《Ragnarök Delayed》NOT A CHAPTER - Summary of the first arc


Mirrond: Thusly, the first and really long awaited stares daggers at his co-writer> first arc reached its conclusion. And finally that stage of our long work is finished. From now on, what lies ahead of us is once again writing completely from scratch, since we decided to scrap everything after the eighth chapter of old Re:v.

Now we need to create something which will erase all the remaining memories of… our previous attempt to bridge Varth’s childhood and teenage years. But don’t worry, this time we have a much better idea how to accomplish it.

Resus: After the last chapter it’s not a surprise that there’s going to be more important characters than just Varth and eventually their expansive growth in numbers may look like Varth isn’t in the center of the universe anymore.

Mirrond: The horror!

Resus: Anyway… we have two announcements to make before the part of this summary when we show all the tables again - usually they won’t be all displayed in chapters so lose to the end of an arc, so this will be our way of showing changes in stats (in chapters most of the changes will just be mentioned, not showed).

Mirrond: I personally bid you the best of luck trying to read them all later on. Even I sometimes get lost in all the planned content laughter of a villain>.

Resus: Again, anyway… First thing to be said is that we plan to make - in addition to regular arcs - single chapter side stories. They will be very much a part of the main story… Just digressing from the main flow of it. First one will be published in just a few days to make the waiting easier (or not). And I myself am quite excited for the next arc the title of which is our second announcement: Abyssum abyssum invocat.

Mirrond: No doubt, it’s due to your character getting all the attention for a while. Admit it - you couldn’t wait for it for a long time xD

Resus: Not at all. I’m mostly excited for all the combat and dungeoneering. Varth isn’t exactly in position to provide any action at the moment.

Mirrond: Well, he has other activities xD though it’s going to change over time. I can’t say anything without spoilers except for that: it will be glorious. But for now, there are ways for you to help us in our work. My co-author is a machine fueled by attention, so comments are always welcome.

Resus: Not as much fueled by attention as by appreciation xD However, our point is that we want to know what you guys think so far about our work. Every opinion - and especially the critical ones - will be a great opportunity for us to improve on the details we missed. It’s important that you tell us what you did and didn’t like as the story is still in the making and we don’t want to make any more mistakes akin to the second half of Re:v.


And lastly - if some of you want to rate our story it’ll be great if you add a short statement explaining why you chose a certain rating. A negative evaluation without any explanation does nothing to improve the quality of our writing.

Mirrond: Additionally, we also decided that we are going to publish updates about our progress with writing the second arc. The current progress will be shown in the author’s notes in the beginning of this not-a-chapter. It’s, once again, to ease the wait for you and also give us more reasons to make the progress as fast as we can - keeping the best possible quality.

Varth Veles: 


||=====Varth Veles=====||

||===================|| Race: Human Subrace: SouthernRepublican Nationality: Free City of Res Occupation: Child Attributes: Health Points: 10 / 10 Mana Points: 0 / 0 Physical attributes: Vitality: 1 Resistance: 1 Strength: 1 Endurance: 1 Dexterity: 2 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 5 Wisdom: 6 Social attributes: Charisma: 0 Attractiveness: 1 Intimidation: 0 Fear: 2 Faith: 1 Fame: 1 Menus: Skills Spells (LOCKED) Quests Active Effects Possessions (LOCKED) Companions (LOCKED) Options Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5 ||==============||


||==============|| Combat System: Active: NONE Passive: NONE Magic: Proficiencies: NONE Affinities: Magically Talentless:

When it goes to magic your talent is literally nonexistent. You are absolutely, totally magicless. And it doesn’t even give you any antimagic bonuses. Too bad for you ;_;

Better hurry towards gaining magic… oh no, I forgot - you can’t. You can’t do shit about it till your 16th birthday ;_; It’s a real tragedy.

Master Miscellaneous: Lingual: Itavian (Southern Republican variant):

You possess moderate skills in using the Southern variant of Itavian language. This allows you to communicate freely with people who are capable of using it, but you are yet to learn how to write or read.

Intermediate Social: NONE Utilities: NONE Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5 ||======================||

||=====Spells LOCKED=====||


This function is currently LOCKED.

Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5 ||================||


||================|| Unchangeable Main Quest: Ragnarök Delayed You are now playing a game you don’t understand. You don’t know the rules, you don’t know who plays with you…But you must win. And to achieve that you need to learn the rules… And find a way to break them. Or write them anew.

For now follow Shadow's orders. He wants you to be a hammer that will shatter this world’s political and economical order. While doing that, look for clues about fate of the Old Empire, and the truth about Lost Deities.

Avoid the Old Gods’ attention at all cost.

