvelling at how dexterous they were despite the animal influence. ‘This body is great. I did well in choosing myself as a host for me. And I have so much frustration build up inside me, what delight I'd be to let it all out.’ It took another few moments of way too dark thoughts until I realized what had just happened.
“Why did I think those weird things? How can one choose oneself as a host? But it kinda makes sense, after all, I…. Oh, gods! I am… no, I used to be two people!? I am me but also me!” Honestly, there was nothing freakier than realising that you had two sets of memories. It was actually far more mind-opening that I also identified with two different genders. Human me had been obviously feminine but spirit me had been male. And me now, I was kinda both I guessed?
“Huh, that explains why I haven't been freaking out about the doggy dick between my thighs.”
Ah, yes the dick. It was right there above my crotch proudly jutting outwards. It was bright red and even had a fleshy knot at its base. As it was currently flaccid I had no good way of telling how big it could get but I was confident that I would have at least rivalled Brian's! I could feel part of me starting to panic slightly, but another far more excitable part was incredibly proud and intrigued. Not only could I experience something entirely new, but I was for the first time able to learn about carnal pleasure, well male pleasure at least.
Actually I was a bit surprised as to how well I was taking this situation. Even as a spirit one had access to rumours and how often had I heard of the joining going horribly wrong. Many hosts were driven insane by the sudden influence on their mind and even tried to fight against their new selves. But once I had realized the nature of my transformation I had been surprisingly content. I mean I literally had access to both magic and a physical body now, how could I not be delighted. ‘Wow! I'm such a great person! I bet I would have been good friends with myself.’ I had to chuckle at that thought. What was I even thinking; I would be together with myself forever! Swept up by the moment I wrapped my arms around my chest and gave myself a big fluffy hug.
“Oh, my Gods! My tail is actually wagging!”
“LU! The fuck are you talking about in there!? Get out, I received a call from work, there was an attack in Manhattan they want everyone there.”
‘Oh no! What do I do now!? Rin would freak out if she saw me like this, or even worse she would laugh at me! But at the same time, she is my sister and it would be incredibly rude to not introduce my new self. I mean half of me has literally never met her before! Ah, just why do I have to be so submissive and confrontational at the same time. I should just go out there and confront her with the fact no matter what she thinks. Then again she can be really scary, especially in the morning. Oh, shut up spirit me, I am fucking doing this!’
Standing before the door I took a deep breath and unlocked the door. Before actually opening the door I quickly wrapped my tail around my exposed crotch, some decency was key for good first impression after all! The instance I opened it though I started talking.
“Hey, Rin! My name is Luna and I am very happy to meet you!” ‘Ah, I instinctively used the new name, I fucked it up didn't I?’
“What. The. Fuck?” Her eyes wandered slowly over my form from head to toe and I couldn't help but happily wag my tail around a bit on my tummy. Sadly her inspection was soon over and her raised eyebrow was replaced with a very worried frown.
“I'm not gonna ask about the costume, but why are you covered in blood, Lu?”
“Costume? But this isn't a costume see!”
I turned around to show her my tail in its full glory and moved my ears from side to side. Almost at the same moment, a strong hand grabbed me by the fur of my neck and I was dragged towards my bedroom. Once there Rin threw me unceremoniously on the ground and flicked on the lights. At first, I was confused as to what was happening, but when I saw her standing next to my bed and a tangy iron smell reached my nostrils. ‘Oh, I had done a bad.’
“Fuck! There is even blood in your bed and on the frame of your window. Ah, shit you broke the latch. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Damn you Lu!”
Her face like a storm cloud Rin turned towards me. With every step she took, I instinctively took one back myself. When she reached for my face I half expected her to slap me but instead, she grabbed my head and buried it in her chest.
“Oh, Lu. I don't know what happened, but I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you.” My initial shock soon lifted and I embraced her too. As if a dam was broken tears started welling up and I began crying my eyes out into her camisole.
“I'm so sorry, Rin! I didn't want this to happen. But everything was so much and he had been so cruel to me. I- I just couldn't control myself!”
“Shhh. It's alright Lu. I know whatever happened isn't your fault. But now I need you to do exactly as I say, understood!?” Gently but assertive she cupped my face and forced me to look her into the eyes. All I could muster was a weak pathetic nod, but it seemed enough for Rin.
“Good, now go to the bathroom and start a warm shower. I'll be with you soon I just have to call my boss.”
Once more all I could do was nod and a scared whimper escaped me; never before had I seen Rin like this. She wasn't normally so caring or so in control. I had always thought of her as just a very shitty and lazy person that had gotten her raise to a detective on a simple whim of her boss. Was there actually more to it than I knew? ‘No, it doesn't matter. She seems to know what she is doing so I'll just trust her.’ Like a good obedient puppy, I made my way over to the bathroom and turned on the water. While waiting for my sister to come back I actually noticed just how sensitive my ears were. I could actually hear what Rin was saying!
“Oh, good finally!”
“No, I can't come. I also didn't get any calls but I think we still have a problem.”
“No, I don't think anyone knows. But something weird happened with my sister.”
“I can't be sure but yes that is what I fear.”
“Yes, Miss. I will take care of it. I'll make sure nobody notices anything.
Yes, Mistress. As you order.
“I love you too.”
‘Mistress!? I love you too!? What the fuck did I just hear!!! I feel like that was very much not meant for my ears. Also what was that about no calls but still problems? That sounded shady as fuck! I just hope that my sister isn't involved in something bad! If so, I will need to protect her! Nobody is allowed to pressure my packmate into anything! I will rip them apart limb from limb and piece by piece!’ A low dangerous growl escaped my throat and I could feel a snarl forming on my face. But before I could lose myself to these emotions something soft hit my face and made me yelp in surprise.
