《Evolved》chapter 1: the awakening


(Noah) “Nnn….agh”

When I came to, all I could see was white. So this is what heavens like?

After my eyes adjusted, I saw a, floral white, plaster ceiling. I heard quickened footsteps. Suddenly this… celestial being was looking down at me. She spoke, in the only words I can use to describe her voice: angelic.

(???) “you’re awake?”

“Hold on I’ll get your father.”

So my dad made it to heaven as well? That’s good.

She left to apparently go get my father. I wonder how he’s been.

*beep*… *beep*

(Noah) “Huh?”

There was this beeping sound…. I hadn’t paid attention to it, until now. It kind of had this rhythmic pulse to its tempo,

Wait!! WHAT!!?

I quickly turned my head… and there it was. Standing on a wheel base, skinny, and primer gray….. A heart rate monitor.

Ok, I know I’ve never been, but I’m pretty sure heaven doesn’t have a heart rate monitor.

Is this a dream then?

When I focused I could see a brand on the monitor.

Bellevue hospital… at least I didn’t end up in a dump. That would have sucked…..

BUT WAIT A MINUTE, BELLEVUE WAS DESTROYED BY TANGO COMPANY!!! So how am I here? Unless maybe it’s just a salvaged piece of equipment. That’s it I must be getting ahead of myself. But then what did that angel… err…lady say about my father. I watched my father die eight years ago!! So what’s going o…..


The door to the room was suddenly thrown open, completely interrupting my thoughts; and what came rushing in was a face I would never forget.

(Dad) “NOAH!!!”

My father rushed to my side and as I tried to get up to greet him he pushed me back down

(Dad) “Noah don’t get up”

“Your body is still weak”

(Noah) “dad… *sniff* I… *sniff* mis…*sniff*

(Dad) “Noah!! What’s wrong? Why are you crying?

(Noah) “Never mind its…. I was just… happy to see you”

(Dad) “You should see yourself, you look like cra…”


The door was slammed yet again. You know what? I’m starting to feel bad for the door.

This time what entered was a younger face. My brother.

(will) ”NOAH!!!”

I couldn’t hold in anymore. I started to break down.


My father: Joe Brookhart

Age: 42

6ft 4in/ Well built/ midnight black hair/ well defined facial features

Previous occupation: decorated army general

Current occupation: leader of our survivor group

Power: pyrokinesis ( the ability to control fire)


*currently sobbing while embracing me


My brother: William Brookhart

Age: 22

5ft 11in/ also well built/ rich auburn hair/ way above average looks

Previous occupation: army ranger

Current occupation: head of cleaners (they clean up abhorred)

Power: electrokinesis (control electricity)

*currently enjoying this reunion

(Dad) “It’s good that you woke up”

Yes it is good that I woke up…. Ten years in the past.

(will) “We were getting worried you were never going to wake up”

(Noah) “Dad… where’s mom”

(Dad) “Noah… I… your mother…. She…”

(will) “just before we joined up with the group we are currently in… she.. gave her life… protecting us”

I already knew that of course, however, how would I explain my knowledge of that. Sometimes a man has to know when to lie

I proceeded to act out a crying scene from what you might see on a TV drama. I’m pretty sure I would have gotten an award because half way through, my fake tears turned into real tears. I guess I still wasn’t over my mother’s death. My father, my brother, and I all talked for a long time after that. They proceeded to tell me all about how the world has changed in the month that I was in a coma…..

(Dad) “Noah… get some sleep. We’ll talk more tomorrow”

(Will) “get some rest little brother, I’ll see you tomorrow”

They soon left, and I soon drifted off to sleep.


(Noah) ahgh……geh…..

Later that night….. I was awoken by terrible waves of pain. Because I was flailing all over a cold hard floor, I’m sure I fell off the bed at some point. It was so painful that my voice could barely leave my throat. This pain is like no other I ever felt… no that’s not right I have felt this before. “The day the world went dark,” I was evolving for the second time. I was evolving to stage 2.

