《Heretic King》Heretic King - Chapter 11




"Stand up servant" I said looking upon Julie kneeling at my feet.

"Yes Master" As she said that she stood up and I got a good look at her. She was the definition of enticing. If I didn't know any better I would have assumed her race was Succubus. She had downturned blue eyes, with a button nose, soft cheeks and look of allure. Her body wasn't much worse with curves any man would die for, DD tits with an ample butt. She could have been the Worlds best porn star if she wanted to, or at least get a well off sugar daddy.

"Tell me what you know of this world after the Apocalypse Julie" I ordered as I have been in two places total, it would be good tog et a fresh perspective.

"Yes Master. When I heard the voice I was with my friends in my house, we thought someone was playing a prank on us until we began to hear screams from outside, I turned on the News and it showed people getting slaughtered in the dozens by monsters. My former friends(She said glancing at the corpses) and I ran trying to get to some place where the Government could protect us. We ran into Goblins on our way and my brother(looking at the corpse with a hole in the gut) killed it and discovered the levelling system. We formed a party and continued, levelling on the way. We caught word over the radio of a Survivor base in London and were heading there.

"Party? There is a party system?" This is news to me. Though what did it matter if I knew until now.

"Yes Master the party system let's people share EXP over the party. It can be done two ways. Contribution to the kill and Even split."

"Form party. Invite Julie Smith. Set as Even Split."

PartyNameClassLevelThomas CroweBlood Demon King20Julie SmithArch Mage17

"Let's go" I waved my hand to indicate our direction and set off.

"Yes Master!"

The X on the map indicated that it was outside the city, near a set of cliffs. It took us 4 hours to walk there, while on the way I worked on my Magic and helped Julie grind to Level 20 while I got to level 22. 3 hours in we stopped for a meal. I wasn't the most experienced cook but I could cook Noodles in a pot. We had that with some Trifle for dessert. I never could go long without eating Trifle, it was just sooooo good. Anyways back to the journey, once we got to the cliff and followed the map we found a cave.


Entering it looked like a normal cave, as we got deeper I kept getting feelings of danger. Until a notification appeared before me.

Entering Forbidden Map - Seal of the God Slaying WolfBe warned certain actions in this Map may incite Gods wrath.

*Gulp* I don't really want to incite another Gods wrath. As I was about to turn to leave I noticed that the cave was getting darker. Wait darker? Shit. I looked behind me to find the entrance already sealed.

"Slave make a light" I requested light as although I could see in the dark pretty well with my Golden Fiery Eyes, Julie couldn't and I could still see better in the light than the dark.

"As you wish, Master."

As the ball of light appeared I looked around to see carvings on the wall. I saw a man fighting a giant snake with a hammer cased in lightning, a man fighting a huge man of fire, a one handed man fighting a hound, and I see a great tree falling with flames all around it. Lastly I see a One-eyed man fighting against a wolf with spear in hand before being swallowed whole.

One-Eyed man? Wolf? Giant Snake? Lightning Hammer? Is this a depiction of Ragnarök?


Multiple Quests UnlockedMultiple Quests have been unlocked for you to choose related to RagnarökNameGradeDifficultyRevive the World TreeEpicCertainty of death, small chance of success Find Mjölnir for ThorLegendaryTreacherousUnseal the God-Slaying WolfForbiddenExtremeWarning if you accept the Quest "Unseal the God-Slaying Wolf" all other quests will become unavailable. If you succeed the Lords of Asgard will send their champions after you.

God-Slaying Wolf? Yeah that sounds nice, rings a nice bell.

"Accept quest 'Unseal the God-Slaying Wolf'"

Unseal the God-Slaying WolfFenrir the God-Slaying Wolf, son of Loki, Father of Hati and Skoll, has been sealed by the Norse Gods for fear of the death of Odin during Ragnarok.

Unseal Fenrir and let the world once more see the All Devouring Wolf roam the Earth.DirectionsProceed further into the cave, once inside pass through three trials and free the God-Slaying Wolf

Three trials? Pfft easy. As I proceeded further into the cave I found a large gate. As i pushed it open and entered something seemed to be stopping Julie.