“Bad puppy! None of that in my house! Put the towel into your lap.”
As I said so Rin came closer and began pulling on my fur, almost as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
“How is this possible? This is literally growing out of your skin. At least you don’t have a fucking snout. But those ears and tail, this has to be the most amazing mod work I have yet seen. Just who did this to you? Start talking while I cut away the parts of fur matted with blood. Also you better fez up whose blood this is. Ah, how I had wished that at least one of our family wouldn't come out rotten.” ‘Wait, what did she mean with that? No matter, she asked a question.’
“Well the blood is actually easy, I remember doing it, even if I regret it now.”
“At least you have remorse, go on.” Even while saying this she didn’t show any kind of shock. She just kept cutting away at my pretty fur!
“Uhm, do you remember Brian?”
“You mean that shitty boyfriend of yours who doesn't understand consent? I swear I told that little shit I would rip his balls of if he would ever harm you again.” ‘Wait she had done what? I didn't even know!’
“About his balls… I think I already did that.” I began fidgeting on the chair as I thought about just what I had done.
“Excuse me?” This time she actually looked up and I could have sworn that she was a bit impressed.
“I think I ate them.” I had merely whispered it but Rin’s expression told me she had very well heard me. What I hadn't expected was her to facepalm.
“Get under the shower and start scrubbing. I'll come back in a bit.”
“Oh. Okay.”
‘Gosh! Why am I so sad that she is leaving me alone? I bet it has to do with spirit me, I never had a family so this is far more overwhelming than before the joining. Or spirit me was just a little damn pansy! At least I have some more backbone!’ I slapped my face with both hands in the hope of properly waking myself up.
“Okay no more little puppy bullshit! I am dangerous, I am fierce, and I am badass!!! Awoooo!!!” Almost instantly I had to blush, I really hadn't meant to do that! As if to make myself feel even worse at this moment Rin came back and stared at me like I had gone insane.
“Did you just? Why?”
“Uhm, animal instinct?”
“Ugh. Honestly Lu…”
“Luna!” Oh, not the piercing gaze again. ‘Remind me to never interrupt her again.’
“Lu, what exactly happened this night? Those modifications and now this… behaviour. How did all of this happen in such a short time? Did someone force you to get them? Did Brian have something to do with it? I know his parents had a lot of money, but this…”
“Oh! No, no, no! He didn't have anything to do with this! I did this to myself, or well spirit me did. That is also where the dick comes from, see?” I this moment I pulled my tail away to reveal my crotch. My little doggy prick already exited from all the action of my tail rubbing across it almost instantly sprang to attention. ‘Ohhhh, not so little after all. Fudge, this is a literal bitch breaker! At least the knot isn't swelling.’
Apparently it had a major effect on my sister because she was staring so wide-eyed at it that I actually became a bit self-conscious.
“Lu… na, you say want to be called now? Could you please tell me what the fuck is going on and for the love of it make it not include strippers or sex work.”
“Oh, no! Eww! No! I'm not a prostitute; I'm just a Fenrir now. I know that doesn't sound like much of an explanation, but you have to understand that it was magic that changed me not some alley chop-shop!”
“Yes! I joined with a frost spirit, and thanks to his age and wisdom we became a Fenrir instead of some lesser beast like a sprite or drake! Isn't that amazing? I mean I too was scared at first too. But when I understood what had happened it all made sense. So, yes I am still your sister, but I am also the spirit and I decided to go by Luna now because I'm a hermaphrodite wolf girl, right?” I must have talked myself really into it. Because only now I was realizing that I was smiling like an idiot and my tail - as well as my prick - swung around happily, do to my swaying from side to side.
“Spirits and magic huh? Okay. Here, why don't you take these pills while I scrub the blood from you?”
Considering the state she was in it was probably better to just do as she said. Without another word, I swallowed the pills and stepped under the hot stream of water. Only after a minute of her silently working on scrubbing me clean I realized something important.
“So uhm, Rin. You won't by chance tell me what those pills were I just took?”
“Those? They were laxatives and puke-aids. So in a few minutes you will be spilling you guts out like a fountain. That should take care of any drugs and or human remains in your body.”
‘Oh no. My sister is the devil and I never noticed!’
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My Dear Lan Zhan || Xianwang [Under-going Maintainance]
⚒UNDER GOING EDITING⚒[CHAPTERS CANNOT BE SEEN UNLESS IT IS NOW OK.]Book 1 of "My Dear" series"I appriciate if you hands off Lan Zhan.""Wei Ying is the most beautiful cultivator i've ever laid eyes upon on, Demon or not"Lan Wanji recives letters each from the same person, He doesent know who they are and what is their intention to him.(All will be Lan Wanji's point of view or 3rd persons point of view..)Best Rankings 🏅#10 - Lan Wanji (8/8/22)Other Titles To Call It:- 親愛的藍湛- Secret AdmirerNote 📝If you are reading this outside wattpad, It is not me and someone stoled my work. I only write in Wattpad not somewhere else. Please do not support the stolen work and support me here instead thank you ❤Another Note 📝Mo Dao Zu Shi / MDZS is made by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu or MXTX. Characters doesen't belong to me (obviously) but some characters arent introduced in MDZS so that characters belongs to me.Shoutouts 📢Thank you for my friends on discord for helping me to make an storyline for this. It was really fun working with you all!Thank you. Rius, arleen. For helping me too! Working with you all is really fun honestly! ^^
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