Wave after wave of intense pain shot through my system, converging on my head. My whole body radiated a wave of intense heat. It felt like liquid fire was coursing through my blood. My bones felt like they were losing form…… melting due to the intense heat engulfing my body. Very quickly the intense heat went away, but it wasn’t over by a long shot. Soon my bones started to take shape again…. It felt like they were being…… compressed? My whole body felt like it was being crushed.

My heart….. felt like it was going to explode, due to the sheer intensity of its beat. My pulse spiked, my vision darkened, and my sentience faded.


Somewhere along the line I lost consciousness due to the pain……

(Noah) “Nnn….agh.”

When I woke up I was still on the floor, so I tried getting up.

(Noah) ” ah…”

I just realized I’m standing. In my last run through the apocalypse, it took a week to get off my bed, and a month before I could walk. I tried walking. Surprisingly I felt as if I was never in a coma at all. I guess the evolution helped.

(Noah) “This…….”

As I was looking around at the mayhem that was once my room, I caught my reflection in a mirror through the opened restroom door. I looked a lot….. Smaller. Overall my looks have improved, but what the hell is with this bullshit. It looks like I lost a lot of my muscle. I look weak and pathetic. And why do I feel shorter. My body feels like it could explode with power……. So why does it look like the wind could carry me away?

(Noah) “wait! What….. is that?”

I realized that there was something in my field of vision that wasn’t there before. It looked like very dim grid lines. This grid had numerous lines, impossible to count. The grid just hung in my field of view.

(Noah) “this…… is going to get annoying”

Anyway I better clean up this room before Dad makes an appearance…..

And guess who decided to walk in on me as I was cleaning up.

(Dad) “Noah….. What happened…. Here? How are you even out of bed? And why do you look so different? Did you do something to your hair?”

(Noah) “i….. err….. uh…. It’s a long story Dad”

Man, I feel like the kid who’s mom walked in on him while he was jerking off.

(Dad) “whatever, just get this room cleaned up”

“and when you get done with that I’ll bring you some breakfast”


It’s been a week since I woke up. I realized that I got skinnier, and shorter because of the way my body went through evolution. Instead of gaining muscle mass, or stature; my bones and my muscles compressed becoming denser and stronger. I was currently walking around the compound. By the way, the compound is basically an entire block surrounding the hospital. The hospital was built for psychiatric patients in the seventeen hundreds. The survivors created a wall, if you will, around the entire block using big trucks and sheet metal. It’s quite ingenious for only having a month to work with. The main gate is made using an old school bus that when pushed unblocks the entrance. This compound looks like something out of a certain movie about the apocalypse. it seems...... fitting.

I was currently walking around the hospital courtyard by myself; Usually there would be many people here, but it was just me today. The cleaners were out….. Cleaning, while everyone else was within the hospital working to fortify it. The guards are the only ones outside, obviously guarding the wall. Over the past week I realized a few things about the gridlines I saw after my second evolution.

-I finally awoken my power and the grid is tied to it

-if I concentrate I can make the grid go away or become easier to see.

-If I think about it I can make the lines expand or contract, but I don’t know what it does

While I was walking around the courtyard, I was playing with the grid lines. This has been my routine for the last week.

As I was stretching the lines of the grid, I noticed it was starting to get dark....... and cold. I decided to head back to my room, to set in for the night.

(Noah) “huh...?”

I was standing in my room.

(Noah) “But I was…. Just…. Out… side”

A thought suddenly occurred to me! I brought up the grid lines and imagined that they started stretching.

As I was stretching the gridlines I pictured the courtyard I was just standing in. instantly the scenery changed, from one of a dull white room, to an empty courtyard surrounded by a broken city.

(Noah) “ah”

I was standing out in the courtyard with a big stupid grin on my face. I finally received my power…. No that’s not right. I probably always had this power; it was just too weak at stage 1 to be noticed. With this power, things don’t have to turn out the same way as before. Right now I have to figure out what my power entails. The power of spatiokinesis

(Noah) “hehe… things are gonna be a lot more fun this time around”


Name: Noah Brookhart

Age: 18

5ft 10in/ chestnut blond hair/ weak build/ superior good looks

Previous occupation: military college student

Current occupation: survivor

Power: spatiokinesis?

*currently planning out the future with a huge grin on his face.

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