Success conditions:

World Stability Old Empire Capital discovered

Fate of Old Empire discovered

Truth about Lost Deities discovered



World Stability 100%


??? Secondary Main Ouest: End of Veles Family? You were born as a part of ancient bloodline of Veles. This family has long since fallen from grace. The corruption within grows and its members are too busy fighting each other to cleanse it. The power of family slowly fades.

Will you become family’s head, and reform it to become more powerful than ever? Or maybe you find it’s sins not redeemable… and you will decide to destroy it?

Only time will tell.

Success conditions:

(one of the following is true)

Varth Veles is the Head of the family

Slave trade controlled by Veles is destroyed

Varth Veles is a sole survivor of the family

Veles successfully framed for plotting a revolt against the city of Res


Naharius Veles Senior is the Head of the family

Veles slave trade on its peak

45 family members alive

Veles reputation remains untarnished


(depends on which conditions were met)

Gaining control of Veles family

??? Secondary Main Ouest: Followers, Servants and Allies (FSA) There is no way for you to finish your mission alone. You will need help from other people. It’s not easy to find people you can trust. Most of your supporters will never knew the truth about you.

Search for people that can be of use and recruit them to your cause.

Success conditions:

Recruit a follower whom you trust enough to tell the entire truth… and link him to Real Life Game System

Recruit at least seven companions without knowledge of who you really are


??? Side Quest: Dish Best Served Cold When Iverie murdered your brother you were too young and too weak stop her. You could only be a powerless witness.

But… things change.

Success conditions:

(one of the following is true)

Kill Iverie

Be a part of a scheme that leads to her death


(depends on which conditions were met)

??? Side Quest: Dark Lord Your received a blessing from a Lost Deity. There are still many of them out there who can be... persuaded to assist you by clearing various requirements.

You will need every possible blessing to finish your mission… but unfortunately you don’t know what those requirements are. Continue to do evil deeds to unlock more blessings.

Success conditions:

All blessings received

(other conditions will be unlocked after gaining access to magic)


??? Side Quest: FSA: Lena Your half-sister Lena is younger than you… and alone. As a single person from her family who treats her as a human being you can influence the way she will grow and thus gain a truly helpful and trustworthy companion.

Success conditions:

Lena Veles possess knowledge about Lost Deities existence

Lena Veles is a follower of Varth Veles


??? Side Quest: FSA: Gavlan Your bodyguard – Gavlan - is a capable warrior. While his ardent faith in Old Gods makes him incapable of accepting the knowledge about who you really are his hatred towards slavery and current state of the world can be of use as a way to recruit him.

Success conditions:

Gavlan is freed from slavery

Gavlan decides to remain in Res and serve you

Optional conditions:

Find a way to weaken his faith, to make him capable of accepting the full truth


??? Side Quest: Coup de grâce While your… intrigue managed to severely cripple your uncle’s influence within your family, if given enough time he will recuperate by persuading others that he was framed by your father.

You should find a way to eliminate him… decisively.

Success conditions:

Lenniel is dead or banished

Iar’e is dead or banished


??? Side Quest Academic Knowledge You are new to this world. To ruin it, you must firstly understand it. Gaining common knowledge is a necessity but it’s not going to be enough. You will also need insight into politics, trade, sociology, geography, history… and many other subjects.

Not to mention learning languages as there are plenty of them out there.

Success conditions:

A tutor

Access to a library

Fluency in at least four languages


??? Side Quest: Every Dark Lord’s Necessity What kind of Dark Lord can exist… without his faithful harem!

Begin gathering some nice girls : D

Or boys. Or trees. Or horses. Or whatever!

I’m too busy not giving shit about stupid details to be intolerant.

Success conditions:

Harem! Harem! Harem!


Well, no progress so far… which is understandable as you have only five years… but you still suck D : Not literally as that would be some kind of a progress in that quest D :


Oh, I guess they will reward you in MANY different ways, hihihihi : D Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5 ||=====================||

||=====Active Effects=====||

||=====================|| Perpetual Revolution

Blessing of Shadow

[Lesser] You have received a lesser blessing of Shadow, Lost Deity of anarchy, revolution, shadow, night and moon. Learning skills +10%

Lesser resistance to mental debuffs.

Your flashes of intuition will be accurate much more often. Paralyzed Because of a severe damage to your nervous system, you are currently paralyzed. Not completely, but moving and speaking is still extremely hard. You also can't stand without help.

This effect will disappear after approximately half of a year. Movement -99.9% Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5 ||============================||

||=====Possessions LOCKED=====||


This function is currently LOCKED.

Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5 ||============================||

||=====Companions LOCKED=====||


This function is currently LOCKED.

Real Life Game System by Shadow666 <3…

Current number of users… 5

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