《The Lucky Clover》Chapter 19: The Game of Life and Death


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Chapter 19: The Game of Life and Death

The green specks soon became easier and easier to see in plain view. It was the goblins that we had been waiting for. There seemed to be 10 of them who had gathered to raid the farm. They seemed rather lightly armored with on metal shoulder pads and a dagger each on the hips. The one who seemed to be ordering the others around seemed like the “boss”. He was twice the height of a goblin and I guessed would stand a foot taller than the average human. He had an adventurers’ helmet on that he must have taken and a sledgehammer that he seemed to be holding in two hands.

We bided our time waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The mob seemed to be rather lackadaisical in the way they approached the farm we had been guarding. They had spread out and seemed to be combing the farm’s field for resources.

Emi and I were rather scared, it was the first time we had seen goblins before. They had a warty like skin texture that seemed to both repulse and transfix us who had never seen something so disgusting. The eyes were a dull yellow color which seemed to indicate a lack of proper nutrition. As Emi and I tried to gee ourselves up to ambush the goblins. I looked over at Foxy who seemed rather detached. There was no smile, no fear just a look that seemed to indicate she was the hunter and they were the pray.

Before I could I talk to Foxy she had suddenly gotten in to a crouch position and had hid into the field that the goblins were pillaging supplies from. She worked her way from the back, with a rather fat slobbering goblin who seemed to be lagging around behind the rest of the ground. She stalked her way behind the intended victim and slit its throat before it knew what was going. It was so sudden the goblin had no chance to even raise a cry.


I was mesmerized at the cold efficiency she seemed to be displaying, it was like nothing I had seen, not like the power that I had seen my father display nor like pure almost artistic feel that Emi’s sister, Lisa had. It was much closer to like an assassin, cold and unfeeling. I saw her take down another two effortless and I touched Emi to signal that we should be helping rather than just being passive spectators to this uneven battle

Foxy had taken down another one but this one had screamed and his cries of help had been noticed by the other goblins. They rushed over, with the boss in front. I knew that this did not bode well for Foxy who had so far been killing each monster stealthily.

As the monsters passed our location to reach where their fallen comrade lay Emi and I jumped out and stabbed the two stragglers who let out a scream. The goblins turned round to see the commotion and this served to be their undoing as Foxy jumped out and danced her way through two goblins laying a path of destruction. All that was left was the boss and goblin twins who seemed rather surprised at the lack of numbers around them.

Foxy ran in without hesitation trying to get a killer blow on the boss. He deflected and stood his ground. Emi and I charged Emi went in first. She used the water style to deflect the power from the goblin bosses’ hammer smash and I went in for the kill. The goblin boss was off balance after the rather heavy hit but he recovered enough to side step my rock style’s side slash. He regained his balance and the twins by his side went on the assault. One attempted stabbed below the hip on me and the other tried to go for Emi’s neck. We used the Rock Style’s defense as we were certain we had more strength than the goblin twins and rebuffed them.


The bosses’ attention had turned after he saw the goblin twins taking our attention to Foxy who had been sneaking around looking for the stealthy killer blow on him. He turned his hammer and slammed it towards Foxy, she rolled to the side the avoid the blow and jumped to her feet ready to face the boss one on one.

We meanwhile were heavily involved fighting the twins who had better teamwork than us. While one defended our blows with his dagger his sister tried stabbing at us. As I was fighting them a thought came to my mind, this was a battle not a swordfight or duel. There’s no need for honor or lack of dirty tricks. My advantage was more strength and reach than the goblins. An idea popped into my head as I analyzed our strengths and weaknesses. I quickly adapted using my foot kick the legs out from under the male twin and as he was falling to the ground off balance Emi pounced on the opportunity and stabbed him in the head. I followed suit against the other remaining twin, slicing her head clean off with a massive cleaver motion using my Black Sword.

We ran to help Foxy out who was struggling to against boss goblins superior attack power. As she drew his attention by avoiding his hits, Emi and I aimed for his legs and cut them clean off, blood spurted out of open wounds. The goblin after losing the height advantage suddenly saw himself eye to eye with Foxy; he widened his eyes as a dagger from the front courtesy of Foxy stabbed him right between the eyes. It killed him instantly and he immediately fell to the ground.

As we were checking the goblin bodies for valuable loot we took the heads clean off all of their shoulders and bagged them up. They were surprisingly heavy or perhaps I was feeling rather tired after the adrenaline fueled fighting session I had just experienced. Foxy seemed as usual rather emotionless as she picked up the heads.

The sun had gone down as we had finished dragging the headless goblin bodies to be burnt in a fire. We carried 3 heads each with me carrying the last one as I insisted. In my head as we trudged back I was amazed at the difference in aura around Foxy during she hunted the goblins and her normal emotionless self. There seemed to be an unsettling quality towards her. Emi looked rather worried and I could see she wanted to ask Foxy about it but had held back.

We dropped off the goblin heads and received the 12 gold we were owed. We also sold the loot that we took from the goblins and found that the adventurer’s helmet actually had a relatively high endurance and strength enhancement on it (hence why perhaps the goblin boss was so strong) so it was worth 10 gold. It had been a rather exhausting day with my first battle so when I arrived at the room I wasn’t even thinking about Foxy’s change in atmosphere, instead, I immediately collapsed onto something soft and faded out, completely lost in dreamland.


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