《Blood Born》Chapter Twenty: Repair, and Return
Hellow you lovely people! As promised, chapter one of your three chapter release for the wait during my vacation. I hope you enjoy these coming chapters and the few machanizations I reveal through out them.
I was helping clear the mass of bodies from the walls, and within the ground between the second and third wall with the rest of the Pride, minus Anvil, Forge, and Rage...Rage, I still feared him. But I remember after the battle the day before the siege was lifted. How I felt him draw near, wondering if he would kill me for being weak.
I could feel his hand inches from my hair, then I heard a soft growl, and his presence and scent were gone. I didn't understand what had happened. After I knew he was gone I slowly opened my eyes, thankful for the death and carnage that filled the air for covering my scent long enough.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Envy hunched, tears falling from her eyes as she let out a soft sob. When she saw me looking I almsot froze. There was so much hatred in her amber eyes!
"Damn you, Bitter" she whispered as she leaned in. "Why you? Why a weakling that can't even hope to stand beside him. Why you instead of Hate and I? Why!" she screamed the last part. I was stunned, what did she mean?
"I..*groans* don't understand.." I saw Envy' eyes flare, and her hands were around my throat. Her claws digging into my flesh.
"How...DARE YOU! How dare you say you don't understand. HE treats you different, he gives you his attention!" I gasped for air, for the second time one of my sisters were trying to kill me.
I tried to respond, but could not. The poison, and lack of air made it impossible. A few moments passed before the pressure and pain was released slowly. Opening my eyes a bit, I saw Hate holding onto Envy' hands, he knucles white from the pressure needed as she whispered into her ear.
Shortly after, Envy began to sob again, and Hate moved her away. When she returned, she regarded me coldly for a time before placing her head in her hands and speaking softly.
"You really don't understand, do you? He probably doesn't either. Our mighty leader, our Rage. So strong, and entirely to stupid to understand emotions." She was rambling. "You're just as stupid to not notice it. He made that rule after you were almost killed in the pit. He can't seem to understand himself. But our mighty leader claimed you, you lucky pathetic weakling. Rage claimed you, even if he doesn't seem to know why." Wait...wait...wait...what! I lost the rest of her words as my mind was engulfed in the sheer enormity of what she said.
HE claimed me!?! That..but...No. It made no sense, I am weak. I show constant fear of him. I avoid him...I...I began thinking about all the time over the last several years. Things began adding up. But, it still amde no sense. A male of Rages power, and potential should aim for a female equal to him. Such as Hate and Envy. Thing sbegan making more sense in regards to her Sisters reactions over the last few days.
They couldn't take it anymore, and were trying to either kill me, or have Rage kill them for breaking his single iron clad rule for the Pride.
"Sorry..*cough* Sorry..sister" I wheezed out carfully. Hate stopped talking, and looked at me. Her eyes narrowed. She nodded once, and left me alone. Envy avoided my bed after that, the one that smelled like Forge to a degree, River came and took over my healing.
When I woke up again, it was at the end of the siege. I saw Rage stumbling his way to the keep. He looked half dead. It was a frigthening concept, that he would die. That we, as a Pride, would lose his strength. We were Berserkers, we were animals; our heirarchy always changing. But we could not survive without someone strong enough to reign over the others and keep us in line.
Secretly, since the talk with hate, I began to understand it was because I didn't want to lose a chance at a powerful mate.
"En..vy. ENVY!" I yelled, she ran over to me after healing a cat soldier. "Envy, Rage..*groans* meeting hall...half dead." It hurt so much to talk, but she regarded me, then moved toward the keep. Her axes forming in her hands as she went.
It wasn't good to not have backup, even for Rage. Moving to my feet, god it hurt. The poison made it all hurt, But I managed to gain my feet, and stumble off after her. What I saw when we reached there, infuriated me. Rage was on the ground and several of the cat beast men were moving toward him with weapons. Our Master, Fredrick was detained. Then, the closest fell with Envy' axe imbedded in his body, then another. The others soon followed. But seeing Rage broken, on the ground looking like he was dead sent Envy into a rage, along with myself.
When the others arrived, they saw us growling and snarling at anyone that came near his prone body. The little female that was his pet was let near for the simple reason she was his.
It took hours to calm us, Forge eventually had to grab us both by our necks and toss us into a wall. I blacked out a bit after that. When I woke up, I was being carried by Hate, who was following Forge and Envy, the little white tiger in between them toward a destination I didn't know.
When we reached it...I turned from that memory and began slowly moving bodies again.
I didn't need to remember sleeping while curled around his leg with the others on a different limb. I had work to do, I could explore the rest later.
I had just finished knocking each of the soldiers who ahd requested to be trained out before shaking my head in disgust. I don't train, this isn't my nature. So I left there little circle in search of Curse, he could do this crap.
When I found him, he was having some fresh Hellhounds devour the piled dead. "Curse, help the soldiers train." I said without pre-amble. He nodded, and left his five hounds to do there job. Finally, freedom.
Of course the second I thought that, here comes Hellen. I growled inwardly. That woman terrified me. Ignoring the gentle sway of her very ample body I waited for her to reach me, directly beside the Hellhound currently eating the skull of one of the dead Beast Men soldiers.
"Rage.." she took notice of the hound and it's job with a grimance, but stealed herself. "Give the child to me. She needs to be taken care of, not abused. I've seen the small scars on her body, and the way you treat her. Why she is so loyal I.."
