《Evolved》list of kinetic powers
A: Acedikinesis...manipulate sloth Aciukinesis...manipulate sharpness of objects Aerokinesis...manipulate air Aestatekinesis...manipulate Summer Aggressiokinesis...manipulate anger Aidoskinesis...manipulate humility Alcokinesis...manipulate alcohol. Amokinesis...manipulate and control the emotion of love or desire Anthracokinesis...manipulate coal Argentokinesis...manipulate silver Arthrokinesis...manipulate joints Asterokinesis...manipulate cosmic energy Astrakinesis...manipulate astral energy Astronkinesis...manipulate and control the remnants of dead stars Atmokinesis...manipulate the weather Atomkinesis...manipulate atoms Audiokinesis...manipulate and generate sound Aurakinesis...manipulate and generate aura Aurokinesis...manipulate and generate gold Autumnuskinesis...manipulate Autumn Avarikinesis...manipulate greed Avikinesis...manipulate avian creatures Antikinesis...manipulate and generate antimatter B: Benzinakinesis...manipulate gases Bibliokinesis...manipulate books Biokinesis...manipulate bodies Bio-thermokinesis...manipulate body temperature Blennokinesis...manipulate filth Botanokinesis...manipulate and generate plants Brontekinesis...manipulate thunder C: Calokinesis...manipulate and generate heat Carbokinesis...manipulate carbon Cardiokinesis...manipulate hearts Caelestikinesis...manipulate celestial bodies Caelumkinesis...manipulate the sky Chemokinesis...manipulate chemical substances Chromokinesis...manipulate colors Chronokinesis...move time in any direction Cibumkinesis...manipulate food Clauditiskinesis...manipulate locks Cogitokinesis...manipulate thought Cognikinesis...manipulate perspectives Comakinesis...manipulate hair Combokinesis...manipulate combat Coronakinesis...manipulate corona energy Corrokinesis...manipulate the power of corruption Cryokinesis...manipulate and generate ice Crystallokinesis...manipulate minerals and crystal Cthonikinesis...manipulate Nether Cukinesis...manipulate copper Cytokinesis...manipulate cells of organisms D: Datakinesis....manipulate data Dendrokinesis...manipulate wood Depictukinesis...manipulate art Dermakinesis.... manipulate and generate extra skin Dimensiokinesis...manipulate dimensions Dracokinesis...manipulate draconic energy Drinkinesis...manipulate beverage drinks Drugkinesis...manipulate medicines E: Edaphokinesis ...manipulate terrains Electrokinesis...manipulate and generate electricity Elementumkinesis...manipulate the elemental forces of the universe Electromagnetokinesis...manipulate electromagnetism Ergokinesis...manipulate and generate energy Essokinesis...manipulate reality Etherkinesis...manipulate Aether F: Fauna-Ergokinesis...manipulate fauna energy Ferrokinesis...manipulate metal Ferrikinesis...manipulate iron Figurakinesis...manipulate shape Filukinesis...manipulate thread Florakinesis...manipulate flowers Flora Ergokinesis...manipulate flora energy Flyrokinesis...manipulate and generate force fields Fragokinesis...manipulate explosions Frigokinesis...manipulate and create snow Fungokinesis...manipulate and generate fungi G: Genekinesis...manipulate DNA Geokinesis...manipulate the earth Geomagnetokinesis...manipulate the geomagnetic field Geo-Thermokinesis...manipulate lava, magma, and volcanoes Gerontokinesis...manipulate the age of living organisms Gladiokinesis...manipulate knives Glucokinesis...manipulate sugar Gulakinesis...manipulate gluttony Gyrokinesis...manipulate gravity H: Hagio-Ergokinesis... manipulate divine energy Haemokinesis...manipulate blood Hakai-Ergokinesis...manipulate destructive energy Halokinesis...manipulate salt Hallucikinesis..manipulate illusions Heliokinesis...manipulate solar energy Hyalokinesis...manipulate glass Hyetokinesis...manipulate rain Hydrokinesis...manipulate and generate water Hygrokinesis...manipulate vapor Hypnokinesis...control and manipulate the sleep functions of oneself and in others I: Ionikinesis...manipulate plasma Iokinesis ...manipulate ions Iotakinesis...manipulate charged particles Inclinkinesis...manipulate body shape Infernokinesis...manipulate hellfire K: Kheimokinesis...manipulate Winter Kinetikinesis.... manipulate kinetic energy Koniokinesis.... manipulate dust L: Lactokinesis...manipulate lactose Leakinesis...manipulate lead Ligneokinesis...manipulate wood Lipokinesis...manipulate your fat Logikinesis...manipulate logic Lunarkinesis...manipulate lunar energy Lutumkinesis...manipulate clay M: Marrionetakinesis...manipulate puppets Materiokinesis...manipulate matter Mathekinesis...manipulate math Mégethoskinesis...manipulate size Melanokinesis...manipulate ink Mentokinesis...manipulate the functions of the mind