"Master the system says as I have not accepted the related quest I cannot accompany you further."

"Alright then, stay here I'll be out soon" That was to be expected but oh well. As I entered the room I noticed a stone golem standing there.


"Mortal who has come to unseal the pup Fenrir, you must pass three trials before you may attempt to free the welp. This first trial is the one I will be preceding over. This is a test of strength. Hit me with your best shot."

As he finished saying his piece the Golem stuck out it's chest. Oh well I'm now level 22, and with my Bloodline at forbidden grade my Strength is off the charts. Oh well. "Allocate 25 to Strength!" Now let's look at this.


StatusNameThomas CroweAge20RaceHumanLevel22GenderMaleClassBlood Demon KingTitlesDemon King, Naive, HereticSub-TitlesImmortal Monkey's SuccesorHealth840/840Mana2820/2820Health Regen0.42/sMana Regen2.16/sStamina7600/7600Stamina Regen3.8/sStrength380Agility81Dexterity21Intelligence20Wisdom216Luck9Vitality42Fortification88Tyranny340Bloodlust102Madness14%Corruption6%Unused Stat Points0Skills [+]

Wow. That really is OP. Now let's try it out on this little golem here. I coat my staff in Aura, activate blood coating and swing with all my strength. The staff collides square on the golems chest he so nicely stuck out. He is sent flying across the room and indents into the wall. I walk over to him.

"H...How? How could I lose to a mere level 22? Even if you put all your points into strength you should only have a maximum of 120 strength! That blow was at least 500!" He seems to have trouble coping with this. But he isn't wrong my Strength is absurd.

"Fine Mortal you have passed this trial! Proceed!"

As he said that a door appeared in the wall next to him. I waved goodbye to him, as I passed through the door I saw his lips moving. I wonder what he said? I guess I'll never know as the door has already closed and disappeared.

In front of me now is a woman wearing a white dress and looking at me softly while sitting at a table. To be honest it's pretty creepy.

I walk up to her and sit down.

"Hello. I assume you will be preceding the second trial?"

"I will. But first let us talk."

"These trials what do you think they were made for? Why are they here?"


"To stop Fenrir from getting loose right?"

She shook her head at that answer.

"These trials were made to find a Master for Fenrir. To find someone strong enough to tame him, compassionate enough to care for him, and wise enough to lead him."

"I believe you can now tell the subject for this trial."

"But there is a slight problem, you are under the influence of madness and corruption, this will affect your original disposition. So as a gift from me to you I will help you with your problem."


You have been gifted a skill by the Norse Goddess of Compassion HilnHeart Cleanse MeditationTypeActiveLevel1 [0%]Allows the user to cleanse their heart of negative influences.

Reverses Madness and Corruption [Cannot be removed because of skill 'Demented King's Madness']

Allows User to turn Bloodlust into Qi and back again.Gained Stat Qi

"I thank you for your grace, Lady Hlin." As I said that I bowed my head, then began my meditation. As i meditated I saw my inner self. it was split into multiple sides. A side of mindless killing, a side of peace and tranquility, a side of utter madness, a side without morals, and in the centre surrounded by all these different scenes was me. I looked at myself standing in the centre looking at all the scenes, my inner self sighed at the turmoil inside.

I began to chant the sutra for the meditation. As I did everything seemed to calm, the side of madness began doing everyday things. The side of killing began to aid their fellow man, the side of peace and tranquility flourished and the side without morals became as straight laced as can be. My inner self sighed in relief after this had happened and took a rest as I left.

As I came out I realized how different everything seemed to look without the haze of corruption and madness. I sighed in relief.

"Be warned young one, this technique isn't omnipotent. If your rage, madness or corruption ever hits a tipping point because of let's say a loved one dying, unless you manage to train this technique to the peak, it will do nothing for you."

"I thank you for your guidance, Lady Hlin. Can you tell me of the Second Trial now please?"

"Very well. It's like this...."

A/N Phew... A lot happened this chapter and a lot will happen next chapter as well. Tell me your thoughts of the developments and recommend your own if you think they would work. I'm all ears. This is the second chapter today, there will be one tomorrow so look forward to it! For now, Ciaossu!

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