I'd had enough of this crap. She was mine, I growled warningly at Hellen, who continued to rant unperturbed. Finally, having enough, I moved forward as quickly as I could. She was stronger, but the shock of my actions would help. Grabbing her dress, I bent her over, and began smacking her ass. The force caused the flesh to bounce, and my palm to feel a tingle of pain while she was screaming bloody murder at me to stop. Fuck that, revenge was sweet. I continued to spank her until she was hoarse, luckily she was to shocked to simply over power me. When she began to wiggle, and odd noises escaped her that were not of pain and shock I stopped, allowing her to fall to the ground panting.
I beat a hasty retreat shortly after, the glare I had leveled at me was not the cause, I swore that to myself.
I passed Fredrick along the way, informing him of my actions. He stopped, looking stunned before falling to the ground laughing. I raised an eyebrow at this, confused. How was my blatant disregard for his mate a laughing matter? Beside the fact she was frightening to everyone for reasons I would sooner ignore. Fredrick simply wheezed he would take care of it, then moved toward her direction, an odd glint in his eye and smelling aroused...I did not wish to know.
When I entered the keep, I was then met by Saphiria who was looking at me while dragging her chain behind her. Her eyes asking a question I didn't know how to truly answer. So I walked by her, patting her head gently. "Good girl" I told her, and motioned for her to follow me back toward our new room. I heard her drop the chain from her hands, and follow me silently.
When we reached it I saw, on my bed no less, dresses that had been arranged. Each the size of a child. I looked at Saphiria questioningly. "They...Were brought by Lady Hellen. She..She wanted me to..*mumble." Of for fuck tsakes.
I growled lightly at her, and she jumped to attention. "She wanted me to have them, instead of the leather Master aquired for me." I looked at her, no longer a youngling in her actions, then the dresses.
"Do you feel you earned them?" I asked after a moment. She shook her head a bit. So I picked them up, and placed them in the drawer like construction that was a dresser. "Then when you do, you can wear them. Earn the right to your clothing, my Pet, just like I had too."
I saw her eyes grow misty a moment before she sniffled and nodded; all while looking at my black leather pants, now very much in need of repair. All of my Pride needed to repair there clothing. The battles had taken there toll. Many of the females no longer had breast straps, and some of the males had little left of there pants.
I contemplated how to fix this, only thinking about gathering more leather, when I felt a tiny hand slip inside my clawed fist. I looked down at my Pet, her eyes held determination in there blue depths, and her cheeks were slightly puffed out. Like she was going to have her way, and damned be the consequences.
I smiled down at her a moment. Then I stopped, frowning in confusion. What the hell was this feeling? I felt content? Happy? I didn't know, or understand. I wanted to enjoy a quiet moment with her all of a sudden, and talk. It was weak. When I moved to take my hand away she latched on harder and looked up at me. I hesitated a moment, before growling in confussion and lifteng my hand into the air, attempting to take it from her; only to have her grab on with her other hand, so small, and was lifted into the air with my arm.
I shook my arm around, for some reason without a lot of force, and she went flying along with it. A small giggle escaping her mouth. I frowned further, and began to shake harder before her grip was lost and she went flying onto the bed, still giggling.
Yet for some reason when she went airborn my heart fluttered in...fear? What the fuck is this! I all but screamed in my mind. Meanwhile, Saphiria was flushed and giggling a little; she shortly after curled into a ball at the foot of the bed and looked up at me.
I frowned, and she seemed to smile harder at me. I was confused, but I didn;t dislike it. It made me all the more confused. I was unsure I enjoyed these changes, regardless of the random, and pointless emotions that kept assaulting me. I sighed, and laid in bed with her, the day done with. "Sleep" I instructed, and I watched her slowly scoot up to my side, just by my ribs, and snuggle into me. All while looking at me, then she just fell asleep.
What..I didn't bother thinking that thought, and tried to scoot away, I disliked this closeness, greatly. She burrowed in deeper. I relented, finally, and allowed sleep to take me. I was beginning to give into these feelings. It frustrated me that I was allowing this weakness to take hold. But I caught a memory of blue eyes, and three sets of amber, and for the first time. Began to think that I didn't mind as much as the day before. Which made me frown harder as I drifted off to sleep.
Hey folks! I know this chapter is somewhat short and rushed feeling. I hate that! But due to complications with internet and power loss I had to jummiy rig it a little and then post it. The other two will be better, with luck. I hope you enjoy this however, and enjoy the night. Also, when I finish the next two chapters, I will probably update Olympus, or beforehand. It depends on my mood. But, I digress, I shall see you all very soon. mwuhahaha
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BL | I Am The Most Red In The World [Quick Wear]
⚠MACHINE TRANSLATIONTitleI Am The Most Red In The World [Quick Wear]/全世界我最紅[快穿]AuthorShiseer/澀澀兒Status62 Chapters (Completed)https://m.shubaow.net/159/159988/.INTRODUCTIONThe end of the world is coming, superstar Chu Yunyan is kind and gentle, has a powerful system and an equally powerful lover, so he saves countless people and becomes the savior of the last days.Until he was betrayed because of his kindness, and his lover lost his soul for him, leaving only one body.Chu Yunyan finally turned black.In order to collect the soul of his lover and get a chance for revenge, with the help of the system, Chu Yunyan began to travel through various worlds, replacing the original owner who was betrayed like him, avenging those who betrayed the original owner, and became the most popular person in every world. Collect beliefs and rediscover the soul of your lover!
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