Metallokinesis...manipulate metals Mitokinesis...manipulate the life process of mitosis Mnemokinesis...manipulate memories Molekinesis... manipulate molecules Molydbkinesis...manipulate magnetism Mycokinesis...manipulate and generate molds Myokinesis...manipulate muscles Mystokinesis...manipulate magic N: Nanokinesis ...manipulate nanites Naturakinesis...manipulate nature Nebukinesis...manipulate nebulae Necrokinesis...manipulate the dead Nega-Ergokinesis...manipulate dark energy Negikinesis...manipulate negativity forces Negokinesis...manipulate negative mass Nemakinesis...manipulate cloth and thread Neurokinesis...manipulate thoughts Nihilikinesis...manipulate nothingness Nitikinesis...manipulate bubbles Nitrokinesis...explode and recover afterwards Nixukinesis...manipulate pressure Nocikinesis...manipulate nerves Nosokinesis...manipulate disease Nubikinesis...manipulate clouds Nucleokinesis ...manipulate nuclear substances, blasts etc. O: Odikinesis...manipulate hatred Odynokinesis...manipulate pain Oleokinesis...manipulate oil Omnikinesis...posses every kinetic ability Oneirokinesis...manipulate dreams Onychokinesis...manipulate your nails Opinokinesis...manipulate senses Osteokinesis...manipulate bones Oxikinesis...manipulate oxygen P: Pacemiakinesis...manipulate peace Paleokinesis...make living organisms older Palletakinesis...manipulate paint Paludemkinesis...manipulate wetlands Palynokinesis...manipulate pollen Papyrokinesis...manipulate paper Pathokinesis... manipulate emotions Patho-Ergokinesis...manipulate emotional energy Pherokinesis...manipulate pheromones Pheumakinesis...manipulate lungs Phobikinesis...manipulate fears Photokinesis...manipulate and generate light Photo-Umbrakinesis...manipulate both light and darkness Phutrakinesis...manipulate seeds of plants Phyllokinesis...manipulate and generate plants Physikinesis...manipulate the laws of physics Phytokinesis...manipulate and generate leaves Picnokinesis...manipulate density Polemokinesis... manipulate war Posikinesis...manipulate positive forces Potentikinesis...manipulate superpowers Psuchékinesis...manipulate spiritual power Psycho-Nephokinesis...manipulate psychic vapor Psycho-Sonokinesis...manipulate psychic sound Psychrokinesis...manipulate and generate cold Pulsakinesis ...manipulate all types of pulses Pyrokinesis...manipulate and generate fire Q: Quiekinesis...manipulate silence Quintekinesis...manipulate life force Quantumkinesis...manipulate quantum energy Quantakinesis... manipulate quantity R: Radiokinesis...manipulate and generate radiation Rheokinesis...manipulate flow Regokinesis ...manipulate vectors Retrokinesis...make living organisms younger Ruscikinesis...manipulate and generate brooms S: Sancti-Electrokinesis...manipulate holy lightning Sancti-Photokinesis...manipulate holy light Sancti-Pyrokinesis...manipulate holy fire Scientiakinesis...manipulate knowledge Scientikinesis...manipulate the physical laws Scintillakinesis...manipulate sparks Seismokinesis...manipulate and generate vibrations Sentiantkinesis...control sentience Somakinesis...manipulate biomass Spatio-Chronokinesis...manipulate space and time Spatiokinesis...manipulate space Sperokinesis...manipulate hope Spirokinesis...manipulate breath Sporakinesis...manipulate spores Stannokinesis...manipulate tin Steatokinesis...manipulate your fat Stygiokinesis...manipulate hell Sunakinesis...manipulate and generate sand particles Subatokinesis...manipulate subatomic particles Serqekinesis ... manipulate acid Symphokinesis... manipulate music T: Tachyonkinesis... manipulate tachyon particles Technokinesis...manipulate technology Tectokinesis ...manipulate tectonic plates Telekinesis...move objects with your mind Telumkinesis...manipulate weapons Tephrakinesis...manipulate ash Terrakinesis...manipulate the land Thalassokinesis...manipulate the ocean Thanatokinesis...manipulate death force Thermokinesis...manipulate and generate temperature Thiriokinesis...manipulate animals Tribokinesis...control and manipulate friction Twilikinesis...manipulate twilight/dusk Toxikinesis...manipulate and generate poison and toxins Tychokinesis...manipulate probability Typhokinesis...manipulate and generate smoke U: Umbrakinesis...manipulate darkness Unikinesis...manipulate the universe Urbanakinesis...manipulate urban areas V: Variakinesis...manipulate variables Verekinesis...manipulate Spring Vehicukinesis...manipulate vehicles Vitakinesis...manipulate health Vitrikinesis....manipulate mirrors Vita-Mortokinesis...manipulate both life and death Volcano-Agrikinesis...manipulate volcanic fields Volukinesis...manipulate insects
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